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Everything posted by babak.3654

  1. I didn't play GW1, so I don't have the sense of nostalgia that people who did have for Cantha. Being honest I probably would have preferred to go to a new area rather than return to Cantha the expansion, but having decided to do that I don't really understand why the original aesthetic wasn't more closely referenced by the developers. After all the people they're appealing to most with this is the GW1 players who enjoyed these maps originally.
  2. I think some of these specs are salvageable, some honestly feel to me like they need an amount of reworking that just doesn’t seem likely, assuming the devs need to finalise them by the end of the year. Yes I know the expansion is launching in February but I doubt they can go to the wire like that. So I’m hoping for significant changes to specs like Virtuoso (where the concept is ok, it needs more synergy with core traits and some changes to how bladesongs work) in the fourth beta, because I think that’s probably broadly what they’ll be like at launch.
  3. Hammer skills feel very slow, it's like playing warrior in 2014. Damage seems low too. I'm going to echo the 'half-assed' comment of a poster above: Why does only the hammer get unleashed skills? Why do the pets all get the same unleashed skills?
  4. I don't know how they'd manage customisation, but yes the extremely bright green wasn't the best choice to suit everyone. I know there are lore reasons, but I guess it didn't have to be 50% green. Having said that initial impressions of the mech are it's fun, but with only 3 mace skills, 3 mech skills, the gameplay might get samey fast. But minion masters will probably like it.
  5. I've been playing GW2 since launch, taking a few long breaks, and while it's not a perfect game by any means I do enjoy it. So I'll most likely get End of Dragons standard, I think it may end up being the last major content update. I haven't pre-ordered because I generally don't pre-order games, and I don't care much for the pre-order bonuses. All that said I'm not very excited about what's been shown so far, but I am hopeful that the maps will still be intricate and fun to explore.
  6. I put off getting the skyscale for a good while, but with the 'Return to' achievements making it quite convenient to get the LS4 material stacks for the saddle, it's pretty easy now. The collection is fun in places, a bit tedious in others, but you can always work at it in between doing other things.
  7. I don't entirely agree. Yes the different mounts combined can have similar capabilities, but it isn't uncommon to get stuck in combat transitioning from one to the other. Also while the Springer can jump high it needs appropriate geometry to climb, which can be inconsistent.
  8. I'm doing the Skyscale collection at the moment and have got as far as Troublesome Skyscales. It's a long series of collections but I'm working on it in the downtime between "Return to" instalments (which also reward the needed stack of each LS4 mat) or other activities. Done that way it's been ok. I don't think the collection itself is excessive as currently implemented. I'm going to disagree that there aren't any issues, though. I have every other mount (including Griffon and Beetle) but still find myself left a long way behind on some meta events. It must be frustrating for newer players, and will become worse over time as more and more established players get around to unlocking the Skyscale mount. It's also gated behind the Living Story 4 episodes, which not everyone will have access to going forward, unless Arenanet chooses to roll them into the core game at some point as they did with Heart of Thorns.
  9. I'd probably make one, then take a tour through the wardrobe and marvel at how bad most of the cosmetics look on them besides their cultural gear. Nine years of playing Charr (and to a lesser extent Asura), trying to make them look nice, leaves me very cynical that Tengu would be implemented any better.
  10. I'd be very happy to see more appropriate cosmetics and armor choices for Charr. In fact I'd probably have the character run around naked rather than wear half of the skins available that look laughably bad on them.
  11. I've only recently returned to the game but these are my thoughts. Mesmer is probably my favourite profession which I've played on and off for 8 years in PvE and WvW. Initial impressions of virtuoso were favourable but the more time I spent with it the less I liked it. I've edited my post to present concerns more coherently: Skill effects look fancy but contribute to visual noise Bladesongs have cast time, unlike shatters. This is an issue as traits such as Blinding Dissipation synergise well with instant cast shatters, but it generally just feels bad Bladesongs and dagger skills: too many projectile based attacks. Too easily shut down by projectile hate and reflects (think WvW). On some maps dagger projectiles consistently obstructed by terrain Bladesongs and Heal require you to be facing the target and skill gets cancelled if you turn The traits seemed unimaginative and inconsistent with other elites. No dagger trait, no psionic trait, nothing interesting that changes the way the specialisation is played So many traits granting fury but fury uptime already from core traits so it feels redundant. Damage modifiers lack imagination and limit to 600 range when dagger and bladesongs are 1200 range Lack of movement speed buff feels bad coming from Chronomancer Psionics seemed underwhelming. Combine the two targeted AOEs (they're too similar) and give some additional defence or stealth access The F4 block is bad and not a substitute for distortion access on F4. Distortion being consigned to a utility slot is a nerf to build diversity as in PvP for example blink and signet of midnight are always taken I loved the changed behaviour of Sword 3 and would wish for this to be made baseline. I can imagine Virtuoso being liked by players new to mesmer or who don't already play mesmer. As someone who already played chronomancer in PvE and WvW, the playstyle of virtuoso didn't feel very different from chrono. You're still generating illusions to fuel F1-F4 shatters/bladesongs but the bladesongs come with disadvantages that are not offset with enough benefits and there's no equivalent to continuum split or mirage cloak. Virtuoso could be a fun specialisation but without at least some of the issues being addressed I don't see why I'd use it over chronomancer or mirage.
  12. I'd be surprised if any new playable races were coming at this point. That said, being able to play Skritt would be hilarious and totally worth it.
  13. This event still seems to be bugged. I am trying to complete the Firebrand collection and this event is required. Upon reaching the dolyak Cinnabar, Jeppa disappears and ends up downed ... somewhere, meaning the mission fails after 2 minutes. That this event is a requirement for a PoF specialisation and is still bugged over two years later is poor indeed.
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