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Everything posted by Aigleborgne.2981

  1. Thanks for all responses. I will choose renegade as I already have a condi herald. Renegade is thematically a better pick for my charr and I'm sold by Kalla warband
  2. I have seen WD renegade video. But I am using dual sword, not sure it would be as easy as short bow.
  3. Yeah, Jalis is solid, just I don't like him much. My revenant is a charr, and Shiro fits more my character.Even in combat, I love to engage with Phase Traversal. With proper trait, it's usually a one-shot. Riposting Shadows is a perfect skill when fighting a champion, I usually keep my energy to spam it. It also generates 5 might with trait. And finally, I also like Jade Winds for break bars, or even to calm down things when low on health (or if I know that my foes will cc me).Last but not least, I love some trait skills like Call of the Assassin. So even through Jalis has its value, I will not choose him, just in some situations I need stability or taunt.
  4. For open world, personnal story, and living story, which one provides the smoothiest experience? Considering a power revenant using shiro (by preference, not optimization), which need a solid legend for sustain.Herald seems good with its heal, but so does Renegade with its elite.
  5. Almost, you loose toughness. You will have nice health pool but you will feel hard hitter mobs.This is why I prefer Apothecary or Settler, I have low health, but good damage reduction and good healing. Although I am more vulnerable to one shot. I think it might best to mix several attributes together, something I will do later on. Edit: I don't thrust power without precision and ferocity, it feels lackluster
  6. Power is easier to kill regular mobs, although you might still have sustain issues when fighting a lot of strong mobs.Power is not forgiving and good luck soloing group content with it. Condi takes time, but it allows you to sustain a lot more. You will learn more with power, but if dying constantly is not an option, play condi.
  7. If you started playing ele for 1 week, your impression is correct.Ele need a lot of knowledge to be successful with. You need to know all your skills and traits, and also know your opponents. Even then, it is still a challenge because you have more skills than others and a few mistakes can be fatal. I have spent hundred hours on ele and I'm still learning a lot, just to give an idea. I have made several ele, my last one is still leveling with leveling gear. He is an earth tank and able to solo most champions I encounter without difficulty.Another one was full offense and he could kill a lot faster but one or two mistakes and he goes down. Regarding damage, I feel that scepter burst is unmatched, even though I prefer dagger.Dagger is very good in condi build, but it is still decent in power if you manage to survive. Weaver is great and damage is excellent, sustain is good with its evades. However, it is difficult to play and I find myself doing random cast in panic situations, which most likely ends to death. As for your questions, I let more experienced people answer.You should check Wooden Potatoes tempest build. And Lord Hizen weaver build.
  8. Ancient Echo not available underwater.Yeah who cares about underwater? I do, even if it is less important than other bugs.
  9. I fail to see how marauder gear can be any good for burning?
  10. True shot is a big dps skill, it's not a random weapon skill pick.Is kill shot less rewarding now? Yes, but riffle also has 2 volley charges doing a lot of damage.I think they should lower kill shot casting time considering it has lost its previous killing power, sort of.
  11. Armor is important if you want to solo champions.You can do some without, but one mistake will kill you.Actives defenses are better but not always available, especially when facing multiple cc foes or after you burnt all of them. Glyph of storm (earth) is great but long cd. Without any armor, it can be hard to fill the gap (case of difficult solo event). You will also feel miserable vs dredges and they do hurt a lot (veterans+). Yes, you can easily rally with full dps build and lava font. However, in a tough situation, it is possible to get past 4 rallies in a minute. Not to mention that lava font is useless vs ranged enemies. You can use mist form to reach them, but be sure to wait for the ICD. Of course, if you play with allies around, go viper.
  12. I agree air is bad on a non dps build. But he needed air for inscription, a trait that should have been on arcane since glyph effects depend on attunement. He never mentioned pvp, this is more an open world build IMO. Inscription doesnt make your elementals better. It doesnt make anything better really, you can take arcane spec and get these boons easier while sharing them to allies and having more useful traits overall (or any other spec for their defensive/supportive purpose since you wont be doing any damage with this build). Pvp wasnt mentioned, but the build editor states that it's a pvp build. I see no reason to run a healing build with elementals in open world whatsoever.Faster recharge, it allows more uptime to 5 or maybe 6 elementals. It might be fun, although I wouldn't play it. Agree it is still wasting a lot for one trait. But if the theme is elementals, then inscription without any question.
  13. I agree air is bad on a non dps build. But he needed air for inscription, a trait that should have been on arcane since glyph effects depend on attunement. He never mentioned pvp, this is more an open world build IMO.
  14. Don't look farther, this is your issue. Never use your skills by order, it should be by function.Every situation requires an analysis to determine what skill to use. It is even more important for revenant. Necro is well known for its op downed state, thanks to agony exceptional synergy with life leech.Guardian has a nice revive symbol, but nothing more.
  15. The worst is not the patch, which was necessary. It is the complete lack of communication post-patch from balance team.Maybe they are already making adjustments but without telling us, we can also suppose we will have to wait for 3 months...
  16. True, but they could change consecration trait with a specific duration for each consecration.Shelter would be at 3 seconds.Not sure it would be bring back to life consecrations through...
  17. Given the cost of the leap, it should not be nerfed. On top of that, it's quite slow and easy to cc when starting the leap.Abysall trait has been almost removed due to the last several patches. The new banish allows it to make a come back. If they revert it, they also need to change abysall trait.This is also true for many professions and not exclusive to mallyx...
  18. Don't forget that nerfing necro defense will impact full offensive necro. Without all those defense stacks, its sustain is not that great.For example, LF on death is OP on zerg fight, but in solo fight, it is useless. IMO, underlying problem is condi stats are now too powerful compared to power, considering you can grab one defensive attribute without any loss in DPS. Some builds can even have near top DPS with 2 defensive attributes.If this is intended, then condi might need a nerf.
  19. Tanky build should counter glass cannon build, it's just history of MMO. Ever heard of rock paper scissors?Trailblazer and dire stats are fine. They should lower condi stack and duration so condis work but takes quite some time to kill.In the end, condi tank should kill most glass given proper time. But its target could run or avoid fight. Full power builds have dominated everything for too long.Now, it's possible that they have gone too far in coef nerf.
  20. 500 barrier is 2000 health, it is ridiculously low compared to 4s invulnerability.Beeing able to end it is probably the best solution. It may be low, but the fact you can transform it at will, the barrier is just a "minor" buff. The idea is to add a effect when you cancel OF earlier, not to change invul to barrier. Sorry if i didn't explain correctly.Ok, I misread. My bad
  21. This rework is great in solo play, so no, it's not useless for every cases.
  22. 500 barrier is 2000 health, it is ridiculously low compared to 4s invulnerability.Beeing able to end it is probably the best solution.
  23. Do you even play revenant?These 2 are strong cc skills, but they are very costly in energy.One leap costs 30 or 35 energy over 50. Don't even mention abysmal trait (apply torment on chill) as it is now very weak compared to what it was long time ago. Axe 5 is a nice cc but quite slow, compared to mace 5 on warrior
  24. Being untouchable while being able to deal damage for free with no restrictions for a few seconds against some one who does not have the same ability....... yeah it was an unnecessary change alright... Warrior can do that can't they? What about thf and pistol wipe. That's kinda an invuln but with evades, what about Gaurdain blocks that's kinda an invuln as well. I don not see your point. Ele has so little to begin with. Yes sword skills are op, imo any skills that has evade frames is op and shouldn't exist. No warrior cannot do it no.Lets be clear invunerablity means you cannot have any interactions take place with you from other players no matter what they do.No boon stripNo ccNo Condition application (means you cant blind / slow/ cripple)No condi damageNo strike damageNo effects from ward skills like Spectral ring/ Ring of Warding (which will even stop evades) You literally cannot be stopped by any meansIf you are going to have this power you should not be able to interact with others either as a result Now lets compare that to warrior skillsEndure Pain Has interactionBoon strip still worksCC still worksConditions can still be appliedCondition damage still worksNo strike damageEffects from wards still work Defiant stance Your damage does not work but you can still interact with them via ccBoon strip still worksCC still worksConditions can still be applied (you can still blind them for example)Both power and condition damage do not workEffects from wards still work Pistol whip is an evade and have you tried shocking aura? Shuts it down like instantly Lets be clear hereinvulns are not the same as evadesinvulns are not the same as damage negations that dont stop cc and condition application etc Being invulnerable is in a league of its own and should be balanced as such if you cant see this then thats a bit of a problem. One has counter-play the other does not. Correction if you need a skill that makes you invuln to everything in the game while braindead running at a target and pulsing fire aoes for 90% of your damage then you lack proper skills. Fixed that for you. You clearly made valid points. However, in its current state, it is not that good, and I think twice before using it because of its lockdown.Elementalist is the most squishy profession and by choosing focus, you definitely gimped your damage or offensive abilities. Obsidian Flesh was a good part of focus identity. Now, I would rather have Endure Pain than Obsidian Flesh in its current state.
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