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Everything posted by Emberfoot.6847

  1. I think people killing daily events too quickly may be people like myself. I personally try to go out of my way to do very little damage, but I often do the events dailies as I do it at the same time as completing the map on someone who needs it. Not everyone is there to do dailies as fast as humanly possible, but I do agree it would be nice if more lv80s eased up on the dps.
  2. It took me 4 goes to get through Joons mansion. One was a DC so discounting that, three goes. Twice was managing to get jammed inside boxes in the final fight, and the other time I managed to end up in a totally locked room with no jade charges thanks to not realising exactly how the bot and my placement was going to work. All in all it was definitely one of the least fun times I had doing EoD, when it felt like it should have been a good one. For reference, I did this mission in the last week or so, so those bugs at least are not fixed.
  3. If it was ghost wolf run there is one particular gate that is easy to slightly overshoot, where you are dropping down from the vista. Maybe it's possible she was following you a little too efficiently and just barely overshot? Either way clearer gates on the main screen would be nice.
  4. No I literally mean they have a merch value so you can sell them for like 4 silver to a merchant by accident.
  5. Set up your own authenticator so other people are far less likely to be able to take over. Doesn't have to be sms even, you can do it with email or a couple of different apps.
  6. Maybe OP is on mobile trying to get support, I never had trouble finding this info myself before but I just looked while on my mobile and I could only find the email it mentioned on one obscure help page.
  7. I mean frankly at this point not only am I unsure what exactly OP was after, I am not sure HE does.
  8. I don't even mind it so much, but if OP thinks like 100 earnable ones is bad, he's not gonna like that. That said, it would be nice to be able to earn a couple.
  9. My main gripe with gw2 is not even close to being a lack of earnable backpacks, its the near enough total lack of ability to earn glider and mount skins. I really hope OP isn't into those too or he's gonna have sad times.
  10. Did you even look at the two birthday ones I mentioned, or are you still a long way off the 5th birthday of your account? Only I would have thought that the Hoelbrak and DR backpacks are basically the definition of mountain backpacks. (old style ones anyways, not modern)
  11. I can see it helping a lot for things like soloing HoT HPs as in theory you could half kill it, respawn if you die, and get back into the fight before it heals back up again. Other than that and select metas I plain cba to use it because of the cast time and cd.
  12. If OP is relatively new he is probably a way off yet, but some of the later years birthday gifts also include backpacks, a couple of which are very much like traditional backpacks. (I think the Hoelbrak and Divinity's Reach ones)
  13. To add to this, most backs on the trading post that look nice are not full back pieces, so you want to look under SKINS not armour.
  14. Hiya, bit of an odd question and I don't know if anyone can help, but whenever I have put in a ticket for help (latest one being a guild weapon mess up) I always say thanks to the GM and close the ticket to say they solved my problem. Does anyone actually know if they are able to or prompted to read the update I made before I closed it, or do they just move on. Either way is fine really, I just always hope that they get a little brighter for having helped so much. Thanks.
  15. I would suggest finish the core story, do what there is of lw1, then watch the recap cutscene from the NPC on the beach in lions arch, and carry on. It could be (and prob will be) many months until we get all of season 1 again.
  16. And just to stress, there is no reason at all to do even story mode solo, unless it is just because you want to. You will get any achievements etc with a pug or organised party too.
  17. That famous moment when you try binding alt with the f- keys for a shortcut and reach alt f4
  18. Not to mention, some of the times these things get readded after a 2 year wait, they are here for a week or two then gone again.
  19. I don't bother about AP myself, but nearly everyone I know that still plays since launch hunts AP as something to do, like a guide to content they haven't yet done. The skins can be nice too.
  20. Despite playing all open world content including HoT hps (frequently solo) and world bosses, and wearing only exotic zerker gear on everyone, I average a single death per hour. I don't see how Dante can possibly know that's why people are dying, and not because they don't know their dodge/block/cc/heal skills.
  21. I hate these so much. One in the Great Hall in Istan was a huge pain in the bum, in the end I got it in most of my chars by getting a friend to go there once I helped with all the pres, then just tped to friends a crudton. Sucks to be leech but otherwise it would have taken months.
  22. Not only this but they did also change one of those ones near Lyssa statues, so the commune goes doubly fast.
  23. One thing I found helpful with this hp when I started is that most people leave the cannons facing the barrel they hit successfully, so the best thing to do is try multiple cannons and only adjust the time you hold fire, don't move them left or right unless you are sure they are not aimed at anything.
  24. It's most likely the most consistently populated expac, even beyond newer stuff like PoF. I also see HP runs there daily (EU server at least) and personally mesmer portal escorted a guy around just two days ago to fill an entire elite spec. I don't know what else you want to or expect to hear that will "make" you want to play if you decided you don't.
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