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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. It's not "my story" — it's a genral truism that there are other ways to look at the world than our own.I don't raid, I can't possibly earn any gold from raids. And I still don't think that there needs to be a way to get stat-changing armor from open world PvE.(I'm not against it either; I just don't think it's worth ANet's time to figure out how to implement it.)
  2. The fact that you don't accept the reasons doesn't change things: people have other reasons for being against rewards being 'equal' across different levels of challenges. If I were in charge, I might not have made the same choices as ANet has, but I agree with them that it's critical that the most challenging mode in their game should have rewards that are notable and exclusive to the mode. One could argue that it's just as irrational to insist that raids be watered down so that that they appeal to everyone or to insist that everything in the game has 'equal' rewards. The point is that the mode is designed for a narrow niche: that's why the raid team needs so few people; it's a lot easier to develop the mode if they can assume a certain type of interest and certain minimum levels of skill; it's much more difficult to setup things to appeal among wide cross-sections of the entire community. (Just look at how difficult it is for ANet to get story instances at a level of difficulty that is fun for everyone: skilled players complain things are too easy or too artificially long; more lackadaisical players complain that they are far too hard to solo, without changing their build or tactics past their comfort levels.)
  3. It would be a huge mistake to assume that most, let alone, all raiders spend any time at all selling raids. (Just as it's a mistake for raiders to assume that all non-raiders who ask for story/easy modes just want easier rewards.) Regardless of what anyone here is saying, the fact is that ANet has said that they intend for raids to be the most challenging small-group content in the game. It would undermine their goals (and increase costs significantly) to add additional modes to raids. They also intend that some rewards remain exclusive to raids. That doesn't preclude giving people other ways to experience any lore. It doesn't mean that they won't add another way to get stat-swappable armor or legendary rings. Just unlikely.
  4. We don't need a new race. You want a new race. And of course, you're not alone, so this thread will get plenty of attention. Heck, even I'd love to play a new race. But... ANet has explained more than once why this isn't going to happen with Expac #3 or #4 & probably not with the game for years to come: it's as much work (if not more) for the story elements as Expac + LS stories. It requires rework of armor pieces, outfits, and possible weapons & gliders & mounts. And most people still end up playing mostly humans, so it's appeal isn't as wide as for more content without a new race. If you don't have any of those things, what's the point of having a new race? You really think that it would be good for the game to add "new race LITE" rather than doing it well? Do you really think that the vast majority of players who want new races would be satisfied with a minor reskin of an existing race? Even if old armor isn't retrofitted, do you think anyone would be okay with new armor that doesn't work on a sixth race? In which case, adding a new race increases the time to develop each new armor skin. And of course, you failed to mention adding new dialogue options for the new race and hiring 10 new actors (to cover basic dialogue plus LS dialogue). New races aren't being dismissed just because of any one of these things, but because any decent effort at a new race adds not only the work of creating that race, but takes similar effort that could otherwise be devoted to other, non-race-specific projects. And it will always increase the design|implementation|maintenance of everything else. So while I want a new race, too, I also want more of all the other things that we can have if we don't get a new race. PS there are plenty of "new race" threads. Why not post in one of those rather than starting a new one.
  5. Ending in ~6 Days Heroes Dye Pack (one vial each of: Glint's Winter, Taimi, LA Commemorative, LA Survivor, & LA Rebuild) Royal Terrace Pass Resplendent Avialan (Raptor Mountfit) Path of Fire Survival Package
  6. Sigh, it doesn't mean anything of the sort. It means: I don't want to waste their time on something for which I already have a work-around. Someone invisible whispers me? I can /block or mail them today, without any help from ANet. There are tons of other QoL improvements that don't have work-arounds that simple. Further, in this particular case, I'm asking for a much bigger QoL change: an overhaul to the friends/block/status mechanics; I don't want them to get so lost in the details that they don't have the attention for the bigger picture.
  7. And I'm saying: I disagree; that's not a good use of their limited resources. Fixing a series of small problems with "minimal coding" is harmful to the game's longterm health, in a sort of death-by-1000-cuts sort of way. It's far more efficient to collect feedback and thoughtfully review the entire system instead of making changes to each problem as they come up. And that is, in my opinion, especially true in this case, because there's already an easy work-around for us as players.
  8. I have no problem with ANet making it impossible to whisper anyone who is blocked and from any account in "invisible" status. However, I also don't think it's all that important. First, there's already a work-around: block the account that sent unwanted whispers. It's a couple of clicks and far less effort than a programming change. Second, even if it happened, annoying people can easily work around the restriction: send the whisper, then go offline. For the specific problem outlined by the OP: getting a message from someone who forgot they were offline, there's also a work-around: send them mail. But mostly, I don't think it's that important because I don't think there are all that many people whose gaming is hurt by the issue. Sure, it's an annoyance and sure it would be nice not to deal with it. But in the long run, does it really affect us all that much? My strong preference is for ANet to make a comprehensive and thoughtful overhaul to the friends/block/status mechanics, rather than dealing with one small issue at a time.
  9. Number of hours is not a good predictor. It depends on the type of content you do far more than how much time you have clocked in the game. Slightly better would be: the number of foes killed (but then: it also depends on where the foes are, what type of foes, and how much MF you have).
  10. They've only had the current business model successfully implemented for about a year (expac every other year, LS episode every 2-3 months). It's hard to imagine that they are even thinking of GW3 yet. The thing is: GW3, if/when it happens, is going to need to blow all our expectations out of the water. If it's just new GFX and new races, well, people will flock to it (because everyone wants a new MMO that will be fun), but it won't have staying power. I'd rather they figure out what they are doing well/poorly with GW2, get their biennial expac consistent, and figure out how to make tons of profit from the gem shop without making all the non-whales feel like "this is why we can't have nice things?" tl;dr too soon to ask
  11. There's a difference in not liking the options, and not having a suitable option. Being that these stones are readily rewarded in Black Lion Goods chests from Daily log-ins and from Fractal chests, on top of Achievement Chests, why should those of us who have bought unlimited salvage kits, no longer have a use for a reward? More to the point, why, do these stones only have the sole use of creating a salvage kit/being a wild card in the toilet? Before the unlimited salvagers, understandable, but now? No, these do need looking at. My Suggestion is to simply make these useful for all players, not just those who craft Mystic Kits. You've described a specific example of disliking the available options. They have a use; you've decided it's not valuable to you. That's no different from any of the other rewards in the game: new players find lots of value in exotic drops, because they lack access to gear. As folk play more, exotics turn into "TP trash." You bought a silver-fed, which changed your perspective on utility. I'm not against ANet changing rewards; I just disagree that you've established a reason convincing to ANet.
  12. I think it's unlikely that ANet is going to add more uses just because a few people don't like the options already available.
  13. The book actually does scale down and it squishes flatter while on your hip to help a little, but no amount of scaling or squishing would remove the clipping on some races unless you want a book for ants. Scaling it down also presents its own set of issues so the final result you see was the best solution. I tried everything. These are problems I deal with every time I make hip stowed weapons and there are quite a few others that share this issue. Making weapons is a game of compromises and it's an art to even get things to look as good as you end up seeing them in game. Game development in a nutshell.Other comment (not related to the 'claw' effect) That said, it was a nice bonus for me to get my tome back in a roundabout way and I hoped you guys would be happy with it too! :)
  14. We have mostly the same participants, saying mostly the same things, and often digressing in the same direction (e.g. what's meant by "elitist" or "casual" or "reasonable"). Yes and this is how changes are made. When a lot of people constantly rant about something or suggest the same thing over and over again. If we just shuted up and said nothing, then nothing would change. > ANet listens and I know they can do this. This is why I just spent 10 mintues of my life writing this post. I'm not asking anyone to just "shuted up and say nothing". I'm saying: we already have over a dozen posts discussing exactly the same ideas, mostly by the same people. There's no need for yet another thread. It makes it harder for everyone, including the participants.
  15. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18648/raid-easy-mode-on-the-cheaphttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/490/raid-difficulty-and-challenge-moteshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11762/new-way-to-raidhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18337/would-it-be-so-bad-to-have-story-mode-versions-of-raidshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17613/do-others-feel-this-way-about-raidshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13711/offer-rewards-for-challenge-mode-in-raids-pleasehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/15909/simple-idea-for-a-challenging-hard-mode-for-raidshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17527/more-flexible-raidshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17231/i-want-alternatives-to-raidinghttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11625/a-reasonable-compriseWe have mostly the same participants, saying mostly the same things, and often digressing in the same direction (e.g. what's meant by "elitist" or "casual" or "reasonable").
  16. Mini Festive Jack-a-lopTake a Mini Jack-a-lopAdd Christmas|Kwanzaa|Chanukah|Holiday lights to its antler
  17. I'm not having any trouble with it. Did you have trouble with all the destinations? Or just one?
  18. I try to reserve "boycotts" for situations that involve some matter of morality or principle. This is just me not be willing to spend 2000 gems on a mountfit, given that costume oufits don't cost nearly as much.
  19. I'm not sure that there's a bug, known or otherwise. There's a spot early on when I always think I can go ahead (and I do) and then Taimi doesn't move. Instead, I'm supposed to take a look at something first. I think I've done that story 10 times and I've forgotten 5 times to do that. It's very frustrating right up until I remember to do it.
  20. Retail Value: 2500 gems Rox's Pathfinder Outfit (retail price: 700 gems)Rox's Short Bow Skin (600 gems)Rox's Quiver Set (600 gems)(2) Communal Boost Bonfire (600 gems, although doesn't seem to be offered for sale any longer)
  21. Marjory's Package 1600 gems (retail value: 2250 gems & T2F) Marjory's Shrouded Outfit (700 gems)Marjory's Axe Skin (600 gems)Marjory's Dagger Skin (600)(5) Teleport to Friend (priceless?)Total Makeover Kit (350)Braham's Bitterfrost Frontier Pack 2000 gems (retail value: 2500 gems) (5) Frost Dye Kit (500 gems)Total Makeover Kit (350 gems)Braham's Wolfblood Outfit (700 gems)Eir's Legacy Longbow (600 gems)Mini Garm (350 gems)
  22. ANet has suggested that they are planning to change that at some point, but it's unclear exactly how it would work or when we'll see it.
  23. Looking forward, ANet announced their Black Friday schedule for the Black Lion Trading Company on Twitter. 21-27 November: Braham's, Magitech, Phoenix Armors (no discount)22-23: 40% off heroes dye pack23-24: Free heroic booster24: Free transmutation charges x5 24-25: 20% storage expander [sic] (presumably they mean 20% discount on buying the material storage expander; no indication that the stack limit is increasing)25: Free BL Mini Claim Ticket25-26: 20% discount Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack/Glider ComboThere's also this image. (On twimg.com, rather than twitter.com, if that's any use.)
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