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Everything posted by AikijinX.6258

  1. I do not want to dampen your hype, I’m sorry. Please don’t think I’m being a debby downer. But anet had 2 separate elite specs to “wow” us. All the previews look and seem cool but in actual gameplay is where and when it matters. Which is where all of the elite specs thus far have fell short. But they can definitely prove me wrong! I want to be hype about this spec, I do! But don’t get all your hopes up.
  2. The real question here really comes down to. Why the Tengu/Oni Mask for specialization icon?
  3. I thought it was a delectable cake. But if it’s some type of magic gadget. Prepare for All the inSPECTER gadget game play builds.
  4. Can’t wait to unveil my Dis reSPECTER build
  5. My initial reaction——- HYPER VENTILATING!!! YOOO THIEVES ARE GOING TO BE BROKEN!!!!! This spec looks amazing !!! PLUS I already have a staff sanctuary rune barrier build that’ I’ve been playing for over a year now. My reaction right after thinking back about previous specs previews——— If it looks broken, it’s most likely not going to be in practice and actual gameplay. I won’t hold my head too high. But I will say it does visually look cool. I just hope that the leap skill animation isn’t as desync prone, janky, and lag sensitive as Staff’s Vault animation
  6. Honestly this is just yet another handicap thieves can claim and stamp on reasons why our classes skill ceiling is that much higher than the rest. We’ve always risen above adversity and adapted. Personally for me. Since thief is the only class I have and played since launch, I remember or kinda have a ballpark on how much initiative I have and use. Very rarely do I look down at my skill bar. I remember certain rotations and how much initiative it depletes, and which rotation is high ini intensive and vise versa. I’d imagine this is how other Thief mains with some level of above average skill think and mentally micro manage their ini pool.
  7. Just a simple Yes/No poll to gather feedback on the recent change to the initiative design UI Who knows maybe if this catches enough traction, Anet will revert the change. I myself like the freshness of the new design. But I know the linear former design was clean, simple and easier on the eyes. Who knows, potentially this new design has some type of connection in regard to our new elite spec (which I doubt it does, but we can speculate)
  8. Yeah, it can be something like bladesworn and their perma gunblade
  9. My guess is that since there is a blade on the scepter, my theory is: As we melee our foes we collect blood on the tip of the blade which then drips down to the ball or sphere portion of the scepter, which is then imbued with blood magic. So every time we hit, melee, and kill an enemy we collect blood which drips and turns into blood magic, which we can use for some type of new f1 form or something or possibly it offers us boons. But I’m more so liking the blood magic cloak or blood magic coat type of idea: Where this coat gives us maybe 70% damage reduction while out of stealth or something crazy.
  10. I was wrong. I totally thought thief would be last. We are the next preview. Dope 😊 and that scepter has a spike /blade on it. It’ll be a bonk stick. With probably a mid range skill on like 1 skill. Shadow Reaper EDIT: let’s all remember not to get our hopes up. So the disappointment doesn’t hit too hard. Remember when CMC showcases these previews don’t get so excited. Bladesworn looked amazing. But in actual practice, wasn’t all that. WvW and PvP wise. Don’t count on anything.
  11. Oh wow, pretty good news. Unfortunate that it happened. But it was expected. Hope to see some more good news next week. Enjoy the day off.
  12. Probably in another week- 2 weeks. But knowing anet and their dismay towards thieves, we’ll be the last elite spec reveal. It'll probably go Ranger, Engi, Thief
  13. Lightbinder,(maybe instead of hiding in the shadows we fight with the power of scepter light magic. A lot of blinds and some light fields.) possibly get like a debuff that drains hp/sec for every time we use (self stealth) if we get stealthed by allies, debuff does not occur. (Not really a fan of the concept that I made, but just putting it out there) and of course we get the power of light. Which gives us the ability to have some type of invuln frame or something, as trade off for loss of stealth. So no one can complain about not seeing us anymore. (Honestly all of this is a bad idea, but thought I’d share)
  14. Can we start speculating on the actual name of this new spec. With all the ridiculous names that have been given thus far. I speculate something like: Shadow Conjurer or maybe sceptergician (because magicians disappear and so do thieves)
  15. There’s absolutely 0 reason for the dmg reduction. It was just arbitrarily put in there, honestly. I would MAYBE understand in regard to ricochet.
  16. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tengu_Scepter https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tengu_Echo_Scepter_(skin)
  17. How about an increase guild slot license from the gem store. Which offers 2 free guild slot spaces. Because the guild cap we have right now is kinda unfortunate, for a game called “Guild” wars 2. I had to say good bye to one of my guilds I had been in for years to make space for WvW alliances. My old guild understood the reasoning, but come on.. let’s get this license gem store item going 👍🏾
  18. Definitely not years of work and absolutely not held to a high priority, Hence what I said above.
  19. They’ve had years. This has been years in the making. Anet are the lucky ones. They have such a devote and patient community of players. Need I say, again, waiting for years since the initial announcement. We’ve been more than patient with them. It’s not about “trying to understand” at this point. They’ve had years. This Just doubles down on the point and confirms the rhetoric where people keep saying Anet doesn’t care about WvW, and the priority list alliances were on is a bi-product of just that. imo we deserve some type of compensation. But we all know that won’t happen either.
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