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Everything posted by Ovark.2514

  1. What?! Really? Are the devs so out of touch with the game that they don't understand why people don't use off-hand sword in the first place? It's clunky and the block doesn't scale with more players/attacks. 4head
  2. Eh, that would make these weapons heavy hitting but not useable in high play. IMO the way to fix these is to make rifle 4 and 5 trigger instantly when the key is pressed REGARDLESS OF IF YOU'RE FACING THE TARGET. And removing the wind-up time on rifle 4. This is why the weapon set feels useless and clunky having played it extensively for ever. If you can't reliably use the evasion and CC skills when you need them then they might as well not exist. As for longbow, idk. . . I don't really ever use it because it's got no evades or movement or . . . anything. Definitely do the thing you suggested for the ranged weapon trait though. You almost never use the AA in PvP, especially since taking that trait means you'll almost ALWAYS have CDs up for 4-5 skills.
  3. So calling my post low-quality and saying that I don't know what I'm talking about despite spending thousands of hours in sPvP is not rude? We must come from very different societies. Him adding "With all respect" doesn't make it respectful. That's exactly like saying: I'm not racist buuuut (then inserting some comment clearly racist).
  4. Actually I think WS is overtuned as it. It's just more reasons to make all warriors take discipline to get any movement speed. I don't understand why anet cut the swiftness from elite signet when it was a decent back-up if you opted to be different for once.
  5. yeah but this is important. Also, it's not that cluttered in PvP since there aren't consumables. It's just unorganized.
  6. Be that passive 25% or swiftness on a short CD. Obviously that's not ALL it would do but ya know. There is only 1 trait that provides movement speed and 1 weapon that does. And that weapon is kinda crap on non-support builds. Which means in order to get anywhere we would need to sacrifice our rune, which is essential for some builds. Maybe the banner rework will: 1) Provide the swiftness we need 2) be useful in PvP at all 3) be useful for builds that aren't support. HAHAHAHAHAHA who am I kidding. we will be lucky to get one of those things.
  7. I would like to know when a neco has a Wurm out there in the world. Please add an icon to their buff bar or something.
  8. True, it's not technically an auto-proc, but it feels just as bad.
  9. Two of the top meta builds right now (Harbinger and Willbender) are using auto-proc traits (Dark Defiance and Wrath of Defiance). Would be nice if we could so those reworked. Feels bad to be killed because you were prema-immobilized.
  10. You don't see people discussing PvP on the subreddit because there are bots and/or very salty forums trolls that downvote anything the even mentions PvP.
  11. The only Holo builds I see now-a-days are the static-ischarge builds with flashbang. You don't know degenerate play until you've fought this.
  12. It's like hotjoin but with all the best things about hotjoin removed in favor of having teams with equal numbers of players. unranked is no more balanced than hotjoin was. And, actually might be even less balanced because players can't reshuffle themselves to match against more worthy foes.
  13. That's quite the claim. I think what you might have been meaning to title the post is: "Untamed has the most well-rounded build with 1-shot capability sPvP has ever seen"
  14. Leave it to the forums to cherry pick your post to support their own agenda.
  15. Any port really. But the most egregious at the moment are: Rev shiro port (it does have a wind-up but it's short and doesn't matter since they can do it on the other side of a wall) Untamed Unnatural Traversal Rev sword Thieves in general, though not usually as bad as rev Guardians have a few Mesmer, several
  16. And, to a lesser extent, stealth. Players need time to react to things. Because there is no world in which anet removes ports from player skills we have to come up with the next-best thing. Maybe give ports a wind-up animation with an indicator on the targeted player so they can prepare (this cannot be cancel-casted ofc), Or maybe have damage and condition damage be reduced by like 90% after a port for a short duration. I'm sure there are better ideas. I'm just really tired of always having to fall back on the same few utilities for no other reason than at higher-end play you will be deleted instantly through walls without them.
  17. Stone Heart is a very unfun trait to fight against if you are playing power. It wouldn't be so bad if certain ele specs didn't have the ability to just camp Earth attunement the whole time while being effective. Here is a proposed change that would fit beautifully into Elementalist as it is currently designed that allows, nah encourages attunement swap: Stone Heart: Stability grants Critical hit immunity. Or, if anet is feeling lazy like usual: Gain critical hit immunity for 10 seconds after entering Earth Attunement
  18. Or better yet: Have a character/build choice built into PvP so that when the queue pops you will be loaded into the character you want even if you're PvEing on your favorite character for PvE
  19. I sorta get what you're saying OP but I think the real problem is that many of the traitlines are only designed to work in PvE with no though as to their usefullness in PvP. If they were updated to do both I think there would be much more build diversity.
  20. OP I think you are missing something fundamental. Core abilities like engi shield are badly designed already and anet is probably increasing CDs on those things to buy them time before they can rework them. It's not about "nerfs" or "buffs"
  21. It feels good when you call out a problem ------ then everyone poo-poos you and doesn't take you seriously ------ then a week or so goes by and the whole community realizes you were right.
  22. kitten. Visual diarrhea that can't be ignored because auras are so strong. How to fix: Rework Powerful Aura so that is does something like: Heal allies within X radius when you grant yourself an aura. Elemental Bastion and other tempest utilites now grant auras only to the caster. Feel the Burn: Now deals more damage and burning to compensate. Aftershock is already strong enough. Flash-Freeze now heals a good bit. This will have a positive knock-on effect for all ele specs, especially Catalyst. This is one of the many necessary changes if there is ever an attempt at preventing sPvP from dying completely.
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