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Everything posted by Plok.5873

  1. Try to read this Weaver Air sword auto chain with the background above. Hf. I think what I really want is, additionally: A switch for hotbar animationsA 1-2-3 overlay, or color-coded border, for chain skillsVertical, color-coded hitpoint bars; horizontal ones are kitten in stacksA client-side switch for infusionWorld domination by tomorrow 9 am.I tinkered the look below for the sole purpose of making a point about infusion stacking (ok, also bc I'm a kitten)
  2. Just let us upgrade our HI nodes as we already can with the _King-Sized Candy Corn_. Maybe, as an intermediate undertaking, port the guild hall decoration system to home instances. After all, the features are already part of the engine. I feel my HI would greatly win "emotional value" if I could put up some chairs, book shelves, a bed and then get some minor Rested bonus if I log a character there.
  3. I support this request, for the subjectively estimated 100th time.
  4. Side note, cosmetic infusions might do the trick as well and offer less trouble with mounts. Undead textures for all races already exist, it would be a mere re-use.
  5. As long as this allows me to slap a normal 'skin' on a legendary trinket as well to suppress the visual noise I'm all in favor of the idea.
  6. I'm a sorta fan of the Hummingbird Skimmer Skin, which would IMO make a great skyscale skin as well. That led to the idea to 'recycle' flying mount skins that feature a complete transformation. I assume extending eg. the Shimmerwing skyscale to work as a griffon could be done without too much effort. I suggest offering owners of such a skin to 'unlock' the use for other mount types via the gem store for a reasonable price. tl;dr: why not let unique flying mount skins work as other flyers types as well?
  7. The new Queensdale Academy Outfit features much better looking spectacles. Some of the previous ones had no lenses (Reading Glasses, Wide Rim Glasses. Even worse, the asura versions lack pairs of temples entirely, frames and lenses hover in front of the eyes in disrespect for gravity. Any chance the existing ones receive optional updates? Maybe unlock an improved, 2nd version for every one owning the old ones, or put the new ones on the BLTC for at a reduced rate.
  8. This sounds like an idea to invigorate guilds halls; let guilds put up their own golem training sites.Or maybe individuals in their home instances.
  9. Null version, check box, wardrobe transmution, even a slash command; I'd take either variant as long as long as I get rid of the visual noise. More importantly: There should be reasonably affordable recipes 'noisy version -> slumbering one' for each legendary trinket.
  10. I'm still a fan of the good ol' Pop Gun Skin.Any chance we could get a pistol version of it?
  11. This has been requested before, but not in this thread, where it belongs;what about a permanent Sweet Campfire Treat, preferably usable anywhere, so while waiting for the last raid slots to be filled we could gather in the instance around a campfire.Btw, for the same reason chairs should be usable anywhere; by my experience they're best used when gathering and waiting. Pity they're, in most cases, locked out along with regular mounts.
  12. Another suggestion, let us upgrade more nodes like the candy corn one.The Home Servant idea sounds like the kind of convenience I'd spent gems on.Home renting however would be a disincentive to collect unlocks for you own HI; therefore I don't expect it to happen.
  13. (Periodically) seconded, just like the last dozen times. Subjectively, visual overload is the single greatest problem with this game. The last thing I want is to add to that.This might also be the right time to tackle aura-stacking with a client-side option.
  14. Indeed, "underwhelming" is the best description. I hope one day AN will let us upgrade this node, along with others, like the Candy Corn one. It would be another in-game goal for the completionists and a efficient reuse of previous work.
  15. With Heart of the Khan-Ur is yet another infusion in the game.I'll seize the opportunity and ask for client-side switches for infusions and Legendary trinkets again. I have serious trouble processing that visual noise while playing decently. From the forums it is my impression I'm not alone with this. I'd even want to turn off or transmute my own trinkets. My character isn't a christmas tree. -.-
  16. Folks, just prophylactically: let's not start another shitstorm, please.That said, under the assumption, the earlier behaviour was intended, I bought permanent gathering tools for my 2nd account. Not nice, AN.
  17. A 3rd _Black Lion Garden Plot Deed_ A greatsword version of the _Holosmith's Sword_ Upgrades to existing nodes; see _here_ as @Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 stated, a Dragonfly mount skin would be nice.
  18. I'd like to see Locked Inventory Bags; only used manually, nothing goes is automatically in, protected from sort & vendors. Used on top of the character's inventory for the most used or valuable items, like gear and consumables.Ascended Bags: ascended or legendary items will fill this one, if possible.a Mystic Chromatic Ooze infusion.a tuba musical instrument in the gem store; a simpler version of the Musical Verdarach.(still) moveable GUI elements. Particularly the target display is awkwardly positioned.Outfits storing dye settings individually.
  19. Adding this (and maybe other gizmos) to the novelties tab would be nice; but IMO the Mystic Chromatic Ooze would make a much better infusion.
  20. Different topic:In a raid content, with particle firework and quickness, I find it difficult to read when an auto-attack chain ran through (for optimal dps). -> I suggest a toggle checkbox in the option to switch off the hotbar icon animations. Both flip and expanding area. That would help greatly and additionally reduce the visual overload.An even better, but more extensive solution might include a colored frame or an overlay icon (e.g. red 1, yellow 2, green 3). For illustration, that's the weaver air sword auto-chain with quickness.Please picture it with a background like this: :-)
  21. This is actually a really nice suggestion - I hope ArenaNet reads that. That's a great idea... I'd really like the legendary weapon's auras and footsteps to work that way.Ofc that withdraw-able infusion needs to bei merge-able with normal infusions so we don't lose that slot. Might also serve as another crafting material sink.Example fo a Mystic Toilet Recipe: [statless Achievement Panel FX Infusion] + [Mighty WvW Infusions] + [25 Vials of Powerful Blood] + [50 Vials of Potent Blood] -> [Mighty WvW FX Infusions].
  22. Pro, no one loses as long as it is only an option. I'd like to combine the snow FX with a different shoulder piece.Btw, that Mystic Chromatic Ooze would make a fine infusion, too.
  23. Outfit overhaul: Dyes & options saved per outfit & character for easy swappingSeparate dye channels for each outfit partSeparate show/hide checkboxes for head, shoulder, hands, feet (, mud-flap)"Aura" shoulder pieces shine through (Nightfury etc.)A hotkey for the outfit sub-window maybe?Tonics: Allow selecting one morph from multi-tonics via the novelty tab: current previewed one is used when tonic is triggered 1st time.
  24. Since this is more and more becoming a game of thr... chairs, could be perhaps see an ice-themed one next?
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