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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. *thinks about "Grave of the Fireflies"* Aye, that is true. *sad Tsakhi noises* Back on topic, I can see where the OP is coming from, but I don't think that it will ever get to the point that Tera has reached. Namely because Tera is geared towards specific types of gamers: Grind-fest with a side order of over-sexualization and an actually fun (in my opinion) battle system. We can learn a lot from Tera, including what not to do. I think the developers should be given more credit in regards to that. As for the eye kitten that is infusions, I do wish they would tone that kitten down or enable disabling it; I think that this has been recommended so many times that it should be strongly considered.
  2. WoW is kitten, though. Although, I guess we can rip them off, since they've ripped this game off.
  3. Doesn't matter anyway, we didn't hit the goal. So now the veterans keep their unique hats. Congrats. On the bright side, we raised a lot of money for a good cause, so that makes me happy. Win-Win for everyone.
  4. Why should we care about Warcraft all of the sudden?
  5. I don't do hype, usually. Hype sets up a bar and expectations, neither of which are particularly healthy; I have hope, I hope for the best, expect the worst.
  6. Gods the dialogue at Glowering Overlook is heartbreaking. I know it's a game, but I still feel so much pity for the discarded Awakened.
  7. I just want to hug NPCs. 😞Especially Laranthir. ❤️
  8. ...So basically you feel that everyone should help raise other people's children despite the fact that it's not their obligation? I'm fine with protecting the vulnerable that are in front of me physically, but I'm not going to play co-parent for children that I didn't conceive. 😕
  9. Ok, I'm going to try and keep this short, because nobody likes a wall of text. I play a game called Unison League, it is a gacha game. In the event you use gems to obtain items, it shows the percentiles of obtaining certain ranks of items ranging from N(Lowest) to SSR or UR depending on the flavor of the day (Highest). In the event that there are no gems expended (gems are the currency and are can be bought in packs of the predatory variety or earned.) no percentiles are given due to there being no monetary value to be had. The prior, by definition, is gambling as there is a possibility that you use real money to obtain an RNG item; in the latter case, this is not so, as there is no real life money going into that pull. People buying keys via the gem-shop understand that there is a risk that they may not get the item they desire. In this case, it is, indeed, gambling. On the other hand, many people don't spend money for keys and earn them by either doing key runs or converting gold to gems to obtain said keys. This, by definition, is not gambling, because you're not expending money to obtain RNG items. This is one of those instances that lie in limbo: they are neither wrong or right, they just are. I also, in good faith, believe that those kids (although 13 is considered early teens, but I'm not gonna be pedantic about it.) either ask their parents if they may spend this money to obtain an RNG item or grind for it. Do some kids use their parent's card? Absolutely and they pay the consequences for it in one way or another. (Personally my dad would've beat the kitten out of me if pulled a stunt like that.) That being said, Eco Gambling and BLC aren't as egregious as real life casinos where a great deal of money can and is lost. Also, you standing on your soap-box and playing the holier-than-thou-art card tells me more about you than your so called morals do.
  10. This is really frustrating and, in my opinion, not a very good business decision. I'm in no position to say one way or another, but to me it seems like a shot to the foot.
  11. And don't the chickens get their revenge on you later? If I recall, they cluster you and immediately put you in fight for your life state. When that happened to me, I just laughed and said: "Fair enough, chickens, fair enough."
  12. Wouldn't it be funny if Hideo Kojima guest wrote a chapter? It would be like: "And what would you know about being good? All you do is go forward like a mindless blade, slicing the throats of those you know nothing about. " *reads your character list* "Say, you've been playing *certain character*, do you have something against the people that aren't you? Don't you think that's horrible? Oh, wait, you can't think. You just act. You have less agency than you know. Pathetic." *Your character just straight up dies* "See? Absolutely pathetic." Also, there are some villains that played psychological mind games. And I loved it.
  13. Yep, I play Berserker and I'm absolute garbage at it...but it's fun. Setting Mordrem on fire is fun. Melting enemies is fun. Numbers go up, enemies go down. Very satisfying.
  14. This sparks joy and ugly snort giggling. I don't know why, but the Gerudo Valley song made it all the more amusing.
  15. I never understood that myself. I mean, I have equal numbers of both genders 12 males and 12 females of varying races. Gender doesn't matter to me, their stories do. What makes them tick? What do they die to defend? As in real life, for me at least, gender is the least important thing to me; your heart and the beauty of who you are means much, much more. On a side note, I played a male cleric in Perfect World and was thoroughly amused by how our guild acted the first time they heard my husband and I talk. (He played a female character.) They were like: "OMG, Miss Psycho sounds so f-ing adorable." And my husband was like: "No, that's Murcas. I'm Miss Psycho." The chat went silent for a moment and then there was laughing.
  16. If the tank's a rockin' don't come a knocking. Good vibrations.
  17. Speaking for myself only: Yes, I do have a Steam account and I use it a lot. I often hope I don't come off as toxic, but I know that sometimes I can be a real...butthead. Yep. As for people getting excited/dreading/being indifferent towards the Steam release, I feel neutral. I approach this like I do with most things: I hope for the best and expect the worse. XD
  18. For some reason, this brought back Persona 3 flashbacks. The reason for this is because: This made me wonder what would happen if the same thing happened to the Commander: That little by little they would fade, their lives slipping away, and depending on how they treated others, they'd either be remembered fondly...or not at all.
  19. Fancy Faren, I don't think his heart could handle HOT Faren. XD
  20. So, my husband works at a warehouse and he frequently tells about the goings on there. He kept mentioning a guy named Faren, who my husband describes as: "Fairly useful when he's not kitten." and I was like. "F'ing Faren..." My husband raised his eyebrow and asked what I had against Faren. I giggled and brought up a picture of Lord Faren and showed him. He burst out laughing and he repeated my sentiment. "Great, from now on, every time I see Faren, I'm gonna think of him dressed like that. Thanks, Tsakhi!" "You're welcome, I do what I can." Playful scowling and showing my friend the picture of Lord Faren ensues. More cussing and more playful glowering. I love my husband. XD
  21. Nowhere, because this kind of thing is exactly what sinks the gaming ships and sails the NFT skiffs. If A-Net or NC-Soft or kittening HP Lovecraft himself crawled himself from beneath Innsmouth and declared this a good idea, I'd drop this game, its affiliates, and Lovecraft all into the darkest depths of the city beneath. In other words: Does not want, will not play if does get, flush it and a writer into deep, dark, chasm of everlasting torment and fear... ... ok, that's a little dramatic. but my point still stands.
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