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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Ditto. It's normal, so the OP shouldn't worry. And yes, some content seems like it was meant to drive you crazy. ;) I agree. Also, I think Dulfy is a lot better at parkour (jump-puzzling sorts of stuff) than most of us (including me). So there are a lot of things that look easy in her videos but aren't in practice. It's not always clear exactly what tricks she uses, where she begins her jump, where she aims her turns or landings, etc. (I don't fault her for that: she produces an incredible number of guides in short periods of time; her goal is speed, not training.) As a result, I try not to worry about how she does it. There's usually several ways to accomplish the task, so I try to look for another route.
  2. Do you have full masteries on gliding? Are you pushing forward as you glide?
  3. What pets would you recommend as essential for a versatile ranger to charm, one who wants to spend as little time looking for pets in all the right places? For both condi & power builds.For fractals & raids (let's assume that covers open world PvE)Formerly "good" pets probably make sense, too, since we know the balance pendulum keeps swinging.I just started a new ranger and realized that I haven't spent any time playing it because I don't want to spend much time taming pets. (Been there, done that on another ranger already. If you'll pardon the pun, the adventure of seeking them all out has lost its... charm.) Naturally, I can look up all the builds on MetaBattle, SC, DT, and so on. I thought maybe the experts & experienced rangers here might have personal preferences or their own short-list of favorites. I don't mind if they are easy or challenging to reach. The goal is to keep the number of pets to the minimum without sacrificing adaptability. Thanks in advance.
  4. The difference isn't the amount of loot; it's the engagement of the player with the game. You seem to be deliberately taking the phrase "you need to be active" out of the context to extend it to disallow inattentive game play. It's "active enough" to be allowable. In effect, the devs are saying, "we don't care about how active you are, only about whether you're at the keyboard, in control." Letting your necros handle aggro while binge-watching Stranger Things is fine, as long as you're there, at the computer, able to respond to GM whispers and move your toon(s). Going to prepare dinner and occasionally checking is not.
  5. There are guidelines on how AFKing is handled & enforced by every GM. But GMs are only human. If they made a mistake, the only way that ANet would find out is if someone files an appeal.
  6. Which also speaks against the OP's argument. The point remains: envoy armor is a skin that was specifically designed as a reward for those committing to so-called challenging group content. For those without inherent interest, there are two choices: don't try it (giving up on the skins) or take a stab (after which one might decide it is fun or that it's worth pushing through or give up on it).
  7. I play flute and found a local performance space in which people can just show up to find groups to perform with, mostly quintets. I am self-taught and I find myself getting kicked by groups when they find out I don't read music and I only know how to play Bach & Beethoven. Why? I'm good at what I do and can learn the other pieces, if people just give me a chance. One of the groups even has a computer to listen to some of my performances that are on YouTube.
  8. And again confusion when GW1 was lagging/unavailable: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/59417/god-walking-amongst-mere-mere-mortals-title-vanishedhttps://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9teyx9/hall_of_monuments_broken_again/
  9. Most veterans tend to have way too much and cannot fathom anyone running short. But newer players (and those who stick to certain content and habitually delete anything they can't use this week) run short. Some people run out of bloodstone first, for some it's empyreal. And for some, it's dragonite.
  10. I can answer that since I did the same thing, it said 'Hero point unlocked' with no more text, and it didn't unlock anything at all Weird. That seems like a bug. I wonder if it's related to the issue with the hero points themselves not resetting (sounds unlikely, but then again, the HP not completing also seems unlikely). Besides mentioning it here, did you also file either a support ticket and/or use the in-game /bug reporting tool? The first gives you a chance to get an individualized response (which could include a refund of the currency spent); the latter helps ANet by providing additional details automatically (where/when etc).
  11. You bought a notarized scroll for core Tyria and double-clicked it. What did happen instead of unlocking the one remaining hero point?
  12. Please delete the first option you wrote as it simply does not work.I tried it. It works, it's just not a very useful option because it selects a random challenge. If you have completed 6 maps, need one challenge on the 7th, and have 18 maps in various states of completion, well, the chances it selects the one you need for that 7th map is slim.
  13. Any hero point that has a nominally 'friendly' NPC will become bugged if someone triggered the challenge and then left before defeating the NPCs. Apparently, the challenge no longer resets to the "unstarted" status. There are a couple of work-arounds, none that helpful. Complete all other challenges then use WvW Notarized Scroll of Heroics to complete a random challenge from those that remain.Wait for a map reset. That happens under rare circumstances. Best way to handle it is to park the character near the challenge and cycle back whenever you have downtime, in hopes that it's reset.Wait for the patch on the 6th of November; hope for a hotfix before that.
  14. Doesn't work in theory, there was times where I would have 80 agony resistance and I would be joining fractals that required 120-130 agony resistance and I succeeded. You're an exception to that particular gate. The vast majority of players do not succeed in most fractals without the relevant AR.And in any case, it's the original theory; in practice, it's been years since insufficient AR was a consistently successful method to reduce the number of inexperienced players. It's simply too easy to get AR150 without having stepped foot in the dungeon.
  15. You probably have to enter the map (again, after using the scroll) for it to count.
  16. Agony & Agony resistance, combined with the Personal Fractal Level was designed to gate the inexperienced from participating in the game's original "challenging group content." When the max fractal level was 50, it worked pretty well to do this: it was hard to progress without AR and hard to get AR without progressing. There were few sources of ascended gear, nearly all fractal oriented. Over time, for good reasons, ANet has made it easier to get ascended and vastly increased the number of infusion slots, making it easier & cheaper than ever to hit AR150. An unintended consequence of those sensible changes is that anyone with ~150-250 gold can gear up for T4 fractals, without having a clue about how they work. That's great for the best players among us, great for people with alts, great for guilds that don't mind training/carrying guildies. It can be horrid for the merely "good" player trying to crawl their way up (especially T3). ANet has spoken about this a couple of times: they cannot easily change the system. AR and the infusion system is a key element in the economic benefits of fractaling and of stat-boosting infusions. And it's built in as part of the newer reward of fractal titles. So it's no longer close to the theoretically best way to gate challenging content nor to reward players, but it can't be disentangled to make it worth overhauling. At least, not soon.
  17. That can take up to 1 month Or longer.The developer who mentioned the schedule was asked whether they thought this was urgent enough to warrant a hotfix; there has been no official response since. (To be fair, a well-functioning team wants to keep hotfixes to a minimum, because they suck up a lot of time that could be spent fixing other stuff. I just think that blocked map completion is probably worth making the exception.)
  18. Thanks for the quick response. Just one concern: Separately... this might be a useful story to share with us later (maybe in a guild chat or AMA or something), about How Bad Things Can Happen to Good Code Changes. I think that's often as mysterious to many players as magic (or quantum mechanics or stats); I'd love to see you guys discuss this sort of thing to help more of us learn more about how RL programming works.
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