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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. I feel Zeal has been neglected for a long while. For a treeline that's meant to dish out more damage, it barely outdamages Virtues. Shattered Aegis (I will always call it this Anet how dare you change it's name) should crit again, just give it a lower modifier instead of the 2k hit on every Aegis. 1.2k crit would be nice. Glacial Blow trait procs everytime we weapon swap, or crit (10s icd), or just add hammer damage back, that'd be nice too. Symbolic Power, give symbols a 10% increased chance to crit. A change to spirit weapons and Merciful Intervention would be nice too.... I kind of want to stay away from sigils though. I'm not 100% for passive gameplay.
  2. A high ceiling spec compared to... well compared to who eh? Let's take WB vs Deadeye thief. The DE will port all around our extremely physical melee skills with ease. We'll get lucky to land a single Whirling Wrath burst but we wouldn't land much else and this is with the help of Judges Intervention port. We'd be lucky to land F1 and even if we did that's 2k damage at best? F3 damage doesn't land because it's easily telegraphed and we need to land 5 hits to proc a single Aegis and throughout the fight you'll barely land 3hits on the DE. All the while we're stunlocked and getting bursted at range. We use maybe Focus#4 for range damage/blocks... GS#5 to attempt to land a CC pull, or perhaps a Sword#5 to engage praying they don't have another stealth + port, Lets also do a F2 to evade... what's left uh.. Renewed Focus and an attempt to F3 + F1 + F2 evade and cast our very melee oriented skills against a very range oriented class that's able to dodge/stealth/port/range burst over and over..... it's an utterly sad...sad.. downhill battle...Willbender loses 100% of the time because we can't stick to a target to guarantee damage. The above can be said about a lot of ranged specs including Harbringer/Reaper/Ranger/Cata/Warrior You would think we'd be good against melee oriented classes like Cata and Warrior or even Virtuoso but they have so many evades/vulnerability/physical invuln/distorts/blocks/etc.. that it's equivalent to fighting a perma stealth+dodge Deadeye. We have difficulty landing any power hits. No hits means no damage. No damage means we don't get F2 heals and no F3 blocks. Willbender is so telegraphed that almost every single class can 1v1 it.
  3. Everyone gave Dr Meta the confusion eyes so lemme explain. Anet recently said they are no longer releasing elite specs and are instead going to optimize the existing specs, while incorporating other pvp/wvw/pve content along the way. There was rumors eons ago that a new game is currently in development but a lot of it has been hush-hush. Some say it's gw3, others think it's an entirely new game altogether. Last I heard about it Anet was looking to hire people for "a new combat experience game"... so take it as you will. (saw on reddit awhile back).
  4. During the last 3v3 mini season, Anet nerfed cata during the mini simply because it was overperforming. Anet still uses the mini seasons for balance ideas.. probably because Conquest side nodes are 1v1/2v2/3v3 oriented compared to midfights. It's fine you don't care about mini seasons but the devs still use it as a reference. I honestly just want better visuals of when a mesmer is about to use their moa. Several people agree that it's difficult to see amongst all the other SFX going on.
  5. The Devs have never limited an ability, skill or trait in sPvP gamemodes so doing that is highly unlikely. Me and a Plat1 friend moa'd a war in stealth and downed him in 5 seconds. Kinda hard to use those "just evade!" skills when he's instantly CC'd and bursted down lol. It's kinda meme that mesmer mains are defending this.
  6. As a G3/Plat1 WB main and some one who HAS owned players 1v2... we are honestly one of the worse 1v1 classes around within the meta. In fact we are so bad on sidenodes that it's probably the #1 reason why we're not meta. Cata/AnyWar/BS/Untamed/Reaper/Harb/Herald/DE/Daredevil/Virtuoso/Chrono/Scrapper/Holo.... these all owns us 1v1 and pretty horrifically sometimes. Not all of these classes are meta and we still get owned 1v1. The fact OP says a WB 1v2'd them meant it was a higher rated player vs lower rated players who weren't even on meta builds.
  7. Willbender needs F1 to be up for our multi-hit skills to apply burn damages so it would make sense if the burn stacks applied at the start of Torch#5 instead of at the end of the channel. Speaking from the pvp side of things, the risk/reward simply isn't there for us to risk channeling it. Even on my burn WB build (a meme but relevant) I never ever even touch torch#5 because WB rotations can't risk the channel time, but again, this partly has to do with WB's lack of passive F1.
  8. Rushing Justice... more like, Rushing My Butt Off a Cliff When Some One Immediately Stealths.
  9. The hell it is!! I can't see that kitten to save my life! Wanna know whats a Big tell? Try casting Signet of Mercy and you tell me there isn't a big kitten batman beacon in the sky telling everyone and their grandmas i'm about to rez tf out of some one.....
  10. Want me to post a picture of a golem with 54 burn stacks and create a witch hunt thread on how OP Condi guardian is in PvP? Because the picture you posted is exactly that. List a single G3 or Plat1+ player that got hit with that kind of damage... I was going to say "i'll wait" but I already know you're not going to find it. That 17k GS#3 crit doesn't exist when you're playing against competent players with a brain.
  11. No it didn't hit way too hard... at all. Power WB/Guard NEEDS more damage output... it was deleting sPvP Silver players but honestly we could just use a Mace and still delete Silver players... so what's the point? The bug was used throughout an entire season and it barely felt like a buff.
  12. Guard vs Guard, Thief vs Thief, delete Virtuoso from pvp. Tbh I wouldn't mind a Class vs Class gamemode even if it was a mini season. I think it would be pretty fun and the most fair way to incorporate 1v1's in this game. Showing leaderboards for individual classes would be pog too. The only roadblock I see is that Anet would need to add a static "can't swap classes" function to the gamemode along with adding more leaderboards... from what it sounds like though... I don't think Anet is going to undertake any PvP projects for GW2 due to the new game they're making (rumors). Any kind of updates to sPvP seems like wishful thinking at this point.
  13. That second bubble was like, 3 seconds when the first was 8 seconds. This is definitely some kind of bug. Happens in sPvP too.
  14. This post may not pertain to a lot of people but it needs to be talked about. In the competitive scene of things WB is staggering behind every single class... in fact not a single top50 player/streamer is running WB in ranked let alone being successful with it in ATs. WB is in desperate need of a buff and I don't think that's something on Anet's radar...there's no upcoming changes to WB in the wiki's future patch notes and the incoming nerfs of other classes isn't going to suddenly put us up there as a 5th pick in AT's. What's really hurting WB right now is a lot of what other streamers have talked about. For a class that is 100% melee oriented it doesn't have a lot of self-sustain options outside of F2 and F3. Even when we do have F2&F3, we need to land melee hits to heal or negate damage. We have to be mobile enough to get up-close and personal to land hits. Sometimes it feels like I need two or three Judges Intervention's just to stick on a person... Flash Combo is supposed to be the answer but it's too clunky and its damage is so laughably low that it's not worth sacrificing another utility that gives a stunebreak or condi cleanse. Scrappers have insane amounts of Superspeed, disengage options...Cata and Virtuoso have huge amounts of damage negation in distorts, invulns, or blocks while simultaneously dealing damage...Reaper boon corruptions and porting on areas where we can't shadowstep to, trolling a class that's supposed to have one of the better engagements in the game. These are just a few examples of how terrible WB is when faced off against these kind of specs in a high rated game. Idc if Anet buffs our damage or sustains but we definitely need some kind of change...
  15. (sPvP) You wont really be 1vXing anything or anyone unless said players are incredibly lower skilled than you are. Willbender CAN excel in Conquest PvP by applying as much team AoE damage as possible, or +1 bursting some one as fast as possible. You may win SOME 1v1's but WB is absolutely not a 1v1 spec. The higher up the rank ladder you go, Mid Gold or Plat1+, you'll realize this real quick. In fact if you ever become that competitive where you're a consistent top 100 or top 240 player every season, you'll realize how poorly you are at 1v1 compared to other classes and that aspect can be frustrating. If you truly want to 1vX, play Cata (elementalist) or stick to Warrior. They have builds that are literally designed to 1vX on side nodes. Aside from all that, WB certainly is fun and I've hit Baron a couple of times on it. (WvW) Willbender is still fun in WvW roaming and in team fights, or even in 10v10 (I hear this gamemode made by the community is growing in popularity). When it comes to roaming, it's not the best class but it's still very fun especially amongst friends. But just like in Conquest, it's not the best 1vX class. Currently Cata is the most OP class when it comes to 1vX... but I think they're receiving nerfs soon so the meta is uncertain after the June 27th patch. Awes thanks! I didn't have a pog duo though and i kept queueing... so i de-ranked to 116 hehehe. I've gotten top 100 a couple of times i'm stiiiillllll trying to get top25 but it's nigh impossible as a solo lowly WB :3
  16. I chose "leave it dead" because they shouldn't fix Stronghold. They need to gut it completely and add the items that we asked for. A sense of individual progression as you get kills similiar how a moba works. Likewise, there's little strategy and little risk when going through the lanes. They honestly missed the ball on Stronghold so badly that it just needs to be deleted and remade.
  17. You assume they'll gut a skill just to increase something else on Guardian? Remember to what happened to Smite Condition and Writ of Persistence's symbols? They nerfed them without allocating what they nerded. There's nothing wrong with classes who port but there's some major inconsistencies with where you Can and Cannot port to. Some placed are downright broken.
  18. Don't forget about the guy with like, 10+ pvp accounts that's farming gold in AT and it's not even his fault...this is 100% Anet's fault for allowing players to AFK for gold without consequences. I'm only mentioning it because it's a complete waste of time for EVERYONE who is forced to wait these matches out. Either incorporate a, "got to have at least 10% of enemy team's score" or a "forfeit match" type system in the game idk...
  19. To answer your question, yes, Tyrant's Momentum is a hugely positive effect in sPvP and WvW. The burst damage rivals that of dps Core Guard. Sure 5 hits can be a lot but it only works thanks to the stacks refreshing itself after a single 5th hit of any virtue passive. Entering any battle with F3 + Whirling Wrath/Symbols/Whirling Light almost always guarantees the uptime of Tyranny stacks. Your F1 and F2 will make these stacks last just long enough to ensure you landed all of your dps skills from weapons & utilities. What hurts WB in pvp rn is the inability to connect raw damage towards classes that have access to a plethora of evades/blocks/invulns/distorts. If we can't hit anything, we can't deal damage, block with F3, or heal with F2. If we can't do any of that then we'll always have some amount of self-sustain issues. Cata/Virtuoso in Plat2 kind of farms WB rn in sPvP. We have to play stupid well to even be relevant.
  20. Add a CAPTCHA for every time Engi's wanna use Shredder Gyro and I'll be happy lol.
  21. Main hand pistols with traits that effect bullet firing speed, bullet explosion on impact, or utility oriented healing. We gain Elixirs on our utility bar. Our healing skill is a Med Kit that alters our 1 through 5 skill.
  22. That's what made (eons ago) hammer meta to begin with. Glacial Heart trait used to give it an additional 1.2k aoe spike damage. People stopped using hammer (competitively) once they removed the damage from that trait. The port on banish would make more sense if banish became the active port skill instead of waiting for hammer#2 to be off cooldown. I want to banish a person, then instantly port to another target freely.
  23. I would rather have the damage nerf reverted instead of changing the skill to something else entirely.
  24. Pretty sure there's at least 1 "Stone Heart Needs a Nerf" thread every year and it always leads to nothing... The strait doesn't need a nerf as much as Ele just needs to be more susceptible to condis. There isn't many condi specs in the game to pressure Ele's with Stone Heart. Also i feel Sigil of Cleansing needs to be removed from sPvP and for selfish reasons. I'm tired of condi guard being completely countered by a single condi cleanse 😛 but that's just my wishful thinking lol...
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