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Trepidation Lost.3469

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Everything posted by Trepidation Lost.3469

  1. Either they’ve done it and it’s the best marketing thing they’ve ever done or they havnt and they never will as it’s too much effort to them. Despite the fact so many players would buy an extra chat slot + the expac for it. Blows my mind.
  2. Just roll Dragon hunter with trapper runes. radience or meditation trait line + virtues trait line and gg. cele + marauder gear. Tbh the stats don’t matter. Full cele works. Full zero works.
  3. In wvw herald used to be so fun and effective. They nerfed it about 4 times too much and now it can’t really do much more than some 1v1s maybe a 1v2 If you’re good or get lucky. back in the day I was 1v3ing decent people on it. But now, rip.
  4. My first game of the year was vs a duo who both had that trophy floating above their head and another on their team had got of pvp. so yes, I agree, matchmaking is kitten.
  5. A lot of PVPers also WVW roam, so there is usually a correlation. you don’t often see high rank WVW players roaming if they got their rank from blobbing. but yes, equally skilled players you can’t 1v5 however I did say i could 1v5 bronze players. I’ve got about 9k of my 14k hours played wvw roaming, so it’s a common occurrence decimating bronze players 😛
  6. They could just make it so that clicking the skill auto targets the lowest HP ally and uses that skil on them also to help with the single target aspect, make it heal an ally near your target for 50% of the original targets heal, then a third ally for 25%. so it’s an aoe around your target. i think this would help a lot.
  7. Most of these fights are vs bronze and silver players 🤷🏽‍♂️ I can 1v5 a bunch of bronze players on multiple classes 😛 but yes, not sure about your build but cele FB is better since the cele change. Not where it was before some chunky nerfs but hey Ho.
  8. Imagine making a beta and then not giving those beta characters stat select gear 😂 imagine not giving them access to all sigils and runes… imagine … oh wait, that is exactly what happens and means it’s not a realistic representation of the classes on release. simple things like this anet. Really simple things.
  9. Matchmaking is just broken youll get top ten players in your games at 1300 rating happened to me. I got placed in gold 1 because I was playing trash build in placement. And I then got placed vs 2 people who were top ten. after swapping to a meta class and Duo-Q Ing im now top 30.
  10. Simple fix would be to let people queue in a solo Q only and a team queue only.
  11. They need to make it so you can’t change class after your queue pops too.
  12. It’s because the longer the thread got the further along the collection I got 😂
  13. For the actually impossible bits I had to ask a Mesmer friend. but some spots I managed to use WVW mount + bond of faith to jump then glide up mountains etc. it was a pain but there we go. my initial point still stands, it’s the pointless map to map travelling with seemingly no rhyme or reason to it that irked me. they could of easily made it interesting but go to x on the map 1000 times is not that.
  14. Nah, I’ve made never more and dozen other legendarys. This was the worst thing. if it was a legendary mount skin, sure. But for a base mount. Trash collection.
  15. So. A week later, I finally did it… i got the Skyscale without first acquiring any other mount other than the wvw one. if I new how much of a pain this would be I wouldn’t have embarked but I’m stubborn 😂
  16. I will never agree that ‘run to arbitrary points on the map 100 times’ being ‘well done’ 🤷🏽‍♂️
  17. I will never agree that ‘run to arbitrary points on the map 100 times’ being ‘well done’ 🤷🏽‍♂️
  18. Rant alert: How is this a thing. Just completed the find all eggs collection… run around the same map and go to the same places 100 times( almost literaly) in a row ? Now I have a 2 hour cooldown before starting what looks like more of the same yet now it requires even more event spamming to unlock water infusions ?! who made this collection?! Did they think it would be fun?! id understand it if it required some skill or somthing but brainless running around the exact same spots on the same map for hours on end. most torturous content I’ve done so far. and I’ve farmed 10+ legendaries. it’s not even like it’s for aesthetic or anything either, it’s pretty essential to moving around metas and keeping up with commanders.
  19. They made it so when you leave shroud you don’t get much heal. they also made harbinger trash with somthing similar.
  20. Revert the shadow heal on exit revert the blight heal… You fixed spectre and harbinger
  21. What they should of done to be spicy is make pistol 4 or 5 an auto attack. To make up for no weapon swap. And add more flavour to the class. 2 auto attacks on one weapon set. Would be fun and interesting and give a single handed ranged weapon.
  22. Yep, same boat here. I only cared for the harbinger and spectre and they’ve nerfed both to a point where I’d rather have not bought the expac and stuck with my HoT characters -_-
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