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Itz Jay.8941

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Everything posted by Itz Jay.8941

  1. Got one in my friends list with over 1k games. It's a mesmer which runs both condi signets, it's running signets so it can just sit on you and do dps rotations. It's rotations are so perfect it's actually in gold 2. The thing does not stop moving for the entire game, it does not talk either. So I was in a match with a few plat players and we just could not carry it, eventually we all gave up and it repeatedly ran out of the gate to close and suicided right up until the very last second of the game. To fight against it you quite simply evade perfectly and cc and burst the hell out of it and you win every time. Some players are trying to fight it defensively which means they lose because it is permanently doing dps rotations, no blink or moving away or anything, you just have to burst it down fast. They are out there.
  2. Vengeance is funny as f in pvp mate I love it when they try to bleed me and my team mate a few meters away downs somebody but gets downed themselves or my whole team goes down and I vengeance just to rally everyone haha you can vengeance to prevent the enemy from rallying for enough time for your team to finish them as well. Plus you might yet live!
  3. Most of ppl who’ve been top 100 before can solo q and get there especially half way through the season. Like I literally didn’t duo once and am top 25 with like low plat2. If I want end of season top 25-100 I’ll prolly need to duo q a little to get plat3 but still most of the season would be solo q.Soloq placements went 6-4 into 1480 rating and losing twice more points than I gain, so basically stuck in this trashcan while usually I had 1750 rating (but didnt finish season as I cant force myself to play more than 50-60 games). Soloq is pure hell if you are stuck on low rating (oh ye,I dont play meta builds and didnt play it before). You can win 1x2 but that wouldnt matter because some bunker troll 3 ppl on your close and their IQ is that low to just leave him 1x1 someone and lose the map anywayYou can always do what everyone else does and queue up in early hours of morning, play on a friday night and saturday night as long as it's not too close to pay day you'll be playing with a bunch of noobs. Sure you'll have to hard carry but you'll climb easily haha, add a duo partner in and you'll stomp. Ever fought these plat players in the arena and found that they just melt? Well yeah.
  4. Fresh air is so annoying honestly especially when you are begging your team to focus it but they proceed to completely ignore you and get destroyed for the rest of the game by a stupid 1 shot. But theres more... Ridiculous people who tweak already broken cheese like condi theif, burn guard e.t.c. to maximum burst, god they are annoying. DH's using every trap and then spamming all their skills and second set of traps the second you walk in, instant killing you while they block everything you have. Then you have berserker power mesmer instant killing you from stealth, theif can do the same, condi mirage tweaked to condition damage hell. I hate all this ez mode crap that catches you off guard I would have said mesmer but I'm intelligent enough to just not fight them, instead I stay away from them, I focus on the main target, then whenever I notice the real mesmer just chilling, bang, burst him down.
  5. You think this is the way it works but in reality it's a complete lottery, the chances of doing this actually improving your game mode are slim to none. I would say 99% or more of people do not do this and at higher tiers pretty much everybody multi-classes anyway so its inconsequential. I had a game today with 2 reapers on my team vs 2 scourge and they got absolutely trolled on, they were porting about while the scourges just chilled back ranging them, so tell me how the reapers went into the match but didn't get matched against one reaper? I'll tell you how, because it doesn't work the way you think, it's a lottery bud. I would argue that the likelihood of you getting a bad match up is much higher than you getting enemies swapping and then getting stomped. What you have to remember as well is that even though they have swapped classes, they will not be as good on that class as they would be on their main. Whats more if you couldn't swap classes, then what's to stop duos from stomping even more since you cant take any advantage against them. There is a lot more to think about than "I only play one class, so should everyone else" It's like the saying goes sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, in this case we are being unfair to be fair. P.S I don't even multi class, I just play for fun.
  6. They should nerf all or at least most of the core and HoT specs to show PoF supremacy and ensure ppl buy that expansion....wait a second....PS: Not bad Mirage rework suggestionsWell some of them are from blizzard after all, learn from the best they say
  7. No, there would be a lot more landslide games and people throwing if this change was implemented. If you are queuing as a holo and get thrown against 3-4 condi classes you are dead plain and simple, swapping classes here allows us to have some control over the matchmaking system which is essentially a lottery every time you press ranked, all this change would do is make ranked even more of a lottery. If you can't beat em, join em, otherwise queue as the class you enjoy and have fun.
  8. I get good and bad placements still always climb up to gold 3/plat 1 quite easily as a solo player, could easily get higher if I could be bothered to swap classes/&builds.
  9. metabattle.com head over there and read every build guide from the top down and youll learn a lot and there is guides for map rotation and you will see the top streamers names at the bottom of each build you can learn a lot from watching them doesn't matter what class you play or what you are watching you need to learn all of them to a degree to be able to climb Try to play a carry class if you're playing solo, like spellbreaker/holosmith have a lot of mobility and utility, they are good all rounders so you will have more favourable match ups with them.
  10. Actually you will normally find that experienced players will focus the reaper before the scourge because of its peak burst damage, scourge builds its burst much more slowly than reaper does and it is more condition based which can be cleansed. Your first mistake is only ever playing one character in pvp, without playing multiple classes or having an extensive knowledge of each class you're always going to find yourself struggling to climb. Without having a good knowledge of the other classes you won't know how to fight them and how each class can support you in a game. Unfortunately if you cannot climb out of silver then this is a learn to play issue because there are plenty of people playing reaper and other non-meta builds effectively all the way up the ladder. I'm not saying reaper is in a good place but you have no standpoint to make any calls in your situation friend.
  11. They should just make seasons back to back between duo and solo queue and get rid of the time inbetween seasons. There is no reason to have this time inbetween season since this game and specifically the game mode conquest makes it impossible to balance because of the different roles that can create momentum in conquest. There should be a 5 man queue separate as well or maybe it is live only during duo queue seasons. So what everyone says we don't have the population, just try it out ffs, the community might come together. Anet communicate with people make polls listen to what the people want.
  12. It does match you by rank but not by skill. You'd be better off jumping straight into ranked. Unranked is full of total noobs, people trying out weird builds, playing in 5 man premade teams and just messing about ganking. Head over to metabattle and read the guides there and jump straight into ranked where you will be put with people of the "same" skill level.
  13. The thing has constant powerful condi application like mirage can be with a few tweaks and necro, they become just ridiculous. Problem is not themselves but it's when you get into a very very close match up they end up getting momentum and literally carry simply because your team do not have enough cleanse, nothing to do with skill whatsoever.. Also these meme builds get tweaked even more from the meta into more condi making them even more faceroll.. nobody wants this rubbish in pvp other than the ones getting carried up the ladder by dropping condi bombs, you can always tell when you finally get into a 1v1 with them and absolutely destroy them repeatedly with flawless rotations but then in the mid fight you get under 50% hp you can be sure as hell they are on you like horse flies dropping every thing they got. no counter play anymore
  14. That's what needs to happen, they need to make some short season in-between seasons that's something a bit different. Overall this game needs a massive overhaul to pvp. I have now finally come to the decision that I actually don't enjoy pve content in this game anymore since it's so repetitive and there isn't enough enjoyable content to play with anymore so I will now only be playing pvp in gw2, I imagine there are many in the same situation as me, it would be nice to see some work put into pvp to make it all more enjoyable on a day to day basis. But then nothing will ever be done about this game, there were supposed to be more legionaries for pvp and how many years has that been going on? So it's no wonder they can't make any new maps or alternate new game modes during off season....
  15. You can get a few via achievements for free, other than that it's actually cheaper to convert gold to gems and buy and extra inventory slot to use another free 20 slot fractal bag.
  16. Yeah the best way to get better in sPvP is to learn every single class, play them all for a few hours here and there in game. Get onto metabattle.com and learn all the meta builds and the popular lower tier builds. You'll soon find yourself timing not only your own cooldown's but your enemies cooldown's as-well. You'll start thinking like oh hes used distort, he just used his last dodge, I know he has used blink and he has no stability up, now I can carefully make sure he isn't near the mirage mirrors and hit him hard with the deeps, stuns and interrupts. Oh hes on sword now, an illusion just spawned and leapt at me, hes using sword 3 and is going to try and swap with the illusion, immobilising me and unloading blurred frenzy, I've gotta dodge this e.t.c. If the mesmer is running disenchanter its almost definitely likely they are running power. What you should be looking out for is whether they are chrono or mirage, and what weapons they are using. Other things to look out for are things like portal, if mesmer isn't running portal, they have more utilities, but can be locked down easier in a team fight. If it's a GS mesmer, are they running portal, and are they running mantra of distraction or disenchanter, if distraction you need to be esp careful to avoid using skills while they are throwing greatswords, you'll need to be esp careful to stay near something which can break LoS, and be esp careful of blowing your blocks, stunbreaks and evades. If running disenchanter you can be more risky and get closer, you can try to interrupt it or nuke the illusion fast and just generally be more careful of popping your boons if your unsure whether its on CD or not. Learn how to use LoS to bait people, stay near something which can break it. Learn the ranges of skills, and use range to your advantage. Learn every class, every build, every skill. Learn every maps jumping puzzles. Learn rotations, how and when to +1, when you can 1v2 and create advantage (not when your team has more dead players than theirs) what overextending is, what is over commiting. Are you better than your team mates? (should you be in the 1v1's?) Watch enemy deaths, time their respawns (esp theif and when you are fighting on their close node) Which classes are better vs which, where should you be. Learn when to disengage and re-engage. Know your surroundings, escape routes. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water making it's way through the cracks. Water can flow, it can crash, you put water in a cup it becomes the cup, be like water. In the middle of chaos lies opportunity.
  17. You have to know your abilities before going into the 1v1, if you can't disengage from a fight then there isn't much point in you trying to enter a 1v1. Mesmer has excellent disengage ability and can chase in general and mirage has even better chasing ability with sword, so you should bear this in mind, because of these facts mesmer in the right hands is the best 1v1 class. It can disengage, and re-engage fights quickly. Mirage has a lot of interrupts, a lot of evasion, and a lot of stunbreak too, which are more traits which make it the best 1v1 class. Generally mesmer is better in smaller fights because his phantasms and clones won't get cleeved down as quickly and a lot of his damage is single target, for this reason mesmer will always try to split enemy comps up by playing 3 caps, then the second his team creates an advantage he will try to create more momentum by outnumbering fights or juking 1v2+ with clever use of portal. You should always avoid playing mesmer on his terms, try to get him into the team fight where he is less capable and more vulnerable. If it's a chaos mesmer (unless you're a scourge, in which case you should be in the team fight anyway), or a condi mesmer (and you don't have a lot of cleanse), I would avoid the 1v1. If it's a GS mesmer I would be a lot happier to go into the 1v1, with good baiting skills and breaking LoS to block bursts without wasting evades you can easily win the fight vs GS mesmer. If GS mesmer goes into stealth, start moving away, get behind something to break LoS, visualise where he is moving, learn his stealth skills and learn to time how long he has.
  18. I haven't completed the PoF maps, nor played much PoF for this very reason. Just got the griffon and all the mastery insights and left PoF to itself.
  19. Sorry, not buying what you are selling here. Suddenly there is a "UI bug" when someone has a large amount of dishonor and now the screenshots people are putting up are "unreliable"? How convenient... Well, we can provide proof by giving you a few years of dishonour and you can learn how the timer rolls over in weird ways. If you agree that if I'm telling the truth, I can leave it there. ;) The bug is not "sudden." It's always been there. It not the type of bug people are going to post about and one we're in too big of a hurry to fix, given the small number of people affected.Careful you might get banned from the forums. I made a comment which I intended to be funny in the forums once, not nearly as dark as yours, I was warned by a forum moderator! Gotta watch out for those guys! In seriousness through if your reasoning behind the 3 month ban is in favour of moderating them more easily then I can understand it. I also know that I've said some salty stuff I have come to regret when I've been tilted in sPvP in the past, and I'd hate to be perma banned for that. I understand win trading is different in it being completely intentional though.
  20. Depends what you want to do in the game. Do you want PvP, fractals, raids, open world, crafting legendaries? I do everything and just got into crafting my first legendary weapon apart from the legendary sPvP wings. You need to get a feel for what end game content is like in GW2, luckily I did so much PvP and earned so many exotic armour/weapon chests and tomes of knowledge I only had to level one character up in the open world, now I have 9 level 80's and a level 53 for opening bags. In the process of course I took each character through the HoT hero points and had a play around with them, I also played around with each in sPvP so I had a good feel for each profession. So the only way I can see you deciding a profession is by doing a number of things. Try them in sPvP. Check out the metabattle.com site for the best builds in sPvP and fractals. You'll see all the top streamers names for twitch on metabattle, and you can check out the gameplay of the meta builds to see if you like it. Check out the top raid builds at snowcrows.com. When you know all the builds being used in endgame, get onto youtube and find videos of them being used in raids and fractals, and find DPS bench mark videos too. Just see what you think. I play all of my characters from time to time, at the moment I main between warrior (condition banner slave, or power spellbreaker banner slave) and druid (harrier healing). I have three sets of ascended in the bank waiting (IKR, for what??), so I'll gear my next chars/builds up when I've finished unlocking the PoF specs. I like to play all the classes, else I get bored. As for race, well, everything but human female looks horrible to me, excluding the one male charr rev I have, but I couldn't have more than one male rev as there's only one combo of armour that looks good on him. Human female has loads of armour combos that look great. All 8 of my human females have the same face, same blonde hair and the same body shape (big hips, big ...., big ...). For making friends, well I made a few back in my sPvP days, when people were less toxic and you could actually have a nice chat during games. Purely made the friends through communication and they thought I was good. Got into a nice guild, but got demoted for "giving advice" to a guild member during a game, so I left the guild after getting a mouthful. Then I started doing raids not so long ago, met some really nice friends there. Then I got sick of joining training runs that had clueless commanders, so I learnt every class and build in the game and their role in raids, learnt all of the raid mechanics, and learnt certain popular strategies from players in game. Started leading my own training runs and have met some really good friends now. Raids are a good place to meet people because you have to communicate, just try to find your end game content which is everything for me, and join a load of different guilds until you meet people who you can communicate with and have a laugh with.
  21. Hi, returning UK player here haven't played in roughly 4-6 months. Used to have perfect connection for years of 20-70 ping, no problems whatsoever. Just purchased the xpac with gems and am horrified to be receiving constant ping spikes of 400-700 averages 200 plus rubber banding hell. I am a dedicated pvp player so sadly the game is absolutely unplayable for me now. My network is fine done a reset and tested my fibre optic connection to 10ms 10+mb/s. I will be pursuing a refund if I cannot get gw to play properly. Really am shocked to see this happening, my PC was due a reset so am currently reinstalling, after this I will install gw2 afresh and do some further investigation. I'll come back if I manage to get my ping below 100 if not I shall not be playing gw2 ever again.
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