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Everything posted by Zaraki.5784

  1. Same thing happening to me on Storm Tracking instance. Edit: I found a solutionYou have to use a Revive Orb, simply wait until the storm coming from behind kills you, wait a few seconds for it to go away then use your Revive Orb. This fixed the bug for me.Edit 2: sorry to hear that @Zarathorn.8259, idk it worked for me however since it doesn't work for at least 1 person, do that at your own risk (of wasting a revive orb).
  2. I'M UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY DISAPPOINTED!You didn't learned anything from previous episode mistakes!!!
  3. On September 18, 2017, this bug was first added on the wiki;I know I know, it's patch day, but let's take a moment to celebrate this anniversary.Happy birthday Bug!!!
  4. I just hope it won't have a boss fight like Dhuum with a clucky mechanic like greens.
  5. Suggestion: [Map Safe Placer]Double-Click to reserve a place in your current map for 5 minutes, you can travel in other maps while the timer is active. Double-Click again to return to your previous position in the SAME map (same overflow). Unlimited uses. Only usable once/map or once/hour in the same map. It would be useful for maps like Dragon's Stand and SW or meta maps, you could go let's say to Lion's Arch, sell your stuff and come back without fearing to be put in an empty new map.
  6. Yes, I think I remember the name of every legendary weapon from both generations (except gen 2: dagger, rifle and torch)
  7. 2 guild friends and me often run a 4 condi scourges+1 druid (the latter one being one of the 2 friends of mine) for t4 dailies, so we look for 2 more condi scourges in lfg description. Is it the best comp for T4? No, it's not but it's how we want to do them.We like this composition and we don't want any change to that, even if it would outperform our comp and whenever someone who doesn't read lfg description join us saying "I don't have scourge, can I come X?" or "I am crono/war/weaver dps/condi class different from scourge/etc, it's better than scourge", we insta-kick him/her.The point of this story is: we have all rights to have the class we want in our party and we have all rights to kick every people who don't respect that!
  8. To get moar lo0T and $$$ without having to move my lazy A-sS.
  9. It's a low quality bait OP, you have yet to improve your trolling abilities. Nice try however.
  10. This has been a thing for ages, but obviously people start to complain just now.
  11. It's neither urgent nor particularly important. It's just annoying since there's been so little "new" stuff to do besides this. Hotfixes are expensive and are generally reserved for game-breaking issues. Except that if the theory that the next LS chapter is UNDERWATER then it would be highly important if that is to launch as Anet planned, with players having had the chance to get speed boosts for it.Did you watch the trailer? It will have an underwater part (0:39) but it's supposedly small compared to the whole map.
  12. I was wondering the same, I would have bet on it raising instead.....economics is not my (our) thing apparently.(That's why I'll never make big money playing on tp :/ )
  13. No news? Can we expect to see the fix in this Tuesday's patch?
  14. I just want a krait revenge, a Django Krait causing panic for people slaughtering their race for no reason.
  15. Yes we have a full team, and that includes native speakers in FR, DE, and ES. Nice, thanks :)
  16. Since gw2 is translated in other languages, french, german and spanish (puttig aside chinese since it's almost a completely different game), does it have CS members for those languages as well? Some people may be uncomfortable at holding a conversation in english.
  17. I strongly suspect -- but can't be certain -- that it is much more that the third round is, coincidentally, where people were at when the thing broke. So, it isn't so much it breaks on the third round, as that most people doing it daily were on their third round when it broke. Make sense? Maybe, because I've read in this thread about people being stuck on 2nd or 4th round, so it's definitely not 3rd round only.
  18. Also lower the reset time for chests along the fix or give us a way to use all our stacked keys because if we have 10+ of them and we continue doing the dailies, we will never run out of keys.
  19. However, an ANET dev hasn't popped in to say the same thing. I think that's why folks are still posting on it. Until we, as a group, hear it from the actual devs we reserve the right to post about it. And then even after. Sure. You can do anything you please, once you have this information. Enjoy. Won't, of course, make a lick of difference, and like most bugs, you won't actually get a developer response, but hey, you do you.More posts and reports=more attention.Plus, a single person answer from a ticket doesn't satisfy me at all, I want a public comment, here, from a dev.
  20. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resettingJust use this single thread, it's better.
  21. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resettingIt's the thread before yours....
  22. "Mordrem Legendary spawns need to spawn more frequently" but they don't need more health, that could be an annoyance, delaying other events.
  23. Dear devs,2300 views, 120 comments, you surely already saw this thread, could you at least spend few words like "we're aware of the issue and we're looking into this" just for us to not feel abandoned, that's all. Thanks.
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