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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The 'servers' aren't new. ArenaNet changed from their own NCSoft servers to Amazon servers a few years ago.What's changed, possibly, is the amount of traffic, recently, on the internet.

    What might be informative is if all those experiencing lag are routed through the same Tier 1 backbone (there's only a few backbones).

    It's new, because I haven't played the game for a year and just came back. These servers do not work for the amount of players allowed in maps right now and they need to fix it by reducing the max amount of players that can be in a single map.

  2. I did teq for 5 years, zero latency lag. Now you get tons of lag anywhere on the map when doing teq.

    If your new servers cannot even support your games content, then your servers are not functional for your game. It's time to revert back to your old servers and not downgrading just to save costs, unless you think saving costs is worth losing players who won't play a game that's a laggy mess in any big meta event.

    Big open world meta events is one of the unique things of your game, and it's main selling points. Your servers cannot support such content, that's bad.

    Fix it.

  3. @HotDelirium.7984 said:

    @Shiyo.3578 said:GW2 players are not friendly at all, not even in PvE.

    What you MEANT was the GW2 players that YOU have met were unfortunately not friendly. Of course, what you see as unfriendly might be different than what others might perceive those actions or words to be. For me, the majority of people I've met on Guild Wars 2 have been friendly.

    Nah, it's a fact. Step into any strike raid or fractal and watch the chaos.Saying you never seen mean people while only doing open world isn't relevant.

  4. Guardian isn't overpowered, it's just the only well designed class. It's good in all forms of content with multiple builds and feels good to play everywhere.

    It's almost like other classes have always been in an awful state and randomly bad in forms of content or feel outright bad to play so people play the best feeling class.

    This is memey to say, but every other class needs to be buffed to guardians level. Ranger and engineer are almost there but the rest are far, far, far behind. Warrior was getting there but now is bad in PvP - ele was there early HOT/early vanilla but then they gutted it in every game mode and is now very unfun.

  5. Mesmers can still instantly kill me, power revs randomly do stupid damage, condi thieves can almost instantly kill me, holosmiths can randomly instantly kill me, sic'em soulbeasts can randomly instantly kill me and burn guards can randomly instantly kill me.

    I think that's it, everything else does relatively balanced damage or too little for the set up, telegraphs, cast times, or risk(scepter weaver) involved.

  6. @mortrialus.3062 said:

    @viquing.8254 said:@UNOwen.7132 :We clearly don't play the same game.Just get in mind that there are people who enjoy more the game post patch and it's not because 3 people spam the opposite on forum that it will change this.

    @mortrialus.3062 :Appart that in SF everyone can time block or counter Ryu can't block only Zangief attacks then having to run away.What bother me the most is that when reading this forum you seems to live in a unkilable meta world where nobody can die while in every game I play everyone die, even if they all go tank, they will go outrotate and die.So no it's not full of unkilable things in my games.

    Lol I MEAN

    For starters Zangief is a grappler. His main combat style is all about using literally unlockable throws as his best source of damage. Even with blocking you still take damage, and positioning so you aren't vulnerable to attacks is a huge part of the game, called footsies. There's even the zoner archetype that's all about ranging opponents from a distance and when they are in close range it's primarily in very short bursts before trying to get range again.

    Maybe unkillable bunker meta is a misnomer. But when I can land every part of a 20 second primary DPS cooldown against a target on a Berserker's amulet and their health bar barely moves and they're back up to full health because of their passive healing without even using their healing skill something is fundamentally wrong with the damage numbers. That's what I mean. Slushy. Unimpactful. Slow.

    Watching people sit in my full trap combo on DH and press no buttons but take, at most, 60% of their health from it then run away with superspeed and full heal is pretty unfun and the issue with damage atm imo.

    Why does gsword spin on guardian do less damage than the symbol? Why does comboing BOTH together not kill someone? Damage can be this low, but players need to be equally as fragile - this giving out free heals, dr, and protection like candy has got to stop. Ranger, rev and holo are the biggest offenders of this, and surprise, they're the 3 best classes right now.

  7. @Vancho.8750 said:What i see is that the necro would be dead even if it dodged or had cooldowns. Reaper relies on kiting or killing to survive, you can't kite rev since it teleports through walls so you can't LoS, so you have to kill it but you already probably start at half health and the rev would just pop one or 2 defensive cds and burst again and that is just one rev.So i don't see much counterplay you can do vs power rev except running bunker condi build.

    It's pretty binary. if the enemy is a condi bunker you're basically unable to interact with them on power rev and spend the entire fight just kiting doing nothing.

  8. I don't really think so.

    Why are scrims intentionally not streamed? To hide stuff and keep things secret(builds possibly, comps too). Why are ranked matches intentionally not streamed on some peoples mains? Good question, honestly.

    The entire gods of pvp site is the perfect example of misleading and spreading misinformation(I don't think it's intentional, though) with how it's presented. it doesn't say "This is a site of builds people used in tournaments", it acts as though it's the only builds you should be playing. I mean elementalist doesn't even have a weaver build, and there isn't a DH build despite it having the highest winrate in ranked(According lead PvP dev CMC). Or how about the fact renegade isn't even on there, despite being played in the tournament(iirc) and very powerful?

    This isn't even getting into how the site puts Bunker Soulbeast as one of the builds for ranger and doesn't even have a sic'em soulbeast or pure dps soulbeast build when that bunker soulbeast was specifically played to counter a certain comp/class the enemy played(iirc) which is incredibly bad information as taking that build into a solo queue ranked scenario would lead to frustration and probably easy losses as your build is not very effective for general use. Even if we say I'm completely wrong(I could be honestly) and this build IS good for winning ranked, the fact there is not a single sic'em or dps soulbeast build is incredibly misleading when it's a good spec and played a lot by many people. Did I mention that it says "This class has multiple builds" yet only lists two of the builds (bunker sb and core condi ranger) when the class has many, many more builds than that? It's a common issue with most of the classes on this site, though, especially rev.(No renegade as mentioned above).

    As a brand new player coming to the game, if I was given that site I would assume this game has very little build variety and class diversity and is incredibly cookie cutter as it doesn't even list many variations/other talent and utility choices you can take depending on enemies comp, your playstyle, your skill level, etc for most builds. That's pretty off-putting and does more harm than good.

    However the fractal site has these same issues, where it claims dragon hunter isn't meta because weaver is mandatory despite bringing zero utility, being harder and riskier, and yet only doing 400 more DPS.

    No disrespect to the people at gods of pvp as it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain a site like that and it's a lot of hard work and is appreciated, but the way it's presented is not good and is a consistent problem with every "top guild/players showing builds" site.

    There's really no good source to get builds or info besides talking to people really since meta battle is very outdated and rarely used anymore(?).

    Vallun seems to be the only person creating actual builds that work for 99% of players(good in solo queue, easy to understand, easy to play and effective) that I see. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

  9. @Tazer.2157 said:Honestly this season and the last has been my worst experiences with the game. Infinite sustain with needed power makes pvp a snooze fest. This has become a dumbed down game mode where glass builds have been deleted and it’s place we have condi spam tanks. Another example is the ranger skill that grants it barrier. It never granted the ranger barrier. Now we have rangers running around with barrier and gs block. On top of that with the sustain builds out there I can’t even believe who thought this was okay. Do skills even matter anymore because no one seems to take damage!

    Protect me shouldn't give a barrier on 24s cooldown(when traited) that's half as effective as every other classes main heal skills(which generally have 30 second cooldowns) with zero healing power.A 2h burst weapon shouldn't have warriors shield block.

    Both of these things are silly and too powerful.

  10. @Kuma.1503 said:To be fair, there isn't a whole lot of content out there for players to study up on either. I've done a good bit of searching for videos and written guides on how to improve at PvP, but out of the few there are, none go beyond the basics.

    That leaves players to bash their heads against a brick wall for a few weeks or months while they try their best to process what's happening.

    It's not like there's must incentive to put in the effort. Gw2 isn't an Esport. The PvP community is so barren that bots are starting to outnumber real players. Why bother investing into this game mode to begin with? Every new player must ask themselves this question.

    The top players intentionally mislead and hide information btw.

  11. The hybrid damage/LR build will get farmed by any condi spec, especially condi rev. Unless you're also running fire, and thus fire/air/tempest, which might have enough condi cleanse but then has nearly zero team support and isn't even a support.

    Is fire/air/tempest viable? You have tons of condi cleanse and are basically invincible vs power builds as well.

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