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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. 13 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Let's put it this way. There's quite a number of hardcore players i know and recognize (including those that would usually be all for putting 250li and "kick after single mistake" barriers on private squad runs) that go into public runs now. Where they have no problem in being quiet and accepting of everyone else. Why? Because their chances of doing the content are better in public instance with semi-casuals than with other hardcores in private squad. That's how big of a difference those +30 people make.


    In the end they don't actually want hard content, they just want the loot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  2. I honestly don't think new races are going to be added. Retroactively adjusting all of the gearparts to them would be a huge undertaking. It would also increase the work of introducing any new skins.

    (Yes, I'm aware that Tengu for example could use the Charr gear, as they're already using the Charr skeleton, but there would most likely still be a lot of clipping issues. Same goes for Largos and their wings)


    If they do add a race however, i'd like to see either Largos, Naga or Warden.


  3. 8 minutes ago, medivh.4725 said:

    Isn't this like a double edged sword? This is a MMORPG. You LFG for purpose of finding fillers right? A weak player may eventually improve. A player who f the mechanics may eventually improve. A player who f up their build also could eventually improve. Why don't instead of block them guide them toward improving. 

    Personally I‘ve never blocked anyone for being a weak player or for playing a suboptimal build.


    I‘ve blocked players for having an absolute kitten personality or behaving in ways decent human beings wouldn‘t. I‘d rather not play with them or try to improve their attitude, that‘s something they can do on their own if they ever realize how ridiculous they are. Blocking those doesn‘t seem like a double edged sword to me.

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  4. Just now, radda.8920 said:


    Considering all the disruptios that there was in their studio especially after POF and the changes of strategy several times.. . I'm not sure that they really made the right decisions by targeting only this audience

    This game had enormous potential and it will unfortunately remain limited because of the decisions taken.

    The disruptions after PoF were due to them creating and prototyping new games, and have nothing to do with GW2 or targeting any audience, as those projects never came to see the light of day.


    Yeah, this game had enormous potential and still has, yet they waste time on content that doesn‘t draw players in and as a result gets abandoned. Dungeons and raids are a prime example of this. They could have used those resources to instead push WvW. At least they‘ve hopefully finally realised the untapped potential in WvW, if we were to believe their recent blogpost about WvW being a cornerstone from now on.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:

    A good game targets all types of audiences to satisfy a good portion of it. 

    If arena had been more involved in pvp content, wvw and pve challenge by varying the content, I am convinced that more players would have stayed on gw2.

    They made lots of mistakes and I think just focusing on the grind when they promised gw2 wouldn't be like this (during the manifesto) is the worst of them. But in my opinion, gw 2 deserved better than that.

    A game that targets all types of audiences is going to fail, since it will never be enough for one audience.

    It‘s easy to say that Anet should have done more for WvW, PvP, instanced content, JPs, housing, lifeskilling, Stronghold…

    But resource allocation is a thing. Resources are limited. Not even games as big as WoW or FFXIV are able to please every audience. The sensible thing is to please the one that is giving the highest monetary return.


    There isn‘t much merit in supporting content that only attracts a miniscule amount of players using too many resources, just to please them. It‘s not worth it if the corresponding returns are not there.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

    What's?? That's not what I am talking about. I was on about the people complaining about the marionette. 


    Then you should have specified it, instead of just asking a general question. And yeah, people complaining about it is entitlement. How anet is going to act on the marionette depending of their ingame metrics and player retention is another thing.

  7. Just now, radda.8920 said:


    Weird since pvp, wvw and hm pve players have been left out for years while spe grind players have almost every updates (with content) granted to them.

    Weird, could it maybe be that Anet allocates resources to certain content, because that content is responsible for their income? I know, it might be a shocker for you, but a corporation is there to make money.

    They aren‘t creating that content because players are asking for it, but because that content brings them money. In your case it‘s just players being entitled asking for content.

    • Haha 2
  8. It‘s even more pathetic when you see that most of them are either 2nd accounts only there to leech or max mastery level with raid titles that are doing the leeching. Wish Anet could implement a solution to remove those players from the instance when not participating.

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  9. 44 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:


    No they remain a significant number of HM players in pve, I see them all the time in raids, t4/Cm fractals, strikes and some metas. They have the right to have content, we are talking about ONE single update since  the sunqua peak fractal anyway ...


    Do you really want to endure mediocre content like dragon storm/DRM on a loop? I admit that I do not understand. It feels so good to have metas that give you a bit of adrenaline.

    so much more fun than spamming 1 without looking at your computer.

    Entitlement and strawmanning in the same post, how the „hardcore“ players have fallen.


    No, players aren‘t entitled to get content developed exclusively for them.

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  10. Yeah, I share the sentiment of adding teleports or jumppads to the other platforms once the own one is cleared.

    Waiting and watching others fail doesn't feel good. The cheer felt like it barely did anything. Just let me carry the other platforms by myself.

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  11. Went in with a PuG squad, soloed my platform because people didn't use the portal. Had to watch another person slowly solo his platform after having cleared mine. Cheer didn't seem to help out a lot. Ultimately failed because 2 other lanes weren't able to sever their chain.

    Give us the ability to join the other platforms once ours is done and let us carry, please (or increase the playernumbers, like in the old days).

    • Like 3
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  12. 25 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Language does evolve over time, and that can and should be reflected in the way people use it, especially in informal settings like internet forums. But I think that needs to be balanced against an awareness that an internet forum includes a wide range of people from different backgrounds, age groups etc. including non-native English speakers with varying levels of proficiency and they're not all going to know the same slang terms, especially relatively new ones.


    After all the point of language is to make yourself understood, if a large chunk of your audience has no idea what you're going on about then it's failing at it's basic purpose.


    I try to avoid using too much British slang or cultural references online for exactly that reason (like saying "it seems rushed" instead of "bit of a bodge job"), sometimes I'll deliberately choose to use an American term instead (like truck instead of lorry) because I know it's more likely to be understood by an international audience.


    I fully agree, hence why I called the usage of "-Andies" as unnecessary here, as the GW2 forum community doesn't have a strong link to the Twitch community, apart from a few exceptions.


    I'm just against the generalization that "plain English" is always better and that new generational words are just some "stupid meme" or "urban dictionary"-term, when words like "yeet" are here to stay.


    Abbreviations like DPS, Tanks or other game related terms aren't part of plain English, I'll still continue to use them here, though.


    Edit: It's just sad to see people completely shut down new words, instead of trying to understand them.

    Huge props to you for being open-minded about it and trying to understand OP's slang, as you looked for a definition instead of shutting it down.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

    Still. Always better to use plain English rather than a stupid meme term or urban dictionary term.


    "Players who own legendaries, keep your ascended equipment until after ANET's End of Dragons reveal on the 27th."


    English is ever-evolving. New generations will come up with new words and new definitions. Age-group specific slang will always exists. Words like "yeet" will be used more and more and have been included into the cambridge dictionary.

    It's not really your place to tell others what language they should or are allowed to use.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Any idea what it means in this context?



    Originated from this. Nowadays the meaning changed a bit and it‘s not only used to describe streamers, but everyone with a certain attribute or doing something.


    React Andies = Streamers that do react content

    Streamsniping Andies = People that streamsnipe

    Legendary Andies = People that have legendaries (I guess that‘s what OP is going for using Twitch lingo to sound hip?)

    So basically it‘s used as an unnecessary umbrella term for comedic value.


    There‘s also been some variations, e.g. „Normans“ used for people not into / new to the Twitch community or coming from the Youtube community (often used in the xQc community). Pretty much a derivative of the term „Normie“.

    • Thanks 1
  15. The introduction of the first story legendary (amulet) and the focus on the legendary armory make me believe more things are coming in EoD besides gen 3 weapons (the attainable precursor through story also makes me wonder if they want to make legendaries more accessible to the average player).
    I‘d say Anet introducing a new way to attain legendary armour unlinked from niche content within EoD is likely.


    We‘ll just have to wait. The earliest we may get new info on stuff like this is the 27th.

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  16. 7 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Just an FYI:  That document is out-of-date (not that the rule may be out-of-date).  ArenaNet (or NCSoft) really should put a redirect on that page. 




    I guess including this in this topic makes sense: The current Rules of Conduct should redirect to the NCsoft legal page or at least warn the user about the new documentation, as 

    "The old documents will be available here until the new documents take effect." is already the case 😉

  17. 16 minutes ago, Flapjackson.1596 said:

    It is crossing an ethical boundary. It should be treated like Twitch giveaways where a Patreon subscriber should have an increased chance of winning. Making it the requirement to participate is definitely offering rewards for payment.


    Depending on where you're from the offer to buy into a giveaway or offering increased odds of winning through payment is actually illegal (e.g. in the US you can file a FTC report https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/fake-prize-sweepstakes-and-lottery-scams).

    • Like 1
  18. I'd also like the option to exclude individual things when salvaging.


    Still, I wanted to share my workaround when salvaging the whole inventory at once (as it seems to be about unidentified gear):

    1. Stand next to a merchant and open the sell window

    2. Open all pieces of gear until inventory is full +1 (overburdened)

    3. Sell the unidentified gear to merchant (removes overburdened and stacks so that they don't get salvaged)

    4. Salvage all

    5. Buy back unidentified gear

    6. Repeat Step 2


    The merchant works as a proxy to exclude your items.

  19. Lane phase was never over, the players defending the lane were let through to the 5 platforms via portal (similiar to how Silverwastes works, just with 5 lanes instead of 3).

    To successfully complete the event, the platform event had to be completed 5 times (each successful completion severed one chain the marionette was bound to).


    Each platform held 5(?) players. They had to defeat some minions (some immune to damage from behind) and then some machinery (condi immune object). One platform failing meant the whole lane failing on the attempt to sever one chain.


    So there were multiple things that could go wrong:

    • Undermanned platforms due to lack of players, either total players or not enough in one lane
    • Players that weren't able to beat the twisted nightmare enemies (not focusing menders healing the others, not doing enough damage, not rezzing downed people)
    • Running out of time on the platforms, as the game was new and many didn't have great builds/ stats (some were still running magic find gear or pvt gear for example)


    Edit: Thought I should also add that you weren't really able to help out the other platforms after clearing your one, so you effectively had to wait and hope the other platform teams were able to get their job done on their own. Anet already said that with the new version you're able to at least "cheer" and share boons now.


    As for more adjustments I'll quote Anet: 

    We’ve preserved the flow of this highly requested encounter, with some adjustments to bring it up to our current design standards. (Source)

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  20. One of the few MMORPGs that still uses „massively“ amounts of players in its endgame via new zones and meta events, instead of hyper focusing into smallscale, not so massively, instanced lobby content, like so many other (M)MORPGs do.


    Imo best character animations and dye system around.

    Best mount movement design of the genre.

    Too many iron-six-pack-breastplates.

    Misses lifeskill stuff to do.

    Develops side-content for a small % of the playerbase too often that gets dropped due to the small % of players interacting with said content (Dungeons, raids etc.)

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