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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. I don't think it's THAT bad but it is indeed pretty bad lol. If we can't blow up a single person when we +1 or at the very least, do enough damage for our team to clean up, then we ain't getting value on the map. I had a G3 - Plat+ thief shut me down completely because I couldn't reach him at all and he wasn't even DE nor P/P... I felt pretty useless and I'm a solid G3 Guard player 😕 Having a LB would help come expansion but not by much. WB is in an awkward spot rn in sPvP....
  2. As awesome as that would be, it would be impossible to balance. Can you imagine Untelenting Criticism on Greatsword#2!? Immediate stun on Whirling Wrath lol. Honestly I rather have the ability to mix & match Elite spec's Elites with one another such as using Dragon's Maw for Willbender :3 Or something similiar that's utility related. Perhaps only 1 trap/physical/mantra skill? That would open up a huge can of worms regarding build diversity.
  3. The only use of Axe was pulling people into DH traps which is just slightly more efficient than GS#5.... but without FB's quickness and specific axe traits like others have said, axe is just a meme and a bad one at that. I reeaallyyy hope Pistol/Pistol can trigger virtues better than sword/sword...
  4. Maybe that's fine for pve but in pvp, hardly anyone uses the port. They should have just incorporated the port mechanic in Mightly Blow - Hit the person you have targeted, press Mighty Blow again to port where the target is. If Hammer#2 gets off of cd then you port as you are channeling Mighty Blow. This would fix QoL issues with hammer while also giving Hammer the buff it needs.
  5. I pray P/P offers moderate power damage, instead of it being 100% condi focused.
  6. This triggered an old memory, before AT's and before the PiP reward system (so several years ago). Anet added a bracket system like that. The average queue times were between 8minutes to 12minutes. It looked for your bracket first then expanded to other brackets after an allotted time. According to anet, "there wasn't an improvement in match quality when increasing queue times" - [paraphrasing][forgot where and when it was said]. (Edit: found a source) "The problem is the system will trash until those rosters are matched, causing everyone behind them to be stuck waiting. Also, just because we can't find a match customized for a specific roster doesn't mean the roster won't be picked as part of another match customized for some other roster. E.g. a high MMR team may not be able to find 5-9 players at the same high level, but they may be able to fill the a spot with someone lower but whom they're still in range of. Justin ODell (talk) 16:35, 2 December 2014" Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm TL;DR version: Increasing queue times strictly for Brackets didn't work very well. Majority of players were frustrated with long queue times and it didn't drastically increase match quality.
  7. Fixed matchmaking as in, G3 play strictly with G3 players? Plat1 with plat, bronze1 with bronze 1? If that is indeed what you mean then there's no possible way it will work unless you increase queue times to 2 hours and top 25 players will get 1 game a week, probably around 3am, because they love queueing after hours with a newly-made duo partner named xeipumpqpgodxabc
  8. Queue dodgers will never get a match and I'm OK with that lol. What I'm not OK with is having to wait 10minutes for a match if i'm queueing after hours, which will certainly happen. People are asking for more quality matches but we're always going to have bronze/silver players amongst a sea of Gold1 - Gold3 players. We even have Gold 3 players calling Gold2 players trash not knowing they're basically in the same bracket. So where should we draw the line? Even if we increase queue times there's no guarantee on match quality. And if that's the case then I rather just have quicker queue times. You're right about matchmaking being game breaking in a sense that players can queue dodge all the way to top 50. I never even see top 25 players play against other top 25 players. A part of this has to do with population, another part has to do with MMR rating abuse/duo queue abuse/bot abuse. It's why pvp titles don't really mean anything.
  9. Called it back in April lol. [sPvP] pistol power damage & utility has to be there for WB to use p/p. Otherwise the meta for WB will be a variation of Power GS/LB/Sword/Sword. Even if pistols was strictly a condi weapon, Condi WB would still be inferior to Core or DH Condi builds. But I still would not recommend condi guard in competitive. Classes will have more access to cleanses come expansion.
  10. That's an excellent point. Though for some reason my dumb guard brain wants to include core bunk support guard to that... but I know that d/p had a larger impact.
  11. Which OP build shook the meta most? Probably Celestial Ele. It was so good that multiple teams (in 2013 - 2016 era) have used dual+ Cele Ele's in their tournaments up until Anet was forced to make a class rule. It otherwise lasted for a loooong time. Cata is #2. It has been OP for multiple seasons in a row and Anet either buffs it or nerf some aspect of the build that is completely irrelevant on why the class is busted... and it isn't just busted by a little... it completely overshadows every other class in the game. (throughout the last 7 years) Firebrand... chronobunker... Revbunker... Herald meta... noob farming Turret Engi... noob farming Flamethrower Engi... Spr War... Specter thief meta.. BS War meta... WB meta for only 3 days... Everything else in comparison feels like a shadow compared to how Ele has impacted this game.
  12. This should be a reddit post, this is too darn funny (and ironically accurate).
  13. This is the only game i've ever played that absolutely NEEDS a CAPTCHA to prevent people from releasing their 10,000 gw2 bots lol.
  14. Edit: it's not as dramatic as you make it sound. Players who continuously retain top 100 will continue to do that. I have yet to see a silver 3 miraculously grind to G2+.
  15. [sPvP] There's 0 reason to pick DH now that Core & WB can use LB. DH needs at least 1s worth of trap quickness outside of trapper runes to retain that unique side-node kiting spec. Firebrand is in the same trashy state because almost every single class's damage has improved while FB's self-sustains hasn't.
  16. Dang thought this was just something us PvP players did. I stow on every other skill lol
  17. Also enable Stone Heart on ALL attunements.
  18. Full Counter: Fixed an issue that caused this skill to grant quickness. They countered patched it fam.
  19. I have a feeling Pistols is going to be the condi version of Scepter and I wouldn't be mad about it, assuming they do it right. A lot of guards was wanting Scepter1 to deal more condi damage so this may be Anet's answer. I'm looking forward to LB Willbender. LB#2 is just a glorified version of GS#3. That said GS will certainly dish out more damage than LB as a whole... man, I REALY WISH they would just give Flash Combo the option to port where ever we wanted to.
  20. My dumb brain with the processing power of a carrot doesn't know how to read this :(...
  21. https://imgur.com/a/k4cqgsM One of my first games after the patch and ironically this was the most fun... because both teams had 1 Herald Juggernauts and both teams were self-aware about it lol. It felt like a mini-gamemode, trying to rotate around the Heralds and for the Herald's to rotate around too (if they wanted...). Our team ended up winning but just barely. (tbh I'm not touching pvp until this gets hotfixed lol)
  22. Except Anet literally said they weren't adding any new E-Specs. They did however, say they were changing core class mechanics. So one could argue that this makes way for that but.... I expect such a thing wouldn't go live in idk, 6 months? If ever? There is not a guarantee we'll see anything new and if we do it won't be anytime soon. Tbh I've moved on to other games 😕
  23. The patch is more of a QoL fix than anything else. Other classes are receiving their own cd reductions so the meta wont really change and that's the worse thing about this "PvP Patch". It's simply a placebo for players thinking the meta will change. Feel My Wrath just feels more.... natural? RF is more duelist oriented but at such a long CD it has... it feels like such a waste when constantly rotating and waiting for an elite. Rotating around the map will definitely feel more natural with FMW after the patch. What they NEED to do is buff Heaven's Palm and Flash Combo. Make these skills ground targeted instead of needing a target to use the abilities and it would literally be near meta for WB. If they are not going to make Flash Combo ground targeted (the best thing they could do) then increase the damage by like... 35%... otherwise Flash Combo will be useless. If they would make Flash Combo just a ground target showdowstep without that 4 tickle hit damage, that alone would be a buff. But I doubt Anet would ever do that. There isn't anything Flashy about Flash Combo. IDK WHY they haven't buffed our WB elite yet and flash combo......at the very least change it's cooldown, but that still would just be a bandaid fix if it's only by a few seconds.
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