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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. @Lucio.4190 said:

    worry about the chickens in Bitterfrost Frontier.The ones in Ebonhawke / Fields of Ruin on the other hand....

    I'd guess the chicken joke goes back to TLoZ Ocarina of Time, where chickens started attacking you when you hurt one enough times in Kakariko.Since it is a classic, developers tend to introduce something similiar as a homage to TLoZ.

    Oh god.. I remember those in Ocarina of Time, but didn't know it all started there. Haha! My jaw was like sweeping the floor that day.Thanks! And thanks to all answers here, I'll definitely get that achievement too.

    Like @"Danikat.8537" stated, it actually started before OoT. So I was wrong to assume it goes back to OoT.After looking up some sources, A Link to the Past seems to be the Zelda game that introduced the "Cucco revenge squad" (OoT was the 3rd game to have the mechanic). That seems to be the beginning of the ongoing "don't attack/kick chickens"-joke.

  2. @Hannelore.8153 said:

    @Raknar.4735 said:Don't worry about the chickens in Bitterfrost Frontier.The ones in Ebonhawke / Fields of Ruin on the other hand....

    I'd guess the chicken joke goes back to TLoZ Ocarina of Time, where chickens started attacking you when you hurt one enough times in Kakariko.Since it is a classic, developers tend to introduce something similiar as a homage to TLoZ.

    The chickens in Bitterfrost will down you instantly if you kick them too much. There's even an achievement for it.

    I actually didn't remember that, good to know!

  3. @Lily.1935 said:

    @Lily.1935 said:Guilds are something that can help. If the new players want to join one. And them playing with other people makes them more likely. At some point they do need to be pushed into multiplayer content. Sooner than later is better.Why not simply force players into guilds to play the game? Seems like you are advocating forcing content on players anyway or forcing players to have to play with others.

    Why play a Massively multiplayer Online Video game if you're not going to play with other people?

    But everyone is playing with other people in the OW without Guilds. Even with a massive amount of people. You could even say it is massively multiplayer.You can't push people into multiplayer content, when they're already playing it.

    In comparison to that, instanced content only goes as far as 10 players in the same instance. Where's the massively multiplayer there? I can only see lobby based lowman content akin to co-op rpgs. Even games like Battlefield are more "massively multiplayer" than instanced content.

  4. @Last Shadow.3709 said:How do you get the dye options to pop up for the backpack skin? I'm looking at the preview in the gem store, but the dye options do not appear. And/or how do you get dye options to show up once you own it?

    @"Raknar.4735" said:It seems to have 4 dye slots when using the preview function.


    You can dye (using pic as reference):
    1. inner part of the flame swirly bois (Yellow in the pic)
    2. outer part of the flame swirly bois (Blue)
    3. wavy aura 1 (Green)
    4. wavy aura 2 (Red)

    @"Sobx.1758" pretty much answered your question when you have the item in your backpack.

    I've just got one more addition to it: If you don't have the item you can look up if the item is listed in the item-wardrobe through a bank, as the TP doesn't have a good preview function.If it isn't in the wardrobe, you'll have to find the item-chatcode. Normally you can find the chatcodes through the GW2-Wiki (or from datamined sources like that_shaman). Simply paste it in the chat (or whisper yourself the code) and you can preview it with Rightclick -> Preview.(Example: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shrine_Guardian_Backpack_Skin has the skin-chatcode [&CikmAAA=])

    Then just repeat Sobx's 2nd step.

  5. @Naxos.2503 said:

    @Naxos.2503 said:Arguably, and this is coming from the company itself : Icebrood Saga is -not- Living World. So there is some sort of consolation in that ?

    Got any source on that? Afaik Anet has always seen IBS as part of the LW.

    I have a hard time pinpointing it exactly, but it was part of their "Giving you expansion level content" speech, they tried to portray it as very different from Living World, hence why they didn't reprise the naming theme of Living World. It dates back to icebrood saga announcement

    You mean this announcement

    Where Mike Z says things like:
    • "I speak for the entire team on Guild Wars 2 when I say that we are pumped to finally show you and unveil the next chapter of Living World" and
    • "Well, we're here to pull back the curtain on the continued commitment we have for Guild Wars 2 and the next chapter of Living Story. So without further ado, I want to introduce you to the new season."

    Doesn't sound like IBS isn't LW to me. Sounds like someone is misinterpreting what Anet said, once again, and now spreading misinformation.

    You're probably right about misinterpreting, however, spreading misinformation was never my intent. That's genuinely how I remembered it, which if it means anything just hints at a fault of marketing to me. But that is subjective.

    It's fine. Just make sure to fact-check next time before claiming someone else made a statement. Even if not intended, wrong "truths" can spread that way.I'm not sure if marketing can actually do something about people not listening correctly ¯\(ツ)

  6. @Naxos.2503 said:

    @Naxos.2503 said:Arguably, and this is coming from the company itself : Icebrood Saga is -not- Living World. So there is some sort of consolation in that ?

    Got any source on that? Afaik Anet has always seen IBS as part of the LW.

    I have a hard time pinpointing it exactly, but it was part of their "Giving you expansion level content" speech, they tried to portray it as very different from Living World, hence why they didn't reprise the naming theme of Living World. It dates back to icebrood saga announcement

    You mean this announcement https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Icebrood_Saga_announcement?

    Where Mike Z says things like:

    • "I speak for the entire team on Guild Wars 2 when I say that we are pumped to finally show you and unveil the next chapter of Living World" and
    • "Well, we're here to pull back the curtain on the continued commitment we have for Guild Wars 2 and the next chapter of Living Story. So without further ado, I want to introduce you to the new season."

    Doesn't sound like IBS isn't LW to me. Sounds like someone is misinterpreting what Anet said, once again, and now spreading misinformation.

  7. Can not be pugged? LFM members for XY, join guild then leave again. Just like when people need help to claim their guild hall.This will truly „strengthen“ the bonds ;) .

    I‘m against it. Not to mention that artificial barriers like 10/25/50 is not very guild-like, since guilds are made up of various amounts.

    Edit: I'd rather have actual new Guild Missions than "Guild" raids.

  8. Probably the Battle on the Breachmaker for me. It was a Meta-event / boss battle during Scarlet‘s assault on LA.It also had a great theme and was one of the first battles to introduce the "color system" (together with TT, which came out a bit earlier), that has been reused in many fights that came after it (VG, Ooze Pit in Grothmar etc.).

  9. Councillor is the UK / british english version, while councilor is the american one (just like armour/armor).

    Neither one is wrong or the correct one, but given that the other councillors of the Arcane Council use the BE version of the title, Vark should so, too, just to be consistent.

  10. @Pifil.5193 said:

    @Tzarakiel.7490 said:You know scythes have never been used as weapons in reality. The closest people ever got were warpicks, which are basically sharp/spiked hammers.

    "Farming tools such as the scythe and pitchfork have frequently been used as a weapon by those who could not afford or did not have access to more expensive weapons such as pikes, swords, or later, guns."

    That section has no citations but it's worth noting the "could not afford or did not have access to" part. That strongly implies that they are inferior to other weapons, which they are.

    Being an inferior weapon doesn‘t mean scythes were never used as weapons in reality, like @Tzarakiel.7490 claimed.Flails and scythes were prevalent weapons on the peasant side during the German Peasants' War for example.

    The same thing extends to armour. Only few were able to start out wearing plated gear, so many had to resort to inferior armour, buying new pieces bit by bit after recieving payment.

    Edit: @Ameepa.6793 another interesting detail about the reforging: after the peasant wars, reforging a normal scythe into a Sturmsense / warscythe was made illegal with a death sentence as punishment!

  11. Personally, adding skins that interest me, e.g. wolf shaman set, new armor skins.

    Their instanced nature, when i vastly prefer content with massive amounts of players (the first M ;) ), their lacking rewards as well as not being fun to me prevent it from being content I want to repeat. So the only way to lure me into them would be skins I want.

  12. @HotDelirium.7984 said:

    @"BrotherofShadows.7426" said:What was the deal with, just out of the blue, Primordus suddenly awaking and bursting lots of flame monsters out everywhere? It struck me like lightning from a clear sky.

    Last chapter ended with Ryland and Bangar becoming Icebrood and Ryland running off with Jormag to some unknown place, with us having to try and track the two of them down. I was pumped and ready to give chase and then all of a sudden they're just like "Oh haha, another Elder Dragon woke up and now the world is ending =)" Why? Isn't the awakening of an ELDER DRAGON kind of a big deal that we usually use whole living world seasons or expansions to set up? It just seemed to me that everything happened so incredibly fast from Chapter 4 to Chapter 5.

    There is a multi-month gap between the end of Episode 4 and the beginning of Episode 5, which gets explained during the Confer with Bangar post-Episode 4 achievement. During this gap, Primordus
    to stir, due to the awakening of Jormag somehow causing it (despite there being a 50 year gap between their awakening last time).

    Primordus is not yet awake, but is awakening.

    They're not spending a whole season on Primordus' awakening because ANet doesn't want to just be retreading the same plot again and again. They did so for Mordremoth because it was the first time they did that plot. With Icebrood Saga, they only spent half a season on that so that they can include other stuff.

    @HotDelirium.7984 said:I'm still confused about how and what the Spirits of the Wild are doing right now and why did Charr have essence from the 3 spirits if we killed Drakkar?

    For the latter: pure mechanics. They wanted to keep the masteries relevant, and they used the same color coding we see in
    meta, where green=Ash, blue=Iron, and red=Blood.

    They need some EPIC reveals and if by the end of Champions we don't get reveals of certain things I will be highly disappointed i.e. the spirits of the wild were dragon champs or Koda was a dragon champ or Jormag is actually Koda...like SOMETHING god anything at this point.

    Are we straight up not getting any more spirits of the wild masteries? Wasn't that the point of icebrood saga...to get to know the spirits?

    Jormag the judge, icebrood the jury.

  13. @Pax.3548 said:

    @"Yasai.3549" said:

    Everytime I feel like, hey maybe we are making progress with Braham as a character, and that his growth arc is happening, he regresses back into a baby.

    Anet. Stop this. Braham doesn't have to express his opinions about everything by whining like a child. He's no longer one.Takes like 4 different parties to tell Braham to focus on the threat at hand for him to kitten about Jormag for 2 steps of the quest and HE BACK AT IT.

    I share his reaction though, I too really distrust Jormag, like, really.

    I mostly agree with Braham, too.Taimi actively sharing data/findings with Ryland and Jormag with the intention to kill Primordus is a bad idea. I do understand the Arcane Council crafting an alliance due to research just like how the inquest are tolerated and represented in the council. But Taimi should know better.

    The one thing I disagree with Braham is about calling Jormag a liar. And that disagreement is only due to one of Tom Abernathy tweets (Edit: source ) some time ago where he stated that Jormag doesn‘t lie (which our character obviously doesn‘t know).

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