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Everything posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. what about an achievement that converts 150 LIs into 1 AP, then doubles the cost with a total of 50 extra AP. Thats steep enough to be practically indefinite life span.
  2. The irony is players have been demanding this for years, threatening to quit. Now that its happening, players demanding it be removed or they’ll quit. So is Anet supposed to listen to the community or not?
  3. A. gonna call you out on this, because thats basically impossible given the mass wave of MMOs during the 2010s, most of which required exclusive focus to keep up with. And anything before WOW is harder than Guildwars 2’s core maps by a multi dimensional curve. There is no way you played all those games short of quitting past 20 hours. B. Only season 2 and HOT in GW2 are hard without especs. once you have fully coherent espec build, that hurdle is forever cleared. you are now walking incarnation of power creep, and only threatened by your own lack knowledge about basic mechanics like dodge, and ted aoe circles. C. Stop being so dramatic.
  4. Add a new LI Sink thats required to do raids, and watch as they get used up over time. Like how FOW and UW had a plat price to enter.
  5. The metrics are different. especially at the waist line. Some armors cull the underlying model to save render effort. So mixing heavy and med armor means your midsection disappears
  6. Your giving Last jedi too much credit. Those other movies were perfectly capable of being terrible on their own. And the streaming shows are failing because Disney+ is too expensive to do the binge sub anymore. Thats on top of them not being interesting enough to wait week to week for an episode drop.
  7. And the OLED version is coming out. So old models might go on the market
  8. Because theres a vertical metric it has fit in. That check isn’t done on the horizontal. Its a neat trick, since they didn’t consider oversized swords in the original code. Rotate the model 90• and BAM it fits.
  9. Because theres a vertical metric it has fit in. That check isn’t done on the horizontal. Its a neat trick, since they didn’t consider oversized swords in the original code. Rotate the model 90• and BAM it fits.
  10. To be fair, RPers don’t care if its broken or works mechanically. But for buildcraft players, an imbalance causes issues across the whole game. The real solution is look at the summoning items and reworking them. Easier to isolate out of wvw, can increase uptime, create an infinite version that keeps summoning on cool down, and tie ones to collections so the RP folks can pretend its a quest.
  11. Not that I disagree…… but…… WOW has been doing that for a long time. Dungeons and raids are closed for at least 3 weeks after the xpac drops. And raids are the content at this point.
  12. Its time for Ploymock to make a grand comeback.
  13. Ultra low would make it run worse, since some setting will offload TO the CPU to compensate for a weak GPU.
  14. Buried in obscure lore there is a suggestion that Dwayna might be a Harpie. Malkor is Grenth’s pappy. Killroy Stoneskin is the greatest legend. Enjoy
  15. Think of it as an evolving theater. Core and S1 were stage plays. HOT was when the director saw 24 and tried it. Season 3 & 4 is when they finally got a camera and effects budget. POF is the theatrical release. From then on they fired the director and started doing the Disney thing with revolving door directors who doesn’t matter, because its 80% CGI action scenes now.
  16. Its for pvp only. It being in pve was a left over from early work that never got cleaned up
  17. For halloween I’m dressing up as a trash mob. (skeletor escapes)
  18. I got a good answer….. afkers. Takes so long to get a group going, the queue suffers both attrition and people who fell asleep. Whats worse? An LFG thats slow to fill, but status is clear? Or a queue that pops with half the group afk or missing?
  19. Fishing has to get a raid level treatment so people dont accuse the devs of being lazy and recycling gameplay. Lo and behold a huge chunk of the playerbase expected it to get easier and faster than the original. You’ve already fished in every conventional place on the planet. A legendary fisher in title. Honestly fishing end game should be Bubbles, with an underwater raid for people with the fisher titles.
  20. New paradigm for a new market environment. When the biggest game to date is still a BR game, where cosmetics are worth more then the base game, where char customization is your biggest money maker, and most games can launch in utter garbage state and still make money……. The expacs don’t need to have value. They just have to be shiny enough to get you to log in, see the ingame shop, want the ingame shop, and spend on the ingame shop. If you are not that type of player, you are just the inherent cost of doing business. And costs need to be minimized. Welcome to the world we all have wrought.
  21. If you want more people to help, offer more than the festival rewards to people, so they will pick you over the Mad King stuff. Basic economics. Basic social interactions.
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