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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. I confess I feel really stupid. I sort of understood it and then it kind of went over my head. I think the main problem is that it's over-complicating something that occurs naturally; magic defies human machinations and explanations. Trying to sync up magic and quantum physics sort of takes away the mystique of magic. I hope this makes sense, I haven't slept yet. Again
  2. I'm trying to think of this logically because this is obviously a thing. The only PvP system that worked pretty well within the confines of PvE was Blade and Souls faction system. Put on the outfit, fight those that don't share your fashion taste. XD But, seriously, this kind of thread pops up so often I wanna cry.
  3. He's like: "I'm gonna help, Commander!" < has a DPS of -0.000.11> ... < does 1 damage>... < the Commander ENDS it > "Well done! " I always had a bad habit of just rushing anything that tried to hurt Marshal Salad or my adorable freakin' Laranthir. And, well, I died a lot. Also, poor Traehearne had the self-preservation instinct of a lemming, but I can't say too much about that because, well, I'm reckless. XD Edit: His weaknesses made me want to protect him even more. XD
  4. I liked Trahearne, personally. I could empathize with him for sure. I thought he was a sweetheart in a timid shell. And I'm sorry, but when I heard him give that speech in Orr in "Light in the Darkness", my heart skipped a beat. That was really hot in my opinion. XD
  5. Often, I find myself contemplating the great mysteries of the world: Is Atlantis real? What was the Bloop? Where does that other sock go? Then it kind of goes off the rails and delves into more of a fanciful sort of place, full of fast centaurs, faster humans that can outrun said swift centaurs, and dragons. There, I said it, dragons. (watch the skies, traveler.) They have permeated fantasy for as long as I can recall and are typically demonized because they go against the human imperative of complete dominance. However, dragons are beyond the concepts of good and evil, they are primal, they are beyond human comprehension. Why am I making this hopefully concise post? Jormag fascinates me: They are the embodiment of temptation, they usher in the promise of peace from the past of chaos, and for all we know, that could very well be the case. Dragons are beyond our sphere of knowledge, but we are not beyond a dragon’s. They were here before; they will remain long after, As stated earlier: Dragons are primal defenders of the natural order, that being the spheres of death, growth, destruction, stasis, and absolution. Looking at it from that angle, it is easy to see why killing dragons is a bad idea in Tyria. We fear what we don’t understand and Jormag not only knows this but seemingly capitalizes on it. But does exploiting the human condition make them evil? Not really. Nature’s way is separate from our own, dogs don’t contemplate being raccoons any more than a cat ponders being a platypus; they just are, no existential crisis. The same can be said of dragons: they are, they don’t see destruction the way we see it, they see it as a process, not an end or beginning. I feel as though dragons are vastly misunderstood and perhaps that’s the point: you cannot pin what you don’t comprehend. So, like, okay, insomnia. If this doesn’t make sense I am super sorry. I might add to this later. Thank you for reading. This is my voice
  6. Just approach it the same way as: If this turns into advertisement of his own stream then don't watch it - who cares? Let his stream die from streaming GW2. I know I will not watch him. I don't care to watch PvP scene in this game no matter who streams it. Some might enjoy it so let them have fun. I don't see how that would annoy me. Hey, fair enough for me! I definitely appreciate a different point of view regarding things such as this.
  7. Because that's marketing which ANet is doing a horrible job at. It's literally free exposure for the game. Whether you like it or not It's the "influencers" that are one of the factors that contribute to product sales in current year. Let's not join ANet's mindset from 15 years ago on this one. Guild Wars 2 could have been bigger if only they got with the times. So let's glorify someone that says this game sucks because that's terrific press. /s Before someone says: Bad press is some kind of press. No, bad press discourages people from playing the game. You know what? Let A-Net deal with their failures and triumphs as a company. That's the only way they'll learn. This game is dying? Fine. Let it die, but at least let it go down on its own terms and not someone else's. You can literally join the stream and get beginner player experience first hand. Let's hate everybody that criticizes the game sure. Also also It does not matter one bit what we discuss here on forums. ANet will do their job as per usual. People lost their (insert kitten here) cause nobody shows interest in the game outside this community. I don't even watch the guy. But he has right to point out problems with the game from his perspective as anybody else. I'm not hating on him because he's not good at the game and doesn't like it, I'm hating on him because he acted like a spoiled little brat about things, despite people saying "warrior isn't the best for PVP" and him saying that all the other classes are crap. I was against this whole advertising on the forum kefluffle for just this reason.
  8. Because that's marketing which ANet is doing a horrible job at. It's literally free exposure for the game. Whether you like it or not It's the "influencers" that are one of the factors that contribute to product sales in current year. Let's not join ANet's mindset from 15 years ago on this one. Guild Wars 2 could have been bigger if only they got with the times. So let's glorify someone that says this game sucks because that's terrific press. /s Before someone says: Bad press is some kind of press. No, bad press discourages people from playing the game. You know what? Let A-Net deal with their failures and triumphs as a company. That's the only way they'll learn. This game is dying? Fine. Let it die, but at least let it go down on its own terms and not someone else's.
  9. Note to self: Drinking whilst reading comments is not good for your keyboard's health. Also, it's A-Net's fault that this guy sucks at something? That is completely and utterly him. True story: I didn't quit when I got killed, I learned and adapted...something this FPS bruh apparently can't do. He's one of those "This game sucks because I'm bad at it.". Yeah, keep telling yourself that, bro, because I guarantee you will not be missed.
  10. I mean you could make the same argument about sports and that's massive world wide. Because athleticism is hardwired into our DNA, there's an intuitive desire in people to be active or to admire those who are. Even if you don't think so, there's hundreds of thousands of years of selecting for the people most likely to be able to hunt, fight and survive acting against you. Watching some pastey little man babies punch their soon to be arthritic fingers onto some plastic keys? Not so much.Okay, not gonna lie, that last line cracked me up. I mean, I'm not going to lose my mind over someone I don't know or don't care about over something that, in the long run, will have absolutely no lasting impact on the game.
  11. GW2 is one of the least grief, friendly games. What could potential trolls do other than chat spam?How is that not worth getting a huge influx of actual new players? Besides this was just one idea, plenty of other stuff they can do that hasn't been done. Call their bot friends and screw things up? Again, I know it's negative, but let's face it: if they go into PvP and run into bots, their whole experience in that regard will be colored negatively. It may be a friendly game, but it is by no means perfect. It's good to have attention, bad if it's directed negatively from the beginning. As I said, I'm a very negative person. I wish I could be as positive and sweet as you are.
  12. So, basically, pay a lot of attention to them, quite possibly drum up the trolls, and have this whole thing backfire? I'm sorry, but telling someone not to mess things up to a forum is kinda... counter-productive. I would let their fame precede them, as opposed to raising unnecessary attention. I know that sounds negative, but I'm kind of a negative person so.
  13. I mean, my husband and I have conversed with nothing but grunts and mumbles, so this idea really cracks me up. I'm like "best dialogue ever!!" and grunt happily while glaring at the Commander in annoyed eagle.
  14. I love how people preface an insult with something regarding respect. I feel if one is going to call someone else a liar, they should do it boldly. In other news, I love how these experts pop up and make assertions based on something different. Films have bigger budgets, as do major voice acting firms...
  15. First thing's first: I apologize for being rude; I have a high fever and that makes me irritable, I know it's no excuse but it's still an explanation. That being said, I don't think I take issue with your idea as much as I take your inability to take "No." for an answer. I was taught not to be disrespectful and if I forgot, people were willing to slap it back into me. I say disrespectful because they have already said that it's pretty unlikely to happen, many others said the same, and you persisted. There is a fine line between determination and a detrimental force of will. So, yes, I apologize for being rude, but I still feel kinda incensed about it.
  16. Bad anxiety and lack of anything to say is my main problem.
  17. I feel the same, to be honest. I'd like a game that is similar to Soul Nomad and the World Eaters and Undertale, where your morality is completely reliant on how you act and react to situations. In Soul Nomad it's like: Old lady that forces this stuff on me? Dead. That budding family that used to love me? Slaughtered. The dying world? I'll destroy it and everyone in it and become a god of the world I created. Same thing with Undertale: Aww, look at that cute lil' frog. Dead. How about this horse..dead...what about the bunny rabb-dead. Even the "heroes" die (sometimes in awful ways.) So, yes, moral ambiguity would be interesting.
  18. No. Speak for your fucking self. I'm sick and tired of this stupid fucking bullshit. Listen, go play your other fucking pay to win bullshit games like WoW and stop trying to fuck everyone else over. I don't give a fuck if I get banned, I've had it with this goddamn topic being repeated ad nauseam. No. No. No. No. No. No no. No no no no no no.
  19. Unfortunately there’s people out there who believe and say this kind of thing.It’s becoming increasingly harder to spot satire I'd say that the username should be a dead giveaway.Probably shouldn't mention the metaphor of beating a dead horse...that may really trigger them.
  20. xDListen the facts, unruly youth...I don t give for a 2 years cpu 400+ euros for high fps on gw2 +more euros for a mobo, who they will be old gen on next 2 years.New consoles will be coming on this year(sony-microsoft) , and do you know how many cpus they will use?8cores+16 threads and they will be working all cores at games because of newer engines.Now imagine the pcs with newer cpu s with 12 or 16 cores, that future games(with their engines) will use them .Gw2 and many other games use only 2-6 cores, and their old engines needs higher hz per core with few core and not many cores with a mid- high as the newer games-engines.if that games did not upgrade their engines are ded.So semi-learning is worse than ignorance.So okay into your face. That...wasn't my question. Never mind, it's pointless to argue with someone who is afraid to be wrong. Also, The Tsakhi is a pretty awesome name, it's better than "A Tsakhi", nah, it's The Tsakhi, with a capital T. XD
  21. Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it: Have you tried to code a video game or, heck, just a simple program to solve basic problems? You're over-simplifying a very intricate process. Is what people are saying not getting through to you, or are you just so hellbent on being right that you're just ignoring facts?
  22. The whole of Path of Fire is a lesson in attrition. "Night of Fires" is what killed me a lot, I think. What class are you playing? I have a few exotics that might be helpful to you. Also, I need to play "The Sacrifice" again so I know what to look for and to find a sound strategy.
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