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Everything posted by AikijinX.6258

  1. “ Great look at thief being thief again and having access to more broken mechanics “ thief right now is in a pretty okay spot, besides needing initiative.
  2. At this point I feel like the ANET is adopting this story book type of nature/philosophy. One of which being Goldie locks and the three bears - With 1 bed being too hard (elite spec beta preview 1) - 2nd bed being too soft (elite spec beta preview 2) - And the 3rd bed being.. Just Right.... (medium armor/ the last elite spec beta preview) The 3 little pigs and their houses are another similar story.. need I explain. Lol. Following this philosophy and pattern, it seems as though this last elite spec for medium armor classes should be “just right” but I just can’t help shake this feeling of anticipated disappointment and impending doom. The first elite spec preview with willbender virtuoso and harbinger “seemed” from the preview really cool, but in practice, totally lackluster and weak. This 2nd elite spec preview again, looked VERY STRONG and actually looked as though the direction was heading in a positive upwards direction, but as we see now.. disappointment. Let’s agree to disagree on this. Medium armor elite spec preview will “Look” at a glance, THAT MUCH GREATER than the last 2, but in practice will be in the same boat. Weak, uninspired, lackluster, and will pale in comparison to its predecessor specs. /Rantover
  3. Well this didn’t age well for Bladesworns….. 😅😂
  4. Everyone complaining about Flow generation and gain on the warrior forum, while Thieves have been complaining about initiative generation/gain for years. But guess which class will probably get their resource mechanic fixed first. 🙃
  5. You can still kill with deadeye. Rifle / SD is a thing. As well as Rifle/ DP but I guess what you’re talking about is pertaining to PvP.
  6. It will get nerfed, so it’s not really a problem lol.
  7. While I agree. What do you think a Thief is? The true essence and nature of a Thief revolves around acrobatics, agility, and stealth.
  8. Maleficent Seven “restores” initiative instantly on proc. Initiative “generation” or “regeneration” is different, It’s an overtime generation of Thief resource. I’m aware you know this, but we are not talking about the same thing. Technically. I was hoping on the next elite spec for possibly some type of minor or adept trait that offers faster initiative regeneration not a Hard restoration, because as you said we already have this in the form of M7.
  9. The setup that I mentioned above still stands. But there would need some preparation. Probably just stand near a tower with an archer shooting at you keeping you in combat or some other method. There’s plenty of ways to keep yourself in combat 😋 it’ll work !
  10. If you guys have noticed, all 3 of those elite specs (Vindicator, Bladesworn, Catalyst) have gotten some type of utility skill or skill CD either for a grandmaster ability or a trait (via vindicator adept or master line, I can’t remember which one but it was one of them. As well as warrior getting flow generation trait. Would it be too far fetch to think that possibly we may get some type of initiative generation increase trait? Initiative generation increase is what we’ve been asking for. (And preparedness baseline)
  11. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Daredevil is ANET’s baseline for elite spec creation. ~You either die an Elementalist or live long enough to play like a Thief (Daredevil)
  12. Oh MAN… the plays are going to be crazy…. i stealth up myself only> travel to the spot where people are Sieging> lay down Shadow portal> run back to my warrior friend (all while they’re charging their attack)> shadow portal (WHICH GIVES STEALTH in the skill) > K.O.
  13. They’d have to be literally afk from their computers for the setup to happen 😂 I also want to see Bladesworn + Thief stealth attack against war law mounted players as well as gates on towers 😂
  14. What I would not like to happen is they give us some type of “trap” type of utilities. Knowing them, they’ll give us back Traps and each of them can generate 1 Thief ally summon. Like what our old Ambush Trap used to do.
  15. I want to see some Thief x Bladesworn Warrior Duo roaming clips when beta comes out. Thief can provide the stealth while Bladesworn charges its omega copium anime weeb Omai wa mu no shin dei ru 1 shot ability on some unsuspecting victims 💥 if anet nerfs that ability to where you are revealed while charging that up, it’ll be sad sad panda times 😔 since we already know the dmg will get nerfed on actual release lol.
  16. Bladesworn was pretty cool. But I still think staff/d-p drd still folds it. With the amount of effort put in to this round of elite specs, I feel like it can only go up from here. Now I’m kind of looking more forward to this new spec. Please have a cool and FITTING name. These elite spec names have been lackluster. I wonder if this scepter will be bonk stick(staff drd’s little brother) or magic based or maybe a bit of both.
  17. I’m trying to be optimistic about the potential new scepter as a new weapon, but it’s very hard lol. I’m not hyping myself up for anything. Honestly at this point, what we get is what we get. I hope it’s strong but I won’t get my hopes up. Not trying to be a downer haha, I’m just coming to terms with the reality of how this team balances, “creates”, and recycle things like skills and animations. So it’ll be cool if we get something amazing, but meh. We already have Drd that’s leagues better than almost any other spec with respect to holo. But hey, fingers crossed.
  18. You made me highlight the text to be able to see this thread's text.
  19. What I would recommend is: Shadowstep Roll for Initiative Smoke Screen Daggerstorm if you are just starting out. These would be perfect. Gives you chances to fight up close via (smokescreen) and learn the class better without fearing much hp loss. You’ll also have access to 2 break stuns (shadow step and roll for initiative) and daggerstorm is another forgiving utility skill (elite) that you can use either to reflect projectiles or use the small amount of extra speed you get from it to disengage.
  20. If we have an assassin like spec then I want more ability to access quickness and massive damage creep🥴
  21. This would have to be put in CS line. That would atleast make the CS line have more utility than it does now. Most thieves sit at 40-50 crit chance, and of course with fury (20% extra crit) you’ll never get the 100% crit chance without specc’ing 100% into it. I agree there should probably be like some type of trade off. Like 1s ICD but I think that would work. Plus people would need to choose between SA and D.A. I didn’t mention Acro because it’s a joke. And this change would open builds up, so trickery isn’t a necessity.
  22. Yeah I know back in the past assassin reward builds with SoM were nutty, especially with D/D. But with all the initiative cost increases, those types of builds became less viable. I will add that I was thinking of a type of an initiative type of heal skill that when passively used, you gain initiative faster OR gain initiative every auto attack. Whereas when using the active would of course heal, but restore a portion of initiative back based on the amount of hit points you have. And I guess depending on your initiative count, it heals you based on the amount of initiative you have. (Those 2 don’t work in conjunction with each other) I decided not to share the idea because it just sounded dumb, but I do wanna get opinions I guess of that type of heal skill idea haha.
  23. I think all of these ideas are pretty good ideas. I do think that possibly some type of initiative reward or payback would definitely benefit Thief but it’s tricky to implement. Even receiving initiative back on auto attack would be kind of in realm of brokenness because of quickness proc’s. But if there is an ICD between each initiative payback then it’ll be kind of lack luster. I just had a thought right now of potentially reworking assassins reward acro trait or invigorating precision critical strikes trait so those traits have an ability to be more rewarding than they currently are, making you benefit from getting rewarded back with initiative. I am aware that assassins reward heals you based off of initiative spent but that can be reworked entirely, and invigorating precision can reward initiative back on crit. The CS line needs more utility (I will add) I really am curious who really takes those traits? And i apologize because this is my ignorance showing, because I genuinely just don’t know how those traits are useful without sacrificing a better damaging trait. So someone can explain this to me because I know in PvE it is probably used more, but I don’t understand why they would choose it over a more useful or higher damaging trait in their line.
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