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Everything posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. Not possible given the lore breaking implications. Only Faren has the skills, training, and fortitude to wear such armor... and did so while also facing the subtle, but sharp edge of Kasmer's nuanced rejection.
  2. You need to look harder. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Inquest_armor_(heavy)
  3. Well... errr. I didn't know we were in kindergarden or elementary school. ;) I doubt a mature developer would do such a horrific thing "out of spite" like a ten year old who's having a tantrum. Spend enough time on the forums with the kind of analytical mind set needed to be a developer (or a system administrator), and the user/players will inevitably cause a minor existential crisis. Its not about throwing a Tantrum- its about drawing attention to a place where rational thought seems to have gone missing, and using the only tool to which that environment will recognize...... the reflection of itself taking to its logical extreme. All in the hope that it will spark a proper examination of situation, as it has clearly done here. Necessary? NoHyperbolic? DefinitelyAbsurd? AbsolutelyTherapeutic? Surprisingly so Because sometimes it really does take that much to make someone realize what they're doing. And this being the internet, that person is probably doubling down on their original stance to save face.
  4. I'm curious as to what complaint lead to the change in the first place. Given the low quality bar of feed back on the forums and reddit, it feels like it could had been done out of spite...... and if true, I'm 100% behind the Dev decision. Complaint - Can't see if Brazier is lit or not + some comment about bad designDev- If this doesn't make it obvious, I don't know what will
  5. Or its doing exactly what its designed to do, and force you into a huge gold sink for a QOL improvement. Side note..... whats the logic behind calling it "pure greed"? Serious question.
  6. As opposed to status icons popping up left and right to let you know your character has stuff happening to it?
  7. Running 720/1080 res on a 4k TV....... feels like wasted potential. But its pretty obvious the main driver for people switching to PS4 at the time was the games, not the platform it was. And I don't have the energy to to try and articulate the weird hyper-real visuals of HD console games in this generation.
  8. When its all said and done, the classes with the most potential to solo clear group content are the Duelist, due to their ability to control a fight, but also burst down targets one by one. Thief's biggest vulnerability is being a single target, making anything past 1v1 increasingly more difficult and substantially more dangerous. But the Mesmer can do something the Thief can't..... engage multiple targets at the same time. While it severely reduces their engagement efficiency, the mere fact that clones and phantasms can distract aggro away from the real Mesmer allows them a great deal of breathing room is cluttered fights. But more importantly, unlike thief skills, Mesmer skills tend to be a more indiscriminate with higher target caps, and a few which have no target cap. Coupled with an unparalleled amount of evasive abilities (even in Core), they can kite indefinably if needed, and their Duelist nature makes them excel in boss fights. The skill cap on Mesmer is pretty high... but they are by far one of the best classes mechanically equipped to fight things bigger then they are, without relying on a gimmicky build. Some gimmick builds (like Caviler Guardian) can have a lot of effective power, but generally have an Achilles heel that causes the build to collapse when faced, and are less versatile overall.
  9. That wouldn't really "hard" though.... just punishing. Which pretty much guaranties if a group wipes, they'll cheese it and restart the instance. That penalty would have to be there from the Onset, so they can't manipulate it for an easiest possible run. Personally I'd like to see it reintroduced as an extension to the downed penalty, and triggering damage every time the player is downed. This reinforces the existing behaviors of players in open world to regularly make stops at safe areas to clean up. Major safe zones (like cities and major staging areas) auto repair armor, while various outputs include an anvil to use at your leisure. It doesn't really change anything, but it does add some awareness to make it look smarter then it currently is. Its also a throw back to GW1 use of death penalties in appearance, getting rid of some of the clunky feeling of its existence. Second, it starts to matter more in both Raids and Fractals, as players can get downed pretty often without actually losing the fight. Hardcore players in both modes have been pushing for more challenge, and this a good way to add a punishment thats not over the top, and is a real concern during the encounter, rather then pushing for new types of "instant wipe" conditions. This same effect also has a substantial impact on WvW, and is something that does directly target "rally bouncing" during large or protracted fights. If anything, this would be the one game mode where it makes the most sense. If your team wipes, you're back at spawn anyway and have access to repairs. If your team wins, the longer they stay out in the open, the more likely they'll get broken armor. In situations where one zerg sustains itself for long periods in some kind of bag farm, the opposition can whittle them down and eventually force the Driver and their entourage to reset. Again, not a huge change to the current norms, but does mess with certain outlier cases that turn crappy after too long.
  10. To stare at them, obviously. Plus context matters. In some ancient cultures, a warrior confident enough to go into battle with little to no armor is a dangerous foe. And you can't reenact Bikini Beach Summer 3, when you're dressed as an Iron Nun.
  11. But theres flaw there...... some of the bosses argo on toughness. So by doing so, you're essentially taking the tank role in several fights, and not just the healer role. Thinking about it.... I propose we call the 2 Chrono/1 Druid comp the GW2 Holy Trinity.
  12. Aside from the irony of "lost sales" of a demographic that had no interest being considered a "negative impact", the answer would be found in the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean sales numbers. Most Oriental/Asian countries have something of a cultural superiority complex stemming from its older population's world view of "outsiders". This racism is still there today, but its form has changed with a more globalized market and large scale trading. Younger Generations are more aligned with western culture, but its evolving into an aggressive apathy that is mostly picking up the more shallow consumerist attitudes in major trade centers, and blends into more traditional attitudes the further it radiates out. The whole reason I bring this up is because Koreans, Japanese and Chinese have been caught up in enough history to have particular attitudes about each other thats essentially racism. The oldest surviving generations are still carrying that mind set, and gradually disappeared in the last couple of generations, as those have grown up in a more global oriented society. However, there is still a sentiment of cultural superiority that stems from the more traditional side of their culture, and the caste system its not really grown out of yet. Americans have the same problem internally, but they think its different because of the historical framing. With all that said... Koreans, Japanese and Chinese in particular DO NOT like it when anyone else tries to "interpret" their traditions, culture, practices, or otherwise muddy things associated with their ancestral identity. Things that are considered sacred, and follow strict rules. Things that even the modern generations were taught to have some respect for, even though much of it isn't practiced as much, or is more of religion-lite. So the idea of a modified or amalgamate version of traditions, symbolism or historical reference comes off as insulting if it even hints at casting them in a negative light. And if Hollywood movies are any indication, offending the Chinese market loses out on a huge chunk of it. The Queen's Pavilion in Divity USED to be the Canthan city block... but NC Soft had them get rid of it, because they are a Korean company and never liked Cantha to begin with. NCSoft also pushed against the original Factions game, and as far as I know, its not clear how it was green lit given the setting it sported. Americans are enthralled with Asian culture at a distance, and Asian markets have this same fascination with Western ones. Thats why European elements are such a huge hit in JRPGs with loose interpretations of Christian mythology, while anything from Chinese/Japanese/Korean Legend or Mythology tends to stick much stronger to its roots, and rely more on the shared aspects of a legend to cross the barrier. Modern Western society is identical in this behavior with the Catholic/Christian off-shoots, and how they dance around it by not directly referencing something, and simply "implying" to leverage the symbolism. I guess to make it more clear.... the problem isn't necessarily the gamers. I'm pretty sure most won't care unless the game is overtly trying to be offensive. But the larger market their attached to likes to demonize things for show, and art/entertainment makes an easy target for that. The US gaming market has gone through this every 10 years since its inception, and just look at whats considered offensive then compared to now; and then what happens when its seen that way. You also have to take into account that GW1 was NOT a Mass Market game; and it would take a few more years before MMOs went from trend to primary business model. So you can't just draw a direct line between then and now, because the market situation has massively changed from 2005. Back in 2005 the biggest concern from the Chinese market for an MMO was Gold Sellers.
  13. Celes is generally viable on hybrid support classes, which includes Ele, Guardian, Engineer, and specifically Scourge. However, you're gonna run into a problem with DPS verses support, since normally Cele Ele runs half support, but Sw Weaver doesn't do group support outside of what Dagger or Focus bring at face value. You have really good self sustain for dueling, but outside of WvW/PvP, that damage trade off with Cele is extremely hard to justify if you aren't also providing a support function. That makes this specific combination of Cele and Sword Weaver a weird combo for high end fractals, since you're not capable of strong burst healing. If you had to, I would suggest running the Power Swd Weaver fractal build, and sub in Cele Amulet and Rings for added durability, and maybe consider Assassins Earrings to recoup precision. You can still run Scholar Runes in the armor set, and Just carry around an Alt set of Zerk Trinkets (Ring/amulet) to go full Power Weaver when desired. I'm terrible at armor math, but I estimate you're trading 12% of your damage potential for a roughly 8-10% damage reduction plus an extra 2k health. The extra healing is minor (barely +200 on big healing), and the extra condition damage isn't even worth nothing. There is very little incentive to spec any more then that, since Weaver healing is heavily loaded into the base values. If you really do wanna go the Full Cele route, you want to run the Roaming weaver build, since its built around Water and Condition removal. Your burst healing is still on the weak side, but between water skills and evasive arcana, your sustained healing is at least tangible. Self Sustain is also incredibly high. However, you also become an Aggro magnet between the toughness and close proximity you have to keep to the fight. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_Power_Swordhttps://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_Celestial_Roamer (for stat comparisions)(Pwr/half-cele/full-cele)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYmk4iFBA7eVPrv1BBgCwBQ4SeBSBA-jFBXgAh6B6V/BY/R53jSQSBExYA-whttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsYnUMANNglMAG5C8RgFBALIAUAOA3r6Z9tW4SeBSBA-jlBXgANKx6V/BY/hHlgh6BcUeQKgIGDA-whttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsInMIClMgtMAONgFWArYDk/qAEJgDQA4eLHmLzA-jBhagAAK/G1DgqE0X9HA-e
  14. Guild Emblem, and the fact it was the only back piece that existed in the game. I think the bigger reason is that we have no good looking guild banner accessory in this game. Every one so far have been flags sticking out of our backs, which looks awkward when outside of WvW, while most people want something more low key and casual. The purpose of the banners in open field warfare was to help identify soldier formations to Commanders and artillery (so you don't shoot at your own people).... so them being big and visible from a distance made sense. Capes, cloaks and scraps of cloth are much easier for ceremonial outfits, and can be either prominent or subdued based on how its designed.
  15. And watch as cloth physics on capes cripple performance.
  16. ...... holy crap I forgot about the Sling Shot. (goes to fix a short bow injustice on ranger)
  17. You losing that fight is the True ending. Anet just pulled a Mass Effect 3 and changed the ending because people didn't like the truth....... But not even the forces of the Universe itself will every defeat Joko. With every attempt he gets better....... and what you've witnessed is part of his progress to restore History to its intended path.
  18. Oceanic is not only Australia my dude. It's many other countries surrounding the area. Although I feel like a South East Asia (SEA) server would be more ideal because then you've got the entire Asian population and all of the Oceanic countries on the one server. SEA is central to the middle east, China, India, Australia... just to name a few. Like I said, the population is potentially A LOT bigger than everyone here thinks. If they market it right like other games there could be a European server, SEA server and a US server. Other games have exactly that (BDO for example has a SEA server in Taiwan where Aussies get 80ms from). Why not Anet? You can automatically count out China (the single biggest demographic), because Guildwars 2 is already being hosted there through an arrangement for a Chinese run host, and services China exclusively. And if I go conspiracy theorist, the Chinese hosting company might threaten if Anet were to open up another service in reach of their market. A lot of Chinese players DO NOT like most of hosting services they're usually forced to use, and would rather VPN out if possible to servers which are less restrictive and tend to have better communities if you speak at least a little English. That market region also brings with a lot of problems the US servers tend to overlook. Hackers and Scammers run rampant the closer you get to central Eurasia, and much of the Asian markets has a very different view of whats acceptable behavior compared to most western aligned cultures; and this has a significant impact on what goes on there. Even the EU servers are not happy with the people they have to play with..... and this story is pretty common for a lot of games with a multi-national presence. For all the garbage thats associated with US players, I've quite a few AUS, EU, JP, TW, KR, BR, and even Chinese players who would rather play on the US servers, because the community is less dangerous and generally more easy going. Thats one of the big reasons any player who can speak English is much, much more likely to tolerate the ping to a US West server then play on their own server. And when you're dealing with Shooters, which are very latency sensitive, thats pretty telling. Even if its a Technical success, will it be a Community success that people will want to stay on for more then a few months? I remember when Planetside 2 opened their Aus server..... its highest peak was barely half the US West server's lowest recorded prime time population. And thats a game that came close to dying a couple years into its life.
  19. If we're going with a Golemancer concept, I would want the controls scheme to be modeled after TitanFall, building on the Concept of the Power Suit elite from Asurans. Golem Customization is also brilliant in actually making this system work where previous ones have failed. 4 Slots for equipment defined as Melee, Ranged, Defense and Support, with the equipment choices defining the effects. The question though is how handle utilities and the Tool belt. It could override the Tool belt to get access to the Golem skills, or it could be used to define the Golem's skills using modified versions. Mount up Ability would probably have to be the Elite skill as a Toggle. To address a number of issues with how the Golem is handled, F5 would have to Summon the Golem if its lost. When the Golem is Live, F5 becomes a ground target skill to command positioning, and pressed again to dismiss the golem back into "follow" mode. Once mounted, the equipment choices become Utility skills, and improved on by having the pilot. Skills 1-5 become somewhat standard golem skills. Basic Melee on 1, a multi-hit melee on 2, ranged barrage on 3, ranged CC on 4, and Defense skill on 5. Healing skill becomes Auto repair for the Golem. I would also err on making it so if the golem dies while piloted, it downs the player; but also give a trait for auto eject. For Espec utilities,..... this one I'm stuck on for a concept. I'm leaning strongly toward skills which share its effects with the Golem, or used to setup vulnerability that the golem can exploit. But its hard to think of something that wouldn't fit better if they were part of the F1-4 skills instead.
  20. In that case why have a cap at all? Gold sellers for one. Ever wonder why some really old items having a going rate in the 1-2k range, despite being white tier and has no apparent practical use? No item should be that substantially more expensive then a Legendary weapon..... and with the Eternity being worth around 4.5-5k because its made from 2 legendary weapons, that should act as a compass as to what item can justify a higher price. The 10k cap was ridiculously high to begin with; and I suspect Anet never once thought any legit transaction would hit that limit when they were planning it out. But like it was mentioned above.... the problem is the Chak infusions are excessively rare, and their anomalous market value is running into problems with the entire system. Several items have had a similar problem in the past, but very few would even be in the running for what Chak infusions are doing. This raises a second question of how extremely rare items should be handled. On one hand, there is the option to make them account bound, add a conversion recipe, and increase the drop rate. This makes the item only personally obtainable under normal circumstances, and as far as real prestige goes, should have the highest value in that area. On the other, you can make them tradeable so it can act as a gold sink..... but the current situation is way outside of reasonable parameters for the TP system to handle, and this actually IS a problem; just not directly. The TP is designed to do certain things.... and the value of infusions far exceeds this to the point where it can't properly function on the market system at all. Since players have to go outside to retain value, its pretty clear unless Anet intends to let gold inflate to the point where multiple items are worth more then 10k, they have to drag the value of these infusions down enough to be able to act as the gold sink they expect of it. They added Pre-Cursor crafting for a reason..... they needed people to invest into these big projects, and Pre-cursor prices were visually too high and scaring players off. They used to have a huge amount of prestige value; but I'm suspecting Anet excepted people to make at least 1 precursor in their life time. With the need for sink by the time HOT came out, legendaries became part of a massive initiative to generate long term consumption of otherwise useless materials. Contrary to popular belief, bring the price down below the 10k cap doesn't make it less valuable on the prestige side. 10k gold is way more then most people will have at any given time, and more then many of the less aggressive players will obtain in a life time. And its pretty obvious from a design stand point that these items were made as high end gold sinks in mind, because if it were targeted as truly personal prestige item, it would had been part of a convoluted collection and/or account bound. Something that can be made excessively and arbitrarily expensive by gating items of lesser value to create a bottle neck. (See Ascended Recycling).
  21. The problem here is any chat channel that can only be used infrequently is worthless for conversation or real information exchange, automatically limiting it to adverts of some kind (most likely guild spam and WTB type messages). Any system that can be used frequently, and has wide reach, gets spammed due to its large audience.... thus being useless for conversations or information exchanges; It also has the extra problem of overlapping context, making relevant conversation even harder. Limiting it to an opt in system doesn't work either, unless you can strictly cap its participants or actively moderate it. Gating it and being Opt in doesn't work either, because neither will preclude the type of abuse/spam/garbage unless its heavily moderated and/or exists for an express purpose that everyone can agree on at a playerbase wide level..... good luck getting people to go along with that without a strict selection process. Planetside 2 has a global command chat system that reaches across all of the maps, and is accessible to anyone whose invested points into having access to Command tools. Nobody uses it because 90% of what actually goes on there is "squad leaders" (finger quotes) just bitching out everyone else on the server for not doing what "they" want; and almost never reaches the point of real utility, because any Squad leader who is actually focused on competent squad leading has to mute AND hide the command chat to avoid it becoming a massive distraction. More coordination goes on in Map chat then Command chat, because anyone being an ass is obvious to everyone, and gets blocked/reported if their obnoxiousness somehow exceeds the what the spam filter can limit. Command chat also has a Voice channel with similar functions, and less then 1 out of 20 squad leaders (which is the only time the channel would be active) have it turned on.... and of those, only 25% of them have it on deliberately. You can tell when a newer player just certed into it, because the first question on map or guild chat is "How do I turn this off?". Its not without its uses.... but it can only serve its intended function when the participation rate is low enough that the channels themselves aren't just a flood of text and sound (even if people were behaving as intended), allowing contextually useful information can easily picked out. But with no other training criteria or enforcement for access, it quickly devolves into just another outlet for people looking for the largest audience, and gets the added bonus of overtaking a channel that people would otherwise want to use if proper conduct had been enforced, making them harder to ignore at first. Its not even a matter of whats required, so much as there is NO enforceable conduct by which people need to adhere to in order to stay minimally productive. Even Team chat in WvW, which gets a lot of not-wvw related conversations, still has the expressly designated function of cross map chat information sharing; and for most servers will respect that usage when important things need to get across. But you know theres a problem when too many people on your team is idle enough to hold multiple conversations in team chat, but the enemy is going to town on your team's territories. When things get busy in WvW, chat slows down.... a sign that people are busy focusing on "doing things" and not just intentionally being a distraction or verbally combative for the sake of it.
  22. Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Female Asura) You're dumb. You'll die, and you'll leave a dumb corpse.I majored in pain, with a minor in suffering. Structural integrity... compromised.Retaliation: Go ahead, hit me!Bleeding: That's 'my' blood!Frozen: Going hypothermic!Burning: Burning, burning! It's not showing off if you earned it!Statistically speaking, this is rather rare.May all your theories be sound.
  23. Add the Trash err Teamchat in wvw to this at some points. "Blue Zerg on Lords!!! Someone Pull EWP quick!!!"
  24. Thank you for pointing out the problem here! That is exactly what I noticed too. As soon as someone recommend something NEW or DIFFERENT, the excuse is "It's against the LORE!" "It was NEVER mentioned before!" Seriously that excuse is getting a little old lol. Except what the OP suggests isn't new or different or even has interesting twist to its concept. Its a trope so common that its archetype is ingrained into the genre as a whole, and thus stands as one of the most generic elements in a post-tolkeinesqe fantasy seeing. There is no evolution to the idea in his post.... in fact, its barely an idea, much less something he can pitch to others to gain support for. "So Ion said we wouldn't get HIgh Elves in WoW, so how about High Elves introduced in Guild Wars? Most games have elves in their fantasy, but GW has no elves at all." ---- no explanation as to how this would benefit anything, no argument to explain how this wouldn't cause problems, and rests on the assumption that it is as trivial as "add it and everything will be good". Exploration has consequences. Stagnation has Consequences. And anything not completely original comes with baggage. Fantasy in particular comes with huge amounts of baggage, because many put great emphasis on linage, prophecy, ancients and history to resolve conflicts...... something that demands much greater lore cohesion then people give credit for. GW2 already walks a fine line with the amount of Retcon its experienced , even going as far as debunking is own canon in order to move forward. And most of that is to remove historical conflict, not just to add something that wasn't there before. Even the debate about Iron Legion being dated back to the original legions, despite never being mentioned before, was only really done to establish the Imperitor's rank and explain how the Charr successfully underwent an industrial revolution. It was a hard sell, but it at least served to close a huge gap in Charr social evolution over such a short period.
  25. "The game doesn't do enough to explain things!!!! It should do that more!!!". "I don't like the game telling me things I already know, even though it can't read my mind or maybe after 4 years I might have forgotten something!!!." When did humans lose the ability to ignore something that doesn't matter to them? Or is now every minor distraction a direct threat to the concentration of a player who is overperforming at least a whole order higher then a new player doing the same thing?
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