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Everything posted by shiri.4257

  1. someone is salty lolwai so med it only gaem au contraire my friend! amused not salty! was someone part of one of these ded guilds? or failed to lead one and now left to tag along and reminisce about a non existing game mode in a ded game? =p
  2. good work my man! not too many guilds can say that! 15 days is the average life span of a gw2 guild!
  3. i don't think ajamming is revolutionary. we used to call them gvg guilds. You know, when they make wvw montages and block out the minimap so you can't see the other 3 tags they are nut hugging vs the 1 pugmander trying to save the realm.
  4. ThisIncentivize being in high tiers. T1 then T2 then T3, the rest should have no incentives.End of week rewards based on placement, tier, and contribution. Just like how ESO does it (1st place server, 30 day, 1st place leaderboard).ESO doesn't have this issue. ESO has it so you can tell whose been grinding it for your world, on GW2 only people causal people know is commanders. They don't know the good players outside commanders like everyone knows FENGRUSH, he is pretty much a solo player. People wouldn't know a solo player thats really good in GW2 because theres no leaderboard. With server matchup results matter it makes people want to win.With server placement aka Tier 1 Tier 2 matter, it makes people perform better as a server contribution.With contribution being a factor, it makes people want to grind longer because they want to be highest contributor. Everything in WvW right now is just personal. It has no internal competition among the same server. Like player X on Jade Quarry is doing better, I must do better on Jade Quarry so I can be higher than him. GW2 lacks competitiveness among others who are on same server as them. Due to this, everyone knows if they go down to easier matchup, it's easier for personal rewards. Thats why you need to add more competition. yes yes, for the realm!
  5. ermagerddd plz cater to my personal needs!! look at me! look at me!
  6. easy fix. buy a gem card, and become a fighter today!
  7. This would suggest that the community was weak to begin with. Either way, players kill servers. not anet.
  8. 2 small groups that can't coordinate are just 2 beta males pretending to be alphas. While the real alpha male is the enemy's 70 man eating them both up and taking their ehunnies.
  9. lel bandwagon guild .. are u sure about dis?NA guilds still playing condi ball meta? mate, we on that gem card meta since 2015. we called it t1. EU lagging behind still it seems.
  10. Shouldn't have joined a bandwagon guild. must've been a "Fighhhttt Guildd!!" yahhhh buddyy
  11. patch just released. hang tight on builds. but core zerg builds will still be: Primary: Guardians/NecrosSecondary: Engi/Warrior/Revenant/eles you can come check out the realm on CD Discord.https://discord.gg/gJWPPYa
  12. At the next debate. I would like to propose FREE MOUNT skins for everyone and reparations for wvwers!
  13. sounds like they're tearing it up against that stacked SOS/CD NA! awwwooooo! where my boy awaken at?
  14. Hello, is this the Make WvW Great again thread? I would like to add a mount stomp achievement. 250k mount stomps and we get a title like Ultimate Romper Stomper. Ty, for letting us assert dominance.
  15. the biggest content for the next two months is dodging FA+ SBI or NSP + BP.
  16. How was glicko more fun and challenging? just transfer and tier lock.
  17. why play against them, when you can just join them? join a fight guild today, and stack on a server tomorrow! your individual skills level up immediately once you do!
  18. meta hasn't changed since 2012. just stack on x and y servers. when you lose, ask for a gvg. when no one accepts or can agree to the rules. declare yourself the champion.
  19. Fight server, Fight tierr!!!! Hypppeeee
  20. WIth one think you are right, the population count actualisation of worlds is so slow that it is easy tricked by the coordinated over-stacking.This could of course be changed, but ... how is the population count of the worlds so slow when the guilds and players transfer the week before or after relinks? it is fairly accurate, then the players make their move. If all player in GW2 coordinate to transfer to a specific server within one day, they succeed to go there as the world-pop will be adjusted only on monday evening ...That's quite slow :) Last example in EU where a lot more player transfer to a server far beyond full was Dzagonur. It was so overstacked within one weekend that it is still full despite several went away or stopped playing in the meantime. Even easier: all move to Baruch, that stays not-full till ANet notice and intervenes manually ....The underlying problem in this scenario is still the player mentality. thank you.
  21. WIth one think you are right, the population count actualisation of worlds is so slow that it is easy tricked by the coordinated over-stacking.This could of course be changed, but ... how is the population count of the worlds so slow when the guilds and players transfer the week before or after relinks? it is fairly accurate, then the players make their move.
  22. the bandwagoning would still continue. it would just be every few weeks as it's coordinated. stacking a server is a symptom of the player base and their personalities.
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