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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. The plate rewarded for killing the Skelk drops on the GROUND, visible to everyone, and is only available to one person before it disappears. I had the same issue because people kept taking my plates. I was the only person killing some of the time. I didn't see any plate.(Although only allowing one person to grab it seems like a major oversight.)
  2. Hammer's Hoard I traded my LOD plate to Frodak and got the first plate. I completed it to get the purple plate. In the purple room, I've killed the Graveling 6 times and still am not getting the subsequent plate, so I cannot continue. What are my options?
  3. Sorry, what \ who \ where is TP? What is it TP? The trading post. In the interests of accuracy, the TP is the Trading Post, but the Endless Upgrade Extractor is a super-rare drop from Black Lion Chests, which do not drop from the trading post -- although you can buy keys to unlock the chests on the TP.Right, sorry I meant to write, "there's the endless upgrade extractor that can be acquired from the TP." I'll fix it in the original.
  4. The thread offers examples of people who succeeded at the instance who don't consider themselves "good at games." In addition, anyone can use LFG to get help. Given that, how is the encounter "unfair"? I hope it's obvious that ANet thinks the encounter is 'fair', otherwise they wouldn't have included it in the live version of the game. So it's important to be specific about why exactly "there needs to be a way to bypass" or what exactly "an encounter like this" means.
  5. The problem runs deeper than a description can address, because "level" gets used a lot. Characters have a levelItems have levelsUpgrade items have minimum item level requirementFood & utilities have a minimum level requirement(there are other uses, not relevant here)Character level determines the level of gear a player can use, the level of food. Items also have levels, which determine which upgrades can be slotted. So your L80 character can equip and L78 backpack but that backpack can only accept upgrades with their own level of 78 or below. Crests are L80, i.e. too high; medallions are L60, so they will work. You character can use other backpacks that are L80 and those will accept the crest; the ones created from crafting will not.
  6. Retail Values: 1600 Gems plus choice of Immortal Weapon Taimi's Outfit 700 gemsMini Scruffy 500 gemsImmortal Weapon Choice not available separatelyScruffy Backpack 400 gemsNot a good deal unless you really want an Immortal Weapon skin, as the contents can be purchased for less than even the discount price of the package.
  7. When salvaging level 68+ rares, you have an X% chance to receive 1-3 ecto (equal chance of each). The other 1-X% of the time you receive 0-1 ecto (equal chance). With a rare kit, that is a 1/12 chance of 3 ecto, 1/12 of 2 ecto, and an 11/24 chance of 1 ecto, for an average of 0.875 ecto per rare. With the runecrafter kit, that is a 1/15 chance of 3 ecto, 1/15 of 2 ecto, and a 14/30 chance of 1 ecto, for an average of 0.80 ecto per rare. With a common kit, that is a 1/30 chance of 3 ecto, 1/30 chance of 2 ecto, and a 29/60 chance of 1 ecto, for an average of 0.65 ecto per rare. Hope that helps! That does. Thanks for the explanation.
  8. Actually, Silver-Fed is better in some niches, Runecrafter's in others. For more about the value of mats salvaged from one versus the other, see this thread.For the existing discussion about the description of the new Runecrafter's kit, see that thread. (thread got merged into this one)
  9. Someday some people will wake up and realize that min/maxing, etc, is about the journey. The fact that different people enjoy different journeys in different ways shouldnt be a surprise in this day and age. Plus the destinations are different. A marathoner's experience running is different from that of a jogger, which differs from that of someone who sticks to the treadmill at the gym. There's nothing wrong with paying little attention to builds or the TP; the game is enjoyable without it. But there's also different sorts of things to enjoy for those who dishing out more damage or pushing 0.5% more damage or making the most of their loot via the TP.
  10. Retail Values: 2650 gems Kasmeer's Regal Outfit 700 gemsKasmeer's Staff Skin 600 gemsPhoenix Glider 500 gems(5) Bloodstone Dye Kit 500 gems (exclusive color is not guaranteed and worth 5-10 gold current)Total Makeover Kit 350 gemsA steal if you want the three wardrobe unlocks, as those alone are worth 1800 gems at normal prices, plus the chance of an exclusive dye and a makeover kit. Retail Values: 6900 Gems Character Slot Expansion 800 gems(2) Bag Slot Expansion 800 gemsUnbreakable Gathering Tools Container 2400 gems(10) Black Lion Chest Key 900 gemsBlack Lion Instant Level 80 Ticket 2000 gemsThis is a great deal for anyone without a set of everlasting tools, as those alone retail for 2400. For an extra 400 gems, you'd get a character slot, two bag slots, two handfulls of BL keys, and an instant L80 booster. It remains a good deal for anyone who would pay for an instant L80 booster, as that alone is 2000 gems, so in effect, you get a new character slot with a pair of bag slots for 50% off, and they throw in the tools plus keys to sweeten the deal. On the other hand, for veterans with stacks of knowledge tomes and more tools than they can use, it's no bargain.
  11. FYI the ratio isn't 20% or 25% for ecto. I really don't understand how ANet's description predicts the ecto rate and the few times they tried to clarify made things more opaque, not less (in my opinion anyhow). So I go by actual data. What we have so far is that Silver-Fed|Mystic|Master's generates 87-88 ecto per 100 rares, while RC generates 80 (and there's only sparse data for Basic|Copper-Fed). All this will change at some point: ecto will trend down, symbols & charms will trend down (probably more slowly). Plus, how you play has a dramatic impact on the sort of loot you have available to salvage. Istani farmers tend to get their blues & greens as unID gear, which is more efficiently sold directly; choice of kit will not profoundly affect the value of Palawadan + Great Hall runs. It will matter a lot more for Silverwastes farmers, who get a lot of gear (and convert badges to gear bags).
  12. I usually agree with you but you said yourself that if we had neither of the silverfed or the runecrafter's, we should buy the runecrafter's. You also said that if we already have one, we don't need the other. This basically means that the runecrafter's is overall a better option than the silverfed, just not by a large enough margin to justify buying the runecrafter if we already own the silverfed. But basically, the runecrafter renders the silverfed obsolete, unless I missed something.You missed something. The Silver-Fed is more efficient in several niches, the Runecrafter's is better in others. Thus it's incorrect to say that SF is obsolete. For many, having both requires more inventory management than some can stomach. Therefore, the keep-it-simple-skritt solution is to stick with one. If you only buy one, then it's somewhat arbitrary to choose: RC is better on anything without ecto, SF is better on stuff with ecto. Most people salvage more greens than rares, so when making a general recommendation, I gave the nod to RC. Saying SF is obsolete because of RC is like saying that RC is obsolete because of Mystic Kits: that's a better option still, but it's not universally available or convenient for all. Saying SF is obsolete is like saying that Copper-Fed is obsolete because Basic Kits are cheaper. No one has to buy any of these convenience items. Those that do are looking to maximize profits, minimize effort, and keep things simple enough. The proper mix varies with the individual. Some people "should" own all three, some should own just Copper-Fed, some shouldn't own any. And for those that want just two, RC & SF are close in value in the current market.
  13. Retail Values: 2250 Gems Marjory's Shrouded Outfit: 700 gemsMarjory's Axe Skin: 600 gemsMarjory's Dagger Skin: 600 gems(5) Teleport to Friend: not sold separatelyTotal Makeover Kit: 350 gemsIf you want the three wardrobe skins, this is a great deal, even without the discount: just those unlocks are worth 1900 gems.
  14. Please raise your hand if anyone needs more lucent motes? (currently selling for 14c each on TP) Anyone? Don't ignore the value of lucent motes just because you don't see a use for them. Profit is profit. Getting or not getting a lucent mote from salvaging an item isn't a problem or a solution for anyone afaik.Economics isn't about solving an individual's concern; it's about looking at the overall market. The value of masterwork, rares, and exotics is up. The amount of sigils & runes we need is roughly the same as always (usually once or twice per character for most players, a time or three extra for some players after a balance patch), so we get more income overall to purchase just what we need, by selling everything we don't.
  15. However, I'd hesitate before doing so. In the long run, having a copper-fed plus a runecrafter's turns out to be a good combination of convenience plus economic value.
  16. This always sort of mystifies me. The people who discriminate against "casual players" (whatever that might mean) do so with or without meters. Without meters, they use arbitrary tools and anyone might be kicked regardless of their actual contribution. With meters, the criteria can be seen by anyone who cares to. That makes it easier now for people to have the sort of group they want: if you want top DPS, you can ask for it and double-check. If you want people who don't care, you can ask for that, too and you can double-check that too (although not quite so easily). If you want to run dungeons "for casual players," start your own LFG and be clear in the advert and when you welcome people into the party that this group will be taking their time.
  17. Even with the increased cost, Silver-Fed is superior to Runecrafter's in several important niches (RC is better in some, too). And either is a good choice; if you own one, there's (currently) little reason to buy the other. This might probably will change in the future, but for now, Silver-Fed remains a good if not great option.
  18. Most Masterwork and above items have upgrades, but not all. Most commonly, trinkets etc. Correct. Trinkets in the wild do not come with upgrades (no runes or sigils, obviously, since those apply to armor and weapons)Fine & below in the wild never include upgrades.Among masterwork & rares, certain skins never include upgrades, and a few skins usually do (but not always). The majority of masterwork and rare armor|weapons dropping in the wild will include runes|sigils.For example, crafted armor & weapons (some of which do drop in the wild) never include an upgrade.
  19. Appreciate you posting the caveat upfront.(It can be fun and/or useful to discuss preferences even if it's unlikely to be a choice we get to make.)
  20. Retail Values: 2500 Gems (5) Frost Dye Kit 500 gems (chance of an exclusive color worth 45-100g)Total Makeover Kit 350 gemsBraham's Wolfblood Outfit 700 gemsEir's Legacy Longbow 600 gemsMini Garm 350 gemsThis is a pretty good deal even without the discount if you want all the non-random items (outfit, longbow, mini, and makeover kit), which are worth 2000 gems retail, since you get the five dye kits thrown in for the same price. Keep in mind you're not guaranteed to get an exclusive color.
  21. The wording of the item description is misleading, and that's only proven by the number of people who were fooled by it. I have trouble believing Anet didn't realize that would happen.It only proves that people have different ideas of the of the plain English meaning of various phrase. It's happened more than a few times that ANet has misjudged people's reactions. The most common example in the early days is of ANet saying that something was "on sale," by which they meant, "was made available in the gem shop," but many people took to mean, "was offered at a discount." Both are reasonable interpretations of the idiom, if there is no other context. People accused them of deliberately misleading (or worse), when it was nothing of the sort.
  22. You might still be able to contact support to get it added to your wardrobe. Research when it became available and see what you can offer in the way of supporting documentation to show you were present when they were handed out.
  23. Updating my recommendations as follows: Purchase recommendations If you own neither silver-fed or runecrafter, buy the runecrafterIf you already own one, don't buy the other.The copper-fed is always a good choice.None of these items are necessary and none will pay for themselves for 99% of the community. You have to buy hundreds of stacks of things to salvage to come close to reaching the numbers required to break even. They are convenience items.Usage recommendationsCopper-fed can be replaced by basic. Silver-fed by mystic (best) or masterwork. There's no benefit to the blue or green kits (except in making master's). You can substitute Runecrafter's with Silver-fed if you only own the older one. Fine or below: Copper-FedMasterwork without upgrades: Copper-fedMasterwork with upgrades: runecrafter'sRares without upgrades: Silver-fedRare with upgrades: runecrafter'sExotics: sell on TPCaveats: The market is going to change (not might change; it will change) which will require new recommendations. The price of ecto and of charms|symbols matters a lot.We don't yet have great data on ecto rates from rares from runecrafter's; the could also impact the recs. Right now, it appears to be within 77-83 per 100, only somewhat less than silver-fed's 87+.There are some salvage items that might benefit from a different kit; for the tiny number of these that most people get, it's not worth worrying about, i.e. use the copper-fed.Power traders/salvagers will have different usage patterns and therefore want different recommendations; these are meant for "typical" players.
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