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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Retail Total: 2150 Gems Primeval Dervish Outfit 700 gemsSuntouched Scythe Staff Skin 600 gemsTotal Makeover Kit 350 gems(5) Zhaitan Dye Kit 500 gems(5) Black Lion Statuette not available retailIf you want the outfit and weapon skin, this is a good deal, since those two alone would set you back 1300 gems normally. For an extra 145 gems, you get the makeover, 5 chances to try for a dye worth 10g-50g, and 5 statuettes
  2. It's a windows problem, not GW2. You can change the settings in Windows to remove any keyboard shortcut for adjusting the keyboard option. It is one of the first things I do with any new computer.
  3. Retail Values: 2000 gems total plus a choice of an Immortal Weapon (not sold separately) Ironclad Outfit — 700 gemsIronclad Glider — 500 gemsImmortal Weapon Choice — no retail option (150 BL statuettes)Total Makeover Kit — 350 gems(5) Black Lion Chest Key — 450 gemsThis is one of the better package deals out there. If you want all the items, it's a 300 gem discount of retail values. If you don't normally buy keys, then it's still one of the cheaper options for obtaining immortal weapons.
  4. Retail Values: 2050 Timekeeper Outfit: 700 gemsTimekeeper Glider: 500 gemsOnyx and Gold Lion Weapon Choice: not available retail (choose type, get an Onyx and a Gold Lion skin)Total Makeover Kit: 350 gems(5) Mordremoth Dye Kit: 500 gemsThis is a good deal if you want dual Onyx & Gold Lion skins. It's also a decent discount off retail if you want all the items already on the list. However, unless you like the thrill of anticipation in opening RNG boxes (the dye kit), it's usually cheaper to buy the specific colors you want.
  5. They just upgraded bank storage with more tabs. The material storage holds 8 stacks of mats. There are several other ways to increase storage: Buy character slots with 18-20 slots bagsAdd bag slots to existing characters.Buy bags of unusually large size (24, 28, or 32 slots); insanely expensive, but some do it anyhow.Buy a guild that has access to 250 slots of general storage (available on the grey market, I've seen sell offers from 700 to 1100 gold).
  6. It's backhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/777869/#Comment_777869
  7. See also: DPS Meters and party toxicity...DPS meter policy needs to be revisedAn in game DPS meter from AnetFlag DPS-Meter user in the gameA-Net please get rid of the DPS meters.In-House DPS MeterDPS MeterAnet.. can you make a DPS meter?DPS shaming
  8. Net Retail Value: 2050 gems Gem Aura Outfit (new): 700 gemsCryomancer Glider (new): 500 gems (cannot be dyed, according to Dulfy)Total Makeover Kit: 350 gems5x Jormag Dye Kit: 500 gemsOnyx & Gold Lion Weapon choice: not available retail or from statuettes, only from bundles; you get two skins (both for the same weapon type, e.g. Onyx Lion Axe & Gold Lion Axe): Onyx skins, Onyx skinsEvaluation: This is the only currently available source of the Gold|Onyx lion skins, so if you like those a lot, it's a bargain, because you get all the other items included. If you don't, it's a modest savings on the retail price, so most people are better off buying just the item(s) they want.
  9. It really depends on the player, their ISP, and their VPN. Some people see lower ping after using VPN. Some see more consistent ping. And some don't. You can do this from the account page:http://account.arena.net/
  10. I haven't done gold. I'm not sure I'll ever manage to do so. But I'm having fun trying for a little bit each day. I'm not blaming "luck" either; I've yet to find a particular issue that I couldn't avoid or work past... if I remembered a bit better where to use features (or where not to). As someone said in /map earlier today, "I keep finding new ways to get air so good... I pass right over a checkpoint ... and have to backtrack." But that's on me. I'm glad ANet hasn't adjusted the times. I feel silver should be doable by anyone (and I think it is on all five races) and gold should be something that only the most skilled and/or dedicated player will manage. The basic scarf (which looks awesome to me) is available just by running the races enough times; I think it's fair that the gold scarf is reserved for those able to do more.
  11. Changes in the last two months have included other populist changes: Major overhaul to runes|sigils, including ability to salvage & craft Official beetle adventures|racetracksUpdates to the original two festivals, including new skins, new activities, and some (suggested|requested) updates to the existing activities.Balance changes to enable other classes to shine in support.Obviously, some people aren't happy about all aspects of implementation. The point is: these are things for which folks have been asking for ages, so maybe ANet has figured out a way to address more such things... and perhaps capes might be one of the next ones. Or another possibility is that scarfs are going to be what we get instead of capes.
  12. One backpack only generates 52 Power & Precision, 27 Vitality & Ferocity. That's barely enough to matter. Decide which three are most important to you and choose the stat that has those. Since you didn't say which stats you had available, let's presume it's Core only, with 63 primary and 40 to the secondariesValk covers Power & Ferocity|VitalityAn aggressive choice is Assassin's has Precision + Power|Ferocity (for more crits) or Zerk's Power + Precision|Ferocity for more damageA defensive choice (not recommended) is soldier's with Power + Toughness|Vitality I have enough PvP League Tickets to cover for the four required wings of the Wings of Ascension back item and keen on combining it once I get an access to the game. While still away, I checked the wiki for the stats of the said back item and discovered that Marauder is not available.The point is: it doesn't matter that much. It's very little difference in stats. If you want to match power & precision, choose either Assassin's or Berserker's. If you want power & vitality, choose Valkyrie. You'll lose 10-15 points on one stat, gain about the same in another, gain the same in a third, and be without 27 points in the fourth. It's not nothing; it's just not enough that it matters all that much. Alternatively, you can spend a little time in one of the LS3 maps to farm one of the other back items I mentioned in another post and get a backpack that does have Marauder's, then reskin it to Wings of Ascension. Once you upgrade the Wings, you'll be able to choose whatever you like.
  13. One backpack only generates 52 Power & Precision, 27 Vitality & Ferocity. That's barely enough to matter. Decide which three are most important to you and choose the stat that has those. Since you didn't say which stats you had available, let's presume it's Core only, with 63 primary and 40 to the secondaries Valk covers Power & Ferocity|VitalityAn aggressive choice is Assassin's has Precision + Power|Ferocity (for more crits) or Zerk's Power + Precision|Ferocity for more damageA defensive choice (not recommended) is soldier's with Power + Toughness|Vitality
  14. But that ignores the reason for having it in the first place and how it works. It's intended as an incentive to get people to move maps, to zerg less. It has been modestly effective at that, more so in the past. In particular, it attracts roamers, who work to slow the entropic change of color from your side to the other. That's still a benefit. To get the extra pips, you have to be on the map during two ticks, a minimum of 5+ minutes. You can run down the clock, but then you stop getting pips. Or you could do a bare minimum to keep participation going. Largely, you have to do something; AFK won't cut it. There is a cheeze way and I think a lot of people wouldn't mind if that was eliminated. So another way that ANet can handle it is to change the mechanic for maintaining Outnumbered. Right now, it's just having participation on an outnumbered map. ANet could alter that requirement. All in all, I think the OP is too worried about a "free rider" problem (people who do little work to get rewards), when there are other issues that are more vexing to the mode, e.g. "costly riders" -- those players who actively hurt progress, by wasting siege, by pulling tactics. I'm not against ANet making changes to outnumbered. I don't think it's a big problem for the game mode, so I'd prefer that they leave it alone unless they are planning some sort of massive overhaul to the entire system.
  15. I think the ideas I posted above have sufficient evidence to back them up.
  16. The randomness comes into play when you consider 5999 failed attempts and asking the likelihood of the 6000th try: the odds of that don't change. RNG doesn't care what you had for breakfast or how lucky you've been so far.However, when we consider thousands of attempts, the law of large numbers comes into play. That's why we can say, absolutely, that the "House always wins." That doesn't mean that there won't be people who win (there will be). It means, over the long run, they are guaranteed to rake in the coin, even though they can lose big on any given roll, any given spin, any given shuffle. We can't say which forge will be the lucky one, but we can make some accurate predictions about how many one gets if one forges for long enough.
  17. According to the wiki, if you forge exotics they need to have an average level of 75 or higher for a chance of getting a precursor. Neither of those methods ensures a precursor. The wiki's text is out of date. It used to be thought (with reason) that the average level has to be 75. But I've found that 74 works too; I've never gotten a sub L80 rare from forging and the exotic rate for exotic 80s is the same as using L75 gear. It could take an astronomical amount of time or gold, or you might never get one. That's an incorrect restatement of the statistical data that we have. There's an astronomical chance that you might never get one; the people who forge precursors "for a living" have enormous amounts of evidence that it happens eventually. It's fair to say that you might spend more than you save if you don't forge very many; it's not correct to say The law of large numbers says otherwise. It's not guaranteed that you get an average number of precursors, but if you forge enough, a finite amount far below "astronomical," you will get them. Putting some numbers on this and assuming the rates haven't changed from 1:143 exotic tries... forging 1000 times means a 99.9% chance you'll get at least one precursor. With 1500 forges, it's 99.99% chance. At 2000 forges, the chances are astronomical that you won't get any precursors. For rares (again assuming the 'true' rate is 1:860 as the original data shows), it takes 6000 forges to have a 99.9% chance to get at least 1. At 8000, it's 99.99%. And by 12000 forges, the chances are astronomical that you won't get any.
  18. The race event has no limit, but it's 3 tokens onlyRacing dailies are 25 tokens per account per day, based on 5 per race plus 10 for doing the daily three.Bronze, Silver, and Gold are respectively 2, 3, & 5 tokens per race per day per account, for a maximum of 10 per race or 50 per day (25 if one can't do gold reliably)There's also a first time award for each tier, which I think is the same (awarded once per account).
  19. People obsess with this question all the time. There are good reasons (these are extraordinary in price and rarity), but it's pretty much like winning a lottery when the tickets are obtained by killing foes and/or opening bags. I've seen people say "I've been playing for 6 years" or "I have 25000 hours in the game" and complaining that they haven't seen a drop. But time isn't a factor, except indirectly. It's how you spent the time. If you do mostly dungeons and world bosses, and adventures, well, you have almost no opportunities to get a precursor drop. If you spend all your time in Orrian temple events (and other chains with target-rich environments), you are much, much, much more likely to get a precursor. Another factor is the amount of magic find you run around with: higher is better. If you want to ensure that you get a precursor before you stop playing, there are two nearly guaranteed methods: Forge L74+ rares or exotics. Open unidentified gear bags (rares if you can afford, blues if you can't) (and with as much magic find as you can manage).It will take a lot of mouse clicks, but eventually you'll get one. For blue unID bags with 600-700% MF, the chance is roughly 1:43000, although you might go 300k+ bags without seeing one. For forging, it's about 1 precursor for every 143 exotic forges (572 weapons forged), with very high variance. For rares, it's closer to 860 tries (about 6 times less frequent). Again, those are averages; your mileage is going to vary, a lot.(Currently, it's easy to get elonian rares at about 10-15s, so it's cheaper to try exotics if you can get them in bulk at under 60s.)
  20. Kitless Holo+sword is a lot of fun. And it's much, much, much easier than kitful Holo+Rifle. You have a lot more time to give attention to working on "footwork" and mechanics. (The biggest down side is that the 'cleave' is "too good" in a couple of fights in which you don't want adds to die too soon.)
  21. There are a number of scripts out there that you can setup to update your copy of ARC, without going through all the shenanigans. Most of them are setup to launch the game for you with whatever parameters you prefer. @deltaconnected.4058 even included a link to a google search to find them. I use that because I got tired of being careful of keeping track which version was which and whether I updated to the correct folder and so on. Plus, I can just double click an icon now, so it's a lot faster.
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