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Everything posted by nobleboivin.4102

  1. I'd probably just sail somewhere and relax because when I'm bored and just wanna log in for the daily reward, I'll just take a mount and glide around or run around and relax. There's some really gorgeous places in this game and the skiff is just another mount to relax on
  2. That I know but I'm thinking of like for the daily. So like if I were to harvest nodes from the Celedon Forest home instance will that count towards the Maguuma harvesting daily? Or would I still need the Asura home instance as that doesn't count.
  3. I got a silly question and can't find if this has been asked before and don't remember if I got the answer before but if I got nodes for both the Sylvari and Asura player instanced areas, do they both count towards the maguuma harvesting daily?
  4. Oh good I'm not the only one annoyed by this. I thought it was just me honestly. I wanna see more. I wanna events and stuff. I'm sick of seeing empty maps and getting told what the elites are over and over every time I watch a stream. They cut so many npcs we can't even see the new armors :/. Where's my fashion wars Anet!
  5. While working on an achieve another thing came to mine. Either make the Not So secret jumping puzzle a tad easier, move the diving portion of it or get rid of the diving portion all together. The jumping puzzle is already the hardest puzzle in the game and the diving spot is just ridiculous and stupid
  6. Allow us to use any armor on any class. (I know it's been asked a trillion times but would be cool) Make some improvements to Orr like make it so that we don't have to wait a whole event just to get a Hero point. Or maybe make something that gives us all hero points if our other characters claimed that hero point. Allow us to level any mastery in any map. Because here I am on my level 80 in Core Tyria doing stuff and I don't get any shards or anything during leveling but still get exp everything I do something Hero points easier to get in POF and EOD in solo mode. I know a lot of folk will say just get ascended/legendary gear or get a group but I don't have desire for that gear and I hear a lot of folk say the game is viable with Exotic when it's not. Make Sky Scale a bit faster (Also been said millions of times) and give it true flight because we already have a glider in the form of the griffon Allow us to disable renown heart suggestions and such in the content finder Stop the contested waypoint thing. There's some waypoints that seem to be always contested and not even an event or npc around. I'd rather port in and enter combat immediately then be forced half way across the map when I have to go into that area already
  7. A lot of the mage Norn npcs that are elementalists use either Snow leapord or Bear but mostly bear. I haven't seen too many use wolf but it makes a while since I've been in Norn regions. Mesmers tend to be raven.
  8. I really love the new charr faces. My charr can close their mouths without looking funny now 😄
  9. This is really making me not want to use the faces. I do like them. They're Canthan, not Japanese, not Chinese, not Korean. Canthan. A fictional group of people. But if I'm going to get complaints every five minutes that my character looks racist, I really don't want to hear it when I'm just trying to enjoy the game. I also find it odd how with POF release there was no complaints about those new faces yet there is with this release.
  10. Could be. I was thinking that. I really hope we get some lore for it. I do like the norn asian faces more than the human so def going to make an asian themed norn 😄
  11. Anyone else feel like the Norn and human faces are a bit too young. Idk. I'm also trying to figure out why Norn would have asian faces :D. I don't get why 😄
  12. Welp good to know it's not a bug and not a common thing like a lot of charr armors. Makes me not want to make an Asura that uses shield though so Asura ele it is XD
  13. Now that you mentioned that, I did have a dC a couple times yesturday but I thought it was my end cuase my net was slow
  14. LOL! I can see that too because the entire time I've been running it I've been saying BOING!
  15. Same here. Non beta character, plains of ashford. Don't use add ons (Didn't know gw2 supported addons tbh). So much for getting a character to 80 today TT
  16. I don't use addons and been crashing and rolling back as well. Several other people in zone have reported it as well.
  17. I want to like it but something feels off about it. Maybe I'm missing my tool belt as I did like having tools on there.
  18. I like the hammer skills and it does seem neat at hte same time, it feels off. Idk why. Just feels like something is missing or off. I wouldn't say clunky. Doesn't feel clunky. Just when I play it, I think I prefer my soul beast.
  19. You can always change the appearance of the scepter
  20. I'm really loving this new elite. I think I might use this more than Deadeye. It's so fun. 🙂
  21. As much as I main soul beast, this is looking good. My ranger is ready to go!
  22. I like this but its also making me regret getting rid of my edgelord Sylvari because it certainly wouldn't make a good sunspear like I was going to do XD :
  23. I love this but it also literally threw out my idea of a sunspear with a scepter 🤣 New I should've kept my edgelord sylvari thief
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