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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. You can still multibox from the same machine. You have to manually disable the relevant Mutex (although I'm sure people have already written scripts to do that). The main problem is typing in the credentials.
  2. Putting some specific numbers on this: the drop rate of charms|symbols from minor upgrades is under 2 per 100. If you salvage a full stack of 250 minor runes, on average, you'd see maybe 5 charms (choice of kit doesn't matter for this). To get the same 5-charm average from masterwork using Copper-Fed (or Basic) Kits, you'd need 1250 pieces of armor (each with a rune). To get that result using Runecrafters, you'd need just 250 pieces. That's because the Copper-Fed only grabs 1:5 runes to salvage, whereas the RC kit salvages 100% of them. The thing is, that's such a low rate that you aren't going to see many charms drop from masterwork gear even if you started with a full inventory (of a typical player). A lucky streak with the Copper-Fed might generate a charm or two from 100 masterwork in your inventory; an unlucky streak with RC might only generate one or two. Without actual data, it's impossible to tell.
  3. If you happen to own all three salvage kits, the most efficient use is: Use Copper-Fed to "salvage all" bluesUse the inventory word filter on "masterwork" to CF green accessories & those greens that don't drop with runes (this saves 27c per salvage, but takes longer; it can be skipped for people with small amounts of loot or just hate managing inventory).Use the Runecrafters to "salvage all" of the remaining masterworkSell (at custom prices) all rares below L68.Use Silver-Fed to "salvage all" rares L68 or better, regardless of upgrade status. (If you have mystic stones, it's better still to use Mystic Kits.)Identify exotics with upgrades worth 1g or more and extract them (BL Kit is fine)Sell all other exotics (custom prices).If you don't own all three or if you want to simplify things, you can skip steps above or be less careful about which kit is used on what. If you are a heavy farmer, this ends up with you leaving a lot of potential on the table; if you're a light farmer, then you might prefer a system with fewer steps (even if it costs you a little gold). How much gold will you leave on the table? Depends on your choices and your loot. The links above can give us some reasonable approximations. (I can help you do the math, if you provide the scenario.) With those caveats, using runecrafters on all non-ecto-bearing loot is probably the simplest choice, selling all your rares and above. Next simplest is to salvage just L68+ rares using Mystic Kits.
  4. The data we have to date proves otherwise. Sorry that demonstrates nothing at all. Because there's no actual drop rate presented for either scenario. How many greens did you salvage? Did you include greens without runes or sigils (including accessories, back items, and certain skins that always drop without upgrades)? How many greens did you salvage with each kit? How many symbols & charms did you get in each case? People who have done both and have posted their data have come to a different conclusion.For example this spreadsheet shows a substantial difference in overall results for salvaging with Copper-Fed vs Runecrafters. The poster discusses the results further in this thread. Another poster discusses in this thread the distribution of specific charms and sigils in unID gear. They looked at 100k greens for their analysis. tl;dr the conclusion drawn from the OP's anecdotal experience is unsupported by data Don't be.
  5. I want to highlight this one for the OP, because they have asked both about home instance nodes and about multiple accounts. Moira's comment illustrates how you can combine the two for greater benefits, faster return-on-investment. FYI does require some extra work to be able to convert account bound currencies and mats into something your main account to use. While substantial, it's a one-time effort that could be worth it.
  6. Lots of times people claim a bug when it's just some weird mechanic that isn't well understood. Sometimes people claim a bug when it's a momentary issue, specific to one instance. Sometimes it's something that is broken, gets fixed, breaks in a different way later (with a different root cause). In short, even if it's the case that there is a bug today and there was one 3 years ago, it's not certain that it's the same one or even the same reason. And even if it's the same bug, there are all sorts of reasons ANet might not fix it, including all the ones above. Generally speaking, a business asks, "is it a good use of our limited time to fix this" rather than "why shouldn't we fix every bug that we see." If 99.999% of players aren't blocked by an issue, if it can be worked around, then maybe it's not the bug they should work on next.
  7. Yup. I did that once. I was renaming one toon and creating another, so I in effect, I had to wait for two discounts: name change & toon slot. The first, as I've said, is very rare. 1x/year, sometimes 2x. Character slots have traditionally been discounted more often, though not always substantially (I think 20% might be the lowest).
  8. You could, but that's far less income than from just logging in (and you can already farm T3-4 mats on your main account).
  9. There should be a game patch Mon or Tue; try to do the event shortly after, when all the maps are reset (and there's no time for anything to get bugged). Due to the new story, there aren't as many people doing Kourna meta as before, so there aren't as many overflow maps, so less chance that a 'bad' map gets replaced.
  10. See also:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20732/would-you-like-winters-presence-nightfury-to-be-convertable-into-infusions
  11. The main thing I like about @"Rikimaru.7890"'s names is that they are evocative. I wouldn't know the context of any of the names without the scorecard (so generously provided above). And many of the names make me wonder about the backstory of the name (if not of the character) and how they came to be called that. I also like people with non-canon names, including the obvious ("Who" "What"), the anachronistic ("Bob From Accounting", "Sad Panda Hero"), the punny ("Winston Charrchill"), the meme'd ("Not So Much" for an asura), songs ("All About The Boons"), and so on. (None of those are my names, by the way; just names I like.) My own toon names are a mix. I have plenty of silly ones. For canon names, Sylvari are translations of phrases/words into Welsh, Scots, or Irish. Asura are likewise (but other languages). Humans tend to get names from fiction (books, movies, etc). Norn & Charr... well, I love the idea of playing those races, I just don't like fashion for charr or voices for Norn, so I don't have enough that I worry about names.
  12. Retail Values: 1675 gems (5) Black Lion Chest Key 450 gemsTotal Makeover Kit 350 gemsTransmutation Charge 150 gemsBank Tab Expansion 600 gemsRevive Orb 125 gemsThis is provisionally a good deal for people who regularly buy BL keys & Makeover kits, and have room for another bank tab. Those alone are worth 1400 gems. The transmutation charge and revive orb are fluff items that most people acquire from other sources. Set of 3 Gather-r-Tron Tools 3000 gemsCopper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic 800 gems (3) Bag Slot Expansion 1200 gems(10) Experience Booster 900 gems(10) Transmutation Charge 270 gems This is an incredible deal, assuming you don't yet have at least one set of unbreakable tools (the bulk of the value) (or if you just want the tron tools).(I ignored the value of the experience boosters, because most people don't need them, certainly not at 900 gems.)
  13. If you buy gems with cash to convert to gold (rather than spend on the gem shop), then getting a second account even at full price turns out to be cost effective. The full price of an alt account is US$30, which could be used to buy 2400 gems, which you could translate into 500 gold (depend on exchange rates)55 laurels gets you at minimum 30 gold worth of mats. 22 mystic coins is worth at least 27 gold. That's conservatively 55 gold per month.So at worst, your investment would pay for itself in 10 months just from logging it in every day.I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine how much quickly one would break even buying the game at a discount, finding efficient ways to use laurels, or making use of the other suggestions above to increase the income from an alt account. edit: of course the expansions go on sale all the time; the point was to show the worst case, using the lowest values for earnings, the highest for costs.
  14. To be fair, the OP asks there about a "troll cave," a folder where trolls could segregate themselves. The PvP equivalent would be a private arena called, "Griefer's Corner." As to the OP's idea: that's not griefing. You're in a PvP free-for-all and people are free shotting you. Free-for-all areas are among the worst to practice builds. It's like trying to learn PvE build by trying to solo a world boss.
  15. Retail Values: 2150 gems plus choice of Onyx & Gold Lion skins Logan's Pact Marshal Outift — (new) 700 gemsOnyx & Gold Lion Weapon Choice — not available separatelyCaithe's Crystal Bloom Sword — (new) 600 gems5 Kralkatorrik Dye Kits — (recent) 500 gems, each with one chance of a high-value dye (currently ~80-240 gold, depending on color).1 Total Makeover Kits — 350 gems(most of the wiki links are not yet active as of the time of posting; I expect that will change soon) This is a good deal if you want all the items it contains, as the net retail value exceeds the price. It's an especially good deal if you want the Gold Lion and Onyx Lion weapon choice (reminder: you pick one weapon type and get the corresponding skin for both sets).
  16. All of this assumes that you are actually playing all accounts, and not using macros or other methods that allow you to do it without some sort of interaction/decision-making on your part. And it also assumes that ANet is following the strictest interpretations of the restated policies (which past experience tells us is unlikely — they don't always make exceptions as I would hope, but they do consider nuances and special circumstances).
  17. Try not to confuse "not part of the design" with "against the design."
  18. They probably use the same filter for both pets and character names. Again, the only way for them to know that there are "mistakes" is to file a support ticket and ask for an exception to be made. They might agree with you that "GM Ork" isn't problematic for a pet name, or they might decide that it introduces unnecessary ambiguity.(Or it might even turn out that their filter isn't set up to distinguish between pets and character names).
  19. There are two main types of filters used: Name specific, e.g. it might be that "Gaile Gray" is specifically disallowed, but "Gaile Grey" is okRegular expressions, where a formula is used. This might disallow anything that starts "GM..." Either type can be adjusted, but only if someone asks ANet about it. They can build in exceptions so that "GM O" isn't usable but "Franken G M O Foodie" is. tl;dr file a report if a name is disallowed; ask if ANet can grant an exception.
  20. In which phase are you getting stuck? In the first phase, use a raptor and grab the orbs to restore endurance.In the later phase, use a griffon and you don't have to land at all.
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