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Everything posted by Axl.8924

  1. I heard someone say that condi zerker got minor buff but this sounds like it could be quite a considerable buff for condi zerker.
  2. I got a question has anyone tested yet the DPS on the burn on bow? whats the dps like now for condi on arrow?
  3. I mean cd on multiple such as putrid mark got buffed so now it has lower CD so maybe for more area of effect bombing or i dunno it might help a lil for condi reaper or condi core nec although thats a entire can of worms already talked about. There was that weirdness of course of wether you'd use dagger ever on a reaper but meh i always tend to go axe for vuln then GS for massive DPS.
  4. Maybe staff can be used more for aoe builds for big ones like the way eles used staff
  5. I saw convergence buffed and a few other stuff. It does kinda make me happy though since i do like using convergence its fun.
  6. With the buffs to bow will that be enough to make condi desireable? and on what exactly? zerker?
  7. Can i ask something? How do these buffs change spellbreaker in pve realistically? i see some numbers on knife is nice i'm kinda confused about the thing where you give power if its enough might gen to desire spellbreaker if it really offers enough dps and buffs to be wanted?
  8. Why does sword have a self root and what if they removed it would sword be worth taking without self root?
  9. I'm confused for usage you have longbow for some stuff i'm confused where axe fits close range like necro axe? its ability to gain adrenaline from eviscerates nice but i'm not sure what weapon ANET should focus on i'm at a loss since i'm not a warrior main.
  10. I don't understand axe you got ranged bow ranged rifle i don't know how axe is supposed to fit in. I have this feeling some weapons lack a area to shine.
  11. When was the last time mace was touched? just out of curiosity
  12. I heard GS could use some changes lets talk about it: What would you change? what about Dagger for spellbreaker?
  13. Can't you make it that in 1 side of a trait its DPS and sacirfice more shroud and on the other sacrifice more DPS and become a tank and certain buffs change to allow you to tank? its better than the alternative which is to continue to sink to the bottom and be forgotten.
  14. If surviving too long is such a problem the could YOU KNOW!!! buff reaper outside of shroud? Then people can shut up about second health bar because then reapers are choosing between being more tanky in shroud and using outside weapons for DPS. There are actual fixes here, unless they don't want reaper to be a DPS spec in which please hand out the huge buffs to support needed to be a tank please. If the tankiness and shroud are meant to be for tanking give us the tools needed to tank in this game, because unlike in other MMOS where you got tools to get aggro and tank, it works differently here.
  15. Il admit if you can get a stable amount of DPS thats pretty nice, especially if before it wasn't.
  17. While you can complete content the problem with this is you then have others who surpass the dps while also throwing out more buffs for support and even support classes either straight up outdpsing you or having aroudn same DPS while offering more. This cannot stand. Either they nerf every class dps by 30% or they buff reaper's dps.
  18. Axe to me was kinda a mix between CC and condition and power. I personally liked because of the CCs and ability to get away from enemies but thats not really necessary in pve.
  19. I thought axe and maybe GS were decent weapons already what changed? like pvp axe does decent dmg plus it has CC.
  20. Whats worse is some dps can not only give boons such as guardian but their dps is like 20-30% higher.. They can give a bunch of boons pluus also get 37k DPS or something. If reaper stays as is everyone else has to be mega nerfed then as well.
  21. I like it cause it would make em useful in offensive support
  22. IF it could be used as both offensive and defensive support would be nice i thought i heard someone say ANET wanted to possibly make spb a support?
  23. Thanks Reaper could give some buffs to others that would be nice but there are specs out there that can give buffs and have meta DPS:
  24. I thought the whole point of nerfing sustain was to give reapers viable DPS that competes with others and that they were trying to give reapers outside of shroud viable meta DPS? What the kitten ANET? Reapers cannot tank they don't fit the role Reapers cannot Compete DPS its far far below necessary DPS Reapers cannot compete in support it is mostly selfish and only works in open world. This is not good enough ANET you need to do better reaper is going to be auto kicked again like in 2017. Either you buff reaper to 36-37k or you nerf every class down to reaper level.
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