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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Or, you know, because it's just super fun. I don't even have it yet and I swap to it whenever possible (via griffon eggs or whatever). For me, it's a combination of my favorite bits of mounts and gliding and exploring. I'm sure you're right that some people are demonstrating braggadocio. But I'm willing to bet they're a minority.
  2. Update on available versus required masteries, according to the wiki: The Desert offers 85 mastery point unlocks, including Insights, Achievements, and Story unlocks.PoF offers 4+1 mounts, requiring 52 + 12 points, i.e. 64 maxIn other words, PoF has a surplus of 21 mastery points. Comparing to HoTThere are 198 mastery unlocks in HoT: HoT @launch = 102Adventures = 30LS3 = 48Raids = 18144 are required to fully max HoT Basic HoT = 112Raids = 8LS3 (ancient magics) = 24At launch, maxing meant doing some adventures (at least 5 at gold or 10 at silver). With LS3, there's enough to max all of HoT without any adventures, including Raid & LS3 masteries. In other words, PoF is much, much more forgiving than HoT is even today, plus it requires less effort to max.
  3. I don't agree with the premise that using a mount "skips content" — using a mount is part of the content for me. I walk when I want to see the sights; I waypoint or raptor rush when I don't. Maybe it's not fun for the OP to see just how they can get via Griffon; it's a lot of fun for me.
  4. There's a kind of disconnect that happens in threads like this that take place just after major new content is released. It's entirely a result of people having drastically different playstyles, People who focus on the story over everything else have trouble thinking "outside the box" & considering Mastery Points that are outside of the story path.Exploration fans have trouble thinking "inside the box" and remembering just which mastery points are easy/hard, some because they don't mind skipping and returning and others because they find workarounds.And there are lots of ways to obtain all sorts of XP faster than unlocking Mastery Points and vice versa.tl;dr have some patience with others who don't think about GW2 the same as you do. Their approach isn't wrong (or bad), just different. PS There are lots of good tips hidden in this thread regarding getting extra XP or easy Mastery Points. If you're short one or the other, it's worth scouring for them.
  5. When crafting Viper's gear, I made 5 times the amount of patches I needed. ANet refunded me the mats, so I could start again (I, of course, had to delete the original patches). How it came about: Exotic inscriptions require 5 dowels & insignia 5 patches.The recipe for weapons produces a single Oric-plated dowel; that for armor produces 5 patches.As you can imagine, I'm not the first to make that mistake :(
  6. You missed something.I don't happen to have a list of the easiest mastery points yet, so I can't help directly, but I didn't use exploits and I don't remember having to use gliding to reach the m-points (although a couple were easier with gliding). If you have to, explore the entire map or go south. In a worst case scenario, you can use Teleport-to-Friend. Getting Raptor-3 is the most difficult hill to climb; once you unlock it and especially after getting the KangaBunny, you have access to a lot more m-points, more than you'll need right away.
  7. Fair enough, I don't have access to those details yet. The point remains: You can progress the story without most of those m-points.There are still more available m-points than are needed.
  8. There are at least 80 mastery points already available, far greater than the 52 to fully max the four masteries. There are 38 PoF Mastery Insights, i.e. available directly on the map. (Some easy-to-reach communing, a few like the one to which the OP objects.)30+ from map-specific achieves = 6 from Crystal Oasis, at least 2 from Desert Highlands, 5 from Elon, at least 4 from Desolation, 9 from Vabbi, 4 from Crystal Desert12+ from story journal = 3 from Act 1, at least 5 from Act 2, at least 4 from Act 3How many of these should be "easily accessible" before these aren't "masteries" but grindy versions of a freebie? I haven't identified exactly how many are 'easy' even by my estimation, but so far, I've found it far, far easier to find, reach, & obtain the first 17 points compared to obtaining my first 10 in HoT. Admittedly, some like the Dictator of Soup, are annoying, but there are so many more than we need, I'm not prepared to feel any umbrage about the 'ugly' ones. At least, not yet. tl;dr I think it's too soon to say that there are or aren't "enough" easily-obtained mastery points. We should maybe start by agreeing to some sort of criteria for "easily obtained" and then actually count.
  9. Awesome, thanks for the patch note addendum (and, I guess, for the fix, too ;) )
  10. As far as I know, it should, along with necro minions, mesmer clones, etc. I don't usually do story achievements with a ranger, so I can't confirm. The main thing is to go slow & steady. You might save a minute by killing things ASAP, but if the achievement doesn't trigger, then it costs you much more time just waiting for dialogue to repeat the second try. So I think it's ultimately more efficient to go boringly & mind-numblingly slow to make sure that you can get credit for as many chak kills as possible. (I really do wish ANet would at least show the kill counter for this; it would make it so much easier for people to know their progress.)
  11. The goal is to kill a fixed number of chak. Just like beginner and expert, you can kill extras. The reason the master achievement is so wonky is that you get barely enough chak to succeed, so if you miss some for various reasons (see below), you won't complete the achievement. And there are many reasons why you might not get 'credit' for any particular chak. You need to get the "killing blow", which means that if someone else helps by killing chak, you're out of luck. Chak that die due to secondary conditions also don't always count -- the condition gets the kill, but you don't. NPCs can also foul things up (fortunately, Braham is nearly useless here these days, so that might no longer be an issue). And of course, it's possible that one or more chak might spawn inside a wall, making it hard for you to find/target them. There's probably a couple of other reasons, too. Despite this, plenty of people have completed the achievement. The good news: you only have to succeed once, no matter how often you fail. So my advice is: don't hold your breath waiting for ANet to simplify this (even though there are so many ways they could). Practical AdviceTo deal with "hidden" chak, bring a character with access to spammable AoE damage that doesn't require "line of sight" — the ideal choice is guardian staff. Use that when you run out of visible chak. (Tempest overloads and reaper shroud and such should also work, but it might take longer to tag the chak.)To deal with other people getting credit: — let your friends buff or heal you; don't let them fight. To deal with accidental death via conditions: stick to power builds, even if they have lower DPS.To deal with chak dying too quickly: same, stick to lower DPS power builds.It's been a while since I walked anyone through this, but when I did (about half dozen folks), this always worked (once it took two tries). tl;dr slow & steady, use staff guardian (if you can) to find hidden foes
  12. Thanks for posting more about this (even though it's a little vague). I find it a little disconcerting that the best option you guys had for forum software has such a flaw. (I'm still not inclined to follow links or upload images, at least not until I understand what the risks are and how to avoid them at a third party site that might not be as security conscious as I'd like.)
  13. GW2BLTC has a dye matcher. Here's the link to the list of dyes that are closest to #FFFFFF (the 'hex' code for Permafrost's color):https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/tool/dye/search?cloth=ffffff&ipg=25&page=1&sort=cloth You can compare the color and the current cost. Caveats GW2 identifies colors in 3 dimensions, while the Matcher only compares in a single, combined dimension (see below for why that can be misleading)The impact of color (especially in this game) varies depending on material, lighting, and what other colors are in use. In the extreme, in a dark room, all colors look alike.Some of the game's biggest fans of dye believe that some dyes also offer additional features; this isn't capture in the API/wiki.More on measuring "close matches"Computer dye measurmenets can be thought of as similar to using GPS coordinates: there's a number measuring position for east/west, north/south, and height. You can simplify the distance between two points by using one measurement, e.g. LA to New York is just under 4000 km (2451 miles), but that ignores height and the fact that cars can't drive directly (it's about 10% farther as the crow drives compared to as it flies). The Dye Matcher similarly simplifies finding a match to looking at the total 'distance' from one color to another, rather than comparing all three. Thus you'll see something with an intense green hue be a closer match than something that looks more white, because the non-green elements are a closer match than the off-white's. tl;dr the Matcher is a great tool, but it makes some approximations; be sure to actually compare in game.
  14. The reappearance of the eye patch, cap'n outfit, peg-leg, and hook are no accident: today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, the mostly commonly-overlooked celebration in GW history.
  15. I never vote in polls that offer loaded, akwardly-written, or incomplete options. It ends up distracting people from the ideas or issues being raised. (Usually I don't bother mentioning this — I simply don't participate — but in this case, the OP is trying to suggest that "Other" is a viable alternative when one doesn't accept the premise of the question as it's originally worded. You want to use the polling feature of the forums? Sure, by all means; that's what it's there for. But set it up and let people respond as they think appropriate.)
  16. My take away is that ANet considers images to be inherently insecure. If I trust ANet's word on that, then i see no reason why I should trust images from some 3rd party site either. At least without a clear explanation from ANet's security team as to what the real issues are. As a result, I won't be uploading images of my own nor clicking on links of other players.
  17. I only have one requirement: is it made by ANet?Other than that, I really could care less about enumerating all the features or content that might or might not be in an expansion. Here's the thing: there are great games that have seemingly anemic lists of what makes them great and horrible horrible games that are chock-full of features. Black Desert Online, for example, is feature rich and has tons of stuff to do. I just didn't enjoy it after the first month or two. Of course I have preferences, for example I do want to see build templates and more instanced content, and I most certainly didn't want to see raids or mounts... but as it turned out, I like raids (even though I'm not that good at them) and mounts (so far) seem like a lot of fun as implemented in GW2. So in the end, what I care about in an expansion is that ANet makes it with the same level of attention & quality that they have made everything else to date. As long as they keep on keeping on, I'll keep spending on expansions. The details are just something to talk about in between.
  18. I don't see the need for new weapons in this game anytime soon. Moreover, I really hope ANet doesn't re-introduce weapons simply because they were iconic in GW1. In GW2, weapons are primarily foci for channeling magic, so they can be any shape or size, thus the primary consideration is what makes the most sense for balancing the gameplay, not whether anyone's favorite skin type is making a come back. Plus each new weapon type adds to the amount of time ANet needs to spend on weapon sets -- bring back scythe and we need a scythe BL skin plus have to collect more skins to finish achievements, etc. I don't think any of that additional overhead is worth the small benefit. (The OP is being disingenuous by suggesting that these won't need new skins. The community, including the OP, would be in an uproar if ANet only released a few skins initially. At the very least, this has to increase the ongoing overhead for creating future skin sets. Underwater skins are okay to short because (a) there are already a lot, including a legendary/precuror and (b) underwater gets less attention already.) So far, I think ANet has done some really interesting things without adding more weapon types. I hated the idea that mesmers were getting another off-hand, since they lacked a good main-hand alternative to scepter, but ... wow, chronomancer shield has been amazing, both in animation and function. I'd much rather see more of that level of creativity then adding nostalgia to the game.
  19. Yeah, that's my system too. So I'm "active" on one thread, but idle on others (and I have all sorts of anti-cookie, anti-script stuff going on), so maybe the site isn't counting accurately -- even though I keep seeing "draft saved at ...", it's seeing, "no action on 8 other threads, player must be AFK, g-bye"
  20. Sorry, but that's a load of crap given what happened with Braham's outfit. You can already turn the helm off. Why can't they just show the helm you have equipped? There's no clipping with the necromancer face paints or mesmer face masks or revenant blindfolds. It's just meaningless restriction. We've (almost) always been able to hide the neck-up portions of outfits. That's just a matter of adding a cut-off point and it's not the same as making it possible for the "outfit weight" to work with light, medium, or heavy skins. I suppose they could copy the design of headgear to the fourth weight, change the code to allow outfits to be mixed, retrofit previous headgear, add code to prevent some headgear from displaying, and then QA all of that with each new outfit... But that's why they aren't doing it: it increases the cost of both outfits and headgear, something that isn't best for the game. The very purpose of outfits is to be a simple "all on" skin, that bypasses the wardrobe system entirely. It's a workaround for the knot into which ANet tied themselves with armor. Thus, making outfits more like armor undermines the reason they exist is such great numbers. I would sure like to see more armor sets, because I like only about 10% of those ANet has released. All the same, I'm willing to temper my expectations based on the limitations ANet has outlined for us.
  21. In response to my comment that the wiki community hasn't yet included the information on the primary articles for these achievements. I don't want to derail this thread discussing wiki policy; you can PM me in game & I'll do my best to offer an unbiased assessment of the attempts to get it in there over the last two years.
  22. In this game, there's no way to combine an outfit with any stand-alone armor piece. That's why outfits are far, far cheaper for ANet to release, because they are single units that don't need to be mixed with anything else. (And as someone said above, they are a separate "weight" of armor; all existing helms are limited to light|medium|heavy and none are 'outfit')
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