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Everything posted by Xperiment.6923

  1. Hmm just reading and thinking.....why isn't there an all Aqua PvP map?
  2. Mostly play core Warrior. You can apologize now, I'll wait.... K so really disgusted with incredible imbalance of all classes that is not Warrior! Pets/illusions/clones WTS! How is a friggin pet do so much dmg? Mechs = unkillable pets!? Next GAOE....srry but all GAOE's need a nerf! What ridiculous horse crap 1/2 time hard to even see...devs need to account for 3 or more of them sitting on a node. GTFO ... GAoE = minimal effort should reward donkey. Next all "Spin to win" F that noise! Another minimal effort push 1 button BS. Devs....go play Warrior for 30 matches ... then write me a check! Let the confuse emoji's begin!!
  3. Gunzerker build in PVE was best time I had on Warrior. I could line up gunflame 4 times in a row. Of course in pvp wvw got my teeth kicked in before I could do squat! It's a shame because rifle + banners feels like an awesome call of duty playstyle. Mix in hammer and feels like I'm in fortnite. There is no excuse from the devs to explain crappy warrior weapons. Lately I've gotten into REV. Makes playing my Warrior main hard to justify. Really where is the benefit to Warrior? As a master of arms only 2 or 3 feels viable. Rifle should be a back line support weapon have some sorta banner synergy spec.
  4. I understand the OP. Been gaming just as long on same MMO's. The thing about GW2 it doesn't follow traditional holy trinity. Every class can heal/tank, and DPS. Builds have so much to do with everything! But it sux to always go for the meta build. If I math it correctly each class can has 27 variations of specializations ..then variations within those traits. then of course weapons and utilities. There are so many ways to build! But not all build are made equal, so were back at the meta. I main Warrior. I've struggled alot in story mode on especially those1 man raid fights. FFIV does a way better job moving players through the story with auto group queuing. Unfortunately the focus on GW2 seems to be more on Meta events/Fractals. Even though there is so much to do in GW2 seems for more I play the closer I get to hitting the wall again.
  5. Another good thing FF players have is tabs to save a transmog outfit. I think they can save up to 20. We need this!
  6. I'd consider myself new. I boosted a guardian alt not too long ago ... mainly because I was sitting on 2 lvl 80 boosters. And getting close to lvl 80 just by crafting. Since the boosters give you celestial gear and for me that very expensive on the trading post I decided to boost the guardian because he could benefit the most from the stats. I will probably use my 2nd boost on an element a list mainly for the celestial gear.
  7. Oh I noticed! Im pounding my fist in Caledon Forest which you expect to be , well tame.
  8. LOL at least that popcorn made me laugh! So Im suppose to get shot out of a cannon ...then turned into a bee...gee how could any new player miss that?!?! no idea what happens after that cause the race Fk'n ended after i fell a zillion times. I'd like to be able to at least finished the effn race for the daily! Even the winters day race, i could at least keep up with the pack to know where to go. That race is also slanted towards vets with a roller beetle. Well im changing my score on the SAB race, Anet you get an "F"! What a Horrendous Event!
  9. Thanks alot anet for threwing me in an instance by myself having no clue where to go and how things work. Thanks for letting me fall off a cloud during the race with no clue how to get back up there? I didn't know you liked to gatekeep your festivals to only veterans playing nonstop for last 10 years! Would making some tutorial races and some tutorial worlds, be that difficult for you? You get a "D" on this festival!
  10. Is there any rhyme or reason why this node swims on superspeed!? I have capped mastery but cant eat any fishing food cause im on a lowbie. Any strategy to slow fish down? Does it even matter? Some this the fish I catch that dont fight are rare and the ones that do turn out being something stupid. If you lose your hook are you still catching the same fish thats giving you a hard time or is every cast RNG?
  11. Forget cereal...the real marketing is with birthday cake! GW2 Birthday Cake flavored...oreos, cola, hostess cupcakes...no other game feeds their players so much birthday cake!
  12. Sitting on a dozen of those...the insta banker...the BL merch...and some other stupid thing. Very little point to all of those crap drops. At least let me burn it in the mystic forge for something useful.
  13. oh -man resurrecting an oldie, But I just came back to the game. Bought the fishing hat and vest and cant really find any heavy pants or boots to equip with ? What heavy pants work for a female Norn? We need a /hide pants!
  14. You know ... I've bought 3 slots since December when I came back to the game. I'm 1 away from 9 to represent all the classes. Thief will be my last. I thought I'm wasting my money since I haven't strayed away from my Warrior main. But good lord! I never thought people bought characters to just park at jumping puzzles! kitten...I'm doing it wrong again!
  15. In pvp wvw I'm struggling with this build. It's crazy how often I am blocked..it takes time to set up all the triggers so a wasted shot usually means death. Its never like the videos you see with a gunzerker 1000 yards away picking off people leisurely. I get swarmed! Also down states tend to pop up on me too...crazy! Maybe it all chalks up to me sucking but still determined.
  16. Started to play with defense trait line into a Gunflame build. Idea of adding Weakness into my gunflame burst using adrenaline to regen life. Definitely gave me more survivability but at the price of doing 1/2 the damage. Trying to find more synergies to make rifle a thing!
  17. I was not here for that. But with all the interactable objects in the game you pick up and do stuff with..you'd think that they could have done more for banners at the time. I see potential to make Banners like a Kit, kinda like gunblade. Or reworked as an elite spec that makes shield or Warhorn mainhand. I might be the only one that wants to make banners a thing but I'd like a Support Warrior...kinda Bardish with shouts, warhorn, and banners.
  18. I recently had to do this for season 1 and it was a nightmare! One thing FFXIV does really well is move new players through the story that's heavily linked to dungeons and raids. They do this with their auto LFG tool. There is never a shortage of veterans running new player (sprout) through a 10 year old dungeon or raid because it is heavily incentivized with rewards. Its It's a ccx win win nee players progress and older players are rewarded. Honestly dangle a daily black lion key for a daily and I think players would sign up for it! It's so easy to get in an unranked pvp LFG queue. These mandatory meta events should be treated the same way.
  19. I'm recently back after 10 years. I really enjoyed season 1 and bought first episode of season 2. Mainly cause I needed a mastery point but. The 200 gem per episode gate is not too bad but it's not an impulse buy. It's a deterrent from enjoying the entire story. I really wanted to do the story In order. But wandered over to Canta to unlock fishing...now I'm on EoD episode 9! I'm gonna stop and try to go back to season 2, wish there was at least a LW bundle sale.
  20. Well I passed on the mount skins. I just couldn't justify 1 mount skin vrs 2 Outfits. Maybe by the time another mount sale happens I'll have my Griffin. Oddly enough I unlocked Jade bot and love him...or it. I've even pondered the cuddly kitty skin for full 1600 gems! So its just so bizarre what we each view as comfortable purchase. I even bought a quarter pounder meal yesterday... it was 15 bucks! I was like... this coulda been a mount skin 😄
  21. I have a stack of those!, never figured out how to use it. Looks like Jade Bots alot do something with Treasure Chests. looks like there trying but cant get it to stick. GW2 needs to take some pointers...from FFXIV I really like how they did treasure maps! They have there own loot tables depending on level. You can try to chase skins and pets. Some were soloable but the best were group content. You can save maps to run them back to back. LFG boards and Guilds would run group treasure hunts. Higher chests also had a chance to open a portal to a special mini treasure dungeon.
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