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Hot Boy.7138

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Everything posted by Hot Boy.7138

  1. I feel the same way. But I wanted to say something anyway. it is better to say something than nothing at all.
  2. If they remove the elite spec requirements to have certain weapons equipped, i would be more inclined to buy the expansion. All weapons should be accessible without a trait line requirement.
  3. If that is intended then there should be no inconsistencies. Being able to port to a level that is accessible except for one small cluster of pixels is unacceptable. Remove all the teleport spots or fix all the telport spots. There shouldn't be any inconsistencies in the teleport rules.
  4. I've noticed a bug with this skill for the last 3 years. Mirage Advance sometimes fails to execute, but still goes on CD. It isn't very often, but it is common for the initial shadowstep of the skill to not send me to the target but still triggers the next action of the skill. I love this skill and it is always on my bar in open world PvE and in Spvp/WvW. Please fix.
  5. There are spots in various maps that you are supposed to be able to teleport (shadowstep/blink/etc) to but you cannot. If you try to teleport to the spot on the same terrain and elevation right next to it, it works without issue, but that little cluster of pixels it fails. And when in a crutch, it will get you killed when you quickly try to outmanuever an opponent and it fails for no good reason.
  6. Spellbreaker is notorious for this. Once they use fullcounter at the start of the match, the animation never goes away. They are always in the full counter golden bubble for the rest of the match, even when they are lying on the ground dead. Elementalist's frost breath is another one. These are fun little bugs in PvE, but in pvp they are horrible. I can't believe they've gone on for this long. You can't see the tells of the player you're fighting because their the skill animations are in an endless loop, and you can't see the skill animations of their teammates because it covers their characters. It's just more visual bloat that makes pvp in this game more of a joke. These are bugs that should have been fixed in the first week, and here it is years later...
  7. Downstate is as much of the combat as when you're battling at with a full hp bar. It is absolutely ridiculous that downstates are consistently ignored in balance changes. Balance downstate, or get rid of it. Some classes downstate are ridiculously strong compared to others and it's simply not fair or fun to be on the short end of it.
  8. Rallying, in my opinion, takes away from the heart of competition. It is a cheese. Having everyone that hit a target instantly get up from downed when the target dies makes sense in PvE, but i don't think it belongs in PvP. Downed state, as controversial as it is, is a unique and fun mechanic and I think it has a spot in all game modes, albeit with better balance. But rallying really should not be in spvp, especially in deathmatch game modes. If a player dies in a death match, all players that tagged that player shouldn't instantly pop up from downed state. They should still be ressed by another player, or rise on their own, or just die.
  9. it would be nice to see every weapon on every class eventually. if anet can continue to be creative in skill design, it will be amazing to see greatsword on ele. I'd prefer to see dual pistols on ele sooner than greatsword tho.
  10. would be nice if it had runes and sigils to support the slow effect.
  11. the bottom right sylvari one is accesssible to players. it's the nightmare cloth chest and the human tier 2 cloth pants. may be others that are accessible.
  12. i've been complaining about one shot builds for a long time, specifically mesmer's one shot build. Anet think one shot builds from stealth are fine. So this build isn't going anywhere.
  13. i've been feeling that way for a long time. back in 2012 to 2013 anet used to put full armor sets in the gem store. they were awesome and we got them regularly. But we complained that we'd rather not have them in the gem store. we said we preferred to have them in game where we can earn them instead. Anet listened, and since then we've gotten full armor sets drastically less frequently, and worse quality than what we would have gotten had we let them continue to monetize it. since then they have started to release boots, shoulders, helms, and gloves, but i dont think we've gotten any chest/pants int the gem store. If I could go back in time, i wouldn't have complained about anet putting armor sets in the gem store. Cause now I would greatly prefer them over the endless amount of outfits.
  14. i soloed HoT on my awesome pre-gutted berserker chronomancer and it was some of the most fun i ever had in PvE in this game. I'll never have that much fun in open world ever again :anguished:
  15. I think thieves should always have stealth and high access to it. Mesmers imo shouldn't have stealth because we have clones. Having clones AND stealth is too strong. It should really just be one or the other. Engineers blasting fields for stealth been a thing since the game launched. It's annoying to fight against but I think it has a cool factor since engineers should be able to do a little of everything. Keyword: A little. Rangers blasting/leaping is a bit much for me. Trap runes that give you stealth when you put down a trap is just stupid and needs to go.
  16. If I were to make changes, i would:1) make all non-damaging conditions (immobilize, cripple, weakness, slow, etc) be unaffected by expertise.2) make confusion and torment stack in duration only, not intensity.3) remove the damage over time part of Poison. And have it stack only in duration. Keep the reduced healing aspect.4) Traps don't begin recharging until triggered.
  17. having more materials more become more accessible to a blessing for me. I havne't even unlocked the new map, but after reading this post i'm gonna play
  18. PSA: even the 2v2s were only supposed to be 2 weeks at a time. It's called a mini season. I know. The fact that it's not permanent put me off. The fact that the duration was only 2 to 3 weeks ruined it completely for me.
  19. I thought barrier was really cool when it first released. And I thought it would be only a scourge mechanic. Necros have little escapes so I thought it was nice that they got access to barrier. But so many classes have barrier now. I like scourges having access to barrier. i don't think other classes should have access to it at all, unless it is shared by a scourge.
  20. well anet said there would be a lot of balance patches after the big feb 25th patch to pull everything all together, but it didn't happen. anet lies a lot to the the community.
  21. i can't speak for everyone, but my interest drastically declined when they introduced 2v2s, then took it away. it was so much fun, it just killed my vibe entirely. Then they brought 3v3 but only for 2 weeks. After I read it was only 2 weeks I didn't even bother with it. Lastly, i'm finding it difficult to enjoy my main class anymore. I started playing again last week and at least in NA Gold 3 and Plat 1, there was enough people for me to get competitive games going. Most of my matches seemed very fair.
  22. I wouldn't have agreed with this back in 2013, but the way the game is now. It actually makes more sense for toughness to affect condition damage.
  23. You kind of do if you want traits designed around them. You need to be able to consistently get something from your traits irregardless of if you have allies around to provide you with the necessary skills. It really isn't. Especially when the leap finishers are mostly consigned to a single weapon set of a single build. Outside of Mirage with Sword, Mesmer does not have that many leap finishers. Most people have separate builds for solo play and for group content. Separate builds for sword, separate builds for scepter, staff, etc. It's fine if there are aura traits that directly benefit sword builds. And it's fine if it's better for group play rather than solo play. If you're running solo, can swap builds. If changing to another weapon set/ gear set up then you can change builds.
  24. I don't need to my own aura skills. As I stated, i have a very high uptime on auras even without my own aura skills because there are always ground skills, and sword mirage has a lot of leap finishers. Having a lot of leap finishers is reason enough for good synergy with aura traits.
  25. When playing in groups, mirage sword ambush has very high uptime for auras because of all the ground effects from all the other classes. It would be nice if there were some traits that could manipulate those auras to make it more powerful versions and/or give unique effects for having an aura. Right now they are easily ignored and just visual clutter that doesn't have any great benefit. Introduce some new aura traits for mesmer. Seems like a good time to add something fresh to mesmer. I for one would love an aura build on mirage if it hits hard, has cool effects, and is fun to play.
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