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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. For condi builds, it's a nerf. You don't get the AoE burns throughout the fight say, if you were in Greatsword bursting with Judges Intervention, for example. You can pop Torch#4 first, have the AoE burns... then swap to Greatsword + Judges to get the AoE burns that way. We shouldn't need to do that. It is extra steps compared to how Radiant Fire was pre-patch ....throwing Torch#4.... When you want to throw Torch#4 back to back, then swap to your secondary for 10seconds before going back to torch, there's a downtime until you get your second Torch#4 ammo. The ammo recharge NEEDS to be much much lower to compete with offhand Pistol#4. It does not matter if you are a condi guard or a zerker power burst 1-shot build using offhand pistol/torch because.... Torch#4 isn't good. It doesn't do more damage even if you land both hits. IF you can manage to land it. The icing on top is that Torch#4 needs to be used in melee range because the STRAFE is SO BAD. Us guards are still having issues trying to land it outside of melee range. I like to again emphasize that Torch#4 power spec or condi spec damage difference doesn't beat Pistol#4. They should keep the passive AoE condi on crit so that we don't need to be on torch if we don't want to. And if we do, I would like Torch#4 to be more easily throwable or a huge damage buff that seperates it from Pistol#4. ty for joining my Ted Talk.
  2. Anyone who has played against a top 25 DE player, NA or EU knows just how frustrating it is to lock them down, if at all. They show up, burst at range, then disappear from existence just as fast. Only 1% of the population has issues with them. All the other lower rated DH players will say "DE wAs nEvEr aN iSsUe FoR mE". DH nerf is unavoidable and is almost in line with Engi/Ranger/Mesmer, as they got their damaged nerfed in the last 5 pvp patches or so. It was only a matter of time until DH got their damaged checked.
  3. If that's the case then I'm even more confused >_< I figured that if I use Torch4, during the downtime I proc the ammo but can't use it? When I have torch back up I'll have 2 to use. I think my brain stopped working.
  4. I had two seasons in a row where I got placed in Gold 1 and had to grind back up to Plat. It was enduring. Probably took me a week worth of grinding. Placements only matters if you get placed relatively high. The higher you're placed, the less work you have to do.
  5. Edited I understand the dps loss for pve but for pvp there's an advantage to knowing you have a 2x throw when you swap to torch. Currently, you have to be self aware to instantly swap to torch to throw it, IF the proc isn't on cd or weapon swap isn't on cd.
  6. EDITED posted in wrong subforum
  7. What is your question....? Just kidding...maybe. I'll attempt to answer but it's not going to be satisfying to you in the slightest. First off, matchmaking ATTEMPTS to make things 50/50 as close as possible but this is exploitable.... that said... you are not in this exploitable margin by any sense of the word. Possible? Absolutely, but you're not causing the odds in your favor as a PvP solo player below Gold2.. Others... a few... are causing the odds... in THEIR favor.... You're just participating in their mini gamemode. You don't notice is happening. That said, nothing is stopping you from hitting Gold3/Plat1 as a solo player. I'm dead serious. Secondly and excuse my insult, you are not a higher rated player to bend the odds towards you're favor because you don't know how to do that. You don't need to show me game footage or Twitch vods. I can see that through your OP. Because you're a casual (like 99% of others) who don't feel the need to grind games just to climb from Silver2 to Gold3.... which i have done. Many other have done that... I have unfortunately done that... but for what gain? Exactly. Nothing to gain from the 155+ frustrated Ranked games in a season. It's not worth the sweat whether you CAN or CAN'T make the grind.
  8. @rosento.6830's comment needs to be emphasized because this thread shows how confusing the new torch trait changes will be implemented........ No Torch: (lets say you are hammer/longbow after torch trait change): - You get nothing. You throw nothing. You get a skirt that might look like flame. Good day sir. With Torch: - The skill (torch#4) is now an ammo. Can throw the second torch how ever you like. When ever. Just downed a player? it's OK, you didn't waste a Torch#4 burst because you have a second one to throw. Essentially, it emphasizes you to rotate how you usually rotate with Torch on offhand..... because you WILL have a second torch to throw when it procs for you to throw it (crit). For the rare Guardian Power Burst PvP Players.... rejoice. This gives you double the torch#4, 4k damage (maybe 5k?) when used correctly back to back.. this 100% competes with power burst pistol offhand that does similar raw power damage except at range.
  9. That wasn't a chaotic fight. I was expecting to see some form of 3v3 or 4v4 blob fight in middle prior to seeing the clip but... there wasn't anything cluttering about that clip one bit buuuut that's neither here nor there. Lets talk about the DH 10k Trueshot on a Heavy. It's important to note how that DH pulled off a 10k Trueshot without F1's 15% increase damage... this is 100% what this thread is about. Sigil of Seperation's - 5% damage increase to range targets Sigil of Opportunity's - 5% damage against movement impaired Zealot's Aggression - 10% damage to crippled foes Pure of Sight (DH trait) - 15% damage at max range Radiant Power (Radiance trait) - Attacks against burning players is +150 Ferocity +10% crit Ferocity Runes - Dragonhunter runes or similar, 0 ferocity to 300 Ferocity is a difference of 20% damage on crit. Boyce had burn and cripple on him, fulfilling ALL of the above damage modifiers. DH was 100% glass cannon at 13k health. This particular build is very much susceptible to condi along with anything that sneezes in his general direction. DH can get melted down, especially with a competent DE + Engi but from the looks of Boyce's team, score, and two people on respawn, they were having issues everywhere on the map.
  10. Oh I definitely know where you are coming from and I actually agree but, I feel we're long past another gamemode considering that Stronghold horrifically failed. Stronghold got to the point that Anet Devs are in an awkward spot with it. It's beyond their comfort zone and it's why they haven't changed the map layout or added anything extra to it. Because they know it's a huge waste of dev resources for something that doesn't guarantee a retention of players. But I still agree with you. Anet should have been adding SOMETHING different between mini seasons instead of simply alternating 2v2/3v3. Half the reason I'm pushing "new" rewards onto something we already have is because it doesn't cost anything to implement for one. So the chances of it actually happening is high. Secondly, it's not going to change what's already happening in the top 100 Leaderboards.... players will continue to queue dodge each other and continue to play minimum games, along with other rating manipulating strategies. That top 100 minigame within 5v5 conquest isn't going anywhere.
  11. I don't see anything you listed as growing the player base. Adding more newbies to a veteran gamemode doesn't retain said newbies. This has been shown over and over at every expansion the game has ever had. In fact, there isn't really anything retaining veteran players at all.... which is 99% of what this thread is about. This game's pvp population has been dwindling year after year with the exception of expansion releases where we get a small surge of players. If you really want to address the issue with pvp population shrinking.... address the average or below average playerbase. Perhaps start a new thread about that but this thread isnt it.
  12. Every pvp season you get a marker on w/e title you get (if you get one). Once you hit the 5th marker, you get a colored band around your title (or simply make the text colored, depending on what everyone prefers). First tier: Bronze colored band/text Second tier: Silver Third tier: Gold Etc... etc... There are no new titles or rewards in pvp. This is also an attempt of a long-term title progression system to farm, for veteran/casual players. Yes, it would also take a very long time to reach Gold prestige, let alone Plat and Legendary but other games have a similar PvP prestige mode for others to instantly see, if they want it to be seen. Thoughts?
  13. people play mesmer? Agreed. Neither does 1, 2, 3, & 25 titles. We also need to queue more :3 that's why I have an alt. Though that said, I just can't bring myself to do all the other shady matchmaking stuff that a lot of other top50 players do. I just play minimum games and pray to the matchmaking Gods (no pun intended). Everyone's comments is putting me in some kind of way.
  14. I agree with you. Being a Firebrand main the moment the spec launched, it was NOT clunky... not until they nerfed the quickness uptime + some individual page channel time, which we're slowly getting back. When the spec released, it was darn near smooth like butter when going from skill to skill to page to skill. You entered F1 for that one page then exited it. That process was such a smooth transition. I feel like nerfing Swift Scholar was a huge mistake. The ICD is fine but 1.5s of Quickness needs to be AT LEAST 2.5 seconds for sPvP only imo...
  15. WB definitely has the fun factor to it and offhandP felt so very rewarding on power burst builds. Lately I have been having a lot of fun on Hammer DH. I'm going to see if P/P Hammer could work or not.
  16. Oh let me elaborate, it was mostly after-hours when ever I did queue ranked. I was amongst lower rated players. We have a lot of lower rated condi players in NA as well. It just seemed more apparent in EU, but that's just because of the larger player base (and time zones) overall.
  17. EU has nearly 3x the amount of active players than NA does, even during after hours. Skill level wise, our Gold 3 players = EU's Plat players. The player quality on EU's after hours felt a lot worse than NA's after hours. The meta over there feels very different, too. Just an absurd amount of condi oriented builds everywhere I look.
  18. Yeah I agree. DH supp is nothing to write home about. I just find it ironic that Anet wants Firebrand to be a thing competitively, except they just buffed DH more in a single patch than they did all year with Firebrand lol.
  19. Hi. Welcome to another clickbait title.... OR is it ? ... ᵢₜ ᵣₑₐₗₗᵧ ᵢₛ ... The current Support Core Guard meta consists of: Valor/Honor/Virtues Valor's biggest trait is Altuistic Healing and it is one of the only reasons Core Supp guard exists. With Staff#4, it can single handedly heal ourselves from 20% to full health while also healing teammates. The self healing it can offer is exponential when our teamates are near while using it. Honor is used almost exclusively as a passive way to self-heal yourself over time, but the treeline has been mostly used for its ability to condi cleanse teamates by using Pure of Voice trait + Trooper relic. This gives 2 cleanses when ever you use a shout. Also, every Aegis block heals for over 500. Virtues gives a much needed AoE Stability + AoE Stun Break, which is honestly kind of OP in a team setting. Absolute Resolution is another AoE team cleanse which is another OP team wide condi cleanse (if needed). This doesn't take into account Renewed Focus refreshing virtues. The biggest question is which one of these treelines would you swap DH for? DH offers: Cleanse on block Aegis on trap spam 1 Stunbreak when using Elite A Plethora more CC from F1, dMAW, etc. In my experience, Virtues would be the treeline to replace DH for. Mostly because Valor and Honor meshes SO WELL with DH's Aegis + CC + Stunbreak traps. As long as you save some form of stunbreak, whether it's dMaw or Fragment of Faith, you'll be fine. What I have been noticing is most teamates already have solid amounts of cleanses. The biggest take away here is that DH can offer an insane amount of CC potential within a teamfight while remaining full support heals. This information isn't new sauce. DH's buffs (vitality and aegis traps) indirectly effected support DH also. Support DH was never meta but.... it's actually now not bad. Eons better than Firebrand....
  20. I've always been confused (pun not intended) on why condi shows absurd amount of damage in the logs sometimes. I always thought there was a math glitch going on. Such as causing 10 seconds worth of burn damage, cleanse it within 3 seconds, but the full damage still shows up on the death logs as if you took the full duration.
  21. This may be an unnecessary reply to an irrelevant change of subject but... I want to add that Anet nerfed Firebrand in the biggest gamemode it has been OP in, which was WvW. Their nerfs has laughably indirectly effected sPvP.... because they didn't separate the FB changes at all in these gamemodes..... They're playing catchup without knowing why Firebrand was strong in sPvP from the beginning.... They are attempting to buff Firebrand in sPvP but have improved things that have 0 reason to improve. Done nothing to address quickness, which FB currently has very little of in sPvP. (IIR they increased some page's channel cast time.. like...why..?) Done nothing to improve Page count. We literally need +5 additional pages to make it FEEL like it's pre-nerf 2022 Tomb changes. Done nothing to improve individual self-healing....They destroyed Firebrand self-sustains back in mid 2020. Yea sure Firebrand WAS op in sPvP but not nearly as OP in WvW. Yet when Firebrand was getting nerf.. after nerf.. after nerf..... due to WvW prowess..... it still got nerfed in sPvP EVEN WHEN Firebrand was considered a wood tier trash spec. This is Anet logic.
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