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Everything posted by Plok.5873

  1. I got one more for your list; beneficiaries of inequalities goes on a limp defend them
  2. Allow me to stress what has been said a bazillion times: the willbender is an outlier. The combination of short cooldowns, trait synergies, burst and superior mobility is singular in the current meta. The latter at zero(!) opportunity cost. @jANet: Why not address the elephant in the room first and put all those minor issues, like those in the current preview, second? While we're at it, could we please get for each class a responsible developer who loves & plays it so intensively? That is by no means something bad and an unironic request.
  3. tl;dr: I hereby propose to normalize the speed and yield of all mining, logging & gathering tool respectively. Yes, they differ. Verbose: Most player may not have noticed, but the different gathering tool skins come with different build-ups *and* yields. Examples: the speed difference is most obvious with the plant harvesting tools, the sickle type is fastest. The eldritch loggin tool yields 3 logs per activation, the basic axe 5. When gathering from high-yield nodes like maxed synthesizers in guild halls, that means additional turns. I'm aware this is an annoyance & not exactly game-breaking, but, well, it does add up. If we want to get back to the fun part asap, we're incentivised to use max-speed, max-yield tools. I just slapped the basic skins over my new hentai tentacle eldritch tools, even though that's my fetish i fancy them. Meh.
  4. I, and all the other non-US caffeine enthusiasts, are still hoping for a chance to obtain the most relevant emote ever; /sipcoffee Pretty please? I'll buy the gems necessary with real money. ^^
  5. Could that modus operandi (of sending insults, then blocking), stem from an influx of WoW players? I know this, unfortunately by experience, as the pinnacle of social skills of WoW-socialized individuals. Sarcasm aside, it's typcial, though ofc not exclusive. I welcome the GW2 community's growth through former players of other MMOs. However, I wish they'd leave the rough manners there. I feel AN needs to focus this more so GW2 never becomes the toxic cesspit some other online games turned into.
  6. Well, maybe there is a solution for us non-US-players; buy Madrinas' coffee, then ask them *not* to ship it and instead just to email the code. Or, if they refuse this option, have it shipped to aa random US address. 😉
  7. As a coffee enthusiast (some might say addict) I've waited impatiently for the promotion unlocking the /sipcoffee-Emote. As it turns out, the promotion is US-only and about ordering physical items priced at ~20$ / ~33$. I happen to live on the old continent. It is possible to have it shipped over the atlantic, only doubling the price. Custom fees would triple it. Plus the paperwork, which has to be delivered in person with a valid ID document at the other end of town. German Bureaucracy is a deterrent even to fools rushing in where angels fear to tread. Fun fact, in Germany Bureaucracy is both our form of state as of society. Picture a Rube Goldberg machine scaled to administrate an entire country. -> Since this leads to an unreasonable price for an emote, I'd like to request an alternate way to unlock it. Pretty please, AN? ^.^ "/sipcoffee" Emote Tome - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
  8. Maybe allow us to upgrade them like it is possbible with the candy-corn node? Also, I still hope for home instance dogs analogue to the cat collections.
  9. I still want doggos to chase the cats around. Home instances could generally use some love; guild halls show that the engine already has most of a housing tech. Porting that to home instances could offer a new playfield. Also the last introduction of a new resource node happened quite some time ago. AN used to offer one for each new map current until they, for some reason, stopped.
  10. No, Wintersday/Christmas is all about commerce and family crisis. The alcohol only serves to numb the senses in order to get through the matter somehow. Have we really fallen that low? A long time ago. (semi-cynical post)
  11. Supported for the virtually 100th time since launch. This game needs much less irrelevant visual noise to allow us to better read the relevant information, like skill animations. The same is true for the GUI, the icons for profession abilities, boons + conditions are too small, the text even smaller. Due to the animation, fast auto-attack chain icons are barely readable with quickness. Etc etc. Related thread on reddit here.
  12. Story of my (raiding) life, it feels like staring into a full-blown firework while trying to make out a single pyro effect. It got even worse when every egotist re-rolled a max-sized norn, so at least they could spot their own toon and his animations. While blocking sight for every one else. I'm not raiding anymore.
  13. The Gem shop offers the "End of Dragons Expedition Contract" to me, yet it seems already active as "Black Lion expedition team (End of Dragons)" on the "Black Lion Requisition Teams Post" in my home instance. So, I see three possible explainations, * a simple bug * an intended option to buy a 2nd one * I am misinterpreting and those are acutally different contracts. https://imgur.com/a/YQOKRxL Some one here who could solve that riddle?
  14. AN really over-nerfed this gyro. We should (politely + reasonably) continue to protest until we're heard. Comparing it to other sources of AE stealth seems an effective way to demonstrate the point. I'm mostly summarizing hereinafter what others already wrote: * Mesmer Core Utility [Veil] Stealth Duration: 2s / 3s (Trait: [Prismatic Understanding]) Cooldown: 72s Number of Targets: Infinite Radius: Line Visual Indicator: no * Mesmer Core Elite [Mass Invisibility] Stealth Duration: 6s / 9s (Trait: [Prismatic Understanding]) Cooldown: 75s / 60s (Trait Master of Manipulation) Number of Targets: 10 Radius: 1,200 Visual Indicator: No * Scrapper Elite [Sneak Gyro] Stealth Duration: 3s Cooldown: 60s Number of Targets: 5 Radius: 240 Visual Indicator: Yes * Engineer Tool Belt [Toss Elixir S] Cooldown: 45s / 37s (Trait: HGH) Stealth Duration: 3s / 3.5s (Trait: HGH) Number of Targets: 5 Radius: 180 Range: 900 So, we indeed get a better bonus tool belt ability from [Elixir S] than our specialisation elite. Yay us.
  15. I'd buy several more if I could. I enjoy running a single main char for all purposes, experiment and keep my templates. I wonder why AN does not allow us to buy, or earn, more slots. I assume they like our money. 🙂
  16. Is there any hope AN will go over some usability issues, when polishing, after EoD release? The following trouble me the most due to my sub-optimal eye sight, I'm sure there are more that deserve to be listed here, though. * The boon/condition/effect icons are tiny, despite their importance. Could we get larger icons with permanent duration text in an outlined/shaded font? Single purpose key-bind make our life much easier, especially in laggy or crowded battle situation, therefore I suggest: * A key-bind [Cancel Cast] that works on all build-ups (kits, bundles, normal, crafting, whatever) but does not stop auto-run or opens a menu. * A key-bind [Drop Target]. Last but not least: * An option [Sticky Targeting] that prevents de-targeting with a click on the ground. * A larger castbar showing the skill icon.
  17. Running around as an orrery is still one major annoyance to me. I hope the devs will not forget this issue.
  18. I guess that storing the dyes per outfit falls under those hard limitations, doesn't it? Having to re-apply dyes after each switch disencourages using multiple outfits, and, by extension, buying many of them. 😉
  19. Shamelessly stolen idea from reddit: since the elementalist specialisation reveal is near, we could use a "Recharging Revive Orb", analog to the Recharging Teleport to Friend. Whenever I use the skimmer I'm reminded what a great skyscale skin that Hummingbird would make. I don't expect AN to simply port it, but maybe we could see something similar?
  20. Aye, I always play with LoD on. Also, for many people, myself included, this is not about client performance / frame rates. My pc copes with the scene I've linked. My visual cortex simply does not. Unless I misunderstand, that is also the opener's point.
  21. How in the Alchemy's name are we supposed to read animations here? https://pasteboard.co/KaHsROU.png And that here is why we need an option to suppress back item + infusion stacking on the client side. 🙂 https://pasteboard.co/KaHu9WQ.jpg Disclosure: my own character, totally for demonstration purposes.
  22. I suggest a selection boxes 'Cosmetic Infusions' and 'Legendary Trinkets' with the options 'None', 'Only the first' and 'Make my eyes bleed'
  23. I wouldn't mind an alternative or eased way to a legendary amulet. The PvP requirements are quite steep. -.-
  24. I support this request, I'd like to see an option [sticky Targeting] prevent de-targeting plus a key-bind [Drop Target]. And one for [Cancel Cast], which does not stop auto-run and close windows. Single purpose key-bind make our life much easier, especially in laggy or crowded battle situation. [stow Weapon] doesn't work for engineer kit abilities, bundles, etc.
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