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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Need to wait for a large enough data set of ecto salvage rates to know what is best but for me I just stick with silver fed. For exotics?? Are you crazy? :o A Black Lion Salvage kit for those, ofcourse! Or use the Endless Upgrade Extractor first, then try your luck with the Silver-fed/Mystic Salvage Kit.This isn't a realistic plan. Only a fraction of the community has enough BL sal kits to use on exotics. A smaller fraction of the community has enough disposable gold to afford the endless extractor.
  2. FYI the OP (@ROMANG.1903) has updated their original post to summarize some of the discussion above. Probably worth double-checking before replying.
  3. I'm hoping for results from 10k uses or so (the variance is pretty high because the results can be 0, 1, 2, or 3). PS thanks for the data.
  4. Which is more valuable in 6 months is going to depend a lot on the markets for ecto, symbols, and charms. My recommendation is that if you own silver-fed already, don't buy runecrafter. And vice-versa: don't by runecrafter if you own silver-fed. Use either on masterwork & rares.If you do own both, use RC on masterwork, SF for rares (however: keep an eye out for more data; these recs will change if it turns out that runecrafter's gives more than ~80 ecto per 100 salvages, if it gives somewhat less, and will vary with the average value of charms & symbols. Some back of the envelope numbers for 100 rares, 80 of which include an upgrade (rough guess of rares found in the wild). Assume half armor, half weapons. For Runecrafter, we can expect 3.9*0.5 of symbols, and the same number of charms. For silver-fed, it's 80% of that. Silver-fed: 19.6 gold 87 ecto @19s = 16.6 gold3.9 0.8 0.5 symbols * 1.17g average value = 1.8g3.9 0.8 0.5 charms * 1.13g average value = 1.77 gCost = 60c * 100 = 0.6gRunecrafter: 19.8 gold 82 ecto @19s (reasonable guess) = 15.63.9 1 0.5 symbols * 1.17 =2.33.9 1 0.5 charms * 1.13 = 2.2That's a difference of 20 silver-fed in salvaging 100 rares, which is negligible especially considering the number of assumptions made. The more rares you get without an upgrade, the better silver-fed becomes. We also don't know the actual ecto drop rate from runecrafter, which could be much less than 82, and that would make it a lot less worthwhile.
  5. What is the advantage of the Silver-Fed? It has a significantly better chance of producing ecto from rares compared to copper-fed/basic kits. ~0.875 for silver-fed, under 0.7 (and probably closer to 0.55) for copper-fed (I haven't seen a lot of verifiable data for basic salvage of rares, which is why the range is so wide; there is a lot of data on silver-fed/mystic kits). Now I am kind of bummed that I bought the Silver-Fed when the rune/sigil changes went into effect.If you own it already, I'd say use it instead of getting runecrafters. The difference between 80% chance and 100% isn't going to turn out to be worth 600 gems for most people.
  6. As unhappy as i am about the change i have very little faith over getting a refund on the silver fed salvage kit. i purchased it when it first came out, so theres no way in hell even though its not what i bought that id get a refund.I can guarantee you won't get a refund without asking.But in this case, it's clear that they changed the functionality; normally they deny refunds because people had the opportunity to use the item for a while, whereas in this case, we haven't, not really. We had the old functionality. Mind you, they might still say no because of that, but...Anyhow, it costs you about the same time to create a support ticket as it would to cogently reply to this message.
  7. It's not the first time ANet's changed the utility of a convenience item after a major feature update. I do think that ANet should offer to refund the cost of the kit to anyone who asks, since the functionality changed. There's almost no chance that they can allow a silver-fed to continue to extract runes, since the economic changes require that sigils & runes be produced via crafting, not 'recovery'. If I was really unhappy with the change, I'd submit a support ticket and keep appealing until a very senior GM responded. I think there's a very good chance that they'll realize that they should honor such requests for a month or so.
  8. Retail Values: 2250 Gems + Choice of Immortal Weapon Winter Solstice Outfit 700 gemsMini Snow Flurry Dragon 500 gemsImmortal Weapon Choice not sold separately Total Makeover Kit 350 gems(5) Glint's Winter Dye Kit 500 gems (chance of an exclusive color worth less than 7 gold)I can't recommend this package unless you really really want an immortal weapon skin (and already own the other packages). Glint's Winters Dye Kit has exclusive colors that can easily be acquired for under 35 gold, which is only about 100 gems for six unlocks, versus 500 gems for 5 low chances to unlock. In other words, it's cheaper to buy the things you want separately... except for the immortal skin.
  9. Recommend uses: Fine or less: copper-fed/basicMasterwork: runecrafter's or silver-fed if you don't have rcRares: silver-fed, mystic, or masterworkAll three infinite-use items from the gem shop are convenience items that you should not buy to save money; you should only by for the convenience in not having to stack multiple kits, as they will never pay for themselves (at least not for "typical" players). FYI to recover upgrades, there's the endless upgrade extractor that drops can be acquired from the TP, for ~2600-3600 gold, which is equivalent to 1300-1500 gems total outlay (with 0 cost per use). A poor deal for most people; probably a good deal for the likes of snowcrows of which each member probably changes upgrades more often than my entire guild changes wardrobe.
  10. It's not a scam. It upfront tells us what it does.You might not like that, you might prefer a different item on the TP, but that's a design concern, not one about whether we're being deliberately misled.
  11. Most salvage kits only have a chance of salvaging upgrades: first it has to remove the rune|sigil first, which has a random chance; then it salvages whatever was removed. The advantage of runemaster's: the chance that the upgrade gets salvaged is 100% for a cost of 30 copper, compared to 80% chance for silver-fed at a 60 copper cost, and 20% for copper-fed at a 3 copper cost. That makes runemaster's ideal for masterwork, whereas last week, the silver-fed was the better option. tl;dr runemaster's is a much better choice for extracting value from masterwork items(as stated in its description, it's not an option for recovering upgrades)
  12. Can't vote on something that includes so many things that the developers have said they aren't working on: dungeons, new profs, new race, new weapon types. Worse, I honestly hope that ANet always works on expansion stuff that appeals to them, rather than based on any sort of arbitrary vote. I feel that they have done a good job of delighting & surprising us. There's a lot of stuff I like that is in the game now that I wouldn't have thought I'd have any interest in. And there's a lot of stuff I thought I wanted/needed from expansions that turns out I can leave without, thank you very much. Instead of running another poll dependent on living in some universe with different rules of finance, why not simply post preferences in one of the several threads that already asks people what they'd like in the next expansion? Then it doesn't depend on the OP's idea of the top 9 things to put on a list.
  13. Since there's some confusion about the requirements and costs, here's a summary: Five achievements with zero cost must be completed during the festival.The Blueprint must be purchased during the festival for 3g + 25k karmaFour achievements with cost can be completed at any time (with their current 'instabuy' costs)Essence of Mischief 345 goldEssence of Snowfall 371 goldMagnanimous Obsidian Crystal 63 goldMasterful Toast 119 goldtl;dr the only money to spend during Wintersday is 3 gold. The rest can be completed at any time. Roughly 11% of the cost these days is from alcohol, 36% from runes, 33% from sigils, and 19% from mystic coins. To see the break down (and see how much you can save by crafting or converting items), visit the crafting calculator at GW2 Efficiency. 968 gold if you just want to make purchases on the TP, 882g if aim for the most cost-efficient sources.
  14. The things that would be exclusive to wintersday for the completion of winter's presence can be aquired during the wintersday event. The bulk of the cost is on the drinks and those u can get all year round. The bulk of the cost is no longer on the drinks. Their share is down to about 100-150 these days. Runes and sigils account for 550-750 gold, mystic coins for 150-200g. Are these exclusive to the event tho?You wrote that the bulk of the cost is on the drinks. That's no longer true and hasn't been for a while.I didn't address the "exclusive to event" question because none of the costs are dependent on the event, only the completion of achievements. Looking at the gw2 eff for the skin its around 800~ gold, abit lower than what it was 2 years ago.Yes, that's the total value of all the materials. You can spend a bit more if you buy runes & sigils directly or buy snowflakes (instead of tiny snowflakes).But again, the fraction of the cost that belongs to alcohol|tonics is far, far, far below what it once was. It's no longer the most expensive component. It's now fourth. The point if the post was to make clear that the bulk of the cost isnt on items exclusively aquired during the 2 week period of wintersday. So when u told me the drink arent anymore the bulk i ask if the runes or mc were.Could you scroll back up and read what you wrote again, then read my reply. It answers your question.
  15. Retail Values: 1850 Gems plus choice of Exuberant Dye Champion of Tyria Outfit 700 gemsSheet Music Glider 400 gemsMini Squire Aurene 400 gemsTotal Makeover Kit 350 gemsExuberant Dye Kit not available retail (choose one account bound dye, valued at 5-60 gold)If you want all the gem shop items, this is a good deal: 1850 gems worth of items for only 1530. Leave out the makeover kit and it's only 1500 gems worth of items. If you want to unlock Bloody Red, Ruby Red, or Magenta dye, that's another 100-150 gems worth of value (if converting from gold).
  16. The things that would be exclusive to wintersday for the completion of winter's presence can be aquired during the wintersday event. The bulk of the cost is on the drinks and those u can get all year round. The bulk of the cost is no longer on the drinks. Their share is down to about 100-150 these days. Runes and sigils account for 550-750 gold, mystic coins for 150-200g. Are these exclusive to the event tho?You wrote that the bulk of the cost is on the drinks. That's no longer true and hasn't been for a while.I didn't address the "exclusive to event" question because none of the costs are dependent on the event, only the completion of achievements. Looking at the gw2 eff for the skin its around 800~ gold, abit lower than what it was 2 years ago.Yes, that's the total value of all the materials. You can spend a bit more if you buy runes & sigils directly or buy snowflakes (instead of tiny snowflakes).But again, the fraction of the cost that belongs to alcohol|tonics is far, far, far below what it once was. It's no longer the most expensive component. It's now fourth.
  17. The things that would be exclusive to wintersday for the completion of winter's presence can be aquired during the wintersday event. The bulk of the cost is on the drinks and those u can get all year round. The bulk of the cost is no longer on the drinks. Their share is down to about 100-150 these days. Runes and sigils account for 550-750 gold, mystic coins for 150-200g.
  18. I think there are several distinct questions implicit in the poll & I'd rather answer them separately: Do you want to see the effect of Winters Presence & Nightfury separated from the shoulder item?If yes, how would you prefer that it be handled? via Infusion (only ascended gear)? via the backpack (like the current shoulder, the 'skin' would be invisible and just include the effect)? via a new 'aura' wardrobe? (disjoint from any piece of gear)? something else? or any of the above, as long the first question is addressed?Would you rather have something 'now' or prefer to wait for ANet to "get it right"? (e.g. something that reduces total 'noise' from various sources)How important is this to you? e.g. would you rather see this change than some new premium skins? does it top your list of wardrobe QoL improvements?For me, I'd like to see the effects separated, via an aura wardrobe (although any method is preferable to none), but I don't think it's that important. I'd rather wait for ANet to create a system that does justice to effects, including making it easier to preview them. Unfortunately, the closest option to my preference in the poll is "no," so I won't vote rather than making it seem that I'm against the idea.
  19. Retail Values: 4000 Gems Basic Lumber Node Pack (green|soft|seasoned) 800 gemsBasic Cloth Rack (jute|wool|cotton) 800 gemsBasic Ore Node Pack (copper|silver|gold) 800 gemsBasic Harvesting Node Pack (herbs|roots|veggies) 800 gemsBasic Leather Rack (rawhide|thin|coarse) 800 gemsGreat deal if you want them all (or all the ones you are missing). Retail Values: 2050 Gems plus Choice of an immortal weapon skin Bandit Sniper's Outfit 700 gemsSoul River Glider 500 gemsImmortal Weapon Choice not sold separatelyTotal Makeover Kit 350 gems(5) Shadow Dye Kit 500 gemsA okay deal if you want all the items including the immortal weapon skin. 500 gems for the dye kits isn't a great right now, since it offers a random dye, which might not be exclusive. Even among those, half are worth less than 10g, only three worth 11-20g, and only one has a market value above 100g
  20. Just tested on both Gendar & Brisban races. An account got credit for the track-specific 'competitor' & 'racer' by completing the timed trial within the 10 minute time limit, without getting bronze. The player even walked partway due to getting dismounted off a rental. The Brisban race took 5 minutes, well below what was needed for bronze.
  21. Which specific achievement? Rolling Ace? Requires gold timeRolling Racer? Compete a lap within race time (I believe it doesn't even have to be bronze) (silver or better)Rolling Competitor? Complete 15 laps (basically same as 'racer', just 15x) (10 minutes or less; bronze not required)edit: thanks to @kamedin.4698 for pointing out the mistake above, which I have since corrected.
  22. Retail Values: gems Outlaw Outfit: 700 gems (30 statuettes, when available)Mini Outlaw Puppy: 400 gemsImmortal Weapon Choice: never sold separately for gems; 150 statuettesTotal Makeover Kit: 350 gems(5) Solar and Lunar Dye Kit: 500 gems (dye values range from 10-30g for the exclusives, which are not guaranteed)Financially, this is among the worst of the packages. 1950 gem retail value (compared to usually 2050 for the others) and one of the items is a mini, something that tends to be valued less by more people. On top of that, the premium colors in the dye kit are relatively low value. Unless you really want an immortal weapon skin, I'd recommend buying just the items you want separately.
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