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Everything posted by Rognik.2579

  1. All that may be true, but you forget that the first two chapters of the personal story is directly affected by the race of the character, all of which would need to be created for each race. Ideally, the new race would be added into the main story, but I doubt ArenaNet wants to rewrite the Zhaitan plot and all that history to add in a new race. If we're not rewriting the Zhaitan story, then the new race PC will not be the Commander. And if you're not going to be the Commander, that means certain lines being recorded twice, once for each version. Or you become a separate Commander of the Pact, and have to explain how that happens, and still miss out on killing Zhaitan yourself. Which then leads, how do you add the new race into the story? Simple answer: you don't. As for a fantastical world where such things aren't an issue, I'd like to see tengu or largos as playable. Skritt may be cool, but the whole variable intelligence element makes it too complicated for an MMO (though perfect for a theoretical pen and paper RPG). I wouldn't mind seeing more of either the ogres or grawls in any capacity, since there aren't many of them in the game. Hylek are... well, if they weren't colour coded, it might've been better. Playable kodan would be cool if not for both the combat transform and their general lack of customization. I'm still not sure what to think about quaggan, because they're supposed to be culturally peaceful, but we've seen them start to be a bit more willing to fight. As far as races introduced in the expansion, I'm not greatly impressed by the Itzel or the Nuhoch. The Exalted are a bit too glowy and close to mursaat for my comfort. Awakened raises so many questions. (pun not intended, but certainly welcome) Not sure how I'd feel about orphaned dragon minions like the Unbound Risen, Branded or Destroyers/Icebrood becoming playable. Including GW1 races... since we haven't seen some of them since then, I'd just assumed they've died out or are otherwise not associating with the 5 races. Alas, I'm not especially creative in trying to make my own race, nor do I have a great passion to make one, either. Do we want to make something more original, like the charr? Or something more akin to a new asura: familiar but distinctly different? I just can't think of something.
  2. There probably will be some kind of prologue in EoD, since HoT and PoF both had one in a core map. There's no official word on why we're heading to Cantha, and I'm kind of wondering what they're going to do to the world map to accommodate Cantha on it, or a new map similar to how it was handled in GW1. For official lore, stay tuned. I am glad to read all these theories and hints that people find, since I almost never see it myself.
  3. I don't think there's much credibility to this theory. Of the classes, the only one that can't use mainhand sword in any fashion is necro, and that's strongly unlikely given the two silhouettes we've seen. I doubt the mainhand sword is going to get new skills from the elite, either. Then again, if they're "breaking rules" with these elites, it's all possible, however unlikely. I'm going to say it's just gaining offhand sword, and the mainhand is there because it looked better/cooler. Or, like, people might think it's a leftie swordman instead of just offhand sword.
  4. Came here to say the same thing. I know we're considered just like the US for the most part, but there's just enough difference that these things block us sometimes.
  5. wwwwwwwaaaaaasssssaaaaadddddd!
  6. wwwwwwwaaaaaasssssaaaaadddddd!
  7. Just because Bangar has one office there doesn't mean he doesn't have another office somewhere else. Especially mobile leaders usually have more than one office.
  8. I've only skimmed this thread, since I'm late to the party, but I hope this is just a request for cyrillic alphabet and not full Russian translation or other languages that uses said alphabet. That latter part is not going to happen any time in the near future, since that requires hiring a lot of staff and other resources, including translating all released content so far which is growing by the day (or at least major releases). However, it shouldn't be too invasive to include coding for a new alphabet, though it might set a precedent for other alphabets to be added like the Greek one. This issue is not as cut and dry as it might initially seem.
  9. Nightfall's Sunspears were strictly human. Part of this was because GW1 was human-centric, with almost no non-human allies. Or at least humanoid, since the dwarves were allies during Shiverpeaks. Since there was no Guild Wars Beyond for Elona, we don't know how many norn, asura or charr traveled to the southern continent. (I mean, Elonian players met Vekk naturally, since the starting instance of Eye of the North is identical, no matter which portal is taken.) It is possible that norn or asura could have joined the Sunspears in those days, but Palawa Joko chased off nearly all non-humans when he reformed his empire. (Asura are like termites; it's nearly impossible to get rid of them once they start living somewhere.) I think Konig and Loesh have covered post-Joko Sunspears pretty well. In fact, because of the Crystal Bloom, it's possible any Sunspears that remain will be desperate for new recruits and welcome anyone who wanted to join. The main issue would be why non-humans would join. I suppose a norn could join to form his legend (especially if he's the first norn Sunspear). Sylvari may join out of curiosity, or if it somehow tied to their Wyld Hunt. Asura would be the hardest to argue for, since any Elonan asura would have had a very secure lab and unlikely to join the Order unless it tied to their research or felt their lab threatened.
  10. Well if he does have the high ground...The Charr Khan-Ur. Coming in 2020. Disney live-action remake in 2045.
  11. First off, full disclosure, I didn't fully read the opening post, but I read the previous thread and just enough of this one to get a sense of the argument. Now, if I had been writing the story, I would've left it there. The charr won, and humanity lost. They held Ascalon as the spoils of war, not some ancient heritage site. As a concession in the peace talks, Jennah would've offered the charr to keep Ascalon so long as they proceeded no further into human lands. All the other problems would still be there: Flame Legion kicked out centuries ago, Kralkatorrik awaking, and even the ghosts of the Cataclysm. They just needed one less front to fight against. This works out in the humans favour, too, except for the Ascalonians who want to keep their home. Honestly, I think it would have been more interesting having to make a deal with the enemy, and having this teeth-clenched partnership without the historical justification. I do agree on one front: the Icebrood Saga is a perfect chance to reframe the entire Ascalon situation, especially if there's an Ascalonian loyalist (slightly different from a Separatist) waiting to tell his/her side of the story. I hardly would call the charr the good guys, even now, but they are a lot less bad than they were back circa 1000 AE. People change, even if they have sharp teeth, fur and 2 sets of ears.
  12. I agree, this would be awesome, but it would've needed to be done before launch. The henchmen system in GW1 was... less than optimal at times, which is probably why a GW2 version was never constructed, even if the concept were discussed in the early planning days. A henchman system would've been good for certain hanging story threads, like if you choose not to slaughter you honorless gladium father, or possibly Malyck after he went off to find himselfhis Tree. But alas, we venture alone with Dragon's Watch and the Personal Story allies get discarded like yesterday's news.
  13. Yea....if they snap that easily, i don't think put on extra weight will helpThe legs don't actually grow. The armour is just built for a much thicker man/norn. How are we supposed to forge metal armour for these twings?
  14. It’s been stated she feels overshadowed by Jora’s legacy. What better way to step out of that than to be one of the norn who defeated Jormag? Besides, there’s vigil presence in the Shiverpeaks, and Braham even stated he left his party at a vigil outpost. It wouldn’t be a far stretch at all for her to have been part of Braham’s failed “guild.” It could easily be written off as a vigil assignment, or she could’ve taken some kind of leave. The orders are devoted to the struggle against the dragons, so it’s entirely plausible a Vigil member would be sanctioned to pursue this kind of thing.To build on top of that, the Vigil in particular is about fighting the Dragons head-on. If someone was going to kill a dragon, at least one member of the Vigil would want to be there on-hand to witness to the attack on Jormag and report back on the results. I don't know how well spread Taimi's revelation that killing the elder dragons is destabilizing Tyria's magic balance, but Almorra as one of the senior members of the Pact would probably be aware, even if she's still determined to kill them all. Besides, if you're going to send someone to "spy" on a guild of norn, Jorasdottir seems like the best choice for such a mission. I'll admit, I was slightly disappointed she didn't appear in the prologue, but considering the story for why we were in Grothmar, I suppose I understand. Still, there are lots of non-charr there who aren't part of our party. I guess she might brief us on the situation in the Far Shiverpeaks when we finally make our way in there.
  15. Since only one of the original warband survives the assault, they couldn't easily put any of those in the new map. Then when you leave to join one of the three Orders, they take over leadership of the other charr (who vary based on your warband selection and father (not sure about that last one) ), which probably makes it difficult to go to the Blood Homelands without the Centurion. Plus, all the reasons people have listed above.
  16. Not true. Jormag would much rather you be a walking ice statue than dead. If you happen to die in the process, that's more of a "you" problem.
  17. Cantha is far away from Tyria, and Primordus is much closer a threat than the underwater dragon is. I'm not against going to Cantha eventually, but there is much more on this continent I'd still like to explore. Mostly, places we haven't seen in GW1. Once we've finished on this side of the Unending Ocean, maybe then we can talk about Cantha.
  18. Also surprised that only Lion's Arch is mentioned as flooded, but no other location is noted as being affected by the water level change, except maybe the Battle Isles.
  19. Logically, the water levels should've risen when Orr sank initially, as more land was going down beneath the waves. Now that the land has risen, I would've thought the water would've retreated as well, instead of flowing in. In short, a dragon did it with magic.
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