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Everything posted by Ovark.2514

  1. I'm not really sure about WvW, but by far the easiest spec for 1-shotting players in sPvP is Holosmith atm. If you don't want to use power damage then use condi virtuoso and stack like 20 stacks of confusion on someone from stealth. They will 1-shot themselves.
  2. It is unacceptable to have profession traits and skills that are only useable in one specific mode.
  3. Please either buff the other options or move some of the effectiveness of UD to the other traits. Or make blindness immunity and unblockablesss baseline.
  4. It makes the necro look as though it has more health than it does. Readability is important.
  5. remove the mech from the mechanist and the GS5 from rev then we ok
  6. "designed" is such a . . strong word . . .
  7. I like these suggestions. It might make the skills too complicated but it seems like it would pair down the skill stacking that plagues the game.
  8. I vote they change it to: First Ranked win of the day OR first 2 matches played of any mode.
  9. There's no counter to core necro, that's why it's meta. Thief would be the counter but it still takes so long to kill them that by the time you down them some core guard or ele comes by and presses one button to instantly revive them from range. Minions on the other hand are quite squishy these days, so if you can cleave them quick enough, the necro will be out of sustain tools if you're not almost dead.
  10. When the game rewards a behavior, players will exhibit the behavior. This applies to every type of game. In the case of GW2, all the rewards are in the Ranked game mode, and more rewards are gained for being higher in rank. This means that almost EVERYONE plays ranked, even though many of them probably would prefer a more casual pvp mode where winning isn't that important. The Daily Competitionist also necessitates a ranked victory if all you do is sPvP and don't have time for tournaments. Also, the ranked ladder limits queuing to 2-man so you have little control of your teammates. Also, losing a match results in more lost ranking than most victories would grant. Also there is no afk detection so games are lost for no good reason, wasting peoples time and skewing the ranking. The result of all of this is that casual players are paired with tryhards in ranked and they lose. Casuals are upset because they don't get to have to 2g and potentially other rewards for being higher ranked while they tryhards are upset because they lost ranking and gold. People stop playing sPvP so the population diminishes and matches become even more unbalanced. This is why sPvP has gained a reputation since HoT for being toxic. It's not that players suddenly got hateful. It's a perfect storm of game updates funneling players into game modes where results are all that matter while simultaneously removing the capacity of players to control those results. (lack of balance doesn't help either) edit: Typo
  11. YEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. We still lose rank points when a player never leaves spawn in a match. What is this, I don't even. . .
  13. FT fix: Juggernaut now only grants X stability when using a non auto-attack. FT auto attack lasts longer but does ramping damage starting at 1 damage.
  14. Seeing how passionate you are about this is both encouraging and depressing. The depressing part is that we have played, thought about the design/balance for, and understand the warrior better than the devs ever will, and yet I have never seen a forumite actually get responded to by a dev. We don't have the slightest clue whether these post are seen by anyone with the power or inclination to act on them, let alone that the suggestions themselves are even within the design parameters that anet has internally decided upon. I have devoted an immense amount of time thinking about solutions to the issues with the combat as a whole and with regard to various classes. This information has been shared to the sound of silence. The only thing that I have ever suggested which the devs have acted upon was the removal of damage from CC skills; and even that I can't be sure had anything to do with my post(s). I'm discouraged from posting actual solutions and feedback short of low-effort "this is a problem. Fix it somehow" posts anymore these days. I'm glad there are those few players that are still supplying feedback in a way that takes into consideration the game as a whole instead of: My class feels weak, please buff! If anet ever decides to start communicating on some of the individual class subforums or the sPvP subforum instead of fluff posts on the subreddit I'll return to actually giving detailed, hopefully-insightful posts.
  15. Why does the best in slot trait need a buff? Simply removing the healing from it won't make people all-of-a-sudden think "ya know, endurance regen really ISN'T useful in sPvP!" Also, adding crit chance to the trait would kind of step on Berserker's Power since that's the damage trait. Edit: Oops this is not the sPvP subforum anymore even though I think you post there a lot.
  16. Don't increase it. There are too many dodges as-is.
  17. Yes except no more endurance on MMR.
  18. These are nice ideas. My only issue with them is how they might make the warrior feel just like ever other class with boring mechanics.
  19. They are incredibly similar as to not be differentiable in the instant you need to decide whether to dodge or not.
  20. Yes. Every class should be easy to counter given sufficient understanding.
  21. Fair, it is far more honorable than all other classes; which is kinda funny when you think about the fact that guards have a traitline called Honor.
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