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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @"ZarexWolf.5637" said:So, I just had a thought, maybe Revenant could get the Legendary Prisoner stance that was used for a certain part of the story, if that's still possible. Not sure what weapons could be chosen, but it'd definitely be interesting. Though, I prefer Scarlet over Joko in all honesty, which could tie into the use of rifles like I mentioned earlier. Sorry if I've been all over the place with this post.


    Legendary Lich Stance. Summons Minions. Uses Scepter.

    Revenant already got summons with the last elite spec, so I don't think minions are really a good choice.

    I also would go for a scepter for revenant, but make it Canthan flavoured: Legendary Ritualist, Master Togo as the legend to invoke and the skill type associated with him would be weapon spells!

    Basically functions like venoms, you buff allies around you with weapon spells which enhance the next x outgoing attacks.

    To be honest, I don't think togo had enough of an impact to become a legend. As a GW1 player I'd be very tempted to but that's all.

    From my point of view, the next revenant e-spec's legend won't be another human legend. I think a prime candidate for an e-spec would be "Nightmare" with Kanaxai as a legendary Nightmare (which is listed both as a demon and a nightmare). I'd model the e-spec after the mesmer with an inbuilt (Upkeep F skill) way to create a nightmare (clone) based on your current legend that harass your target and/or support your allies. It's skills could be
    (there is 16 of them to chose from in Kanaxai's instance so there is enough material for ANet to make something) working similarly to Herald's facet but as debuff instead of buff (or each of these skills creating a nightmare with an upkeep). Weapon being Off-hand axe because "kanaxai's flavor".

    If I let my fantasy lead me I'd even say that the dreamy aspect of EoD teaser support my claim ;)

    Agree with the Togo stuff. He hasn't really done any major thing. His story is too closely tied to Shiro. The noteworthy thing he has done is the peace treaty with the tengu, but that didn't last long and didn't really revolve around his power as a ritualist, but his negotiation skills. So that would end up as a "Legendary Negotiator". That and him being human makes me think he isn't suited to be a revenant legend.

    Kanaxai with MH axe used to be one of my guesses some time ago. First, because his lore could be expanded, as we know a revenants power to invoke gets stronger by knowing more about the legend itself (Gorea Halfcut dialogue). Second, he's an "evil" legend and that would balance things out a bit with our current lineup of 4 good ones and 2 evil ones.

    But there's problems with it. Unlike Menzies' (another candidate) shadow army he's not a pure nightmare and we already have a demon. The 2nd one would be that apparently he has no connection to the mists as far as we know. With no connection there can't really be a sentient echo, can there?

    So they'd have to bring him in line first, lorewise. Or atleast tell use more about his relation to the mists. It also depends if Anet allows another demon. So far we have only gotten legends of completely different races.

    More of my candidates:

    • Nornbear/Svanir for obvious reasons (GS, MH Axe or MH Dagger)
    • Balthazar (may be too close to "human", and we already have Shiro)
    • Menzies as "Legendary Nightmare" (same problem as Balthazar, may be too closely tied to human)
    • Varesh (Margonite, very unlikely as she's too close to human and Mallyx/demon)
    • Torivos (dual axes, Legendary Envoy, could be a problem since he used to be human in the past)

    Out of them Svanir seems to be the most likely. Fits the evil role for balance, is part of a race that isn't represented in the revenants current lineup (Norn) and would fit into a selfish dps role (Glint and Kalla have been more on the supportive side IMO).

  2. Not sure what „difficulty“ means here.Strength of enemies? Djinns in PoF are probably the hardest open world enemies, followed by the jumping frogs in HoT.Map design? Tangled Depths wins here as hardest map to navigate. Environmental effects like branding, quicksand and sulfur make certian PoF maps harder to navigate through than maps like Auric Basin.Hardest meta event? Probably either Dragon‘s Stand, specifically blighted towers part, or the meta on the eastern part of Domain of Vabbi.

    Parts of PoF are easier than parts of HoT, parts of HoT are easier than parts of PoF. So i guess something in the middle just means as hard as PoF and HoT?

  3. A big swamp. We have little swamps here and there, like the one where Shadow Behemoth spawns, but we don't have a big zone-wide one like we have for other biomes. Add in some blighttown looking structures (or Cantha slums) and I'm happy.

    A dark forest map, similiar to the small forest in Bitterfrost Frontier, just bigger. Also mix in some of the aesthetic we've seen from the boneskinner forest in Bjora Marches.

  4. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:At launch the only dual wielder of things like sword, and mace was the Warrior.

    Cough! Cough!
    Mesmer could and can still dual wield sword!
    Cough!_I forgot one, my apologies. tyvm.Personally, I'd say the weapons wielded are more in line with the thematic of the character than a matter of being able to "dual wield".For example, I don't see the necromancer being able to dual wield daggers as a necromancer strictly dual wielding daggers but as a necromancer wielding a dagger and holding a sacrificial dagger in it's off-hand (which would be more of a different
    than a

    @"Kodama.6453" said:The bigger problem is that it would be hard to make scepter work on warrior thematically in a logical way, but it is not impossible.

    Just like necromancer's off hand dagger should be seen as a differently shaped "focus", you can have warrior looking at a scepter as a differently shaped "mace" (sure, not all skins are fool proof, but there is quite a number of scpeter skins that could work for a mace). Not claiming that the warrior should get a scepter (I'm personally rooting for pistol) but still it wouldn't shock me to see him ge this weapon as long as it's skills feel thematically in line with the part of the warrior the e-spec express.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:This is part of why I can't see them getting scepter as a weapon. It can't be dual wielded ( I legit don't think the code is there for it).

    Hodgins begs to differ :P

    Is that a mini? Those scepters are quite large for that model. Utterly silly looking in my opinion.

    He's one of the NPC's in the Ascalon Catacombs dungeon.It does look pretty silly though lol

    The scepter's he's using are obtainable in game (It's called Emberglow)
    and they are genuinely that big on players too, like one handed staff's XDHe's one of the more well known NPC's in the game that uses unconventional weapons like that which has occasionally lead people to think duel Sceptors maybe a thing one day.I'd certainly like to see this combo tbh specially since no playable class so far has been given this combination.Much like Duel Shields and Duel Focus this would be entirely unique to the first class that gets it.

    Sign me up for a dual shield class, sounds fun. At least it sounds more practical than dual wielding swords.

  5. @Fenella.2634 said:

    @Fenella.2634 said:First, the game is available in more languages than just English.

    I find that hard to believe. It’s surprising enough that they have English voice actors, as they don’t like to put money into this game.

    What do you mean, believe? Just change your settings and check for yourself.

    I don‘t get how „it is hard to believe“ either. Checking the settings is simpler than the story, after all ;).

    From the looks of it this thread wasn‘t created to discuss the story though, but more to bash the game.Hence the „simple story“ and „[Anet] don‘t like to put money into the game“ arguments.

  6. @"Khisanth.2948" said:Does holding W and pressing 2 work in other applications? If not then that can be an keyboard issue https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollover_(key)

    Didn‘t know this issue had a name.It was really annoying when I found out my old keyboard had this problem a while back. Pressing „w“ and „d“ together would block F1, while „w“ + „a“ + F1 worked. This means I couldn‘t place scourge shades while circle-strafing counter clockwise.

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

    OP‘s issue does sound very similiar to this.

  7. Tom Abernathy, the studio narrative director, stated that Jormag doesn‘t lie. And since not lying is „part of their strength“, we can safely assume that Jormag is Primordus‘ twin (whatever that means in the context of EDs). Unless, of course, Jormag not lying has been retconned.

    Braham doesn‘t know better, so he calls Jormag a liar. But we as players know more than the ingame characters do in this case.

  8. @Fueki.4753 said:I'd prefer Primordus to stay a simple beast.Primordus has no need for words or a personality to be a decent antagonist.

    I'd prefer that, too. I've always thought Primordus and his destroyers are behaving close to insects, specifically ants. I'd like it to stay that way.They have no need to communicate with other races, the only thing that matters is their own colonies.

  9. Hey, let's add some similiar ideas. If we need an armorsmith to repair our gear, why not take this further to make the game more realistic and "fun"?To adhere to "realism" and add more player interaction, the following must also be the case:

    Healthy state & Cooking

    • If you don't eat food cooked by a cook, your character is malnourished, your stats, damage, regen etc. is halved. If you don't eat at all your character simply is defeated. To respawn, another player has to manually carry you to a waypoint. If you don't get saved and forced to eat, your character dies and is deleted permanently.
    • Walking is now the default method of transportation. Running, as well as using mounts, will now cause exhaustion. A exhausted player doesn't regenerate endurance.
    • Cooking food now takes longer, depending on what you're preparing. Mini-games that take up to 8 hours to prepare complicated group dishes are added.
    • Players are now able to have a heart attack. This will lead to instant downed status or defeat. This will sometimes cause character deletion.

    Bank & Guild Bank

    • A new accountant and a banking profession have been added to the game. You can now only store things in your bank by talking to both a player with the corresponding accountant skill and one with a banking profession. It has to be two separate players.
    • To access a guild bank the guild has to have an accountant with a high skill level and must contact a high-skilled banker.

    Combat Training

    • New professions are added to the game: Swordfighting-Trainer, Elemental-magic-Trainer etc.
    • If you don't get trained by another player with the corresponding skills, you have a 50% chance to miss. If you hit you deal greatly reduced damage with a chance to hurt yourself when swinging certain weapons and using damaging magical skills.
    • Being a self-trained "XYZ-Trainer" will result in "bad-form". Anyone with "bad-form" has a 20% chance to miss. Anyone trained by a self trained trainer will also have "bad-form".

    I could go on, but I think it's obvious what I'm going for. "Realism" and forced player interaction isn't always the best method to make a game fun.

  10. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @"Svennis.3852" said:

    @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:I've been hoping quite desperately that this comment about the balance being an illusion was just more of Jormag's kitten, cause that is one retcon that Anet can
    be allowed to get away with. It quite literally renders the entire quest to make Aurene an elder dragon pointless, as well as the battle against Balthazar (well, accept that whole killing innocent people to turn them into Forged bit, kinda needed to stop that).

    Frankly I have no expectations of how this LS season will end other than that it'll probably be really disappointing.

    I’m starting to feel like neither Primordus or Jormag will die this season. I think the finale will be Primordus erupting up the surface, and the season ends on “the real war has only just begun.” EoDs focuses on us trying to replace or depower the twins as they’re wreaking havoc in Tyria as their forces battle it out, and our only lead to fix it are saltspray dragons potentially being able to ascend. Most likely we get this info in a vision from Aurene/the scrying pool. We head to Cantha to search for them and get caught up in regional issues during the process.

    It's a definite possiblilty that the two dragons in the EoD logo could well be Primordus and Jormag and have absolutely nothing to do with the DSD at all

    I don't really think this is a possibility. HoT and PoF have logos that represent the corresponding dragons by adding small features to the basic GW2 logo.HoT represents the Mouth of Mordremoth in a spiral, paying homage to it's long body, while the PoF logo has the "branded markings" Kralk has along his neck and back.

    Ignoring the whole water/wave design of EoD, Anet still deliberately put "dragon ear fins" on both dragons in the EoD logo, a feature we haven't seen before on any of the other dragons. I don't think those 2 represent Jormag or Primordus in any way. I'd expect some features resemblind tusks for Jormag and a underbite for Primordus, like their current appearance in the game.

    This, of course, doesn't mean the EoD logo has to have anything to do with the DSD. It could also be related to any other dragon, like Kuunavang, who features dragon ear fins.

  11. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:„Eventually, all Dwarves undertook the Rite of the Great Dwarf.“

    Yes, but that is inaccurate. We saw non-transformed Stone Summit in "Forging Steel".

    So, unless there‘s a dwarf group that is completely isolated from the rest, similiar to the Olmakhan, there are no flesh dwarves left.
    1. See Stone Summit in "Forging Steel".
    2. There could be isolated Dwarves, that's what I have been saying all the time. The devs simply have to choose so.

    The Stone Summit in Forging Steel is the splinter group that started to transform to stone, the ones in the Records of the Stone Summit.(When we fight them in FS, they‘re already ED minions, fully transformed.)„ The process of recording my thoughts is becoming more difficult. The stone has progressed to my wrist. There is no escaping the Rite, much as I may resist.“

    They then turned to Primordus to withstand the stone corruption, but this ultimately led to themselves being turned into Primordus minions. They simply overrode the stone corruption with ED corruption.„ The mood has chilled. We speak little. There is a burning within us.This will pass. Like with the stone, we must acclimate to fire.“

  12. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Ashantara.8731 said:I am still having a hard time believing that
    of Tyria's dwarven population got transformed.Why? According to the lore, they were
    , regardless of faction, connected to The Great Dwarf, and it was this connection that was the basis for the transformation ritual. Basically, due to this, no dwarf was able to avoid being subject to the ritual

    Hmm, well, I only know the lore from the game itself, and in GW1 it was depicted in a way that showed only the Deldrimor Dwarves coming together for the ritual. I don't recall any dwarves from distant regions being part of it (or at least shown to be part of it) - or perhaps I just forgot about that vital detail?

    So if this is the official lore version (as explained in novels, interviews or other outside sources), then of course you are right that there is no chance to find a non-transformed dwarf anywhere in Tyria. However... you forgot about the Stone Summit Dwarves. They were not transformed. That's why I assume that there must be more dwarven groups that weren't affected.

    P.S. The GW1 Wiki even states that you have to
    the Rite in order to transform. You are not being transformed automatically just because you are a dwarf:

    „Eventually, all Dwarves undertook the Rite of the Great Dwarf.“https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Dwarf

    What happened to the stone summit / a splinter group that didn‘t reunite with the deldrimor dwarves (Ingame books found in Forging Steel)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Books:_Records_of_the_Stone_Summit

    Edit: From the GW2 wiki (usermade like the GW1 wiki, not everything is necessarily correct)„Eventually, all dwarves were made to undergo the rite—by force, if necessary“https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transformation_of_the_Dwarves

    So, unless there‘s a dwarf group that is completely isolated from the rest, similiar to the Olmakhan, there are no flesh dwarves left.

  13. Not Anet's fault. Anet doesn't have any saying on what Apple is doing with their platforms.

    As the community and your friends are what you'll be missing, may I suggest creating something like a Discord server as an alternative place to meet, as long as you don't have access to the game? Even if you're unable to play, this way you will still be able to connect to your peers until you find another way to play GW2.

    (Technically speaking, the "Beginning of the end" of GW2 was the creation of GW2, as something has to exist in order to end.)

  14. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:Hell, games like BDO don't even have instanced stuff like that. I guess I know now why BDO is doing so good recently

    BDO is doing so good because it released on multiple platforms, it released on mobile (majority of revenue comes from that), released a remastered version. Also, it's doing very well because they took advantage of the pandemic by offering the game completely free on Steam for a time, allowing thousands of players to try it out, together with a good marketing campaign and very generous cash shop offers (for free) to new players. BDO on PC was a wasteland in late 2019, it exploded in popularity in Q1/Q2 2020, for the above mentioned reasons, it had very little to do with whether they have instanced content or not.

    BDO mobile revenue =/= BDO revenue. Also completely missing the point that is just about BDO, not mobile.It being a wasteland in 2019 isn't actually true, would like sources on that.

    There's also a reason for they've changed their plans on Crimson Desert from coop instanced content to a single player game. So yeah, has a lot to do with instanced content. I doubt people are playing BDO for its instanced content heh.

  15. @Ashen.2907 said:

    @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:Just stay away from the "mandatory 100% rep" power freaks that love to stalk you. problem solved!

    What I really want:Option IF I want to show my current location to my Guild Mates.,, That this is default behavior is one of the reasons I usually rep my private guild.

    Other than that: Choose your guilds wisely, asking Rep during guild missions or event is more than reasonable.Demanding 100% rep all the time... Not happening. Ever.

    The 100% rep guilds are living in the past. This is a feature of the game. If they want 100% they have to earn it. What are they going to do for you? I doubt those guilds will do everything in their power to replace the 5 guilds that specialize in the all the specific things you enjoy. How arrogant of any guild to assume they even can replace the varying and unique experiences of your chosen 5 guilds.

    If you do not want to be in a 100% rep guild then don't join one. The arrogance is people who want everyone else to cater to them by expecting the group to change its rules to suit the one individual. Personally I am not in a 100% rep guild, but I am in only one guild. If a group, in game or real life, has rules for membership that are not in accord with my interests, I do not join. I don't join and then whine that the group has to change to accommodate me, or that the group is somehow bad because I don't like the rules that existed before I joined, or anything of the sort. That said, of course a group/guild should be up front and clear about any rules for members. My current guild does not allow discussion of politics, religion, or graphic adult matters in guild chat or on discord for example.

    I mean, everything he said points to him not having joined one of the 100% rep guilds, so your whole argument falls flat. There's no one trying to change a guild or their existing rules here, just someone pointing out how old-fashioned those guilds are. Pretty arrogant to assume something else.

    As for the thread:Just don't join the rep guilds, there's no point to it. If they have to force you to rep, just to be able to stay in the guild, is it really a guild worthwhile of your membership? Don't think so. If they don't do anything to keep you as a member aside from imposing rules, just leave and find a better ones that treat you better. Guilds aren't something you owe anything to.There are also enough guilds around that the 100% rep ones don't matter at all in the bigger picture.

  16. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @"Alexchaos.6528" said:Maybe they should've made the DRMs as new semi-Meta events in old maps instead of instanced content. I find it more engaging while doing events with lots of people and it also makes the world more "alive" hence why it's called living world I guess. This doesn't feel like a living world update at all imo.

    They'd end up as other maps' events. Unfortunately the biggest driver to keep players playing are rewards which hold their value over time.

    They could do it meta on older map and still give us good reward. Just like Anomaly: everyone come there for their 1 MC a day

    A meta event on the map itself would make it nothing but a boring zerg fest. The reward shouldn’t be tied to a single item as a reward as it would tank the price of that item and we’ll be right back to where it’s not worth doing.

    Well, we always get new currencies with a new low episode, so give this currency, [bring back trikey chest] — actually, literally anything, even plain zergs, are way better than what we have now in drm

    So the pinnacle of PvE content when it comes to greatness is content which all players in the map just mass up and wait their auto attacks? I guess I see why this game isn’t so as well as other MMOs. Such appeal!

    Massing up fits a Massively Multiplayer Online game ¯\(ツ)/¯If i'd want to play a instanced lobby game, I'd rather play PoE / PSO2.No wonder high-end instanced content has such a low appeal even in other MMOs, just have to wait for cooldowns to be up, then press them in a rotation.Hell, games like BDO don't even have instanced stuff like that. I guess I know now why BDO is doing so good recently, while attempts at creating "Hardcore raiding experience MMORPGs that will dethrone WoW" failed.

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