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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. On 7/3/2021 at 9:06 AM, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

    The Luxons and the Kurzicks were just vassal states of the Canthan empire, they aren't a "type" or a race.  Underneath the face paints and/or tattoos they looked just like any other Canthan.  As for classes, Anet's (probably) not going to added anymore to the game, only elite specializations.

    Just wanted to point this out:

    „The Luxon and Kurzick tribes did not emerge from the Canthan people and arrived separately at a later time, in unclear circumstances“



    so while they may or may not be partly canthan nowadays after being forcefully integrated into canthan society, it wasn‘t always the case. Their origin is still unknown.

    • Like 3
  2. Don‘t really care about Taimi. I‘ve never really been fond of any Asura overwhelmingly portrayed in the game. Having inquest everywhere doesn‘t help.

    Snaff and Kranxx however are great.


    As for Braham: I like him. Probably my favourite DW member. As dumb as he may sometimes act, he gets stuff done and isn‘t just there to ride along. He speaks his mind and acts upon what he thinks is best. I‘m glad Anet decided against killing him off in the finale.


    (I really hope Marjory gets a similiar (in length) character arc in EoD. The only time I‘ve felt her being her own character was when she volunteered to go with „Lazarus“. Aside from that, she‘s always been „just there“, in my opinion.)

    • Thanks 2
  3. 32 minutes ago, Lurana.7506 said:

    I don't necessarily want to increase the player base in raids. I want a solution that makes both raiders and story focused players happy. My solution gives both groups a piece of the cake. When some players start raiding because of that, well, it's an added bonus.


    The biggest problem that hinders Anet from creating more raids is the small player base.

    Not tackling the actual problem is a fruitless endeavor. It won't make anyone happy in the long run.


    Andrew Gray said it himself:


    On 2/3/2020 at 7:01 PM, Fire Attunement.9835 said:

    the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract


    As long as your solution doesn't increase player engagement it is doomed to fail.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


    I would find Ritualist a lot more fitting for Necromancers (communing with the dead is actually a Revenant thing, but heavy armor doesn't fit the spec).



    Revenants don't commune with the dead. They commune with echoes/copies imprinted in the Mists. A person doesn't have to be dead for an echo of themselves to exist.

  5. Warrior              MH Pistol

    Guardian          OH Sword

    Revenant          Greatsword

    Ranger              Sceptre

    Enginer             Mace

    Thief                 Torch

    Necromancer Shield

    Elementalist    Pistol

    Mesmer           Rifle

  6. 15 minutes ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

    It would be fine if an eyeroll emoji was included.




    Also, I'd like a blank one that says nothing at all. Just a yellow circle similiar to 🌕.


    On topic: I don't mind them. Either keep all of them, or remove them all. Only keeping "Like" like before would also be weird.

  7. Not the first time a balance change to one gamemode made skills less fun in others, like the SotM startup delay change for SPvP and WvW that affected all other gamemodes.


    Don't get me wrong, separating balance changes depending on gamemode is good, but anything that goes further than simple number changes is apparently not possible and will result in changes to all gamemodes. The torment changes could be such a change (even though it is just changing the damage numbers from moving/standing).


    Not sure if a gamemode as niche as raids needs their own changes.


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