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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. Don‘t really see the point in this. If the enemies purely get stronger by having more stats, you can already do that by lowering your own ones.Make the monsters too strong/scale too hard and you get the same result as the eastern vabbi meta with no one doing it.

    Turning the monsters into hp sponges will also just result in some players only participating in the last % hp of a boss, trying to min-max reward/time-spent playing. You can already see that in most open world bosses like Drakkar, Tequatl etc., where you still see high-mastery players wait outside the boss arenas, just to swoop in for the reward, contributing even less than bad players.

  2. @"Konig Des Todes.2086" Yeah, that's pretty much how I understood it.There's currently two balances being talked about in the conversations between Jormag and Aurene.

    The balance of the All is the one Aurene wants to maintain / Aurene's balance / the one Jormag claims is just mortal superstition.Then there's the balance of power between Jormag and Primordus, the one Jormag wants to shift in its favour.(Both balances are connected and influence each other)

    The problem here is that the "balance of the All" Aurene wants to maintain only works if both Primordus and Jormag play fair. And Jormag doesn't seem to think that Primordus can play fair. So adhering to Aurene's balance and stopping from freezing the world would mean Primordus wins in the "balance of power" and will end up destroying everything.It's probably similiar to a Cold War situation in Jormag's mind, if one power stops increasing, the other one will overpower everything.

  3. @voltaicbore.8012 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:

    Because I don't ignore the statement of a Narrative Director? Ok then.

    You're treating the "Jormag doesn't lie" statement as if it covers a wider range of cases than it needs to. It comes down to what we consider "lying", which Tom Abernathy (probably intentionally) failed to discuss.

    I think it's pretty clear from the rest of
    that when he says "Jormag doesn't lie" it's the equivalent of "Jormag does not intentionally tell us things that Jormag personally does not believe to be true as well."

    As the tweet says. Jormag is always
    . That dosen't mean Jormag is always
    . You, @"Raknar.4735", are consistently speaking as though Jormag's honesty always guarantees Jormag's correctness, and frankly it's getting hard to watch at this point.

    In this case, it would mean Jormag made something up, which is still lying. Pretending to know something and stating something factually wrong, which Jormag would have done if we go by "correctness" is still an act of lying.I'm also not speaking as if Jormag is always correct. Just that Jormag doesn't lie and we therefore can still get valuable information out of its words. It's actually pretty sad to see people discredit anything Jormag said simply because Jormag has evil/self-serving intentions.

    Also, this discussion about Jormag is still off-topic according to OP, since this topic isn't about Jormag, but how the PC and the other NPC's act (or don't act). You could have just PM'd instead of making another anwer that delves further off-topic.

    @Konig Des Todes.2086 I don't think the balance Jormag is talking about in Jormag's Madness is directly about the balance of the All. It seems more to be about a balance of power between Jormag and Primordus specifically. Jormag is trying to shift the balance on its side by freezing the world to prepare for Primordus, on the other side Primordus is using the feedback loop to finally awaken and power up. To achieve a balance in power, both Jormag and Primordus need to stop what they're currently doing.

  4. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:One remark of a dragon that is part of the whole simulation we're speculating about. A dragon that plays a major part in the All. A dragon that also wants Tyria to continue to exist.

    On the other side we have simulations based on old Asura tech. Not very convincing.

    What the character knows is completely irrelevant here. We as players know that Jormag doesn't lie. This is relevant to how the All works in this case. Our character's knowledge doesn't influence how the Balance or the All works.

    This isn't quite true.Jormag only wants Tyria to exist in it's own image specifically.. a frozen world covered in Ice is Jormag's ideal world much like Primordus ideal world is a lifeless burning wastelandLikewise Mordremoth's ideal world was basically to spread itself everywhere and become the world itself, Mordy even states in the HoT trailer "I am this world" which is enough of a statement to know his goals lolZhaitan wanted a world where only the dead can exist forever.And of course Kralkatorrik wanted to just eradicate everything, even himself.

    Jormag saying it want's to protect and preserve Tyria is one of those ways it lies with the truth.. it's not technically lying but it's not telling you the truth either and it's intentions are absolutely malevolent and selfish.So when Jormag tells you the balance is a lie.. it's probably not technically lying, but it's definitely not telling you the truth either and it's only saying that to further it's own agenda.That is the only thing you can trust from anything Jormag says.

    Also remember Aurine is part of that simulation now too, she maybe young and new at this Elder Dragon thing but she's is still connected to it all and knows a lot more about it that we do.

    I'm aware that what Jormag wants to preserve isn't our Tyria and that it doesn't care about the mortal races. I'm also aware that Jormag wants Primordus to die, so that it can take over.This however still means that Tyria isn't destroyed with the death of Primordus. This directly contradicts the "No more dragons are allowed to die"-narrative that has been established due to the simulations in Rata Novus.

    So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

    But in what form and to whom is the question.

    Jormag may survive another dragon death and freeze the world in an endless icy tomb but to us mortals that isn't saving Tyria, that's destroying it.Jormag can probably live in that sort of world where we mortals cannot, so from Jormag's perspective that's not destroying the world but from ours it is because Jormag's world would be just as much of a lifeless graveyard as Primordus burning wasteland would be.

    So yeah Jormag isn't lying technically but it is twisting the truth to serve it's own agenda.. for us to help Jormag would be to contribute to our own destruction.. so to us Jormag is lying but it also isn't lying from it's own perspective.

    If mortals are able to still survive on Tyria is completely unrelated to what happens to the All, though.If another death doesn't upset the All like the asuran simulation claimed, Jormag isn't lying about the balance being a mortal superstition.

    Every Elder Dragon death upsets the All.. this we at least do know is true.

    The scale of the damage done to Tyria upon these deaths is what we're talking about, what is world ending to us may not be to the remaining dragons.The Balance being a mortal superstition is because for us Mortals we don't want to create a world where we can't survive in it.It's Jormag's way of saying the world will go on without mortals even if it is severely damaged by another Dragon death, because Jormag doesn't care if Primordus death ends all mortal life on Tyria.

    Except the simulation made it look like Tyria implodes. That's pretty much world ending for everything. This isn't about if mortals can continue to survive.


    Yea but keep in mind that's an artificial simulation not an accurate representation of what may specifically happen to the world.

    That‘s the point. The simulation the player character, Taimi and the others take for the truth is wrong.

    Literally maybe but what it represents not so much.

    The All is already unbalanced due to the deaths of Zhaitan and Mordremoth, we know it can't take another death as we saw through the vision the Eye of Janthir showed us.Kralkatorriks death at Balthazar's hands ended the world for us in that vision, the video I linked.

    The only reason this didn't happen was because we stopped Balthazar and then killed Kralkatorrik when Aurine was ready to replace him.

    This still leaves us in the same situation, one more dead dragon without a replacement and the world goes to hell for us.

    The thing you're overlooking as well is that the simulation you're talking about involved the deaths of 2 Dragons, not just one of them.So I could also say 1 more dragon death = planet hell.. 2 more dragon deaths = planet go boom lol

    Is it even Kralkatorrik's death in that video/vision of the Eye of Janthir? I've always thought that to be Vlast. Looks more similiar to Vlast, too. I don't think the vision is the end of the world, but things that actually happened in PoF.

    I'm not actually overlooking the two dragons thing in the simulation. The simulation quite clearly shows that Jormag and Primordus have to clash. We don't know what will happen if one more ED dies, that's the point why we're having this discussion right now. And why Jormag says that the balance is wrong because the way we look at the All is a mortal misconception.

    Vlast was nowhere near that big and the Dragon roars were the same as Kralkatorriks, it's definitely Kralk in the vision.It's definitely not depicting the events of PoF either since the world was never engulfed in fire and ruin as shown in the vison.The vision was showing what Balthazar's intentions were (killing Krlkatorrik) and the result of that action (bringing the world to ruin) I believe there is even dialogue in one mission with him where we try to warn him about what his actions would bring on the world and he just didn't care.

    But Kralkatorrik is even more massive the the dragon in the vision. There were also plenty of places in fire in the Crystal Oasis, and the destroyed pyramid looks similiar to the one in Maculate Fringe. I'm pretty sure that vision is about things that already happened, not things that would have happened.The dialoge in that one mission was more related to the killing of any EDs, after the simulation with Jormag and Primordus. Since that's what our ingame character believes, that killing more EDs will result in the destruction of Tyria.

    From everything we went through with Krlkatorrik and Balthazar I would have to disagree about not knowing or at least having a good idea of what would happen if one more elder died.All the evidence we have suggests the world would be severely damaged and would likely be uninhabitable for mortals.. and if both of them die it would be far worse.

    There isn't actualy much evidence aside from an overflow of magic that suggests the world would fall to ruin. Most of the Tyria-warping damage was done by Kralkatorrik when he started to enter the Mists and consume without holding back.

    Jormag's words simply cannot be trusted because of everything we know about it, it always has it's own agenda and everything it does and says is to further that agenda.It does not care about mortals, and the only reason it tried to appear like it did is because Aurine cares about mortals.Jormag sees us specifically as both a hinderance and a tool to be used to get to Aurine, that's the only reason it doesn't hunt us down and exterminate us which it has more than enough power to do.

    Like mentioned before, I agree with this part. Especially so if we take on the role of the commander. But we still have to consider things that we learn about the lore, even if we don't see them through the commander's eyes.

    Nonetheless, this will also be my last answer to you, since OP doesn't seem to like it very much to discuss lore that isn't directly referenced in-game.

  5. @Zola.6197 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

    You keep saying this like it's some in-universe fact the characters understand. Do you think The Commander and Aurene have a twitter account?

    The problem is the characters are not functioning like characters in a story, let alone like characters who were told by one of their greatest enemies the thing they were doing to save everyone was unnecessary. What incentive do they have to accept Jormag's assertions, let alone know for certain their enemy always tells the (warped and manipulated) truth? Not to mention that Guild Wars 2 often leans on concepts like the unreliable narrator.

    And how many times in the past have dev statements and interviews been invalided or contradicted by the game as times passes? Quite a bit. There are even recent statements that say the only thing that's truly canon is what is presented in game; everything else can be taken or left by the current devs. So one tweet doesn't amount to much, frankly.

    This is bad writing, or at least lazy writing. This is not how you write a consistent and compelling fantasy story and world. Addressing the "debunking" of the balance should've been a priority for the characters in-universe, but instead it's ignored to a nonsensical degree.

    What the commander or Aurene know doesn‘t matter in this case.I‘m also not arguing about how people in the story should act, like stated previously.

    I‘m only arguing about the All and how the mortal simulation is wrong based on the fact that a Narrative Lead gave more information about Jormags being, a person that isn‘t an unreliable narrator.

    As long as no one from Anet states something else about Jormag to retcon, it is canon that Jormag doesn‘t lie. Anything else would be making up your own story due to lazy listening/reading.

    I‘ve kept saying that we know this because we are players and therefore have more knowledge about the Guild Wars world.

    You're coming off about as nonsensical as the characters right now lol.

    Because I don't ignore the statement of a Narrative Director? Ok then.

    No, because you're being obtuse.

    The subject of this thread isn't about meta knowledge on twitter or how accurate Taimi's simulation may have been. It's specifically about the characters' knowledge and how they are not operating according to that knowledge, and how that means the narrative team (in my opinion) are not doing their due diligence to the characters and setting. The fact that a dev posted "Jormag doesn't lie" on twitter does not account for anything happening in-universe. The Commander, Aurene, etc, are people living in the world of Tyria and have no reason to believe that "Jormag doesn't lie." And from what they have witnessed through myriad occurrences in the story they've all lived through - particularly in the personal story and Icebrood Saga - is that Jormag is dangerous, persuasive, manipulative, and wants to corrupt others in their image. They are an evil and self-serving super powered entity. "Jormag doesn't lie" sitting on twitter doesn't change those facts as the characters have experienced them. If you can't recognize that, you don't come off as someone who cares much for the story, the character, the setting or lore in the first place.

    It doesn't matter if "Jormag doesn't lie" is true - even if you're being obtuse about the fact that Jormag's "truth" has thus far been shown to consistently be perverted by their terms. It doesn't matter if "Taimi's simulation was wrong and we've been incorrect the whole time." If the writing is doing it's job, the characters have to journey to that conclusion in a way we, the audience, sees; the characters don't just throw out all their gained knowledge and experiences based on a tweet about an idea that hasn't even been properly established in universe. That's nonsense.

    The things you're bringing up are only tangentially related to the aim of this thread. If you want to fuse how an out-of-game tweet saying "Jormag doesn't lie" is indicative of quality writing and good "devmanship," then by all means make that post. As of right now you just come off as someone who's been sipping that Jormag whisper juice. :P

    I brought up the Jormag thing because you spoke about "seemingly ditching the balance of The All and replacement plot", when Jormag actually mentions that exact plotpoint and was never ditched.I added meta-knowledge to it, because that meta-knowledge is still part of the universe and a part of Jormag. Ignoring that fact still doesn't change what is actually happening with the All.

    If your aim with this thread is to just complain about narrative and not actually discuss the lore, then fine. I'm not going to answer again, as you've clearly shown you're not open to actually discuss the plotpoint about the All you've mentioned yourself in the starting post and resorted to personal attacks, such as calling me "obtuse" or "sipping that Jormag whisper juice". You should have mentioned that you don't allow any lore that you yourself don't deem to be "worthy" in this thread, even if it comes from an official source that is the Narrative Lead.

  6. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:One remark of a dragon that is part of the whole simulation we're speculating about. A dragon that plays a major part in the All. A dragon that also wants Tyria to continue to exist.

    On the other side we have simulations based on old Asura tech. Not very convincing.

    What the character knows is completely irrelevant here. We as players know that Jormag doesn't lie. This is relevant to how the All works in this case. Our character's knowledge doesn't influence how the Balance or the All works.

    This isn't quite true.Jormag only wants Tyria to exist in it's own image specifically.. a frozen world covered in Ice is Jormag's ideal world much like Primordus ideal world is a lifeless burning wastelandLikewise Mordremoth's ideal world was basically to spread itself everywhere and become the world itself, Mordy even states in the HoT trailer "I am this world" which is enough of a statement to know his goals lolZhaitan wanted a world where only the dead can exist forever.And of course Kralkatorrik wanted to just eradicate everything, even himself.

    Jormag saying it want's to protect and preserve Tyria is one of those ways it lies with the truth.. it's not technically lying but it's not telling you the truth either and it's intentions are absolutely malevolent and selfish.So when Jormag tells you the balance is a lie.. it's probably not technically lying, but it's definitely not telling you the truth either and it's only saying that to further it's own agenda.That is the only thing you can trust from anything Jormag says.

    Also remember Aurine is part of that simulation now too, she maybe young and new at this Elder Dragon thing but she's is still connected to it all and knows a lot more about it that we do.

    I'm aware that what Jormag wants to preserve isn't our Tyria and that it doesn't care about the mortal races. I'm also aware that Jormag wants Primordus to die, so that it can take over.This however still means that Tyria isn't destroyed with the death of Primordus. This directly contradicts the "No more dragons are allowed to die"-narrative that has been established due to the simulations in Rata Novus.

    So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

    But in what form and to whom is the question.

    Jormag may survive another dragon death and freeze the world in an endless icy tomb but to us mortals that isn't saving Tyria, that's destroying it.Jormag can probably live in that sort of world where we mortals cannot, so from Jormag's perspective that's not destroying the world but from ours it is because Jormag's world would be just as much of a lifeless graveyard as Primordus burning wasteland would be.

    So yeah Jormag isn't lying technically but it is twisting the truth to serve it's own agenda.. for us to help Jormag would be to contribute to our own destruction.. so to us Jormag is lying but it also isn't lying from it's own perspective.

    If mortals are able to still survive on Tyria is completely unrelated to what happens to the All, though.If another death doesn't upset the All like the asuran simulation claimed, Jormag isn't lying about the balance being a mortal superstition.

    Every Elder Dragon death upsets the All.. this we at least do know is true.

    The scale of the damage done to Tyria upon these deaths is what we're talking about, what is world ending to us may not be to the remaining dragons.The Balance being a mortal superstition is because for us Mortals we don't want to create a world where we can't survive in it.It's Jormag's way of saying the world will go on without mortals even if it is severely damaged by another Dragon death, because Jormag doesn't care if Primordus death ends all mortal life on Tyria.

    Except the simulation made it look like Tyria implodes. That's pretty much world ending for everything. This isn't about if mortals can continue to survive.


    Yea but keep in mind that's an artificial simulation not an accurate representation of what may specifically happen to the world.

    That‘s the point. The simulation the player character, Taimi and the others take for the truth is wrong.

    Literally maybe but what it represents not so much.

    The All is already unbalanced due to the deaths of Zhaitan and Mordremoth, we know it can't take another death as we saw through the vision the Eye of Janthir showed us.Kralkatorriks death at Balthazar's hands ended the world for us in that vision, the video I linked.

    The only reason this didn't happen was because we stopped Balthazar and then killed Kralkatorrik when Aurine was ready to replace him.

    This still leaves us in the same situation, one more dead dragon without a replacement and the world goes to hell for us.

    The thing you're overlooking as well is that the simulation you're talking about involved the deaths of 2 Dragons, not just one of them.So I could also say 1 more dragon death = planet hell.. 2 more dragon deaths = planet go boom lol

    Is it even Kralkatorrik's death in that video/vision of the Eye of Janthir? I've always thought that to be Vlast. Looks more similiar to Vlast, too. I don't think the vision is the end of the world, but things that actually happened in PoF.

    I'm not actually overlooking the two dragons thing in the simulation. The simulation quite clearly shows that Jormag and Primordus have to clash. We don't know what will happen if one more ED dies, that's the point why we're having this discussion right now. And why Jormag says that the balance is wrong because the way we look at the All is a mortal misconception.

  7. @Zola.6197 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

    You keep saying this like it's some in-universe fact the characters understand. Do you think The Commander and Aurene have a twitter account?

    The problem is the characters are not functioning like characters in a story, let alone like characters who were told by one of their greatest enemies the thing they were doing to save everyone was unnecessary. What incentive do they have to accept Jormag's assertions, let alone know for certain their enemy always tells the (warped and manipulated) truth? Not to mention that Guild Wars 2 often leans on concepts like the unreliable narrator.

    And how many times in the past have dev statements and interviews been invalided or contradicted by the game as times passes? Quite a bit. There are even recent statements that say the only thing that's truly canon is what is presented in game; everything else can be taken or left by the current devs. So one tweet doesn't amount to much, frankly.

    This is bad writing, or at least lazy writing. This is not how you write a consistent and compelling fantasy story and world. Addressing the "debunking" of the balance should've been a priority for the characters in-universe, but instead it's ignored to a nonsensical degree.

    What the commander or Aurene know doesn‘t matter in this case.I‘m also not arguing about how people in the story should act, like stated previously.

    I‘m only arguing about the All and how the mortal simulation is wrong based on the fact that a Narrative Lead gave more information about Jormags being, a person that isn‘t an unreliable narrator.

    As long as no one from Anet states something else about Jormag to retcon, it is canon that Jormag doesn‘t lie. Anything else would be making up your own story due to lazy listening/reading.

    I‘ve kept saying that we know this because we are players and therefore have more knowledge about the Guild Wars world.

    You're coming off about as nonsensical as the characters right now lol.

    Because I don't ignore the statement of a Narrative Director? Ok then.

  8. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:One remark of a dragon that is part of the whole simulation we're speculating about. A dragon that plays a major part in the All. A dragon that also wants Tyria to continue to exist.

    On the other side we have simulations based on old Asura tech. Not very convincing.

    What the character knows is completely irrelevant here. We as players know that Jormag doesn't lie. This is relevant to how the All works in this case. Our character's knowledge doesn't influence how the Balance or the All works.

    This isn't quite true.Jormag only wants Tyria to exist in it's own image specifically.. a frozen world covered in Ice is Jormag's ideal world much like Primordus ideal world is a lifeless burning wastelandLikewise Mordremoth's ideal world was basically to spread itself everywhere and become the world itself, Mordy even states in the HoT trailer "I am this world" which is enough of a statement to know his goals lolZhaitan wanted a world where only the dead can exist forever.And of course Kralkatorrik wanted to just eradicate everything, even himself.

    Jormag saying it want's to protect and preserve Tyria is one of those ways it lies with the truth.. it's not technically lying but it's not telling you the truth either and it's intentions are absolutely malevolent and selfish.So when Jormag tells you the balance is a lie.. it's probably not technically lying, but it's definitely not telling you the truth either and it's only saying that to further it's own agenda.That is the only thing you can trust from anything Jormag says.

    Also remember Aurine is part of that simulation now too, she maybe young and new at this Elder Dragon thing but she's is still connected to it all and knows a lot more about it that we do.

    I'm aware that what Jormag wants to preserve isn't our Tyria and that it doesn't care about the mortal races. I'm also aware that Jormag wants Primordus to die, so that it can take over.This however still means that Tyria isn't destroyed with the death of Primordus. This directly contradicts the "No more dragons are allowed to die"-narrative that has been established due to the simulations in Rata Novus.

    So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

    But in what form and to whom is the question.

    Jormag may survive another dragon death and freeze the world in an endless icy tomb but to us mortals that isn't saving Tyria, that's destroying it.Jormag can probably live in that sort of world where we mortals cannot, so from Jormag's perspective that's not destroying the world but from ours it is because Jormag's world would be just as much of a lifeless graveyard as Primordus burning wasteland would be.

    So yeah Jormag isn't lying technically but it is twisting the truth to serve it's own agenda.. for us to help Jormag would be to contribute to our own destruction.. so to us Jormag is lying but it also isn't lying from it's own perspective.

    If mortals are able to still survive on Tyria is completely unrelated to what happens to the All, though.If another death doesn't upset the All like the asuran simulation claimed, Jormag isn't lying about the balance being a mortal superstition.

    Every Elder Dragon death upsets the All.. this we at least do know is true.

    The scale of the damage done to Tyria upon these deaths is what we're talking about, what is world ending to us may not be to the remaining dragons.The Balance being a mortal superstition is because for us Mortals we don't want to create a world where we can't survive in it.It's Jormag's way of saying the world will go on without mortals even if it is severely damaged by another Dragon death, because Jormag doesn't care if Primordus death ends all mortal life on Tyria.

    Except the simulation made it look like Tyria implodes. That's pretty much world ending for everything. This isn't about if mortals can continue to survive.


    Yea but keep in mind that's an artificial simulation not an accurate representation of what may specifically happen to the world.

    That‘s the point. The simulation the player character, Taimi and the others take for the truth is wrong.

  9. @Zola.6197 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

    You keep saying this like it's some in-universe fact the characters understand. Do you think The Commander and Aurene have a twitter account?

    The problem is the characters are not functioning like characters in a story, let alone like characters who were told by one of their greatest enemies the thing they were doing to save everyone was unnecessary. What incentive do they have to accept Jormag's assertions, let alone know for certain their enemy always tells the (warped and manipulated) truth? Not to mention that Guild Wars 2 often leans on concepts like the unreliable narrator.

    And how many times in the past have dev statements and interviews been invalided or contradicted by the game as times passes? Quite a bit. There are even recent statements that say the only thing that's truly canon is what is presented in game; everything else can be taken or left by the current devs. So one tweet doesn't amount to much, frankly.

    This is bad writing, or at least lazy writing. This is not how you write a consistent and compelling fantasy story and world. Addressing the "debunking" of the balance should've been a priority for the characters in-universe, but instead it's ignored to a nonsensical degree.

    What the commander or Aurene know doesn‘t matter in this case.I‘m also not arguing about how people in the story should act, like stated previously.

    I‘m only arguing about the All and how the mortal simulation is wrong based on the fact that a Narrative Lead gave more information about Jormags being, a person that isn‘t an unreliable narrator.

    As long as no one from Anet states something else about Jormag to retcon, it is canon that Jormag doesn‘t lie. Anything else would be making up your own story due to lazy listening/reading.

    I‘ve kept saying that we know this because we are players and therefore have more knowledge about the Guild Wars world.

  10. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:One remark of a dragon that is part of the whole simulation we're speculating about. A dragon that plays a major part in the All. A dragon that also wants Tyria to continue to exist.

    On the other side we have simulations based on old Asura tech. Not very convincing.

    What the character knows is completely irrelevant here. We as players know that Jormag doesn't lie. This is relevant to how the All works in this case. Our character's knowledge doesn't influence how the Balance or the All works.

    This isn't quite true.Jormag only wants Tyria to exist in it's own image specifically.. a frozen world covered in Ice is Jormag's ideal world much like Primordus ideal world is a lifeless burning wastelandLikewise Mordremoth's ideal world was basically to spread itself everywhere and become the world itself, Mordy even states in the HoT trailer "I am this world" which is enough of a statement to know his goals lolZhaitan wanted a world where only the dead can exist forever.And of course Kralkatorrik wanted to just eradicate everything, even himself.

    Jormag saying it want's to protect and preserve Tyria is one of those ways it lies with the truth.. it's not technically lying but it's not telling you the truth either and it's intentions are absolutely malevolent and selfish.So when Jormag tells you the balance is a lie.. it's probably not technically lying, but it's definitely not telling you the truth either and it's only saying that to further it's own agenda.That is the only thing you can trust from anything Jormag says.

    Also remember Aurine is part of that simulation now too, she maybe young and new at this Elder Dragon thing but she's is still connected to it all and knows a lot more about it that we do.

    I'm aware that what Jormag wants to preserve isn't our Tyria and that it doesn't care about the mortal races. I'm also aware that Jormag wants Primordus to die, so that it can take over.This however still means that Tyria isn't destroyed with the death of Primordus. This directly contradicts the "No more dragons are allowed to die"-narrative that has been established due to the simulations in Rata Novus.

    So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

    But in what form and to whom is the question.

    Jormag may survive another dragon death and freeze the world in an endless icy tomb but to us mortals that isn't saving Tyria, that's destroying it.Jormag can probably live in that sort of world where we mortals cannot, so from Jormag's perspective that's not destroying the world but from ours it is because Jormag's world would be just as much of a lifeless graveyard as Primordus burning wasteland would be.

    So yeah Jormag isn't lying technically but it is twisting the truth to serve it's own agenda.. for us to help Jormag would be to contribute to our own destruction.. so to us Jormag is lying but it also isn't lying from it's own perspective.

    If mortals are able to still survive on Tyria is completely unrelated to what happens to the All, though.If another death doesn't upset the All like the asuran simulation claimed, Jormag isn't lying about the balance being a mortal superstition.

    Every Elder Dragon death upsets the All.. this we at least do know is true.

    The scale of the damage done to Tyria upon these deaths is what we're talking about, what is world ending to us may not be to the remaining dragons.The Balance being a mortal superstition is because for us Mortals we don't want to create a world where we can't survive in it.It's Jormag's way of saying the world will go on without mortals even if it is severely damaged by another Dragon death, because Jormag doesn't care if Primordus death ends all mortal life on Tyria.

    Except the simulation of the balance made it look like Tyria implodes. That's pretty much world ending for everything. This isn't about if mortals can continue to survive. It never has been.


  11. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:One remark of a dragon that is part of the whole simulation we're speculating about. A dragon that plays a major part in the All. A dragon that also wants Tyria to continue to exist.

    On the other side we have simulations based on old Asura tech. Not very convincing.

    What the character knows is completely irrelevant here. We as players know that Jormag doesn't lie. This is relevant to how the All works in this case. Our character's knowledge doesn't influence how the Balance or the All works.

    This isn't quite true.Jormag only wants Tyria to exist in it's own image specifically.. a frozen world covered in Ice is Jormag's ideal world much like Primordus ideal world is a lifeless burning wastelandLikewise Mordremoth's ideal world was basically to spread itself everywhere and become the world itself, Mordy even states in the HoT trailer "I am this world" which is enough of a statement to know his goals lolZhaitan wanted a world where only the dead can exist forever.And of course Kralkatorrik wanted to just eradicate everything, even himself.

    Jormag saying it want's to protect and preserve Tyria is one of those ways it lies with the truth.. it's not technically lying but it's not telling you the truth either and it's intentions are absolutely malevolent and selfish.So when Jormag tells you the balance is a lie.. it's probably not technically lying, but it's definitely not telling you the truth either and it's only saying that to further it's own agenda.That is the only thing you can trust from anything Jormag says.

    Also remember Aurine is part of that simulation now too, she maybe young and new at this Elder Dragon thing but she's is still connected to it all and knows a lot more about it that we do.

    I'm aware that what Jormag wants to preserve isn't our Tyria and that it doesn't care about the mortal races. I'm also aware that Jormag wants Primordus to die, so that it can take over.This however still means that Tyria isn't destroyed with the death of Primordus. This directly contradicts the "No more dragons are allowed to die"-narrative that has been established due to the simulations in Rata Novus.

    So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

    But in what form and to whom is the question.

    Jormag may survive another dragon death and freeze the world in an endless icy tomb but to us mortals that isn't saving Tyria, that's destroying it.Jormag can probably live in that sort of world where we mortals cannot, so from Jormag's perspective that's not destroying the world but from ours it is because Jormag's world would be just as much of a lifeless graveyard as Primordus burning wasteland would be.

    So yeah Jormag isn't lying technically but it is twisting the truth to serve it's own agenda.. for us to help Jormag would be to contribute to our own destruction.. so to us Jormag is lying but it also isn't lying from it's own perspective.

    If mortals are able to still survive on Tyria is completely unrelated to what happens to the All, though.If another death doesn't upset the All like the asuran simulation claimed, Jormag isn't lying about the balance being a mortal superstition.

  12. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:One remark of a dragon that is part of the whole simulation we're speculating about. A dragon that plays a major part in the All. A dragon that also wants Tyria to continue to exist.

    On the other side we have simulations based on old Asura tech. Not very convincing.

    What the character knows is completely irrelevant here. We as players know that Jormag doesn't lie. This is relevant to how the All works in this case. Our character's knowledge doesn't influence how the Balance or the All works.

    This isn't quite true.Jormag only wants Tyria to exist in it's own image specifically.. a frozen world covered in Ice is Jormag's ideal world much like Primordus ideal world is a lifeless burning wastelandLikewise Mordremoth's ideal world was basically to spread itself everywhere and become the world itself, Mordy even states in the HoT trailer "I am this world" which is enough of a statement to know his goals lolZhaitan wanted a world where only the dead can exist forever.And of course Kralkatorrik wanted to just eradicate everything, even himself.

    Jormag saying it want's to protect and preserve Tyria is one of those ways it lies with the truth.. it's not technically lying but it's not telling you the truth either and it's intentions are absolutely malevolent and selfish.So when Jormag tells you the balance is a lie.. it's probably not technically lying, but it's definitely not telling you the truth either and it's only saying that to further it's own agenda.That is the only thing you can trust from anything Jormag says.

    Also remember Aurine is part of that simulation now too, she maybe young and new at this Elder Dragon thing but she's is still connected to it all and knows a lot more about it that we do.

    I'm aware that what Jormag wants to preserve isn't our Tyria and that it doesn't care about the mortal races.Jormag's plans and intentions for Tyria don't matter here, though. This is about what another ED death means for the All.

    I'm also aware that Jormag wants Primordus to die, so that it can take over.This however still means that Tyria isn't destroyed with the death of Primordus. This directly contradicts the "No more dragons are allowed to die"-narrative that has been established due to the simulations in Rata Novus.

    So if what Jormag is saying is the truth (since Jormag never lies), Tyria will continue to exist, even if Primordus is dead. So it is quite true.

  13. @Fenella.2634 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:One remark of a dragon that is part of the whole simulation we're speculating about. A dragon that plays a major part in the All. A dragon that also wants Tyria to continue to exist.

    So, you know everything there is to know about humans, because you are a human? No more human biology or medical science needed? ^^ Just because it's an Elder Dragon, that doesn't mean it knows everything about Elder Dragons. Granted, it might know more than we do. However, at least in the last cycle, no ED was killed, so the balance issue did most likely not come up back then. Do the EDs really know, or is Jormag also just speculating?

    I'd say humanity has a pretty good grasp about what happens with the human body when it dies.An ED doesn't need to know everything about EDs. What happens when one ED dies isn't "everything".Also, no ED dying in the previous cycle doesn't mean an ED hasn't died in any of the cycles before the prevous one. We simply don't know how long Jormag, or any of the other ED, besides Aurene, have been around.

    On the other side we have simulations based on old Asura tech. Not very convincing.Because?Also, we saw effects with all the unbound magic and the reality of Tyria getting affected.

    Because it's just that, a simulation based on old Asuran knowledge.Unbound magic drives some mortals insane and creates magical anomalies. If it is infused with a non-compatible element, it may cause torment to EDs when consumed. But overflowing magic has always been a part of the ED cycle.

    The reality of Tyria was affected because Kralkatorrik started consuming magic everywhere, even in the Mists, opening various connections between Tyria and the Mists. Has nothing to do with an ED dying.

    What the character knows is completely irrelevant here. We as players know that Jormag doesn't lie. This is relevant to how the All works in this case. Our character's knowledge doesn't influence how the Balance or the All works.Hm, this is where I disagree. For storytelling and immersion, it's important to consider what the characters actually know at a given point. And this will at times be different from what the players know, let alone what the authors know. Otherwise, we no longer have "characters", but just plot devices that just further the plot, without actually being involved.

    As far as I'm concerned, you can be totally right about Jormag being omniscient and everything we saw for the last 5 years being weird coincidences, that's not really my issue here. My issue is the non-existent reaction of the characters.

    I've never claimed Jormag is omniscient, just that we know Jormag never lies. In this case, Jormag knows more than any mortal does.Not sure what you mean by "weird coincidences in the last 5 years".I'm not arguing about how the character should act given new information, because that is irrelevant to how the All works. I'm only arguing about the All.

  14. One remark of a dragon that is part of the whole simulation we're speculating about. A dragon that plays a major part in the All. A dragon that also wants Tyria to continue to exist.

    On the other side we have simulations based on old Asura tech. Not very convincing.

    What the character knows is completely irrelevant here. We as players know that Jormag doesn't lie. This is relevant to how the All works in this case. Our character's knowledge doesn't influence how the Balance or the All works.

  15. @"Raknar.4735" said:According to Jormag, the "balance" is a fantasy—another mortal superstition. So who knows what will happen once another ED dies.But this doesn't make sense. We stumbled upon the concept in LS2 and 3. It was discovered using scientific simulations, which of course can be wrong, but this is completely different from myths and superstition.If we want to talk about myths and mortal superstitions, the first thing I'd scrap is that random norn prophecy. Who even was the prophet and how the heck did they come up with that? It is not like there has been any precedent of a Jormag being killed.This, to me, sounds like a fairy tale. Taimi's discoveries on the other hand, not so much.

    Scientific simulations based on Rata Novan simulation technology. It's not the first time the Asura or Taimi were wrong about something.

    You're forgetting something: This is Tyria, not the real world. Magic exists. Prophecies aren't just superstitions here. Wolf even confirmed the Norn Prophecy.I'm going to trust Jormag here, since Jormag doesn't lie. The mortal concept about the balance and the All is wrong when it comes to ED death.

  16. @ugrakarma.9416 said:

    @Palador.2170 said:If you really want something good, it needs to be a system for Player Made Content. What kind of content? Dunno, but giving players the tools to make things occupies us far longer than any single mission or raid ever will.

    It's part of why people want actual housing in a game. It gives them a chance to make something, then maybe tear it all down and redo it better. It's part of why people keep suggesting the ability to have their other characters along with them as NPCs in instanced missions, so they can customize the team to how they want it. Or make their own Jumping Puzzles.

    There have been a couple of MMOs that have handed out the tools for players to make their own missions/storylines even. And yes, there are pitfalls and abuses you have to watch out for. But imagine them handing over just the dungeon maps along with some basic mission making tools, with the chance to earn a special currency that can buy only some cosmetics (no EXP or Gold gain) for completing player made missions. Limited chance for exploitation, but a chance for players to make and tell their own stories.

    The Devs will never be able to keep up with the players. Only the players themselves can do that. So, we need the tools to do just that.

    [...], it the end was just the most boring and less played content, they even introduce unique rewards to incentive ppl play it, [...], but even with that, this game mode was a desert.

    Sounds familiar.

  17. @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"Raknar.4735" said:Braham calling himself the „alpha“ in the Fireheart Rise DRM bothers me more than I‘d like to admit. „Alpha“ behaviour in wolves is only something that happens in captivity, not in the wild. From the way Braham acts, he isn‘t the captive here.

    While this is true, there is an easy explanation for that: Tyria is not the real world. While alpha behaviour is a phenomenon related to captivity for real life wolves, the same doesn't necessarily have to apply to Tyrian wolves. :)

    And in the context of the destroyers, it can make sense especially. He is dominating the destroyers with pure physical and willpower. The term alpha seems appropriate here.

    Yeah, the different world = different rules explanation is the one I go by, but sometimes it does bother me nonetheless, as I don't think this is done on purpose, but due to a lack of knowledge :P.

    The term does make sense here in a certain way, if we boil it down to use the human "showing dominance" meaning, but doesn't in other ways.Normally that behaviour is restricted to beings of the same-species. If we say that Braham fully converted into a destroyer now, that'd be fine. But that would also mean that he's actually the Beta aiding the Alpha (in this case Primordus).

    However, we also haven't really seen a hierarchy based on force-based-dominance until now in destroyers. Destroyers have always acted more like insects with different colonies / squads and "queens". (Intelligence based dominance is featured in Zhaitan-minions, and some Mordrem-Alphas, also wolves, exist.)

    I do think the writers intended this to be a clever way to make him the "Alpha Wolf" of the destroyer "pack" here (after all the buildup of him "becoming the Wolf"), but I don't think it really works here in the context of destroyers. But it is Braham who says it, so maybe he just doesn't know better.

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