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Hot Boy.7138

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Everything posted by Hot Boy.7138

  1. When playing in groups, mirage sword ambush has very high uptime for auras because of all the ground effects from all the other classes. It would be nice if there were some traits that could manipulate those auras to make it more powerful versions and/or give unique effects for having an aura. Right now they are easily ignored and just visual clutter that doesn't have any great benefit. Introduce some new aura traits for mesmer. Seems like a good time to add something fresh to mesmer. I for one would love an aura build on mirage if it hits hard, has cool effects, and is fun to play.
  2. I agree with OP completely. AoE damage should be lower than single target "focused" attacks. And I want to add, traps should really not begin recharging until triggered.
  3. I'd like to see mirage cloak preserved no matter what. That's the flavor of the spec and a core concept.
  4. You should fight for your rank. The fight shouldn't stop until the season ends. If you can't maintain that rank then it's fair you fall to a lower bracket. Maybe it could be an achievement that says you made it to a certain bracket at least once that season, so you can showcase your achieve that you did do it at least once, even if you didn't hold onto it.
  5. I actually like the block on sword. But I have to agree with you. I think the only reason i'm still holding onto sword is because of the ambush skill. And even that is half as good now since the mirage dodge was gutted in pvp.
  6. I've always used main hand sword in pvp since the game launched. I've always been sw/sw and sw/p, with the exception of HoT days when i used shield instead of pistol. But I always felt sword was a very strong weapon despite its limitations on being short ranged and having no access to cripple. But now, main hand sword feels like a liability. Sword 1 autos is supposed to be a strong cleave weapon, but it's weak as kitten now. It can't cut through barrier that is so frequently applied by so many other classes now. Sword 2 is more likely to get you killed because of the wide availability and sharing of retaliation, and frequency of its application. Sword 3 is sword 3. It hasn't changed and I honestly feel neutral about it. It has great utility, however it would be better if the animation could be sped up a little, from the moment the skill is used and when the swap is used, it feels slightly slow. I'd really love to come back to this game and have a blast with my dual swords, but i'm having a really hard time doing so. I'm desperately trying to find some fun playing my favorite class, but everything I love about mesmer just keeps getting gutted.
  7. Staff clones are OPed, especially in pvp. So for that reason, i don't think staff needs any buffs, but I will admit that I find the weapon to be very boring.
  8. I always keep this skill on my bar. It suits my playstyle well.
  9. sometimes the mvp on the team doesn't have any awards in any category at the end. Contribution in a match isn't always measured numerically. I think the team should be rated as a unit.
  10. Do you actually play destiny 2 on stadia? it's flawless for me. I do. The load times are lower, but it also looks like I am playing it back on a PS3 instead of my 4 core custom PC. It does not play nice if anyone else in the house is using the internet, even with my PC cabled in with Cat 5e. If you live alone, your mileage may vary. you do need to have good internet for Stadia to shine. I have a gigabit internet from verizon fios. Destiny 2 looks really good on my 4k TV and plays very well on it.
  11. okay, legit question: Who here actually regularly uses google stadia? Not to be rude, but something I've noticed is that the people that have nothing positive to say about google stadia have never actually used it themselves. So, i have to wonder how many of you have actually used it.
  12. Do you actually play destiny 2 on stadia? it's flawless for me.
  13. I've been on google stadia since day 1. This game would benefit a lot of people on stadia. Especially world events and wvw zerg fights where so many peoples computers buckle under the load. Anyone wouldbe able to play this game on high settings while streaming it if it was on stadia. It would be a good move. Making the game more accessible to more players is always a good thing. See above article I linked... you dont get high settings of ESO with Stadia. It's still a good option. Maybe for a mobile device, but that's about it. You're coming from a privileged standpoint. I understand if you have a great gaming pc you might feel stadia is only good for mobile. But there are alot of people playing on old computers and maybe dont even have a computer. maybe they just have a chromebook, or even just a chromecast ultra, a tablet, or even only a phone. This is a good option, period. No one is arguing it's the best option or should be the only option, but it is a good option. Then use GeForce Now which is free (for a limited time each day) and doesn't require a separate purchase. I've tried Guild Wars 2 on GeForce Now with everything on max and it runs fine. To my knowledge Google Stadia doesn't offer good performance on the games that are on the platform, meanwhile GeForce Now gives you access to the regular game settings so you can tweak it to your needs, want high fps, lower the visuals, want to see the best visuals? You can go for that and accept an fps penalty. As far as I know Stadia has pre determined graphics settings, which is terrible.why not Geforce Now and Stadia? I still don't get the problem with having more options? i've been using Stadia snce day 1. Day 1 was rough. Since then my experience has been flawless. I also have flawless internet. Some have reported negative experiences, but i personally haven't had any negative experiences. On geforce now i also didn't have any negative experiences for the 15 minutes i played. My gf however couldn't and still can't get it to work on her mac. It's just a matter of options. How many platforms is skyrim out on? I love that the options are there. I don't see any problem with that.
  14. Match making is never good, if it's deciding the winning side before the match even starts.And that's exactly what the Match making in GW2 does. That's inaccurate. Every season my win rate is about 50%. Even if I start the season when a very high win rate, by the end of the season after hundreds of matches i'm always back around 50% win rate. With an ideal mmr, everyone should be winning half of their matches and losing half of their matches. I understand the frustrations with the game and the devs, but I can't cosign say people saying mmr system doesn't work. Cause it does. The issue is that the player base is shrinking so unbalanced matches are made sometimes to alleviate queue times. After the great amount of matches i've done in this game, the one thing i am sure of is that mmr certainly works. The system is good. The class balance, lack of consistent game modes, and dev's inability to retain non-cheating human players is the issue. If all the win rates are 50/50, it's because the game actively pits you against better players to keep your win rate from going too far above 50%.It's similar from the other side of 50% as well. It's obvious from the team compositions that the game decided beforehand who is supposed to win.Of course that doesn't always work, because win trading, switching characters before the match and other match manipulations exist.But it's clear as tap water that the game does not even try to pit people with similar ratings against each other. Yeah, it's true that the system will pit you against better players the more y ou win. That makes sense. If you are dominating all your matches then you should face stronger opponents. If you begin to lose then you go down a rank to players who are more yoru speed. Or back up to players that are more your speed. It's a balancing act. Not to mention, balance changes and players naturally improving as they play will shift their placement. A few things kinda blow this out of the water. For one, the massive winrate discrepancy - the current #1 spot in NA has 97 wins and 14 losses. Second, the massive point discrepancy in wins/losses. I can count the number of 'good' games I've had this season on two hands - maybe three. As in, were not one sided matches. I've played 140 games this season. There's no really acceptable - as a customer, anyway, I'm sure it can be easily explained why that's happening - reason why most of my games are 1-sided matches. I win 500-400? Okay, that's pretty acceptable. 500-350 or 300? Eh, okay. Iunno. I imagine others have different viewpoints on the point difference between the winning and losing team. I can get a 50% winrate going up against only bronze and legend players. Doesn't mean things are working well.A few posts up i mention that the top echelon is plagued with cheaters. The lowest of rank deals with bots. Everyone has blow out wins, and everyone has blow out losses. It's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. Sometimes things go too well, and sometimes things go wrong and the team just can't gain any ground after that for whatever reason.
  15. I've been on google stadia since day 1. This game would benefit a lot of people on stadia. Especially world events and wvw zerg fights where so many peoples computers buckle under the load. Anyone wouldbe able to play this game on high settings while streaming it if it was on stadia. It would be a good move. Making the game more accessible to more players is always a good thing. See above article I linked... you dont get high settings of ESO with Stadia.It's still a good option.
  16. Match making is never good, if it's deciding the winning side before the match even starts.And that's exactly what the Match making in GW2 does. That's inaccurate. Every season my win rate is about 50%. Even if I start the season when a very high win rate, by the end of the season after hundreds of matches i'm always back around 50% win rate. With an ideal mmr, everyone should be winning half of their matches and losing half of their matches. I understand the frustrations with the game and the devs, but I can't cosign say people saying mmr system doesn't work. Cause it does. The issue is that the player base is shrinking so unbalanced matches are made sometimes to alleviate queue times. After the great amount of matches i've done in this game, the one thing i am sure of is that mmr certainly works. The system is good. The class balance, lack of consistent game modes, and dev's inability to retain non-cheating human players is the issue. If all the win rates are 50/50, it's because the game actively pits you against better players to keep your win rate from going too far above 50%.It's similar from the other side of 50% as well. It's obvious from the team compositions that the game decided beforehand who is supposed to win.Of course that doesn't always work, because win trading, switching characters before the match and other match manipulations exist.But it's clear as tap water that the game does not even try to pit people with similar ratings against each other.Yeah, it's true that the system will pit you against better players the more y ou win. That makes sense. If you are dominating all your matches then you should face stronger opponents. If you begin to lose then you go down a rank to players who are more yoru speed. Or back up to players that are more your speed. It's a balancing act. Not to mention, balance changes and players naturally improving as they play will shift their placement.
  17. I've been on google stadia since day 1. This game would benefit a lot of people on stadia. Especially world events and wvw zerg fights where so many peoples computers buckle under the load. Anyone wouldbe able to play this game on high settings while streaming it if it was on stadia. It would be a good move. Making the game more accessible to more players is always a good thing.
  18. Match making is never good, if it's deciding the winning side before the match even starts.And that's exactly what the Match making in GW2 does. That's inaccurate. Every season my win rate is about 50%. Even if I start the season when a very high win rate, by the end of the season after hundreds of matches i'm always back around 50% win rate. With an ideal mmr, everyone should be winning half of their matches and losing half of their matches. I understand the frustrations with the game and the devs, but I can't cosign say people saying mmr system doesn't work. Cause it does. The issue is that the player base is shrinking so unbalanced matches are made sometimes to alleviate queue times. After the great amount of matches i've done in this game, the one thing i am sure of is that mmr certainly works. The system is good. The class balance, lack of consistent game modes, and dev's inability to retain non-cheating human players is the issue.
  19. matchmaking is pretty good in this game. The problem is the shrinking player base. they gonna keep force-feeding conquest until no one is left. And not to mention the big fat lie about frequent balance updates after that last big update. I love this game, so I hope anet gets it together. Until then, I'll be in PSO2 Matchmaking is GARBAGE. It is NOT good in the slightest.i've done over 10,000 matches. my win rate is just over 50%. the mmr system is as good as it gets.
  20. matchmaking is pretty good in this game. The problem is the shrinking player base. they gonna keep force-feeding conquest until no one is left. And not to mention the big fat lie about frequent balance updates after that last big update. I love this game, so I hope anet gets it together. Until then, I'll be in PSO2
  21. i think this is okay. It's just a perk of playing a pet class. It's not like pet classes are not available to everyone. Anyone can make one and do the same. Some classes have way more mobility, some have way more self healing, etc. This is just a unique perk of a pet class, that's all.
  22. i found the game was more fun before simply because i had a normal 2 dodges.
  23. it would be better for anet to put serious effort into changing the culture of end game PvE. The game is dying without an influx of new players. New players come and no one wants to play with them. People say to them, "well then start your own group with no expertise, doesn't matter if you have no idea what you're doing." That's not right. Maybe anet should give more incentives to bringing along new players. it honestly won't kill a group to bring in 1 or 2 new people per run. but there is so much incentive to exclude these players, and so little to include them. Maybe the next xpac will come with a new system to fix this.
  24. I hope it will be more like Heart of Thorns. I like the beauty of Path of Fire maps, but I prefer the complexity and difficulty of heart of thorn maps.
  25. i haven't pvped since 2v2 ended. was looking forward to jumping back into 2v2 again. i'm big time disappointed.
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