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Everything posted by AikijinX.6258

  1. Just a simple request. Assassins Stats (Precision, Power, Ferocity) But please add Vitality as a minor stat as well. (Precision, Power, Ferocity, Vitality) This would be amazing! I love precision main stat and seeing those nice crits. ~P.S Possibly a weapon swap sigil that gives +50 or +100 power for 3s on weapon swap in combat ( Ludicrous I know lol )
  2. I would rather not have my dash interrupted by everything in the world. Either 1s initial stability on the initial activation or an evasion frame. But yes fixing the skill in general in terms of cleanness of its functionality I agree.
  3. Shroud 3 needs an evade frame or invuln frame or something. I said it once before and I’ll say it again.
  4. Yes I agree. That would make the trait at least be able to compete. I edited my above comment too. What do you think of the (buff up) instead of (nerf down) philosophy
  5. Can we just talk about how Well of Tears and Second opinion and a couple other Specter skill/trait names speak for themselves? (Well of Tears) is a Power Well on a support/heal spec that does negligible damage. Quite tearful indeed. And the major adept trait (Second Opinion) trait definitely does need a “second opinion” if they think this trait is anywhere near ready, useful, complete or competent enough to stand on its own against the other traits, especially the one that you literally don’t need to spec into any heal power to use because of barrier. (That being said. Don’t nerf the trait, buff everything else up..) oh.. but do nerf the 300s CD on that life alert trait.
  6. One would think that the new Specter trait (Shadestep- Which grants barrier and revives downed allies when you siphon on them) and the Shadow Arts trait (Merciful Ambush- Stealth and heal and ally when reviving them) one would think that these 2 traits would share a unique interaction where you’d assume that you could range stealth and heal/barrier and ally with those 2 traits, since they’re both “revive ally” skills
  7. I believe the Well for our ultimate ability needs to have something else tied to it to feel like an ultimate, maybe with each pull it rips boons or something. And also is it too much to have an ULTIMATE be 900-1200 range? And make all the Wells flip type utilities, so we can CHOOSE whether or not we want to shadowstep into danger. You know.. Autonomy?
  8. How often does Anet check these request and actually confirm with one of our requests? Have they quoted any of these requests at all in these 200+ pages of requests? I'm super curious. BTW: Please bring back Bizarre Beasts Adoption License. I've been waiting over a month (me and many other players).. Please and Thank You! I need that Vital Geode warclaw!
  9. Yes. I hope they do something special with traits for specter but also with the specter offhand weapon skills like suggested above. 😄 it would be amazing!
  10. We would essentially be a pocket guardian giving on demand quick temporary buffs (assuming you aren’t built into concentration/boon duration) I do have some faith in Anet again. They have re-enstilled some lost hope and faith I had with them going into this beta. But they have delivered from my pov. I believe Specter with a couple QoL fixes will be top 3 best specs of EoD
  11. Mug- 2k Heal when siphoning ally and 5stacks of might for 5s Bountiful Theft- Any current boons on ally get doubled in duration, if no boons are on ally they receive vigor and swiftness (effects up to 5 allies in the 360 radius) Thrill of the crime- Grant Swiftness, Fury, Might (effects up to 5 allies in the 360 radius) Improvisation- Gives an extra stack of any current boon applied EDIT- What if Scepter/Dagger and Scepter/Pistol received a slight addition into their kit? *Works ONLY while scepter is equipped with Dagger or Pistol offhand to imbue magic into the offhand weapon set’s effects on allies* --Imbued Dagger- Scepter/Dagger 4 (on ally)- Instead of crippling foes it now offers 5s of swiftness to ally --Imbued Strike- Scepter/Dagger 5 (on ally)- Instead of applying vulnerability from CnD on foes, this now offers protection or maybe 2,000 barrier on allies for (3s). (I was going to say this skill now offers stealth to your ally, but that would probably be over powered) --Imbued Bullet- Scepter/Pistol 4 (on ally)- Instead of daze on foe, you grant stability on ally for 1s 2stacks --Imbued Powder- Scepter/Pistol 5 (on ally)- Instead of Blinding enemy, you now grant resolution on ally for 5s EDIT 2: What if we went a step further and gave those ally abilities I listed above with Sc/D and Sc/P and made them radius based. for example. - You see your ally fighting an enemy and you daze that enemy, since the ally is within radius of that enemy, your ally gets stability. - If you CnD an enemy and your ally is next to you and the enemy, your ally would receive the 2k barrier or protection. - And so on and so on with the other skills.. DO let me know if these suggestions sound outlandish or over powered. In my opinion this is just what a support spec is supposed to do. (You guys can comment below and critique or add any other traits or weapon skill ideas you’d like to see have better functionality and interaction with Specter on allies)
  12. Maybe anet can rework some of the Steal related trait interactions: For instance Mug. (Instead of inflicting the 2k+ dmg on an enemy and healing just yourself, when directed towards allies it'll heal for 2k along with offering possibly 5 stacks of might. Possible idea. But I am definitely in the position where I would support trait reworks that interact with Specter.
  13. Consume shadow is strong, but the (Life alert) trait is also a good one too, despite being 300s. But I agree shroud doesn’t perform nearly as well as it should. Shroud 3 should have tracking and longer distance (900) shroud 4 should have tracking and longer range, shroud 5 should give 1s stability on press and reward 2s stability again if it hits target Just popping into shroud should give us 1s of stability or some type of invuln frame, because way too many times where you get CC’d go into the form and then skills are on CD, even your Steal goes on CD when cc’d.. for like 3s. If you wanted to utilize your (Hidden thief SA trait) to get a couple seconds of breathability
  14. I agree. Literally all of our spec utilities are Wells and that traversing Dusk trait that effects wells should allow for 20% Well reduction CD. It only makes sense. I hadn’t thought about this like that. But I agree. On activation and again on hit if it hits reliably, but if it doesn’t hit then you’re out of luck. I believe Wells should be a flip skill that way we have autonomy over the skill, and we can decide whether or not we want to nose dive right into action.
  15. -So everything I said above in the quoted message, plus possible .5 or 1s Stability when entering shroud, too many times I try to enter enter shroud and get CC'd, and then both my F1 and F2 go on CD. Which brings me to the other point -Take off that annoying CD thats on steal whenever you get CC'd. There's like this 3s CD whenever you get CC'd that occurs on both F1 and F2. That doesn't happen for any other Thief Spec, so I'm hoping that's just a bug -Shroud 4 needs an increase in range and tracking -And I will say it again. REMOVE Valid pathing or line of sight requirement from siphon Specter has been pretty fun, and once you get a grasp of how to actually use it offensively, it's pretty strong. I really hope these QoL fixes for like Velocity increases for Twilight Combo, or like a change in damage or even just entirely a rework of our Scepter Stealth attack, or the interaction with hidden thief and siphon steal delay get looked at. This spec was surprisingly very fun to use and play around with. But also fix that ally targeting. EDIT (10/31)- Did they specify the actual reason for the loss of 3 initiative? Why is that even a thing? Not like it makes a difference much, since fighting is fine with the spec, but it just seems so random and arbitrary. I don't understand why that specifically was a trade off, opposed to something else. Plus we already don't have access to F2 steal skills, why didn't the tradeoff end with that? EDIT (10/31)- Did you guys just forget about Specter underwater utility and viability? Because Specter has 0 Underwater utilities.
  16. That’s exactly the reason lol. The OP is probably new to Thief. 😊
  17. To be honest I have a lot of faith in them fixing Specter a lot more than like bladesworn or catalyst and virtuoso. Since we are the Guinea pigs for the new ally mechanic, they will be focusing a lot on Specter, and our comments and what we say.
  18. We have that one grandmaster trait for SC that gives us damage reduction depending on the amount of condi’s are on the enemy. - But what if instead of the damage reduction, that trait can be used as a “Your shroud gets (X) amount stronger. I’m not sure what a good percentage would be, but stronger Shroud would definitely be a nice touch up for this very burst prone shroud form we have.
  19. I can honestly say, I’m pretty surprised the developers let us keep non-decaying shroud while out of combat, and if you quick tap in and out of it while you’re in combat, the decay rate is like 1%. I do appreciate the devs for this.
  20. What I want looked at and possibly changed -Velocity increase for twilight combo -Add additional Tracking on twilight combo -Rework of shroud skills (especially the easily telegraphed 5 Stun skill) -Stealth attack needs to actually do something useful (doesn’t hit hard, doesn’t CC, doesn’t apply any meaningful condition that you don’t already apply with an AA. -Sc/p 3 needs functionality improvement or just a rework in general -sc/p & sc/d both need better #2 weapon skill options (maybe a leap or teleport, or something more utility based) -Wells needs some type of stun break -The spec needs more combo finishers and projectile finishers besides going into shroud -I feel as though that healing trait in the major adept 1st slot can be changed to a minor and we can get another trait to occupy that. Preferably something to do with power. Like… at least give us 1 power trait option lol. -Fix the delay between our hidden thief trait and our Healing Well utility EDIT (10/28)- Get rid of that Siphon (Steal) line of sight/Valid path requirement. EDIT (10/28)- Shroud 3 needs to track. Way too many times I’m targeting someone and it just goes a completely different direction even while facing towards them EDIT (10/28)- Twilight combo needs to be able to pierce enemies or hit multiple enemies in a cone. *I’ll update this post more as I remember them*
  21. I won’t object to your comment on the clunkiness and the buggy nature of the skill, because yes sometimes (twilight combo) sc/d #3 just doesn’t come out, or misses the target entirely, if they move to suddenly. But to say the damage also pales compared to sc/p that’s just not true my man. Twilight combo does a boat load of damage 😵‍💫
  22. You've got to be right next to the person for the fear to reach. It's kind of annoying. Because the fear proc's on You, not the weapon.
  23. You don’t need trickery in the slightest. Only CS, SA, SC D.A won’t give you free might on crit or extra ferocity.
  24. It’s quite a unique skill. It doesn’t have nearly.. if not any.. tracking on it like old cursed bullet had. The first air slice projectile, whatever you wanna call it moves so slow that when you do use it (and your distance is around 600-800 units) and you are relatively a comfortable distance away any side step from the enemy will have this thing miss. I can’t tell if being closer is better either because when I’m close it seems to mess up the 2nd accelerated projectile, so you really only get 1 out. It’s super weird. You can never reliably hit both projectiles on the target unless they’re like immob’d or have no dodges and blocks. But when this thing DOES HIT (on a power build) I’m hitting upwards to 8k (without use of assassin signet) on a beta character with out my regular gear and infusion, sigils, and trinkets.
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