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Everything posted by Jzaku.9765

  1. Completely agree. Either this or put at least 1 more source of Protection SOMEWHERE else on our kit other than our gigantic emergency heal / proactive defense button, so we can hold it longer off-CD for situations that actually need it.
  2. It should just reflect projectiles rather than changing a fundamental mechanic of the game (that being that destroying projectiles is not the same as blocking an attack). I don't see the justification for how an espec locked utility is just so much worse than Guardian and Mesmer's core utilities. And it would not tax you into defense and shield master just to access projectile reflect.
  3. It's pretty obviously this. The trait waits for the Elite Skill to complete including aftercasts. Wouldn't say no to reduced aftercasts though.
  4. Great suggestion concept, if the specifics could use some tweaking. It always frustrates me that these types of suggestions get so little traction when it's the type of change that would be significantly more impactful than say, triple GS spins. These are the types of changes that would allow for actual build diversity within Warrior, instead of being forced to pick specific traitlines just for Adrenaline. Adrenaline especially is a sore spot for Warrior, since it is balanced around essentially having permanent Adrenaline, yet without specific traits that feed this unhinged amount of Adrenaline to you, Warrior actually gets little to no trickle Adrenaline at all. Staff, recently, lampshaded this really badly.
  5. I would simply make [Eternal Champion] give stab to allies instead of just yourself. Outside of some relatively big rework to martial cadence + soldiers focus, of course.
  6. This is my rub with many posts regarding this subject - what on earth are you people seeing in spellbreaker that makes it any different from zerk/bsw in this regard? Full Counter doesn't contribute towards support. There's no support traits in spb either. The utility skills are actually worse than either, at least Zerk has Headbutt and Bsw has projectile destruction. Is it some imaginary ideal that doesn't exist yet where Spb gets a full rework? If anything it might be higher APM (which I do acknowledge might rub people the wrong way) but at least Berserk as a class mechanic IS actively contributing towards support by making the support burst skill very low cd.
  7. Been playing it frequently in Strikes and I agree with almost all your points. It's strong while it's going and has high healing throughput but struggles turning the tide against a death spiral. Could use some more utility to be able to perform more roles but that's across the whole of Warrior.
  8. My perspective is that I would rather the community rally around something that actually makes Warrior good, rather than a shallow change that slaps Alacrity on Spellbreaker and calls it a day - because "Spellbreaker with Alacrity" would be just as mediocre of a build as "Berserker with Quickness". Would it be a positive change over Bladesworn? PROBABLY. But the pressure is being applied on a (imo) completely irrelevant change in the grand scheme of things, because "Spellbreaker with Alacrity" will be just as unplayed as "Berserker with Quickness" is NOW because Warrior's support shell is pathetic. In a perfect world we can have both, but looking at the current situation where Warrior gets 0 PVE patch notes in a quarterly balance patch, I would rather the pressure be applied on slapping more utility, team support oriented traits and weapon skills on Warrior than "Spellbreaker with Alacrity". Like, mount some kitten pressure about Ranger Mace 3 vs Warrior Mace 3 or something.
  9. You confidently resolved nothing. The strength of a Support build is everything else you can do other than providing your boon. In raids this is actually being able to do miscellaneous mechanics (Pushing, Kiting, Immob, CC, etc) which are all expectations piled on the Healer so the DPS can just faceroll. If at any point in your clears you need to swap builds just because your Support build can't handle a specific mechanic that's expected of you, playrate tanks. In Strike CMs this is essentially hard carry ability. Cerus CM recently showcased the combination of Druid's raw healing output, long duration aoe immobilize, and essentially its deep toolbox of tricks - and Scourge's high Barrier output (reducing lethal strikes that happen every few seconds to recoverable ones in the final phase), and res/recovery potential, both of which were mandatory for completing the encounter. Point is, if you actually believe yourself to be contributing towards Support warrior with suggestions, contribute towards improving Warrior's toolbox of tricks it has access to. Warrior is debatably the most vanilla class in the game with no utility outside CC (which nowadays pales in comparison to Mesmer/Ranger) - it's support build has very good healing throughput, but we've had ~8 years proving that healing throughput is a pretty small part of what makes a good Support build. A good chunk of those 8 years, Druid was arguably the least effective at actually healing but still indisputably the strongest support build.
  10. I mean OP has already admitted this thread is essentially a psyop for the gullible, but just for the sake of discussion: I'm not sure if you've watched the Balance Patch preview stream, but it was clear to me that, recently or no, they consider Alacrity to be extremely unhealthy for competitive game modes. Here's some excerpts from the upcoming balance patch: So whatever your thoughts are on this hypothetical Alacrity Spellbreaker in competitive game modes, I would seriously temper expectations, if not kill them outright. As for PVE, providing Alacrity is the baseline expectation. It's literally the starting line of a support build. And as previously mentioned, Spellbreaker is real close to being just a worse Berserker, which already isn't great.
  11. Uh yeah easily, it's literally just exactly how Quickness Berserker plays except worse because your burst CDs are longer and you have no ability to full counter on demand due to a total lack of adrenaline gain without the Defense traitline causing it to compete for a scarce resource with your actual burst skill. I'm really not being facetious - look at the Heal Quickness Berserker build for PVE, then look back at your build. You're probably leaving out a whole slew of other changes in mind to be making this thread.
  12. Ok, coeff change, definitely a small change Well, that involves the animation team, but still an acceptably small change, i guess surprised_pikachu.jpg
  13. By extension Staff 2 which works the same way will also whiff the same way on different elevation. Hilariously, when they showed off the beta changes on Stream, Roy tried to show off how it gains adrenaline when affecting an ally but it completely whiffs because of elevation. He's lucky cmc didn't pause for him and swiftly moved on to the next change.
  14. The Banners having an effect on drop and a pulsing aoe afterwards already makes their design way stronger than the overwhelming majority of Utility skills in the game. I said their design btw not their effects. Banner of Tactics and Defense actually have amazing effects and are only held back by a cast time I'd reduce, but Banner of Discipline and Strength have atrociously bad effects that could stand to be rethought.
  15. Suitable, sure. It's kind of like saying you can be suitable in the role of PVP Thief just because you have a movement skill. It'll be slightly better off than current Alac Bladesworn because it has weapon swap, and looking at where Alac Bladesworn places on the pecking order of PVE builds, I wouldn't have such high aspirations of this hypothetical "Alac Spb".
  16. Yeah he's spot on when he says that Staff is an amazing weapon brought down by Warrior lol
  17. I think you can consistently get Staff 5 block to cancel itself by jumping immediately after casting it.
  18. Echoing that Staff 5 definitely still randomly cancels itself intermittently.
  19. Having played the heal builds a bunch I largely agree with your Heal Berserker takes - other than maintaining Berserker being an issue. Berserk CD is REALLY short now and it really isn't that big of a deal. If I were to make a change to Eternal Champion (if at all, to save dev time) it would be to have it share the stability it grants to allies, that way you can tactically drop out of Berserk to grant Stab in a pinch. As for Heal Bladesworn I actually disagree on a lot of things. Heal Bladesworn played optimally is the opposite of comfy due to timing Lush Forest procs, but when you play it optimally you super juice Staff CDs so hard your healing output is comparable to Zerk. I would rather eliminate the Lush Forest CDR tango entirely and turn the trait into something like "Explosions heal allies in X radius" turning Gunsaber 1/2/3/5 into healing buttons. General feedback on Staff though, the Prot on 3 should be moved to Staff 2. Warrior has only 1 other access to Prot in Tactics, and a boon like Prot that you want to sustain permanently should not be on the same button as your GIANT HEAL and EMERGENCY SITUATION AEGIS. Also, having Adrenaline gain on Staff 2/5 doesn't feel good. The Warrior gameplay loop has been "spam burst skills off-CD" for years now, and having these periods of terrible Adrenaline between Staff 2 CDs damper on the minute-to-minute gameplay loop of Heal Berserker. The Adrenaline gain should instead be on the last strike of the Autoattack with the exact same stipulation of hitting an ally with the effect, so it's always available. See paragraph above. This change does close to nothing - if you use Staff 2 -now- you will have enough Adrenaline to use your next burst when it comes off CD. The stuttering adrenaline gain is only an issue between CDs of Staff 2.
  20. I know it doesn't affect the majority of the playerbase but short leaps are close to utterly worthless skills for people with high ping lol. I like Rifle Butt as a skill as-is.
  21. The kicker is that he said he doesn't have a "specific vision" - they do have an overall vision, they explicit state that they want Power Berserker to be a supported archetype. So in the upcoming patch they buff several Power Berserker things you can't necessarily all run in the same build regardless. Imo, this scattershot approach has it's own pros since the end result is more things are buffed by the time a combination of changes add up to a good build, than a powerful specifically targeted buff that they have to immediately hit the brakes and start thinking about nerfing instead. Of course, it also has it's cons.
  22. As 1of like maybe 2 people concerned about the depth of Warrior's Toolkit, that first patch changing Wild Blow from a Launch to a Knockdown was already a huge mistake. Warrior only had 2 ways to knock something back far away - now it only has 1, and it's Rifle 5 of all things.
  23. The closest I can find is when he says "I don't know if we have a specific vision" and continues to elaborate that they want to make it (Power Berserker) a supported archetype. To me, there's pros and cons to, just an example, "You will use exactly Mace/Shield Greatsword in the Power Berserker build" VS "We're just gonna keep buffing random Power Berserker related stuff until people find a way that makes it good". Is there a specific timestamp you can direct me to? Because misquoting someone is IMO a hard sin.
  24. There really wasn't a single trait or something you felt like deserved a tweak on Warrior? Imagine waiting 3 months for a quarterly balance update, to get coefficient tweaks for PVP only and a bugfix to Rush 11 years late.
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