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Everything posted by Dami.5046

  1. I tried using the Dulfy guide to make some sense of it, but it didn't really match up to what was going on beyond the locations of the portals yep, i saw some of the comments that people weren't always ending up where they wanted, or (and it happened it me) you get some where new but nothing updates on talking to the NPC.
  2. Unless it was fixed, i did as the Dulfy guide as i'm missing a few items and it took me to somewhere different. Not tried today.
  3. Just to add my 6 pennies worth, some of the names i wanted as far back as past beta weren't even available and those characters are prefixed with the super amazing X name X . My main character had to be renamed as a past name i had in guildwars one because i couldn't have the shortened version, and i actually hate the two X's. But at least those characters have their name in part.
  4. Not had that ping but i've had 'freezes' and delays.Mainly in sPvP and WvW by groups.so hoping it's a server issue.
  5. There is so much this game could do, we could go up, underground, in the water or hop on a chopper and head to distant lands ( not even cantha), besides, there are plenty areas on the core map alone we could go to. I would buy the next expansion in a heartbeat.
  6. They already did that with the refuge. A great idea if it hadn't just been left to rot.And I have the same feelings for the likes of embark beach in the first game.At least with housing they might profit from it, Aion was full of people with flashing shiny stuff in their houses.
  7. If NC is going full on Aion mode why the hell not, eh? Why not.And BTW I have aimlessly said I didn't want this.
  8. Queue makes no difference if you want to get to a meta event. It would just be even more annoying.
  9. I just wish they did the drop down menu GW1 had so you could chose the 'district' you wanted.
  10. well I had plenty of friends in GW, didn't mean I didn't want to do stuff on my own at times. Saying that I was on a teamspeak server, so i guess it doesn't count.
  11. I have no idea regarding the hero hate. We did things in groups, we did things half and half and some times we just went solo. You should be able to play a game your way, as so many say these days regarding gender/race so why not be able to group if you want or not. We don't have this available here and it is missed i think.I lol'd at that 200 plat, btw..was that masters too?
  12. For it's time Gw was a masterpiece. It must be if we are still writing on how much we miss it. Yes there were some things it could of done better but we coped. I know those days are gone, even when I log in and take stock of my dervish, my paragon, my sin, my rit, all the things I miss, at least I can say i was there and I experienced one of the best games ever made.
  13. Well i loved my Aion houses. The areas were graphically beautiful. I had a few by a lake in an alpine area. A couple were by waterfalls. I spent a lot of time, ingame money and love on them. Yes there was no one around, but i don't think it mattered, it was my own space that I could shut out and log out I might add, its annoying you can't log out of the GH here and not respawn back. I think I had 18 all told. Then the whole lot were taken off me in a moment of greed.Now I would love an area like that, not an instance. An area I can see my house and walk into it. An area I can show off my pad. The idea of a norm house, all the snow and ice with a large roaring fire or a human house in one of those little water side villages does appear to me to a certain degree.If arena net could promise me I would never lose my house then fine go ahead and get your gems store goodies from it. But I left Aion partly when all my hard work got thrown in my face, and for that reason I wouldn't want to go through the annoyance again.
  14. That's the thing about heros. It didn't make for a solo game. Who didn't grab a few friends and used a hero in the last party slot? We had a full guild and still did it, if only a few of us wanted to do say a sorrows run. Gw2 hasn't that freedom. It's either group or be dammed.
  15. It's like Aion all over again. NOOOOO.please think about it. How many players would want a house? Maybe 100's. maybe more than the game could cope with. You would need some form of bidding to gain a 'house' I don't think just walking up to one and buying it would work. You would need 1000's to meet demand.Bidding for a house is the work of the devil. I have many many times 'bidded' on a house to see some one place a higher bid within seconds left. Soul destroying, annoying. Then you get the to people not just wanting houses. They will want huge estates, palaces.Then there would be a reason to get a house in the first place. In aion houses meant you could grow crops in your 'garden' and get cupboards for more storage. The bigger houses gave crafting benefits and more. What would GW2 offer? Apart from people moaning there isn't enough houses to go round and they miss out on XXX benefit and it's not fair, blah blah.I would rather see more Guild halls. In fact if there is housing, it should be for the smaller guilds who can't get a Hall and therefore get a guild house.I commend OP on your post and I can see your idea. But I don't think it will be as straight forward.
  16. I just think there was more respect in gaming in those days full stop and yes I know not everyone was an angel ... but you certainly weren't make a mockery on some forum or over Map chat.Now that people think to insult and anger is way more fun.
  17. I think one thing that sticks out for me is that although there was a 'meta' and builds (55monk I <3 you ) there wasn't the hate you get here. Yes rangers still got trashed and still were dismissed, I spent hours trying to get around fractions because pugs would constantly kick you on one until I found my guild. However here YOU MUST have the meta, in fact people won't let you join anything unless you can run it and are obsessed with DPS meters to increase the grief. Look at the WvW snobs only wanting certain builds. In GW one you knew you needed a monk, maybe something ranged, something melee. There was no hate. I for one had every class, and could come as want was needed. We changed to fit in without question.There is more grief in this game .
  18. At least In GW you could sit in an outpost and not get a barrage of 'cool dudes' thinking they are 'sick' talking about 'sick stuff'. TBH some of the conversations border on the disgusting. Just goes to show what happens when a game goes FTP.You cannot say GW had no challenge. Try doing some of those missions with just hero/hench.
  19. if gw had jumping and a proper trading post it would of been perfect.
  20. Well places in the world are dirty, full of rubbish and junk, dirty pools of water. It's not all swept streets and pretty front gardens, and I think that what KC was about. Anyway no point harping on about it, If it isn't going to be done because a couple of people in suits said ni, then so be it.Disappointed.
  21. I think GW2 has life in it yet. However I wish they would bring in a bit more competition into it and I mean how factions was for example, two fractions at war. I'm not one to want to make GW a clone of anything, but I do miss the sieges I used to do, WvW just isn't the same.
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