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Everything posted by Rodrick.1942

  1. It's already buffed, in wvw PvP, you just need to give it a try
  2. Is it so hard for all of you to have a faith on people you don't know ? Or is it too hard for commander to fix and tell newbie what to do in the strike ? (Other than just kick ) Ask LI / LD in the strike mission is the stupidest things I've ever seen , either you guys are too bored, or you don't trust anyone at all. In NA it's not often, I suppose it's the issue comes from EU.
  3. You're wrong, if you're truly understand how to play warrior as dps, you can just join and proof yourself. "Get kicked because of not bring banner " is just an excuse to hide a truth that you don't know how to play war properly in different situations. Another example, I've joined a xera pug as dps zerker and I saw reaper tank boss. At first I thought it was chrono, everyone expect it should be chrono right, but no it's a reaper. The result is we killed xera within 2 try, I got top 2 deeps record, and reaper tank did his job very well. Anything is possible in this game. That being said, following the meta build guide and only hit kitty golem is the reason to put yourself into banner jail.
  4. Somehow warriors were still doing perfectly fine in endgame group content when banners were disabled.Of course banner berk will be picked over non-banner berk because it buffs your squad with a unique buff, which is also why I wrote: "Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high, dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior will make you be near the top of the deeps charts." One of us don't understand the concept and purpose of having a seperate large box dps chart, but if you think small hitbox builds lose dps on large hitbox targets, so "they have no place there" then... I don't think that's how it works. Pretty sure it's the other way around, large hitbox builds lose out on dps against small hitbox targets. And sure, lets forget that the difference in dps between 7 of those builds is ~1k, which LOL sure is going to impact your endgame content to the point of just getting randomly kicked out of the squad because deeps. I can confirm, sobx, just like what you said, dps Zerker is my main in high end pave content. The insane continues high burst damage with a/a GS build also the CC damage warrior can provide are also decent. The key is just maintain zerker mode as long as possible, and take rage skills which provide decent cc also extend the duration of zerker mode.
  5. trailblazer Condi zarker is a good option for solo roam and small group fight now, so stop saying this spec is dead. I've made my own build and it goes well so far.
  6. Warrior was meant to be sacrificed, we player knows, how come Anet balance team doesn't know this ? Yet it's still happened.Now the only advantage of warrior in PvP is the defense aspects from spb if you're alone, or play squishy zerker with help from teammate, such as firebrand. 1v1 is gone.
  7. It's not about meta, gw2 is not a pure pve mmorpg, wanderer's is PvP/wvw base stats, which make u be a good front line in wvw.
  8. XD it's a high risk high reward trait, I still recommend you try to figure out how to use it.
  9. I can say this video is true, he probably have 100% critical chance and he followed up other skills in less than 2 sec really fast, to give burst damage from like gs F1 and 3, the base damage got nerf but because all of your attack are critical hit, it bring up total burst damage back to table. He has no sustain, that's true(only comes from healing signet and MMR). All he did is keep dodging/Full counter and deal damage when people get daze/stun by F2/ dagger 3/shield bash or bull's charge , I suppose he has high quality of PC/Screen to allow him cast skills without lag/fps drop issue.
  10. About next wing, Anet already made a clear explanation long time ago that wing 7 is the last wing of raid, and they also said that the majority player of this game is not favor to raid too, so it's not worth to continue this sub project.
  11. Try burn DH. Even with half condi DPS I'm burning through other players like a match on gasoline. Haha , I believe that, in fact I have a tbh Condi Herald too. I just...don't want to ditch my favorite class behind so quickly..I'm sure u know this feeling if you're warrior main
  12. I don't even know if I should continue to use war to roam. After they "fixed" spb's F1 again, I feel myself become pretty weak against everything, however if you use full divider build/durability rune and defense trait, it's indeed that you basically become immortal by spam F2, (even against a small roam group), but that's all. I feel like anet want to push warrior's position to front line meat wall much further, all u can do is take damage , cc , bootstrap, and pray. Solo roam is basically dead(unless you avoid all roam group you meet). There's one thing I noticed, berserk didn't get hit so hard...so it's possible to team up with support and u go full dps build (nearly to pve Zerker build but a little adjustment for survivability)
  13. I kind of agree in some ways, but disagree in other ways. I don't blob or zerg. Only sometimes for wxp. I just roam solo and with friends. So far, because of real life, I haven't gotten to play with my friends yet. But from what I've experienced solo so far is this: Now, playing a full dps version of my build seems like a good idea as people not having passives to save them means I can outplay them for just 1 or 2 weapon rotation and they will be dead, whereas before it would usually take longer.But on the other hand, say I was fighting 1v1, and another enemy joins in. Now it's a little bit harder to pull off, as my options are limited. I have LESS overall skills to use (like your brick analogy), and so do they. But because I'm outnumbered and have already used some of my cooldowns to down the first guy, I now have less options of making a comeback at the 2nd guy, because I have less skills to use.Before, because I am in this example better than both of them, I could outplay the 2nd guy right away as I had more skills available and I'm better at using them, than my enemies are (who also had more skills). EDIT: Ofc when the first guy goes down, it is now easier to burst and kill the person trying to res. That is very true. BUT, what you will see is people's strategy will change from going for the res since they can get carried by passives, to just going straight for YOU instead since your skill bar is full of cooldowns. So it's bad and good.1 guy will go down much faster/easier than before (obvious outliers are necros and FB's cus they are just broken rn), but generally fighting outnumbered vs more players is harder as even tho you're better than them, you have less options after the nerfs. The side who have more people will win the fight, that's all.
  14. I feel like they are going to ditch warrior into the history and focus on other class instead, after this patch. For now the only role that still sufficient to play is shout bunker spb in wvw for cc/boons/boonrip.
  15. I think you missed the point there. When I said "3 outta 5 provide support" i meant True Nature - the follow up cast on F2 (Facet of Nature). Unlike Facet itself it is not affected by Draconic Echoes 10 man target improvement and that hurts. Yes you want the follow up cast on F2(True nature) can affect 10 people with that trait too, but it looks like Anet just want Facet's passive effect can apply to 10 people, not including the active skill. if they tweak the trait to let it to hit 10 target on both passive and active skill, that will be great but also a bit over powered. Other class will also ask to have a skill that allow them to hit 10 target, not just 5. I would disagree about being overpowered. It's a trade off. Herald has no access to the most in-demand boons (quickness, alacrity), nor is his damage off the charts compared to others. Contrary to Renegade who has both. So instead of all that, Herald thrives by being a "Support's support", providing whole raid with standard boon coverage and extending their boon duration. Now as far as True Nature and why it should be 10 man if traited with Draconic Echoes, by each legend: Dwarf - casts stab. Totally in line with Herald's role - boon support with 10 man capability.Centaur - casts a condi cleanse that heals - nothing broken. The passive heals every few secs and can affect 10 ppl.Demon - transfers 2-3 condies to enemies. That can can stay as is, it's personal tool.Assassin - strips boon from nearby enemies - can stay as is, though 10 men wouldn't be disastrous either - it does not do any damage.Dragon - extends boons present on allies by 3s. Core of Herald's support style and should be 10 men as well if traited.Sadly the F2 follow up skill on shiro and mallyx are also a damage skills too, shiro will be able to deal 1.5 k base damage to 10 people plus boon rip, mallyx will transfer 3 Condi you have to nearby 10 enemies as well. I think they're the reason why is this not a good idea ( it'll break the balance in wvw ) My concern is A net might following up a rule they made before like " damage skills can only hit 5 target, support can hit 5~10 depend on situation. True Nature has 2 out of 5 damage skills so it can't happen although the rest are support-oriented skills
  16. I think you missed the point there. When I said "3 outta 5 provide support" i meant True Nature - the follow up cast on F2 (Facet of Nature). Unlike Facet itself it is not affected by Draconic Echoes 10 man target improvement and that hurts. Yes you want the follow up cast on F2(True nature) can affect 10 people with that trait too, but it looks like Anet just want Facet's passive effect can apply to 10 people, not including the active skill. if they tweak the trait to let it to hit 10 target on both passive and active skill, that will be great but also a bit over powered. Other class will also ask to have a skill that allow them to hit 10 target, not just 5.
  17. Yeah, let’s make this community even dumber. Maybe if the game worked properly, that path is full of gimmicky mobs, As Astralporing pointed out. The Aggro managment in this game is garbage, making that the required mechanic is laughable. I wouldnt mind if they removed or lessened the mechanics, as the fights can just be brute forced through these days BUT its never gonna happen, dungeons are dead. I still run them daily. Sometimes I only open in lfg after finish ooze puzzle by myself, really don't want any drama
  18. Anyone who touch the orb will trigger the healing effect (no matter this guy is in your sub group or not).However the aoe healing effect from orb still prioritize to rev's sub group members.
  19. Really> @Ashreen Destemas.6840 said: Omg really ? I'll check it out later, thanks !
  20. Idk what you're on about. As I said I went into this blind not having read these "6 other threads" that were suppose to have told me a thing. I didn't switch heals until someone agreed I should, I offered early on in the run to switch. I think you're just knee jerk reacting like I'm here to cry about "strike missions are too hard" but I'm not? My ONLY complaint was that I don't see the point of having mechanics if it's just easier to stack healers and ignore them. It would have been much more enjoyable I think if the mechanics were do or die because they were easy enough to do. Besides my first sentence I said nothing insulting or about crying and if saying there are threads already and you added nothing new upsets you oh well. You can't just lol join raids and Boneskinner/ future strike missions blind or any class/build group makeup and expect to be carried or coast thru it. Day one sure everyone is learning. If the healing option wasn't there you would've wasted more time and most likely failed and more players would have already abandoned this content so I'm glad atm you can cheese it or you could never go with rando pugs. It's progression content which will force us to get better play diff classes when needed and coordinate. Not join blind and be rewarded with 1 1 1 1 spam. To me my first sentence wasn't insulting but society nowadays kinda sensitive oh well. So you actually know it's not a good start, and you know it might piss someone off. Why you start off this shits in the first place ? Being a skilled player doesn't means you are allowed to throw your perfect shits out of mouth.
  21. I believe our goal in fractal is to clear them out and grab daily reward? If we all agree with this, what's the matter of your "personal dps losses" or "group dps losses" if adjust your build/rotation means everything will run smoothly ? They added these instability to make things chaos, and force player to use the right skills to counter them, and the boss. I like this change because it make things not that boring. I know you probably can't agree with it because we use different way to please ourselves in fractal---- use different build/rotation and deal avg/good damage make me happy ; use optimal build/rotation and deal high damage make you happy.
  22. The problem isn't on Anet, It's actually on player's attitude. When they released boneskinner and make it like trash boss, everyone complained about that he's too easy. After put some mechanics to that trash boss, we started to complain again that he's too hard. What will you think about if you are the game designer ? Back to aetherblade, most pug get rekt by the ooze puzzle, not the difficulty of mobs or boss. It's hilarious that a group that defeat dhuum can't handle 2 oozes. Aether is easy once you figure out which skills you have can be used to deal with puzzle area. The rest area just like same to other dungeon or fractal.. kill on sight. I'd rather anet make more content like aether because it's actually encourage us to take suitable skills for different situations. Not just press 1111 and watch you deal BIG duck damage.
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