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Everything posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. But the weapon wants to make eye contact with the one thats carrying it.....
  2. To me this is a catch 22. Old players have been here longer, but they're treated worse than new players who get all the cool stuff for no extra effort. New players are second class citizens, because they can never hope to catch up to old players who have been around longer, and got the reward for all the things. The solution would be reward neither, and change nothing, so everything is equal in perpetuity. But neither side would like that. As lofty as this sounds, this needs to be fixed on a cultural level. The less need for extrinsic rewards, the less extreme you need to make time based rewards to keep people interested. Consolidating some of the presents down to a 3 year cycle might help.
  3. Unlike WoW, GW2 had a rough start. The game's peak was at the start of POF. And by then there was a massive amount of QOL/NPE revamps, several vertical progression systems, and a significant smoothing of the difficulty curve just to get that favorable outlook. Yeah, theres not much to go back to, other than LS1. And people complained about the fact those were originally gonna be "one and done" events.
  4. You think it might because every time they've tried, they yelled at for it? I can point out the giant vines and tower debris in Kessex Hills as proof.
  5. It was done this way to stop double/triple dipping. It was a problem dating back to Teq, where if you were really fast, you could hop instances and clear a world boss multiple times within a single event window. Anything that wasn't on a daily limit would be vulnerable to this. But the REAL problem had to do with how people would just hop maps to AVOID having to the do the event, and either AFK or lurk in maps that look like they'll be successful. The sheer amount of chaos this creates with organization is pretty obvious. Even on a good day, Chalk meta has a bad enough problem with leeches putting the whole thing at risk for everyone actually trying to do it. This is why HOT Metas have lock timers, and more aggressive flagging for participation, to force players to be more active in a specific instance of that map, in order to maximize chests at the end. Ergo, TD stone walls you until the Reset phase (which prevents you from entering a map), in order to discourage you from trying to map hop for extra chests. And just for fun anecdotes, and further show how possible it is for non-capped rewards to be totally broken..... There was a bug years ago where Guardian Symbols had their tagging broken, causing each symbol to be counted separately instead of as a single flag. I believe this was the same time they added the 10% damage bonus on symbols to one of the traits. Ergo, if multiple guards were putting down symbols, you'd get a X*0.1^n damage bonus for EACH guardian. A bunch of hammer guards were burning Teq down so fast, we almost broke the phase system. Later that day a bunch of us got organized, and managed to clear 3 Teq Events in a single window, just to see how many we could manage.
  6. There was a time when 95% of the TP was basically mere copper prices. Now thin leather strips is one of the biggest pains to get, if you actually need them in that form. The community is so stuck in the present, it keeps forgetting how we ended up with "current problem" in the first place. Its rubbed off on the devs so hard, we keep getting caught in cycles of boom and bust, because setting up a stable I/O takes too long. Remember the Leather Farm?
  7. How dare a complex economy allow a system old enough for most people to no longer remember how it even came about have the sheer nerve to be...... SUBOPTIMAL!!!! Its almost like the in-house economist said something like this would happen. 😛
  8. So basically "market shifted, and I'm upset because what I want to do is suboptimal". This reminds me of the back and forth the community had with the game's economist. And I still remember when he went "f it, I'm hands off now". The community didn't get what it wanted... but it got what it deserved. And 8 years on still haven't learned that lesson. But thats the thing.... it wasn't always 8 times higher. Its only like that now, because we complained about a bunch of other stuff being worthless, and now those things are considered valuable. Surprise Surprise, when something becomes valuable, everything adjacent to it gets more expensive. And this was on top of the fact that Legendary Crafting has ALWAYS been more expensive than buying pre-cursors, because unpopular Legendaries go for cheap on the TP. Theres only really been a few edge cases with high demand Gen 1s, because those managed to keep a higher price point. And at best, the disparity was never greater than a few hundred gold. Just enough to justify the effort, but not enough to sway the market. And thats before you consider generating 100g a week isn't that hard anymore.
  9. Last time this happened, Mystic Coins are now 2g each, and Ectos 30s each, and Xmas food 15s a piece. Just let something be uselessly cheap!!!! It beats suddenly needing 10,000 of them for a unique vendor item when they cost 10s each.
  10. You can access the bank from both the Scribe workbench OR the Guild Vault (via a drop down on the top). You can reach Guild Stash/Vault from town at the guild initiative, so just have everyone funnel junk through that, and one person in the guildhall handing it off to "upgrade guy". The problem goes away after 2-3 weeks max to unlock Scribe bench.
  11. TP conversation cost should be irrelevant, because gold value of commodities change over time. How many times do we need to go through this?
  12. The whole business landscape won't tolerate it either. F2P and Microtransations makes way too much money to not be the default scheme any publicly traded company would even take the energy to consider. Also, the Sub problem with Streaming Platforms is wildly different to the one that governs most games. Its the "Preferred Platform" problem, where the "content" is considered a passive, interchangeable asset whose only purpose keep motivated enough to not cancel. Because MMOs are way more actively engaged with, you get a ton more milage out of the uncapped spending of microtransactions, and opportunistic sales. Anyway..... MMOs have dug their own grave with how they'd handled progression systems over the years. By fostering investment in an account, they've created a situation where its increasingly difficult to get players to start over in ANY capacity. GW2 is insanely alt-friendly, but I've heard folks tell me from other games they didn't even wanna reroll a character, because it would had took "forever" just to get back to the point they realized their build/class sucked. And you can see that mentality with new players in GW2 being carried over from other games.
  13. In-line upgrading/overhauling an engine is technically harder than building a new one; with all the new features you'd need, and none of the legacy support you're trying to get rid of. Guildwar's Art Direction does a LOT to help you forget the fact that the renderer is as old as it is, and the weird way it has to do certain things. Especially in the lighting, where a modern engine would be doing most of the heavy lifting. Now that said... the OP has no idea what they're talking about. Even Crysis runs like a champ if you brute force it. So it wouldn't surprise me if this is just another victim of UE5 hype train. I swear, for every legit beneficial thing in UE5, there are two things people claim it'll fix when it doesn't.
  14. If we're gonna be fair, this was not true. NA in particular had an extremely active Training Community for a few years, and only started falling off due to PUG burn out. The casual side of the community either demonized the whole raid community, because thats how it is everywhere else, OR "tried" and got in over their heads almost immediately, then wrote it off. I used to be the latter, until I fell in with a Raid Trainer guild. When I found out most raids only really need 3 non-DPS builds to keep under control, I was shocked. That means the main problem are people who aren't keeping up with the anti-wipe mechanics; as generally speaking, DPS shouldn't be a huge problem (until the balance team started nerfing stuff). Not helping that were Casual PUGs trying to force their way in, solely on the motivation/entitlement of Legendary armor, and blaming the Raid community for not carrying them. As far as I could see, the Raid community only imploded when it got insular, and too lazy to train new PUGs. I still stand by my belief that the raids were designed wrong for this game... but out of everything that happened, it was not raid community elitism that was the problem. And if its a problem "now", I guess the people finally got what they wanted then.
  15. I also would had settled for Raids what work specifically for GW2's design, rather than shoe horn the archaic WoW DPS/Trinity model, and all the Build/Comp problems that came with it.
  16. Your mom buys you underwear for Xmas. She cares enough to get you something, but can't afford something nicer. So "utilitarian" it is. Meanwhile Danny gets a PS5, a sports ball scholarship, and 3 Pro teams lined up to sign contracts. If this seems non-sequitur, its because you're confusing concern, capability, and opportunity as being similar things.
  17. One I never realized I'd miss is "grant nearby allies 5 stacks of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 10 seconds after entering combat. (Cooldown: 20 Seconds)" My main reaper build got all its fury from this, so I didn't need to knock around with Prec too much.
  18. This gives me an excuse to update a classic. Reaper Minion Master http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSzAEd3lFwqYMMKWJeqSfNfA-DSRYBRNtnvYIiCOkmkBlpACRIo2fCAA-e The basic premise is simple. Maintain a bunch of minions, which boosts your toughness, and passively offloads conditions. Reaper Shroud is used flexibly as both a solid DPS increase OR to soak damage, depending on what you're fighting. Blood Magic for Vampiric traits, giving you and your minions constant chip healing. Decimate Defenses to offset Crit Chance. Strongest in crowded fights, where Rise! can get max spawns. Has enough of both Tank and Damage to solo most champs and HPs. Only real down side is lack of easy stun break and no on demand condition purge; but is rarely a problem since you can just soak the damage. Play wise it mostly just learning how to best meter your attacks, and using your CC to shut down bigger threats, so you don't have to soak everything. This makes it easy to operate, but not totally brain dead. As you get better at recognizing threats and how to deal with them, you can potentially tackle some of the older Group Champ events solo (like the Risen Spiders). Just remember that you're a brawler first and foremost; The minions are mostly there to buff "You".
  19. Well you’re doing it to yourself then. Easiest solution is make WvW/PvP alt to mess with classes, and just use one char for PvE. I just rotate chars on a whim. But I did have the foresight to have gear ready, and always have few hundred gold in the bank along with tons of tomes to power level a class.
  20. This makes me wish someone could figure out a format that allows immigration of old characters, without it breaking game design. At minimum it would be unified economy, and probably less focused on infinite progression. Sadly thats what most MMORPGs end up being now
  21. then buy more srs outfits them the meme folks buy meme outfits. its basic math
  22. I’ll say this again after so many years, because it bears repeating. If you play for the fun of playing, a game will last you forever. If you play achievements and progression, there is a clear upper limit to what you can reach. The latter is a fools game. Unattainable in principle, and the direct reason so many games became the things we complain about now. Over time I’ve switched to titles and genres I can classify as adventure simulators. I ignore progression systems beyond the seeming obligatory tutorial phases, set a simple goal, and let myself get sidetracked in the process. GW2 is usually great for this, as its designed with little things to find along the way. I collect legendary gear as a hobby; getting 2 - 3 pieces per year. Only twice I went hard on this task, because I needed armor for my ele’s 5 builds for various modes. Learn the zen of gaming. It will salvage what remains of your sanity in this insane world.
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