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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Updated some stuff based on feedback(thank you).


    • Infiltrators Return: added 30 second cooldown. Now removes 3 conditions and breaks stun.
    • Debilitating Arc: Reduced initiative cost to 2, removes 2 conditions, heals you for 100 and no longer evades.
    • Sundering Shade: Reworked. Now causes your next stealth attack to deal 25% additional critical damage after using a dual attack. After using a stealth attack your next dual attack deals 25% additional critical damage. 10% in PvP and WvW.
    • Death Blossom: No longer an evade in PvP and WvW. No longer applies bleeding, instead transfers up to 3 conditions onto nearby enemies. Power damage increased by 30% in PvE only.
    • Sword Play: Gain 10 power and 10 ferocity every time you attack. Stacks up to 10 times.
    • Dueling: Successfully landing a hit with any attack reduces the initiative cost of your next dual skill by 1. Stacks up to 5 times.
    • Dagger Storm: No longer an evade, now a projectile reflect only again.


    • Concealing restoration: No longer grants stealth when using a healing skill in PvP or WvW, instead using a healing skill applies 2 stacks of skelk venom to yourself and nearby allies.
    • Hidden Thief: No longer grants stealth on steal in PvP and WvW.
    • Endurance thief: Now also reduces the duration of all stealth you apply by 2 seconds.


    • Death Blossom: No longer an evade in PvP and WvW. No longer applies bleeding, instead transfers up to 3 conditions onto nearby enemies. Power damage increased by 30% in PvE only.
    • Sundering Shade: Reworked. Now causes your next stealth attack to deal 25% additional critical damage after using a dual attack. After using a stealth attack your next dual attack deals 25% additional critical damage. 10% in PvP and WvW.
    • Shadowstep: No longer breaks stun or removes conditions. Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds.
    • Caltrops: No longer bleeds. Applies 5 seconds of weakness , 5 seconds of blind and breaks stun. Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds.
    • Bandit's Defense: Duration increased to 3 seconds.

    Reason behind caltrops/shadowstep changes is because being stuck using the same utilities for 8 years is really boring at this point. Shadowstep does too much

  2. @MyPuppy.8970 said:Tried a few matches on core dd ele, placed in g3 but failed the match to get to plat. I thought it would be worse honestly, it is still fun and playable but doesn't feel impactul in the slightest. I specced for survivability tough, so it took forever to kill anyone. Got one salty pm though, the guy didn't seemed ashamed to bash on a dead spec.

    Literally ANYTHING bunker is viable.

  3. @Mini.4806 said:FWiW, my understanding is that condi damage is good in fractals and raids because the fights tend to last longer and thus give the condis time to ramp up/stack to overwhelming levels. But the kitten do I know, I suck at this game.

    No, it's the opposite. Any decent group is constantly phasing bosses so condition have zero time to ramp up and tick thus utterly useless in fractals.

  4. Why was dev time and resources wasted on this? Tempest isn't played in PvE and has zero issues stacking might in PvE. PvP tempest never stacks might as the duration is too low , does this actually have a use in WvW?

    PvE Tempest needs alacrity or quickness to become relevant as a support.WvW no idea.PvP tempest is good already.

  5. @capuchinseven.8395 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:S/D isn't playable due to condi thief deleting you from existence 1v1/around the map and the only counter to avoiding a condi-thief is spamming stealth as d/p due to stealth being absurdly broken. Condi thief still does that...it wasn't nerfed enough AT ALL, and zero nerfs to stealth. Thief vs Thief is the least fun it's ever been since I've played GW2 due to how broken stealth is.

    I regularly beat Condi Thieves with S/D 1v1. I have a condi cleanse on every utility, shadowstep and evade.

    In sPVP where you know who your enemy are and have a good idea of where they are on the mini map (or more importantly if they are not showing up on there at all) if I'm taking a point and I know there's a good chance they will be there I simply tap dodge or flanking strike while I take the node; the number of times they screw up their open from stealth because I evade it is comical (if you see them coming 1v1 and still don't evade their opening burst as S/D then you're just plain doing the build wrong to be frank). The bad ones will keep stealthing because they don't know what to do when they don't kill you right away and you'll get the node, at that point I'll just make the call if it's worth sticking around to kill them or move to another empty node (or maybe support mid, thief is a fluid thing), by the time that thief has taken back the node I'll have another one.

    Of course that's when you're alone on a node when you've +1'd a fight it's not so easy but that's their thing, that's what they do, massive open condi burst. But with a tiny build change (and accepting that you're losing Bountiful Theft for Trickster and Marauders Resilience for Escapists Fortitude) as I said above, I have a condi cleanse on every utility, shadowstep and evade. Really though it comes down to predicting their steal burst and hitting flanking strike.

    @GeneralFailure.3402 said:I am no pro, but I have much easier time with mesmers on S/D than on P/D. IMO thats because your illusions act as meat shield that can bodyblock lot of shots (condi applications) and since pistol shots have no cleave the damge is wasted on illusions that just get in the way. S/D does not have this issue as its attack cleave ( 2 or 3 targets) so even if attack gets bodyblocked by illusion it will still hit intended target. Also plasma makes sword AA realy good.

    I just swap to short bow when I'm dealing with a Mesmer, tap 3 Disabling Shot for the evade when I need to evade and let auto attack bounce with the odd pre-detonate cluster bomb thrown in.

    Mind sharing your build?Also, this assumes you're better than them. I'm generally not, as I'm 8 years behind on everyone so I take the safe route.

  6. @Taril.8619 said:

    @Dave.6819 said:Meanwhile PvE Thief gets a condi buff? Who even plays condi thief in raids/fracts?!

    That's exactly the point.

    ANet said they wanted to improve Condi Thief for PvE so that it could be played.

    Their changes are utter trash for making that happen, but what can you expect, this entire patch features nothing but utter trash changes...

    Condi is literally useless in fractals and open world no matter the build EXCEPT firebrand since burn bursts hard, but still trash in fractals. Raids are just gonna use condi mirage on most condi fights and, correct me if i'm wrong, but condi isn't even good there, just tolerable(unless something changed in the past 2 years I'm unaware of)

    Why waste time and resources on condi damage for PvE? Especially on a class that's already BAD at instanced PvE and needs actual help?

  7. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:S/D isn't playable due to condi thief deleting you from existence 1v1 and the only counter to avoiding a condi-thief being spamming stealth as d/p due to stealth being absurdly broken. Condi thief still does that...it wasn't nerfed enough AT ALL, and zero nerfs to stealth. Thief vs Thief is the least fun it's ever been since I've played GW2 due to how broken stealth is.

    This ended up being a good patch besides ele nerfs(this class is by far the worst designed class in the game stop nerfing everything about it instead of the things making its support specs OP like SHOCK AURA SHARE AND GLYPH kitten). The issue is..this wouldve been a good patch if it took 2 weeks to come out, not an entire month.

    The fact benp hyped a patch that won't change a single thing about class picks/playability in any game mode is concerning. Things got a bit weaker/stronger. but overall the exact same classes and builds will be played still.We need more CONSTANT updates and changes like this every 2 weeks.

    s/d can run signet of agility for 3 cleanse and ofc shadowstep for 3 more, add in D/D on dodge trait and honestly it doesnt look as bad for s/d anymore does it.thief peeps just dont give a kitten about experimenting much, they will stick to whats working for them and spam the same 2 buttons all game every game and then complain they dont have many options, while in truth they just refuse to consider them

    I've tried it, it doesn't work. If you don't have spammable stealth you cannot survive or do your role in any fight. You need to IMMEDIATELY signet + blinding powder the second a condi thief opens on you. S/d is not a bad weapon, and overall is perfectly playable outside of condi thief on the enemy team making you hate your life.

    D/P might hard counter S/D but that could be a l2p issue from me, however, Condi thief is just completely impossible to deal with. You also get into situations where you absolutely NEED to 1v1 a condi thief, and you just simply CANNOT as s/d. All the blinds from d/p make it a lot easier to deal with condi, but s/d lacks the tools to deal with what condi thief does.

    The issue is condi thief, not s/d. You are technically right thief has 3 good builds which is far and above anything any other class has.

    so wrong, I have less cleanse then this S/D build on mesmer aka -> plasma dispenser and I can deal with them.as I said, you reach for easy solution, instead of cleansing the burst and giving a thief fair fight you would rather stealth for 20s and never even give an option to be attacked 90% of the game.Some stealth is fine, but the ridiculous amounts that d/p gets just makes the players that play it never improve, and if they finally swap builds they think that other builds are bad because now you have to actually fight people that hit you back.

    I don't think it's a smart idea to intentionally handicap yourself in PvP, especially since I'm 8 years behind everyone else.

    I want to play Thief, there's absolutely no reason for me to play the worst build that has a huge weakness for no reason. Even though I find s/d super fun, stealth is completely broken and condi and d/p thieves are unbearable to fight without having the same imbalanced amount of stealth, imo. Also deadeyes and stealth spam mesmers are really unfun to fight as s/d too.

    It'd be nice if stealth was globally nerfed. Every thief is so biased that they REFUSE to admit how broken it really is. It's literally the strongest stealth in any MMORPG PvP game ever made. Anyone who talks about nerfing stealth instantly gets shut down and flamed by a mass of thief players.

    S/D deadly arts/trickery/daredevil thief has the correct, balanced, intended amount of stealth thief is supposed to have.

  8. Remove res utilities and any rune/trait that helps you res faster. If still an issue, remove the ability to elixir s -> res and mist form - > res.

    If still an issue, nerf downed state in WvW.

    @Justine.6351 said:

    @Counter Terrorist.7421 said:Just remove down state already. It's been close to 8 years and it's still not a good or fun mechanic. Now that warclaw is not supposed to stomp anything you might as well get rid of it in the wet noodle meta.

    Power damage still too high. I keep getting one shot with full trailblazers when roaming and minstrels when zerging. Kind of rediculous when I am dying in under 5 seconds in an mmo.

    Issue is sigils that crit for 4k, overpowered sigils in general, overpowered runes, ascended gear stats, and utility + food. WvW needs to get the PvP amulet treatment.

  9. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    Everything has Stealth and Hard/Soft CC lockdown nowadays.

    You do realize current Holosmith is pretty much a Soulbeast DPS combined with a Druid sustain, right? That isn't even an embellishment. I dunno how anyone can come in here and make a statement about Druid like this, while there are builds in play right now that greatly outplay the Druid in every catagory, DPS, Sustain, Disengage, Support, CC, everything.

    Yes, that's an issue that the feb mega patch was trying to address. Let's not regress back to pre-feb just because holosmith ignored the patch entirely.

  10. @"mrauls.6519" said:Giving JI and CoP the same CD was a good move. If DH had perma 25% movement speed (instead of conditional...) a big issue would be resolved. It already excels at bunkering and condition cleansing. Its damage is somewhat lackluster, but it has to suck somewhere

    It's hard countered by condi thief and grenade holo. It just dies to projectiles if not a bunker. DPS DH is too squishy and mediDH is too wet noodle. Base medi guard is the only real dps option guardian has but base virtues are gross.

  11. This patch BARELY touched this class. There is some conflicting philosophy over how classes are intended to be post-feb patch when it comes to holosmith. It was stated that you're supposed to give up damage for sustain, sustain for damage, but holosmith currently gets it all for free. It has ranged burst, melee burst, superspeed, stealth, insane sustain, insane disengage, tanky, condi > boon conversion, tons of boons, and 25 might.

    Holosmith is essentially living in the cele meta while every other class is following said post-feb philosophy. Why does Holo get to have everything and not follow a simple guideline you set for balancing classes in PvP?

    This class will be even stronger now, despite a nerf to grenade barrage, since the tanky classes got a lot less tanky and everyone will be dying quickly to holosmith now, so they will carry games even harder(Both the rank1 NA and EU play holosmith).Explosive entrance is still far too strong ~~and STILL can crit while no other trait like this can. ~~ and needs to have it's power coefficient nerfed. Holosmith still has too much disengage and full heal sustain while in combat, and still has too much might, and grenades are still too powerful due to all the damage modifiers and boons holosmith gets.

    Something has to give, you can't have a design philosophy for class balancing then make a single class completely ignore this philosophy and have everything at once. Give holosmith the nerfs it DESERVES already.

  12. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:S/D isn't playable due to condi thief deleting you from existence 1v1 and the only counter to avoiding a condi-thief being spamming stealth as d/p due to stealth being absurdly broken. Condi thief still does that...it wasn't nerfed enough AT ALL, and zero nerfs to stealth. Thief vs Thief is the least fun it's ever been since I've played GW2 due to how broken stealth is.

    This ended up being a good patch besides ele nerfs(this class is by far the worst designed class in the game stop nerfing everything about it instead of the things making its support specs OP like SHOCK AURA SHARE AND GLYPH kitten). The issue is..this wouldve been a good patch if it took 2 weeks to come out, not an entire month.

    The fact benp hyped a patch that won't change a single thing about class picks/playability in any game mode is concerning. Things got a bit weaker/stronger. but overall the exact same classes and builds will be played still.We need more CONSTANT updates and changes like this every 2 weeks.

    s/d can run signet of agility for 3 cleanse and ofc shadowstep for 3 more, add in D/D on dodge trait and honestly it doesnt look as bad for s/d anymore does it.thief peeps just dont give a kitten about experimenting much, they will stick to whats working for them and spam the same 2 buttons all game every game and then complain they dont have many options, while in truth they just refuse to consider them

    I've tried it, it doesn't work. If you don't have spammable stealth you cannot survive or do your role in any fight. You need to IMMEDIATELY signet + blinding powder the second a condi thief opens on you. S/d is not a bad weapon, and overall is perfectly playable outside of condi thief on the enemy team making you hate your life.

    D/P might hard counter S/D but that could be a l2p issue from me, however, Condi thief is just completely impossible to deal with. You also get into situations where you absolutely NEED to 1v1 a condi thief, and you just simply CANNOT as s/d. All the blinds from d/p make it a lot easier to deal with condi, but s/d lacks the tools to deal with what condi thief does.

    The issue is condi thief, not s/d. You are technically right thief has 3 good builds which is far and above anything any other class has.

  13. S/D isn't playable due to condi thief deleting you from existence 1v1/around the map and the only counter to avoiding a condi-thief is spamming stealth as d/p due to stealth being absurdly broken. Condi thief still does that...it wasn't nerfed enough AT ALL, and zero nerfs to stealth. Thief vs Thief is the least fun it's ever been since I've played GW2 due to how broken stealth is.

    This ended up being a good patch besides ele nerfs(this class is by far the worst designed class in the game stop nerfing everything about it instead of the things making its support specs OP like SHOCK AURA SHARE AND GLYPH ffs). The issue is..this wouldve been a good patch if it took 2 weeks to come out, not an entire month.

    The fact benp hyped a patch that won't change a single thing about class picks/playability in any game mode is concerning. Things got a bit weaker/stronger. but overall the exact same classes and builds will be played still.We need more CONSTANT updates and changes like this every 2 weeks.

  14. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Holosmith is the strongest class in the game right now in PvP.When this is the case, I am curious why it's not noticably stronger than anything else in roaming/dueling WvW.

    Most PvP builds follow suit in smallscale, often giving up roflstomp damage in favor of more cleanse. But there are few holos seen and even less that are actually good at it. When you do see one, they rarely carry grenades. They might use grenades in zerging, but there people run scrapper - where according to OP
    "grenades don’t shine on Core or Scrapper"

    Why is it so much stronger in PvP?

    Why is the holo such a special case?

    Wvw has lot more dmg than pvp while having stuff not nerfed like ranger stances .So it's classes other than the holo thats responsible?

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Holosmith is the strongest class in the game right now in PvP.When this is the case, I am curious why it's not noticably stronger than anything else in roaming/dueling WvW.

    Most PvP builds follow suit in smallscale, often giving up roflstomp damage in favor of more cleanse. But there are few holos seen and even less that are actually good at it. When you do see one, they rarely carry grenades. They might use grenades in zerging, but there people run scrapper - where according to OP
    "grenades don’t shine on Core or Scrapper"

    Why is it so much stronger in PvP?

    Why is the holo such a special case?

    stat scaling.dps classes cant afford to take toughness in pvp, so holo 1shots their kitten. tanky classes cant afford to take much dps, so holo outsustains them.in wvw the raw stats you get lets you dip into both.sec thing, in wvw you have much of open terrain and not much kiting, in pvp nades hit through walls, floor and can be thrown behind, giving holo extra edge over others.And the more stats you have the less valuable might is in comparison, if 20 might that holo rocks in pvp is ~20% more dmg for them, then 20 might in wvw might be more akin to 15% damage.And it's the stats and design of the maps thats responsible?


    I will give you example you duel 1v1 a holo on far. If he loses he jumps on the pad and 95% of the time you cant do squat about it and he heals to full and returns to fight.If he wins he bursts you down to kill you or just drop you low, if you jump on the pad he just blasts grenades upwards and you die anyways

    Holo and tempest are the only classes that can run away, stealth, then full heal while in combat. Difference is a pure DPS tempest gets farmed by revs and thieves while a holosmith farms revs and thieves and is still a tank to take down while using a zerker amulet.

    I don't understand why Holosmith kept it's absurd sustain while NO OTHER CLASS besides a HEALER(tempest) did. Not even druids or firebrands full heal if they kite away...and firebrand kiting away, lol. As absurd as rangers survival is, protect me's barrier doesn't make it's health go up so it doesn't run away then full heal like a holosmith, either.

    Honestly, holosmith should have 11k HP more than ele or guardian.

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