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Everything posted by ArchonWing.9480

  1. This is the equivalent of losing in checkers and being like "Why are you only good at checkers? Why can't you be good at a real game like chess? I could totally beat you there!" Also if you really do think this game is not a skillful game, and you are are a skilled enough gamer I feel like you should also see the results (such as dps) as irrelevant and nonsensical. And certainly not have to write so much dismissing it, which should be so casually dismissed you were indeed a good LoL or whatever player. I don't write paragraphs explaining why my placement in Monoply doesn't affect my status as a gamer, the exact same as dps results in this game.
  2. They want people to respawn when dead, but for the most part it doesn't make any sense for downed players. Having to loot items is such an archaic system though. It should go straight in your inventory unless it's full. Sadly, I think it's more or less been abandoned and most wvw rewards are concentrated in the tracks. But at least the most you can lose is ~50 gold from a precursor that will never drop unless you can loot it anyways; it's not exactly the jackpot items anymore.
  3. Well yea, you ruined their montage and they'll have to spend like 3 hours editing it to make it look they are beating you (sudden cut to black)
  4. Also transfers cost gold. A lot of people aren't going to bother with that unless they really know what's on the other side, and i'd imagine there's a lot of used (car) server salespeople trying to recruit as such. And of course, some players are loyal to guilds or friends and go where they are. We do see those people that complain about not getting pips when they move and they tend to get made fun of pretty fast, so... xD
  5. I picked a random server at launch, and transferred to SBI because some friends were there, and also one of the guilds that I knew from another game also happened to be there.
  6. 1. NA 2/3 I can't remember 4. Usually Sat/ Monday/Tuesday afternoon 5. They did, however virtually anything would be better than my current server. (is generally a t4 one). We did have a lot of people and things were regularly queued so there is some sign things are working. 6. I did select a guild. 7. No, our PR department is terrible. 8. No. The first server seemed very pug heavy with mostly havoc groups. The 2nd link was weird, because there were definitely guild groups but most of them were running off the radar. I'm not talking about invisible tags, but rather just them doing their own thing and playing in isolation. The only time I noticed them is when they fed an enemy zerg an hour like literally 30+ times and I saw the KDR plummeting in real time so I suppose joining the tag would not help. I did keep my level 6 participation up though. It didn't really bother me because I don't really need a tag due to enjoying cloud style and I have a guild and friends and stuff, but to your average player (especially if they are new to WvW), it could be problematic. 9. The first matchup for sure. Incidentally it was good at all scales of play. 10. The population seems there, also the extra wxp is nice. 11. Map queues are a problem, and also very buggy. Sometimes the queue would pop and then the map would say it's full. Also the pug tag situation may be an issue but that's more of an issue of the current balance situation where it is very hard to pugmand rather than a population issue. Also this is probably because I am stupid, but a lot of times I don't even know what server I am on, maybe some UI improvements could go in that direction especially now things are going to change rapidly.
  7. It's just farm content. Those that want risk and engagement can just play the game mode.
  8. The real troll is 1 stack stab skills 🙃 Though it seems to me that many people copy pastad the pvp WB build. Don't play PvP personally but there's an emphasis on cleanses because I believe condi clear sources is much weaker in PvP. So the skill a lot of people end up taking is Contemplation of Purity (converts ALL condis to boons). This is especially strong on non-WB guardians because it converts immobilize to resistance, but in general WB can easily counter immob with f2 cleanse which has 2 charges in pve/wvw. It really does seem like a force of habit. Regardless what happens is the fights scale up a bit in numbers, and they'd be better off with something like Stand Your Ground but instead they just get stunlocked and died. There are also some weirdos that don't take the stunbreak on the f3 tome which is fairly spammable stab or cleanse on F2 which is a big ??? It is true that WB doesn't really scale up in bigger fights like other guardians though, but it is still kinda funny.
  9. That's not even the worst. I regularly hear Guardians complaining about being stunned (eg, not enough stability. A lot of guard roaming builds run light on stab) How does that feel to you on a necro main?
  10. Well, since then Mesmer has emerged as a viable stability alternative, but all and all it hasn't changed that much.
  11. I don't think that has anything to do with being a Firebrand. Actually never mind, as someone that plays Firebrand, I too blame my party when I die.
  12. I feel like this is one of the ideas that sounds great on paper, but would be annoying to do on a farm basis. A lot of skills are pretty much designed around hitting targets that don't move very much, and having a boss that jets around dodging everything would make a lot of things unplayable, and also introduce variance that may annoy players. Also if the game was still based on dodging telegraphed attacks as the main way of survival, that might be possible, but there is so much chip damage these days that the best way to play is to stack together for boons and crap and again, following a mobile boss is going to be irritating. This is especially true if the boss can just arbitrarily dodge without warning. If fights had a way to consistently draw aggro, this might be more passable, but for the most part a lot of the game would have to be reworked for it to not annoy players. This could be something for story or event bosses. But not stuff people do regularly.
  13. I mean they do somehow always press the worst button possible for every given occasion. That's gotta take some skill. It's just like how they always burst dolyaks but do no actual damage to enemy players.
  14. Hey, you are fortunate. At least it shows they can read and write. I can't say the same for the ones in my parts.
  15. There are still dailies and weeklies for Wxp in the wizard's vault but the daily one is so small it doesn't matter unless you don't want to play wvw at all. You can also use them for the Wxp guild mission.
  16. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Barrage is being changed to an ammo system, so now rangers have easy access to an aoe attack that can't be reflected. This means they may be able to touch an enemy group without being reflected to death. There's also a certain gimmick trait by the name of quick draw which greatly reduces the cooldown of a skill when you swap weapons. Thus the potential of a triple barrage exists. In general, the ideas of any damage based ranger being useful in a zerg, especially with a bow, is considered illegal and punishable by death or /squadkick so much to the point that some ranger mains will openly disavow the Longbow in order to not be branded as a scrub. Unfortunately, the average ranger pug will probably still continue to press 2 and kill themselves anyways, providing much needed bags to the general populace. But at least some will be able to play the game. The actual effect of it in large scale is probably minimal due to the other broken stuff that exists atm. But I am sure someone will make something that will get complained about here in about.... 12 hours?
  17. I wrote something about it in the past. Since then, I would include the EOD Era: Characterized by even more emphasis on healing and sustain, with Warrior bubble being (more) annihilated. There were some attempts at nerfs to classes like Firebrand but fundamental issues were not really resolved with the only real effect of heal scrapper falling out and druids coming in after some buffs. SotO Era. The current era I would say is the polarized era, where we sometimes see the worst of both extremes, thanks to the unlocking of weapons across all specs, resulting in a balance nightmare of huge proportions. However, it's not as bad as it could be, maybe because certain things might have cancelled each other out. The current meta consists of a generally unkillable boonball until it faces another boonball. The best tactic is generally to catch the other boonball by surprise by very high bursts from berserkers and holosmiths, and disengage if failed, trying again ad nauseam. In theory, that sounds like a great form of cat and mouse, but in practice it just leads to guilds chasing orange swords in order to land a burst on already occupied enemies. (and running away if they fail) Also there was a misguided attempt to push Chrono to the forefront again but it seems they will be deleted again in a bit as usual. There is some work on trying to address all of this, but there's also a lot of random buffs every patch that cause even more problems.
  18. Unfortunately, all content breaks down when it's on "farm" mode. We have people in this game that can instantly nuke CM bosses for a very long time even before power creep was as such. Everyone knows the optimal movements and even where to stand in order to delete mobs more efficiently. Making the content harder sounds like a good idea but I think that tends to hurt less organized groups that just came on in vs an organized group trying to steamroll the content so they can move to the next thing. I suppose we could have a hard mode switch that guilds could flip to make that instance harder, but that may come with its own set of issues.
  19. No, at least not until I've logged on yet.
  20. Wish granted! However now all thieves are converted to Willbender and now Guardian pistol will have a smoke field.
  21. It's really only a problem where there is powercreep (new relics >>>>> old relics). where the meta all switches to them. However, what is more likely to happen is many of these relic choices will end up like most of the relic choices you see today-- probably too irrelevant for you to even notice, much less unlock. Even as we speak, a lot of the meta relics are still quite mundane. For the most part, unless you are truly on the cutting edge meta, it shouldn't be too big of a deal, but if you are, you generally want to be up to date on expansions anyways. I don't even have SotO atm, and do not have access to the SotO relics, so if anything things are getting better for me. With that in mind, I wouldn't really worry. They really do seem to take into note not everyone will have all the expansions.
  22. Yea, when you're working with something like that with no concrete details, it is inherently gambling, and you shouldn't use stuff you're not willing to part with. The real progamer move would be to craft nothing, and simply invest in all the materials needed for the runes over time; focusing on provisioner tokens that are timegated. We knew there would be months before anything would happen given their pace. Once the announcement was made, one could click several dozen times and quickly be set,. or they just sell back all the mats they don't need in a day and make a killing off the skyrocketing prices. There would be only be a few scenarios that one could take an L in those cases, and most of it would involve going back entirely on their word that runes will be involved in progress towards legendary relics. But if one is that cynical, then they shouldn't even bother taking any risk here. On the other hand, crafting 7 runes grants an L in any scenario where things don't go exactly as expected. Anet could have given a full relic instead with 2,3,4,5, or 6 runes and all of those cases a 7th relic is a bad idea. This is not me defending the company- any skeptical mind would also think this is a really bad move. I didn't do this myself, because I decided preparing was futile given how little information we had and just forgot about it. I had crafted 1 legendary rune just for underwater. I also had some charms I bought by accident, because I thought they were for sigils and left them there. Regardless, that and whatever charms I collected over time sold pretty nicely. So as is, aiming for 7 wasn't necessarily a bad idea. In fact, it could have been the most profitable route. Crafting them and binding them solely in the hopes of getting the value of a legendary relic of indeterminate value n was indeed nonsensical and arguably a losing proposition in any case. But even in that case, at least it can still be used as intended as interchangable runes. Not to mention the charms went up in prices so dramatically lately that even crafting one legendary rune wouldn't save that much gold over multiple And finally, for all we know, legendary relics may not even cost that much compared to that many runes. What can I say? You win some, you lose some. And at the end of the day, it's a compensatory system, not a way to get ahead and profit.
  23. And besides there is no way to actually be a dictator. This isn't pve where you can kick people out of an instance, thus all requests, are just that... requests. That being said one is free to play however they want, however they should accept the consequences of their actions. One of them is that others may not want to play with you if you behave in a manner that annoys other players. For example, if you join a tag and don't actually follow it, don't be crying if you get booted and the tag goes invisible. And if you're a tag and all you do is flame people for not obeying you and you tell scouts to get off the map, then don't be shocked if nobody wants to follow you. If you bring a pve build into WvW, don't be surprised when other players just let you die. Yes, you did buy the game. But it is unwise to kitten off your teammates in a game mode that is reliant on it. Of course many will go, "I don't care". I hope they actually mean it. A lot of moans on these very forums are because players have alienated everyone around them and nobody wants to play with them.
  24. Well, our server was weird. Not many large guilds; bunch of smallish havoc guilds.... and some of Mag. In the first week, we were matched against what seemed to be SBI's B-team with predictable results. I mean I always knew they weren't very good but the fact that I can be half looking at the screen chatting on Discord and randomly cleave them out with out even targeting anything was pretty funny. Until it became sad. I felt sorry for the team that had them. Some of them also actively targeted me because of the guild tag and I might have been scared if they did damage. I've been warning them for years that doing damage is important! The 2nd week we had a lot of big blob guilds that enjoyed double teaming our Red BL which people on our server are not a fan of. Weirdly enough that led to a lot of fights on Red BL though EBG was always queued and was kinda cool there. There was a lack of coverage. Still regardless, I'll be looking forward to seeing you in a bit. It's also unfortunate that our link with CD was cut short; the team chat was pretty fun.
  25. Hey sometimes we deliberately keep a wall low just so we can set a trap. (Only applies if you actually have people around to do this). Most people are too curious and cannot avoid falling into a trap, even if Admiral Ackbar already warned them.
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