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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. Great, yet another I don't like/ feel underwhelmed by a feature that I haven't tested yet. It isn't as though we have a kitten ton of these already. I give up.
  2. I have no conditions: I already pre-ordered; not due to hype, support, amity, or loyalty, but because I love the game, my guild, and gameplay. I haven't been playing a lot as of late because of family obligations and to prevent burn out; I don't want to burn out before a new expansion. I've been playing the "Divinity: Original Sin" series in the meantime. Also severe depression and the events that led to it are kind of...dampening my will to really deal with the public at large.
  3. Same here! I'm like: "where are my skills?" *reality sets in* Reality: So, like, if you want to fight underwater, you're gonna need weapons. Duh. I'm surprised my desk doesn't have dents in it from me bashing it with my skull. XD
  4. Ugh, that's some Junji Ito sheep right there. I don't have tryptophobia, but I'm not a fan of spiders.
  5. Here's an interesting concept: If you're disappointed with something that hasn't been released yet, don't buy it. I tire of people that bash something or diminish something's value without exploring its true worth for themselves.
  6. Where's the "I don't get hyped so I don't give a kitten." option? Because that's where I'm at.
  7. I read what you're comfortable with and I would like to suggest the short-bow. It has area poison, stuns, and great mobility. The problem I have with daggers, personally, is that it's an up and in your face choice; you have your IF (invulnerability frames) and stealth (provided you manage your initiative well), but you lose mobility. Although short-bow is more initiative heavy, it pays off with stuns and area poison as well as putting some distance between you and a boss that likes to stun-lock/cheese conditions and DPS. Please note that thief is not my first choice, but I have two: one with both Dare Devil and Dead Eye and the other just good old vanilla flavor. (now i want to eat my thief. look don't judge me, i want the sweets, kitten it!) So I'd definitely suggest the awesome folks suggestions and advice before mine.
  8. What boss is giving you trouble? As a few people have said, sharing your build will help us ascertain if it's the build or the mechanics tripping you up. Let us know what boss and I'm sure someone will help you, myself included. Your very vague post isn't very helpful as is.
  9. I'm kind of neutral on this, because I've played little of Guild Wars. However, if they're going for the high fantasy/ sci-fi mix, I think it would kind of look and feel like Final Fantasy 6 for the SNES which is a good thing. You have the Espers and the Magi-tech blending into this chaotic but sort of beautiful way. The old ways mingling with the new. It's like the stages of grief, where you eventually just accept that things never stay the same.
  10. While I don't "main" any certain class, Guardian is probably one of my favorites to play. I have roughly the same HP as you do and I do okay because I play defensively as a Guardian opposed to offensively . That being said, I think this might be helpful: Use sword or mace in main hand and focus or torch in the other. The reason I say focus is because it gives you a DoT attack and an attack that blocks 3 attack with Aegis, and if you have it with a specific trait (Communal Defense under the Valor trait line.) it covers an additional 5 people with Aegis as well. Again. I have a weird play style and specialize in giving out those heals. I suggest the sword and torch due to it giving you a distance closer and that sweet, sweet burn (and cleansing conditions). Aside from that, I really can't think of anything else. Good luck and try to stick with it.
  11. First and foremost, I want everyone to have a safe and awesome holiday in real life. In game, I would like a free ugly sweater for the lulz. Although it's a stupid idea, I would like for everyone to have triple the experience for the duration of Wintersday so that the new folks have the chance to level up quicker and/or progress through the WvW and PVP tracks for that sweet loot. Finally for the wish that's impossible: NPCs in your home instance can be challenged to a snowball fight. XD
  12. I'm here for it! I love that idea. As long as it's not an inconvenience, I'd love for it to happen.
  13. kitten, she looks like Suyin Beifong from "Legend of Korra". I like! (I have a huge crush on her, Kuvira, and Lin Beifong.) Also, weird, pointless, fact: April Stewart, the VA for the female human commander, also voiced Raava. And Steve Blum voiced Amon. / pointless trivia. Good night!
  14. I cannot like this enough. I will never understand how people come to the conclusion that a psychological disorder can be switched on and off at will. It's not that simple, it never has been. People that think otherwise either lack empathy or education regarding said disorders. Also, I never understood where the people get the audacity to start lecturing anyone when they don't know the first thing about said person.
  15. The hairstyles, in a word, is erratic. There is no cohesion, it's just this jumble bit of pixels. I try not to complain too much, but this kind of made me go "meh". Then again, they are free, so I shouldn't complain too much. That being said, I suspect that they will fix the problems a little later on, since the main focus right now is probably getting the classes squared away. Just my 2 moo-moo-poo.
  16. This is just my opinion, but I disagree. I think the shield serves their purpose as a secondary weapon, as is the case in real-life battle. (there are exceptions, but I think it would be a good idea to not deviate too much.) The shield for the Warrior? Shield bash gives a lovely stun, if traited right it can reflect projectiles. As a Guardian, it can give Aegis to up to 5 people and block incoming projectiles. On the Revenant, it can give some nice buffs. (If I'm remembering right.) On the Chronomancer, it serves as CC as well as alacrity. As the OP mentioned later on in this topic, Engineers use shield as projectile reflects and stuns. In regards to skins, I've acquired and used a great many of them, all of which I either got in a BLC, world events, instances, and so on. I feel as though the problem lies in their underutilization, not the lack of utility. 4 of the 9 classes can use a shield, all of which serve a purpose. Also, sorry if this is word soup, I haven't slept yet.
  17. Thanks, I hate it. That means "no". And also, @Ashantara.8731 and @Dawdler.8521, you two make my day and it's still early here. 😮 Also, I didn't even know what the fudge-sticks the OP was talking about at first, then it clicked and I was like: "No, that has "scam me!" written all over it. " Sleep now, cooking stew.
  18. Welcome home! It's good to have you back! Also, @Yttris.2945 , which song of his is in your head? I used to be big fan of his way back in the mid to late 80's.
  19. Ah, so it's not just me. I was a bit concerned my computer was crapping out on me; it most certainly would not be the first time. Well then! Time to start that download and do some bead work! ❤️
  20. Let's go party~ Oh oh oh yeah~ (I accept all forms of rotten produce for composting. :P) on topic: *ahem* Well, anyway, I definitely would not turn my nose up to swimsuits. I want my sexy guys and gals to show their stuff. Nothing over the top, might I mind you, just something comfortable. I at times live vivaciously through my characters. look i'm chunky, i need some form of sexiness. :_:
  21. Howdy and welcome! I'm glad to hear that you're having fun and making friends~! ❤️
  22. Oh gods, the live action Avatar: The Last Airbender was a complete and utter clusterflock. I hated that movie. I wanted to smack that dude with a soda bottle. On topic: I don't know, I kind of like the aerial kicks and moves... then again, I absolutely love fighting games and martial arts movies.
  23. *shakes excitedly*... *happy Guardian noises* Tsakhi.exe has stopped working and needs to close. *Windows shutdown sound* <- Maybe a bit more excited...maybe. xD
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