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Everything posted by Dawdler.8521

  1. I havent read through every response as I just read on random but does anyone know if Anet has answered the question: Will we actually see the alliances in game (PvE and WvW)? As in which alliance hold what objective and what player belong where? Not just what world you are in for 8 weeks. Because that will go a looooooooong way of maintaining an identity in the world, ie pride over your alliance just like flaunting a guild tag. This has been a major issue with the links too that Anet never bothered fixing.
  2. You have to account for map cap in that figure. I'm not sure if that number includes all time-zones. However, after a server meeting it's around 15-40 people per guild active in WvW even if several guilds are nearly 500 (in the 490s).Its been 25 pages and people still confuse 500-1000 in an alliance being 500-1000 online at any given time (lol) for what it actually mean, 500-1000 member rooster just like guilds now have a 500 member rooster cap. Thats why they are saying 500-1000 to begin with - less than 500 is utterly pointless. 1 full guild is as low as you can get for an alliance. And there are many alliances per world, just like there are 500 man guilds now.No point in trying to further explain I think.
  3. Good point, reposted for awareness. Every time zone is only a small portion of a day, so they dominate this timezone and loose all others? In the end this looks like a bad deal to me: No opponents to fight, and no coverage to win. just to add 'world creation: at the start of every season our new World Restructuring system will use recent statistics, based on similar predicted participation, skill, and coverage, to create worlds filled with alliances, guilds, and unaffiliated players.' This would suggest that if a alliance of OCX guilds was to be made, then the system would not put many players that play OCX times on the same world.. thats what i think it would do, same goes with NA and the others.If it's one alliance of OCX guilds it's gonna be on the same world. That's sort of the point. Pugs aint gonna weigh up for guilds. The only way to balance it is obviously going to be 2 or more such alliances so they can be put in conflict. Or speculate that 1 alliance = X amount of pugs. Gonna be some pretty hard math.
  4. Good point, reposted for awareness.And I believe the answer is... "absolutely nothing" because if Anet are gonna do something about that, they'll have to start splitting up guilds and handpicking people from them to put on other worlds. Which would be a horrible practice. This really apply to any timezone though. I can imagine the same issue with nights and early mornings in the EU. It's up to players themselves not to do that but when you can do that... you know. It's like handing a kitten to someone and tell them at no time to touch it or even look at it.
  5. I still fail to see the the point of alliances lower than current guild cap. If 2 alliances of 3-5 "normal" guilds each with a total of 500 players go up against 500 players in a single guild that just have the players never repping it, the later definetly have an advantage. Single channel coms and announcements (guild chat) and passive guild missions (more loot woopwoop) not to mention a much bigger community (whats left of it) and pool of players. Why would I wanna be in a much more limiting alliance? The OP mention no particular boon for being in an alliance otherwise.
  6. The cap must be higher (considerable) than the guild cap to make any kind of design and implementation sense. Otherwise we dont need alliances. Otherwise you would have to argue that the guild cap need to be lowered. That wont mess up current guilds at all, no sir... Also the point is that a faction is multiple alliances... going by map limits is just lol without knowing the number of alliances and randoms. A server now is what, 2000 "active" WvW players? 4000? More? Dont know, dont care but its alot compared to a 500 member guild because real time is 24/7, not a seconds snapshot in prime.
  7. Well, so long old community... this will kill WvW for many, many people. Notice how its only one guild that determine where we are placed with our guildies? That fucks over every single small guild in WvW, as if we wasnt fucked over already by the paywall of guild halls and objective creep Why? Because in say a 5 man friends guild, you will probably be part of a community guild too, or a raiding guild. Well you can only go with one of them now. So fuck the community, fuck the raids or fuck your friends. Take your pick. I cant leave my friends guild. We roam every single day, usually only 2-3 people, alongside our raiding guilds, pug guilds and pug commanders. But we do it together and like playing WvW like that. With this change Anet is taking my WvW away from me, cause I cant follow my community. According to Anet I am no longer part of them. I am sad :( And yhis is before even mentioning that organized WvW with a community TS under this system... forget about it. Never gonna happen. WvW will be voiceless pug heaven. Welcome to EotM boys.
  8. It works outside GW2? If so highly likely to be an admin/non-admin issue. You get the same problem when running stuff like discord and try push to talk from within GW2. Both applications need to run as admin to play in the same sandbox and be able to recognize key commands.
  9. You could start with having Vitality/constitution giving you a base reduction, then have resistance increase the % of that reduction. Those numbers would be easier to adjust for balance. That just makes good sense to me. Keeps conditions viable, makes power just as strong, would potentially make some game modes more balanced.Also it would make full condi TB/dire scourges far stronger vs condis. Well that just makes good sense for to me to buff. TB/dire condi scourges are too weak against condis!
  10. If choosing to light armor you basicly only have the Zojja look (T3 cultural) or anything from the wardrobe. The rest is... meh. A couple good braces. For my mesmer I use the dynamics exo suit as it fit the theme (super greatsword for that cherry on top) although lich is also good if you want nipple clamps and horse hooves. I mean who doesnt want nipple clamps and horse hooves?
  11. Only asura thief is at a disadvantage because the animations make it harder to permastealth with dagger/pistol. Ask any good thief in WvW and its human meta all the way. Other than that, no matter.
  12. I do this and I feel like someday I will regret it... I wish I could hoard all the luck I don't use, but it would drive me mad XDI would be in support of any increase with magic find % or some kind of converter for all the excess luck! IF it ever gets extended above 300% I assume that Anet will retroactivly count the current raw mf... but sure you never now. I aint got space in the bank regardless.
  13. Haha I found the screenshots I had from by discussion I mentioned in my reply above... Here it is in all it's glory. We where 5 people, not 3, bah. We're usually around 3, 5 is like max guild size lol. We where at south bay gate. A thief was on the right of our zerg, he teleported in on me and did no damage then teleported away not much with that. After we got through the door, one of my guildies ran up wall and promptly got solo killed, I came to help and scared off a thief (either killing him or he jumped out, cant remember) and then ressed the guildie. Him: ^__ ^Him: it's your first time WvWing?Me: I have no idea who you areHim: As if it matters?Me: when you whisper me for no apparent reason, yesHim: Just trying to be helpful, while your first answer is trying to a personal comebackHim: Weird way to treat peopleHim: Dont get mad over a game, WvW is all about experience and knowledgeMe: are you even whispering the right person, lolHim: Yes, hello ^ ^Me: Dude seriously, what are you talking aboutHim: I dont get what you dont get, I'm not saying cryptic stuff or wtvHim: Saw you struggle in the zerg, PMed to offer help, didnt you to get mad over itHim: Make yourself a tea or do yoga I dont knowMe: we are running a 5 man havoc squad, we dont even run with the zergHim: Because youre not grouped with the zerg doesnt mean youre not with the zergHim: Really odd logic you tried to use thereMe: so... struggle... what class am I?Him: Crapper!Him: That was an easy oneMe: and what class are you?Him: Teef! That was the hard one...Him: And MesmerHim: And NecroHim: And sometimes Guardian but not todayMe: Oh the thief that teleported in and did zero damage on the right of the door?Him: Eh?Me: oor the AA thief that fell like a rock?Him: Nope! I cant wait to die tho, someday I guessHim: I'm kinda confused, how does you trying to be insultive help you with getting better in WvW?Me: Well that's my only guess. My guildie was killed by an AA thief rather quicklyHim: I'll pray for his soulMe: and me "insultive" lolMe: you are the one that whispers out of nowhereMe: not that it's not funMe: we laughed allHim: Whisper =/= insult, odd logicMe: Fine if you cant make sense, blocked. Maybe we meet in battle, maybe not. It doesnt matter Try to figure this one out. It's not a "bad" whisper. But it's just weird.
  14. Just like in real life, there are some seriously weird people out there. Not long ago I had someone whisper me just randomly how I cant play WvW and die outside the zerg. We where running a 3 man all evening and just randomly joined up with a zerg to leech bay minutes before the whisper. We hadnt done anything other than stand near the door. I also hadnt died for like 20 minutes so naturally I was like wait what are you talking about? Who is this? But he just kept going. I tried to figure out who it could be by questions, but no. He knew what I was playing but still the replies back was complete nonsense. I didnt understand anything, like talking to a wall. Had he whispered the wrong player? Not a clue. It was a while since I laughed that much. Eventually I just had to block him. I never did figure out what he was talking about.
  15. I am fairly sure that the Norn need even less love than the Asura. They are not a lovable race.At best, they need beer.
  16. out of combat only...Out of combat or in combat, it doesnt matter. Same issue. The core of GW2 PvP is supposed to be a level playing field with some flex for classes/builds. We already have enough artificial boosts as it is and we've seen first hand what happens when Anet goes overboard with it (bloodlust 1.0). Please dont encourage it.
  17. The movement thing is a huuuuuuge nono. All players should fight under the same conditions. Anet has already fucked that up themselves by objective boons/shrines, we dont have to drop to that low level.
  18. Sylvari, no questions asked.Of course there's no questions asked, sallad never have the answers.
  19. Asurans, the master race. Being short is made up by having shark teeth.
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