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Everything posted by DAN.7314

  1. I agree, it's nothing that they haven't said said before. I'll wait to see if they actually get anything positive done. Game doesn't need bandaid fixes. Although, this dev actually sounds like they have a good idea what to do, and has been more specific then past devs who just promised changes were coming.
  2. My team "won", the only thing they were interested in was spawn camping with 4 mesmerThey went straight to spawn camping, and didn't even both to cap the points. This was just straight up griefing.
  3. Wait -- you get a selectable Acended armor Chest at the end of this track?? Do you mean a choosable chest, or an actual chest piece? Not from the end of the reward track, but from completing the achievement. That would require doing the reward track a bunch of times. Need to unlock/craft all 16 weapons or something.
  4. I've wanted something similar to this as well. There are soooo many finishers, and some I really don't like, but I like the randomizer. An option to choose your 10/20/30 (or whatever number) favorite finishers and have them randomized. This is the type of content I might actually buy from a gemstore as a PvP player.
  5. If you had posted this a week ago I would have thought that wouldn't be possible.
  6. Why would anybody stay on the losing sides? Just transfer to the one that wins every week... ... this is, by the way, why I suspect that the Alliances system will go wrong. I envisage giant guilds attracting and absorbing more and more people - just another snowball. Arenanet can make the game more and more complex but without any form of handicapping, we'll have images like the OP posted. I wonder if some form of instanced WvW would be better. I see the same problem you do with alliances: if a guild can hold 500 people that would be more then enough to bandwagon a match in WvW. They were even talking about linking multiple guilds together in alliances , which would be even more then 500. Some sort of matchmaking system where you could que up with your guild group or go solo que, and be placed in an even population map. Or give a team that is getting whooped a large guild that was in que, and maybe even a population advantage for the short term so they can attempt a comeback. Could even reset maps every few hours (like EotM) so no instance gets too stacked, and actually get some good fights.
  7. Going to guess Maguuma link. They currently are a blue team.
  8. I think it would help if they cut down the amount of time servers are linked. Cut the 8 week period in half to 4 weeks, or even 2 weeks. I'm contemplating giving the game a break or quitting as I'm not looking forward to getting stuck in T1 versus the BP/FC/BG mega-bandwagon for the next month and a half. It's weird because the JQ/HoD link actually has the most people playing I've seen in a LONG time, but we are still massively outnumbered and outskilled. Only other match I've been in that was this outnumbered was when Anet screwed up and gave that host 3 links by mistake. It's awful.
  9. It seems last time they opened BG there was a mass exodus of players. I hope they don't open it again. These awful match ups need to get balanced before everyone leaves, besides for one stacked PPT server.
  10. One player against one ganker, that is correct. What we see now however are ganking teams, with three or more chasing a player on a warclaw trying to get away. And 3 lances against 3 dodges, one is enough to dismount you and the attacker, but there are two more. Now the defender has 0 chances of getting away and very low chances of even surviving (because if you had a chance of surviving a fight against gankers, you'd have taken the fight in the first place. The people trying to get away are the very same people, who don't stand a chance and know it). Even without the lance it was rather easy for a ganking team to dismount someone against their will. But at least it came with a cost to the attackers, giving the defender the ghost of a chance. Now the weight has been shifted to the side of the defender, which is why I think the lance should dismount the attacker regardless of the success of the attack. Let me tell you a true story, a marvelous and wonderful tale of adventure! It all started tonight, The Villain was messing around on FC ABL near the sentry between Bay and NW camp controlling that bit of the territory by "ganking" people..At first it was 1v1's and 1v2's as his enemies trickled in on their respawns from Garrison.. It was a ferocious battle between hardened veterans for God of the Sentry! Unfortunately before too long that battle had escalated into into a 1v3, The Villain was doomed..... Unfortunately a random Mirage came along to help his fellow comrade, he had got the stomp giving him The Villain the rally of which they avenged their personal justice onto those who had decided to oppose The Villains... The Mirage took off and The Villain hung around. A brave and noble tempest came along to test his might against the Villain but alas, The Villain had too much sustain. So The noble Warrior thought, "how can I beat this guy, I'm going to have to outsmart him." He then led the Villain by playing Cat and Mouse up to his Garrison..."What was his plan" the Villain thought.......... And then it happened.... The Villain had forgotten about the Loyal Castle Guards around the corner for he was purely driven by adrenaline and blinded to his surroundings...The Noble Tempest took his shot again... but it still wasn't enough.. The Villain had escaped. The Villain then traveled to NW camp because he noticed the white swords, once he got there, there was only 1 brave soldier trying to reclaim what had rightfully been stolen from his homeland. The Noble Soldier then held his ground as the Villain approached.... The Villain was excited, a sacrifice willing to make it fun for him. The Villain engaged with an evil smile on his face, laughing like a lunatic as he was now in combat once again ready to slay those who opposed him.. A group of players had jumped on The Villain in the camp, it was their chance to take down the nasty Villain who had robbed the good people in the Garrison of their food and supply lines.... They were starving, they needed food once again!.... BUT ALAS!!!! The attempt had proven to be futile for once again The Villain managed to escape out of attack range from the Noble Soldiers..."I'm alive, holy *** **** that was intense" The Villain thought to himself as he was waiting to get out of the combat area to mount up.. But wait!!!! The Tempest got there just as The Villain was about to escape and get out of combat range...The Tempest had tagged The Villain just in time, he wasn't going to heal from the previous battle where had only just managed to escape with his life... The Villain looked behind him and saw the Noble Knights from his previous engagement mounting up to join the battle once again and fully recovered...The Villain was doomed, he hasn't left the camp grounds yet and has a long way to travel before reaching safety once again... One by one the Noble Knights leap onto The Villain using Their trusty steed.... It was over for the Villain as all had now engaged him.The Noble Knights Stunned him, Immobilized him, Put conditions on him and tried to mow The Villain down with Rapid Fire as he tried to escape... The Villain was sneaky though for he had committed a heinous crime, a crime so despicable that forces others to belittle anyone alike.. The Villain had a build purely for killing players, he was adapted. He was prepared. He had all the tools to deal with Conditions, Stuns, Ranged, Mobility and Disengagements... He equipped himself knowing full well it was to kill others or survive. Such a terrible Villain... Such evil should not exist... Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world.... because The Villain had escaped to fight another day... .........The Villain was safe.The Villain then decided to head up to the Sentry near NW tower... He had stumbled across another enemy.... A DH from the guild [AoE]....The Villain thought "I managed the other groups fine, what's one player?"... The Villain noticed the DH wasn't even trying to engage him, but that's never stopped The Villain before... "The arrogance" he thought to himself. The Villain attacked! Little to The Villains knowledge, he had been baited... The DH was was clearly the God King Leader of the pack from before, this guy was The Cavalry.A ferocious battle ensued, as each minute went by it became more intense. They were adapting to each others rotations and play styles, a battle of epic proportions that are rare to see and even rarer to be in. Muscles grew tense, teeth were clenching... The battle ensued, devastation left lying around the land as they pushed each other to the cliffs edge trying to limit each others mobility options... They were hunters and they were at a stalemate with their power levels, it was about the mind games now and the herding. It had a reached a new level.... Several more minutes had passed by... The Villain was defeated, not by the player but from respect and exhaustion... The Villain had tired out, he respected this DH from [AoE] and so he gave a Salute and bow before sitting down and accepting his fate.His time had come, justice had been served and the supply lines were once again open to feed the good people of the Garrison. Thus concludes the adventurous tales of WvW tonight and only tonight. TLDR: You can survive easy enough when being ganked. Seph as entertaining as your story was it basically proves that you are the biggest hypocrite on these forums. You run a build that can engage at will anywhere on the map and get away even vs 6 or 7 dudes with mounts. Months of complaining about mounts and how they take away the danger and allow a free pass. Well if you now still can get away on that build you had the "free pass" for years. Any time a 1vs1 went wrong pre mounts you ran didn't die. A 1vs1 turned in a 1vs4 pre mounts you ran and didn't die. A zerg pre mounts saw you and 8 squrriled after you you got away. Every single time. So your problem with mounts was basically every once in a while now 15 chase you and you die. I've been the 15 and we gotta chase that build half way across the map and your like yeah this is so broken. It wasn't about no danger. It wasn't about the free pass. It was because now every one could avoid danger and had a free pass and not just you. clearly you don't know the meaning of the word then. Ive always said I like celestial gear and bruiser builds and Ive always said it was difficult to get engagements on these builds. I also have 32 characters and maxed out bank slots for various ascended gear for those toons and tonight I wanted to try Celestial/plaguedoctor so don't take it personally.. I have a right to play what ever I like again on any build I choose instead of being forced into zerk or tank only for zerging or dismounting and honestly if you have an issue with me having this freedom in choice again, maybe the issue isn't with me. Of course you do and play what you want. But that build experiences no "danger" 99 percent of the time which was one of your main arguments vs mounts. And I wasn't just talking about you and that build. There are tons of builds which only certain classes have that allow free engage retreat at will which leaves anyone pre mounts not those builds wasting our time fighting and dieing or fighting and winning only to see you run away. I know how many slots you got I know your celestial. Idk why you throw that info in randomly all the time but more power to ya. No I get it, I'm The Villain for a reason... I chose to play a build that was adapt at handling most situations that WvW could throw at me as a solo roamer.. Due to my 7 years experience of PvP in this game across 32 characters, I shouldn't be allowed to fight anyone really. I should just face tank everything I can, no dodges or anything, not even heals. I'm a nasty villain that will engage almost any player in open world pvp and try to win, I should be locked away for being so naughty. I should have just died to those 4 - 5 players instead of running away.... Shame on me, I'm speechless. I deserve your harassment right now for it. I really do... but all this fuss and you never read the last part of the story, 1 guy killed me. 1 guy.So really everything you said is completely useless and irrelevant because all it took was for 1 player who had more skills than the other players, 1 player that took note of my class, build and exploited all of my weaknesses...eventually those other players will be just as good too.I'm not sure if it was the same encounter/day, but I am on the link from your story. Definitely remember a druid trolling a bunch of bad players. I generally don't play on home BL as most of the players are terrible (as in your post). I think I got you once after you were trolling 5+ players after you stealthed and they all lost you as you ran away to reset. I would have stood zero chance if you weren't nearly dead and waiting on cool downs. I had to waste some of my big cool downs just to keep up. Definitely a broken build, but that's GW2 balance. Every class has at least one OP build. Don't hate the player though, hate the game.
  11. Build templates are just going to kill GW2's non-casual friendly PvP game modes even more. The balance for this game is bad. Extremely steep learning curve with no tutorials. It will be nice for the roamers who live to grief (which is half the non zerg population now a days). It will be fun to grief those NPCs because no one is going to be playing.
  12. I prefer the desert map myself too. However, I think the desert map is much more difficult to defend, and generally puts whatever server is red BL at a disadvantage. I would either make weeks where every map is desert (or alternatively all alpine), or completely randomize which server gets the desert BL. I even think giving the server in the top (green) position for the match up the desert BL would make the match ups more even as they generally have a numbers/skill/coverage advantage as is.
  13. Just reset the whole WvW map at random times (or pre-set times) through out the week just like current weekly reset night (or how EotM does it every 4 hours, but that's a little too often IMO). It would really help balance PPT. Some servers are able to dominate in off hours and tier up everything of theirs while making all enemy structures paper. As long as you have numbers to defend your home BL/EBG you can keep winning from the PPT advantage for several skirmishes (or even the whole match up). Then at 4 AM flip everything to paper again. A random (or scheduled) reset(s) would be really interesting if they happened more than once a week.
  14. What history are you looking at? I was on the HoD side. My match history saw a few 10k+ skirmish scores with only 200-400 kills in the last 2 or so days for the SoS + link team. We had flipped their entire BL paper as well as EBG. We had everything of ours t3, including SMC, but still got crushed and were only getting 2nd place pips. It was talked about on team chat, so I was not the only one. Maybe it was just bugged for our server.
  15. On t2 NA I have noticed one server's war score is not adding up. In some skirmishes, my server has had a higher PPT of +50-100 a tick (over 2nd place) for an entire skirmish and a better PPK too (for that skirmish), and yet at the end of the skirmish (and every tick) we are getting crushed in warscore. They have hit 11k warscore with only 200 kills and 75-150 PPT a tick for the whole skirmish. I don't know where the mystery points are coming from. I have noticed it a lot this week. The past 2 days almost every skirmish. I have never seen anything like this in 3.5k WvW levels.
  16. I had a bug today where about half of my WvW abilities just vanished. I wish I had screenshot it at the time, but didn't. I main WvW on one character (and was on this character), and have had all abilities unlocked for ages. I am 3k+ rank. For some reason in the middle of today's play session, I noticed that when I was attacking the guards at a camp they were taking way less damage (from me) then normal and also hitting me much harder. When I looked at my ability page in the WvW tab I noticed that 1/3 to 1/2 of my abilities were not purchased (including damage given/taken by guards). I have had these unlocked for over a year. Right as I noticed this I got killed by an enemy player, so I had to waypoint. When I waypointed and respawned my abilities returned to normal and were all purchased.
  17. Except in real life when a spy is caught they kill them. End of story.
  18. I think most thief stolen skills in PvP need an upgrade. Most of them are near worthless. A lot of stolen skills need to be channeled, and a few you need to be within melee range, in addition to channeling them, to use. As a thief this is a good way to die. Thieves are squishy. Not being able to be mobile, to channel a skill in melee range is a no-no. Especially when some of the stolen skills have little pay off. -Guardian/elementalist/necro stolen skills are the three biggest ones that fall into this category. Need to be in/near melee range, and even when the stolen skill lands it's not a game-breaker. Especially with elementalist. Elementalist is the stolen skill I generally don't even bother using. Necro fear is nice, but staying in melee range verse a necro for longer then an instant is a great way to die. The fear is great to bring to a +1 or team fight and use as an opener though before the enemy is focused on you. The stun from guardian is nice, but requires a good setup to use it in melee range, and hope they don't have any more stunbreaks. The guardian stun is nice, but very difficult to land if you are getting focused on. -Engineer/rev are alright just because they have a 900 range, but neither are very powerful. The engineer stolen skill can be nice if thrown in the middle of a mid fight, but the conditions are random and most team fights will have plenty of condi removal. Also very easy to dodge by moving a few steps away. Rev skill only lasts one second and only requires one condi removal. Pretty worthless. -Ranger is an ok way to remove a condi or two, and can be useful to lay in the middle of a team fight on mid, but 1v1 it's pretty worthless as you have to stay in one spot to get any benefit over 1 tick (which would mean a non mobile thief = bad). If it removed more conditions it might be useful, but most classes give 3+ conditions at once, so it's not very helpful. Especially considering you have to be very close to it to get the benefit. -The stealth stolen skill from another thief is alright, but most thieves already have access to stealth, so it's pretty redundant. -Warrior/Mes are the only two I really like. The whirlwind of warrior is like a mini elite skill, and the projectile reflect is very useful. Doesn't do as much damage as elite skill, but is good for the projectile reflect and some good AoE DPS. Mesmer is generally the main one to shoot for though. It doesn't directly do any damage when used, but as with boonbeast and other boon heavy builds it gives thieves some access to a bunch of boons to give or deflect damage. I can't imagine nerfing this skill when other classes have access to so many boons on demand whenever they want, and thieves really only have consume plasma, which they have to work to get and steal from a mesmer. If any stolen skill is overpowered, it would be the consume plasma. I think there are a ton of problems with other classes that would take a much higher priority then nerfing consume plasma though. Thief is kind of a wet noodle asides for mobility and stealth, and stealth really needs to get nerfed/reworked for all classes.
  19. In no particular order 1) Balance PvP class wise2) Balanced matches (both population wise and overall player skill wise - current system is awful)3) Rewards should be better for taking up tiered up objectives4) Find a way to stop the bandwagoning5) Server lag - I haven't noticed it TOO much, but when it does happen it just kills the game
  20. The bots are also getting a bonus pip for top stats every game I would guess too. 3k games is 3k more pips. That's another 16 of the final repeatable chests.
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