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Everything posted by ArchonWing.9480

  1. But I need pips though. Some people think tags demand players bring builds and crap, but that's the most important thing. I mean you gotta look at least winnable. If you're dead before I can get to you, then there is nothing. Also brb resupplying. (I have 23 supply.)
  2. Hmm, imagine using corpse explosion on your dead allies though, then rallybots would no longer be a huge negative. Funny enough I picked necromancer because minionmancer in Diablo 2 was great; was disappointing by the chicken wings in this game.
  3. Yep. ArcDPS logs are able to replay a battle in its entirety, with exact locations of players on the map at any given moment, where they went, and who was hit by what and what enemy players were there. It's actually kinda crazy the amount of information that is available, especially considering most games struggle to even have any kind of replay feature.
  4. Well, most of them were poopyheads and deserved it! Also, my character did, and not me. Then again I suppose I did support and encourage it, but those are just details. Then again incidentally in most games I tend to actually pick more morally questionable acts on my alts, because hey "my alt did it, not me!" Aka this is non-canon but we must view it for fun. Also back to the topic, I think one's character would be even more heroic because as opposed as they are to drinking, they're doing it to save the world! Or at least that's the spin I would write for myself.
  5. Even as someone that got their 10 weekly defenses by Tuesday, I think it's pretty bad. Sometimes it just doesn't give it. As a side note, I think 10 is a bit much for the weekly too, even assuming it did work perfectly. And yea OP is about the daily, but I can't imagine them being a fan of the weekly either. I think the main problem is the objective boundaries. So you drive someone out of your tower, but they jump out of it and you chase for a bit and kill them but it doesn't count because it's technically not in the objective. Or whatever rules it goes by. Who the kitten really knows? It'd be much more sensible if the objective's territory was the same as thei gliding area. Of course, I suppose someone will be like "omfg what if someone takes advantage of this with 10 alt accounts on the other server nd farms like this?" and to that I would say the game already knows to lower rewards for killing people that haven't been alive for too long, eg we already have a built in thing against inting. Sometimes there's also some weird kitten where I guess they're not categorized as an attacker because they didn't aggro guards/damage walls. Which kinda draws to the other problem. It shouldn't be dependent on stuff like that. If you kill an enemy player in an objective's territory, it should be considered defending instead of all this stuff you have no control over. I feel like removing repair credit was probably not the best idea. It was mostly targted at degens that would sit there all day repairing SMC outer walls, but they could have just tackled SMC directly or cooldowns on many times you can get credit. Ironically the best way to get it is still to camp SMC though I suppose it's somewhat more effort. Fundamentally, the problem is this thing is out of the player's control and is more dependent on the enemy's decisions. The closest thing to it will be killing enemy players, but that's usually much more flexible. But I'll give you the most optimal strategy. When you capture an enemy objective and you downed an enemy, just remember to not kill them until you capture it and wait til it triggers a defense; to make sure punt them into the guards. Surely this is great gameplay.
  6. WvW is less popular then it was back then because the game was more populated as a whole back then; this is an old game and there's always going to be attrition. Then again, they never report how many people are playing the game, and while it should be a lot, it's one of those things where people are judged guilty by omission. WvW was also a more accessible game mode; there's less barriers to entry and for the most part these days people expect you to have all the masteries leveled, while back then it wasn't expected because most people didn't have them. The mount is sideways, as while it creates an additional barrier to entry, but it also reduces the ease of being ganked once they have it. You could actually do stuff on an uplevel, but these days elites give too much of an advantage. The game as a whole as had so many mechanics topped on top of it, and a lot of them do not build on each other and prepare you for the next set because they just keep heaping more on without any rhyme or reason. Many aspects of the game are outdated and stuck in 2014, making it look abandoned. QoL features are nonexistent, though I suppose the entire game has that issues. One particular annoying thing is the increasing deluge of junk that pours into people's inventories. But they don't increase the storage space without a hefty fee. The game does very little to encourage people to do beyond the minimum. Certain defense activities like repairing or trebbing are definitely not worth the time to do in any sense. They also decided to be greedy in the monetization of templates so you have 1 equipment template per game mode But the worst thing is the game hasn't really fostered community building tools. It is inevitable that with that, communities began to decay. When WvWers and other groups like RPers begged Anet to at least keep cities as hubs for callouts, it fell on deaf ears, and then they upended the guild system to take away what people earned and sold it back to them in HoT-- it was a giant middle finger to the smaller guilds that were a large part of WvW. And some will argue it still happens. The only community hub we really have is paywalled, and oh you can test a build on a golem that doesn't even have any features like the raid ones have. What? So I guess that leads to the final question. People transfer because there's no reason to stay where they are. So when the matchups go bad, people don't think twice about leaving. And since it encourages gem sales, no reason to change things. While WvW has its own issues, I think the game itself as a whole doesn't do itself much favors at times, due to it really living in the past with archaic UI and poor QoL at times. There's also two types of toxic groups that I feel block change. One would be the typical group that drank the koolaid and think the game is flawless, but there's also the toxic casual group which is huge and actively despises gameplay that applies effort. I think there's a lot of overlap. Because of all these reasons, many in the WvW community have grown insular and xenphobic to new players. This happens with any aging game, because veteran players sometimes fail to remember what it was like being a new player and thus flame new ones for not knowing stuff they "should" know. However, in this case, the decay is much worse that a lot of WvWers seem detached from the rest of the gw2 community, and actively hate it when they see people they perceive as outsiders coming in. This is often seen during event weeks. You end up with a situation where people utterly lack social graces to anyone outside of their social circles. Such as fight guild/lingo memes in /t. It's pretty damned cringe at times but it gets normalized. Which sometimes can make WvW seem cringe. And then there's all that BM towards new players and sometimes just people asking questions. Or just general weird edgy/offensive jokes that aren't really that edgy because it's overused and thus the edge fell off. And this also leads to a death spiral where normal people come in, and witness nothing but cringe. And then they leave.
  7. Yea, when Gw2 servers go down, it's typically a very bad situation. Most games generally have a weekly mainetance or something. Also holy kitten it's still under maintenance for another 10 hours. Maybe that Dragon Ball Z marathon came up at a good time; maybe then it'll be done.
  8. Mesmer Support ---> buff boons ---> give too many boons ---> nerf null field (?) instead of nerfing the offending build. on the basis that broken build would be even more broken if using Null Field but also kneecapping non-broken builds that would use it. But the broken build needs to exist to compete with other broken builds so null field must be sacrificed but because there are no real options anyways, people use it anyways. This is typical balance, and as usual has only one build in mind so things are easier to balance for them, instead of like, caring about the players. But then again, they didn't even touch the most annoying aspect of this (weakness spam) so the nerfs continue. I'm also certain they only looked at the skill and thought it cleansed too much; they should really check the wiki a bit more on these things.\ To be fair we also killed alacrity generation on most but not all classes, and weirdly enough Alacrity was once designed for Chrono so who really knows. The worst part about this is that mesmer has gone through countless cycle of this same thing. But you know what they say about trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results...
  9. I suppose a lot of people play with the expectation the game will be dead soon and they move onto something else. I've never really thought that was a great idea but I suppose it is what it is. On the other hand, I notice the saltiest people often just play one game. And it makes sense if that's all they're thinking about. Which is why I can play another game when Gw2 is boring me. So see you guys, onto Lost Ark.... wait 27 hours maintenance wtf? Stupid multibillion dollar indie companies. Alriight back to gw2. Grass is greener, etc.
  10. It's a simple fact that nothing really lasts forever these days and things move faster. Oh sure, many people love those days where you can own that copy of the game they can never take away (basically any classic Blizz game lol-- but they try.) However, it is a definitely necessary to not crowdfund games, and buy incomplete products. Like I have no sympathy for people that preordered SotO and then cried when it was missing features. I mean, why not just check for a few minutes to see if it's done, and then buy it? FOMO is one hell of a drug. As a side note, I'm also not really sure about people that complain about WvW but constantly buy gems to transfer around. I get why it's necessary to move somewhere sometimes, but it has the disadvantage of incentivizing them for... doing literally nothing.
  11. Competitive pve? 😧 If you're defining competitive as anything that's not a free for all clusterkitten, I guess. I mean I feel like if you are to devote a large amount of time to a certain hobby, then one owes it to themselves to at least be able to accomplish goals, and yes have clear and concise objectives. Even as a casual player. There's no point wasting hours wiping and achieving nothing. This is just having standards. I feel like you are projecting certain ideas towards a large group of people you've never truly interacted with, which is why it's difficult to reach an understanding. Not that it really matters at this point, but I'm just going to warn you these problems are not just specific to this game. Like, even more casual players in games like Helldivers like to talk with each other as part of the social experience. Surely in a Multiplayer Massive Online Role playing game would encourage and even reward these aspects. And these things are inevitably a community doing, rather than a game designer choice. I mean if your conclusion is that if an MMO is not suitable for you, then there's no argument and that's fine. But a lot of us don't play this like a single player game for clear reasons and a lot of that has nothing to do with pwning the opposition, even if that can be one.
  12. Coordination is important in general, when it comes to doing anything as a team. Many pve raiders prefer comms, and that is true of like most group endgame content in MMOs. It's not specific to just competitive activities. It's useful in any activity where there's a common goal. I can't really say anything about commanders that "demand" you join their comms. Those seem to be in the minority, since there are no real consequences for ignoring such demands.
  13. I mean sure but that's just splitting hairs I think? Just because water 5 was multipurpose doesn't mean calling for water blasts wasn't a thing. I mean sure, small water was probably only explicitly for water blasting but that's also because it didn't (and still doesn't) do that much without being blasted. And considering this whole notion doesn't even mean anything to non-ele players. Other players just need to understand they need to blast and not drop conflicting fields.
  14. The thing about Karakosa is that it is just blasting any field. It can even just be fields you make yourself so there is less need for coordination since the odds of hitting any field at random in the middle of a fight is pretty damned high. On the other hand, back when people blasted water, it was important to blast the right field so calls actually had to be made regarding placing the water field. Water fields were also not as common. It was also important to not put down the wrong fields. Though to be fair light fields used to be worse. Nobody is going to call for blasting Karakosa because it would just clog up comms for no good reason. Whether this is worse or better is subjective, but regardless it's hard to argue that there's equal or more skill expression on Karakosa than properly blasting a water field.
  15. Yea I noticed that; can never invite you or Grimm. 🤣 I also do that sometimes Well that's my joke about being unable to inspect. Only people with too much time on their hands are going to recognize you're running a meta build by scrutinizing dps logs or something. The trick is to run things in the meta. Classes like guardian (any besides maybe DH), tempest, chrono, vindi, scourge/reaper, berserker/spb have so much built in uses for large scale that you pretty much have to be actively griefing to avoid giving said utility to teammates. And with damage engi builds being a real part of the meta, a lot of holos and scrappers can sneak in. Yea I know thieves and non-druid rangers get gatekept more, but well, you know, those are also classes that do fine outside of a squad and wouldn't want to stack anyways.
  16. Ah, I suppose. I just find it impossible to relate to these kinds of things, since I barely even run builds my own guild tells me to, much less some random one. 😆 And I actually want to auto block squad invites because I find a lot of them annoying. I do honestly think that people should run group oriented builds, if they care about working as a team, and if they don't, that's fine too-- but they don't have that much to stand on for kittening at squads for having restrictive requirements-- which is also filtering people out for not working as a team. I mean sometimes I will stick on my roaming build too and even try to join squads at it but I never get kitten because they refuse me. And often they don't, because I can outplay random pugs too. Like sometimes I just get on my specter and pocket the commander because I'm bored. I've never seen anyone think that was a bad thing. I also don't need 4 supports surrounding me to do my job so being in squad is entirely optional. If they think I'm useless, that's fine. I think they're pretty useless without that 20000 barrier either. Now, would I be better on a FIrebrand or even a Willbender in a group? Definitely and I wouldn't argue otherwise. And I have to accept these consequences if I go against it. The hard truth is these requirements are not a Gw2 thing but a multiplayer game thing. And in reality it's more or less to prove that someone isn't braindead and capable of following instructions. Which is very hard in this game, it would seem, and that doesn't apply to just WvW. Like I hate to say this, but if someone keeps getting thrown out of squads, there's a good reason why. I mean there are many bad invisible groups mind you. The ones that actively cause detriment to the team by monopolizing queue space and not communicating at all are pretty bad and are too common for my liking. But I can't fault people for having standards. Even in small scale, I don't think anyone likes players bringing in zerg builds with no cleanse/stunbreaks and are nothing but liabilities. You wouldn't want to fight alongside them either would you? I certainly don't.
  17. I think it has to do with the fact that it's not 2005 anymore, and VOIP is so easily accessible these days that it has become a important part of gaming in a group context. Regardless of competitiveness, comms are a more efficient way of coordinating things. Also I've never seen a commander ever demand I run their builds; most of them don't even share them. And even if they did, there's no inspect function so it can't even be enforced. Unless you're talking about running builds unsuited to be in a group, but in that case a squad isn't necessary or even helpful in most cases.
  18. I've always wanted an aquarium in the SMC lord's room. Or maybe the top floor. But then again fishing in an aquarium would make no sense.
  19. If only that portal on rifle could forcibly take allies away. 🤣
  20. Well that's the problem. They are jealous of the spoons.
  21. I thought that was just you being a warrior main. We usually do well, but like almost all warrior mains you tend to pick fights with everyone on the map. It is good when they target me since I can't play the game and wear cele in small scale and you can do warrior things. So unfortunately the best strategy is to target you and I WP. Come to think about it this is why nobody roams with me. Like if I see Xen, I just drop symbols on them at max range so the symbols damage people that get pulled. It's just a very cheap way of getting participation. Also btw getting more supply and will be back... next matchup.
  22. It's not even the fact we had to blast water fields, it's the fact that nobody even has to care about blasting water fields (or any field) except as an afterthought because everyone craps out so much healing and barrier that who really cares about accuracy. It's mostly just hit your buttons off cooldown after you finally commit besides like whatever few big skills your build has. And they are usually very boring because a lot of elite specs have skills with short cooldowns and so misusing it isn't a big deal. Of course you still blast fields anyways. And given how much crap is on the ground at any time, you can use a blast finisher at pretty much any given time and hit something anyways. But nobody cares since it'll happen in a few seconds anyways. And of course, even if someone does mess up, then who really cares? Just use one of those many insta res carry me skills. So besides showing off in arcdps logs in fights you would have won anyways, meh. edit: The other day I was like on my tempest and was like hey you noticed my 30%+ frost aura on my party because I blasted every ice field? That's like a lot of chill and damage reduction but then people told me nobody cares because druids and vindis faceroll the keyboard and do more damage reduction gtfo cleansebot just cleanse, so I was like w/e why even bother. And yes I know generating an aura cleanses a condi but still nobody cares. I'm just looking for some kind of skill expression. I usually play Firebrand in groups and literally nobody cares about what you do on that unless you're afk.
  23. Yea, but even in those cases it's more of a publicity thing to get their guild name know, but yes people don't care lol. That's like the sailor moon meme https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-job-here-is-done-but-you-didnt-do-anything Well you know, you have to adjust it based on people. Some people are just too invested in the game and are just trying to start a fight, but hey, at least you can convince everyone else your opponent in chat is actually insane. That's also my forum strategy.
  24. The tagging down thing is typcially a recruitment message but then again most Gw2 players including me can't be bothered to read more than 5 word sentences in chat soo... and they never reply if you reply to said message! Not that one should expect MMO players to have social graces, but it gets really bad at times. Like, rudely telling people to get off the map or do something generally doesn't work. It has the opposite effect and they have no power to force anyone on the map. In general, it's bad to single people out. The best way to get people to do anything in Gw2 is to be passsive aggressive. So instead of flaming people for building paper arrow carts, I would go "gee, too bad we don't have any supply to build actually useful siege like shield gens. I guess someone thinks that tickling the enemy helps lol!" If you attack people or something associated with them, they will immediately think you are the villain and shut you out.. But if you make them think for a second, then maybe they realize they were in the wrong all along. Granted, this is why people (including the folks you mentioned) try to get by without thinking. It's the same point with a hint of dickishness but you also don't single out anyone and people can make adjustments in their own private time. And in all fairness, I see much better siege choices in our keep nowadays especially after I demonstrated some shield gen usage. There's that one guild that has bad stab uptime that absolutely cannot handle them and I know they get all jittery when they see me running around with a blueprint on a willbender 🤣
  25. I think it is sensible when you reach a certain point where you cannot handle the enemy numbers and need to call others for help, that you should make your tag visible and closed. That way people will know where you are. You can also go back to invisible once it's done. If people enjoy wiping because they like the challenge of fighting outnumbered, that's fine, but too many have egos and just want to blame other people for not psychically knowing what they will do. It's like those dumb roamers that charge a group of 7-10 people and get mad at their team for not helping (sometimes people can't even physically reach them in time) after they evaporate. If you like fighting 1v10 that's cool and even respectable but don't expect everyone to. This is the exact same thing in large scale. This link is especially bad. We abandoned a bay attack when a large group came and then apparently there was some invisible group complaining about that because they stayed behind and died. Well, maybe that would have been different if they said anything in chat or anything to alert us to their presence but nope. Boon balling has caused so much brain damage that it has impaired people from even saying the most basic of words to communicate. Well, aside from salty gamer lingo; that is just the sign of brain damage.
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